The transition from going to shooting a traditional weapon to a suppressed weapons was kinda like finding Christ, I guess.
That’s the proclamation of farmer Chase in SilencerCo’s latest video profile of American gun owners. You may not have a born-again experience the first time you shoot a suppressed rifle, but there’s no question that you’ll never want to go back once you do.
SilencerCo’s American Gun series of videos are beautifully produced and worth your time whether you’re in the market for a can or not. See the first two here and here. Enjoy.
Dumbass comparison
Chase has certainly never had an actual encounter with the Almighty if he thinks those two experiences are similar
Tell us about your ‘actual’ encounter with God.
Was it at Walmart or Denny’s?
The road to Damascus.
He was high on shrooms and watching porn on his phone in the kitchen, when he suddenly heard a voice say “I see what you’re doing, my child. Stop pulling on that, or it’ll fall off.”
Nah, It was in one of the several versions of the ‘buybull’.
Hard agree. I’m not a suppressor guy, but I am a Christian, and I can think of nothing – NOTHING – that would compare to meeting Jesus!
Unless the guy’s a Mandalorian, I find it hard to compare a particular kind of shooting experience to religion.
I have some hearing loss and sensitivity to noise after working in industry too many years. Silencers mean less painful noise and less nasty blast to me.
Talk about exaggeration. I enjoy my silencers, but still.
Finding religion? Meh…that’s easy…it is as common as Starbucks in Seattle, pubs in Dublin, and noodle houses in Bangkok (yes, I’ve spent a lot of time in Bangkok).
Finding faith? Now, that is life-changing.
Still, one of these days, I am going to get a surpressor… once I get a rifle.
Get a rifle! Can’t have a silencer in Illinoisistan. Verboten. As far as this post goes blasphemy won’t help you when JESUS appears…
In the twinkling of an eye, they will understand, and every knee shall bow.
Would love to get a rifle!! Just some very expensive family urgencies to take care of first. Maybe next year: a Ruger Mini-14 tactical in 300 Blackout. Will have to be satisfied with the anticipation for now.
I thought you are planning to get out of Illinois?
Casually planning on moving east when the wife gets her gubmint check(in January)-one son doesn’t have his act together. I hope you DON’T believe all that idiocy(on here) about “ya can’t own an AR”in Cook county. The world is about to go into a very dark place aided by an addled sniffer in chief and various oligarchs. I learned last year to never depend on my local constables. Get that gat!
Legal or not, get a rifle. No man is free without a rifle.
Jesus is so thin-skinned that He can’t cut some slack to a guy promoting suppressor use?
They say one night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble…
From the Broadway play, ‘Chess’.
The song seemed accurate at the time.
Well if it comes to a grudge match, my money’s on Jesus.
But why the fingerprints?
Would love to get a suppressor, but the rules are unbecoming for free people…such as as we are/not…
I’ve shot a suppressed rifle. It wasn’t what that guy said it was.
For the money I’ll just stick cigarette filters in my ears.
Ehhh, that’s probably illegal too, the tobacco part of BATFE, illegal use of cigarette filters.
Buying a silencer is the latest craze and the average moron who buys one is just following a trend. Does he really need one. Of course not unless he thinks he might need one someday to commit a murder and plenty of people I have pinned down as to why they really wanted one gave the chilling response “In case I ever needed one”. Of course the Morons do not realize that in todays surveillance society you are tracked 24 hours around the clock with your cell phone, your cars black box, your credit card purchases and survellanince cameras that photograph you hundreds of times a day. Thinking that you can knock off your ex old lady or the next door neighbor because his dog pissed on your lawn is only wishful thinking with a good dose of stupidity.
The average moron who owns one thinks he can plink at tin cans in his back yard because of the reduced noise regardless of ricochets that kill will neighborhood kids out playing. Even Teddy Roosevelt used one to knock off varmints while endangering his neighbors. Stupidity is not confined to the present day.
I have heard the excuse that the expense of getting one is worth it if you hunt big game. Again not true as I used lee sonic ear plugs back in the 60’s while hunting that let me hear normal sounds but shut off the noise blast when I fired a high power rifle and ditto with todays modern electronic ear muffs that do the same job.
I have shot guns before and after that had silencers put on them and in no case did the accuracy improve and depending on the model of the silencer some guns lost accuracy. In order to reduce noise down to its lowest level the velocity had to be lowered as well which made long range shots in the wind problematic at best. Again my old 1960’s Lee sonic ear plugs had no such problems as I could shoot full power loads and of course ear plugs do not effect the accuracy of a weapon either.
I might add muzzle blast also warns other hunters in the neighborhood that you are there. Without the warning hunters will be bound to kill each other in densely populated hunting grounds of the East Coast States.
Of course all this was well known when Paul Ryan, a Republican, gave the finger to the silencer lovers who were waiting for him to bring the silencer bill to the floor for a vote. You cannot blame the Democrats on that royal screwing they got from the Republicans. Ryan new perfectly well that every street punk, criminal and nut case would be in silencer heaven once they were available over the counter without vetting and registration. It would have been a political disaster for the Republican Party and they all knew it.
And thinking shooting a gun with a silencer is a near religious experience. I would recommend such people seek mental therapy or be placed under law enforcement surveillance. Of course if you do not want a silencer but still want to be religious its allowed in the U.S. as you do have the right to believe in Bronze Age Mysticism complete with prayer, ritual, incantations and painting your body blue while dancing naked by the light of the moon. I personally have better ways to spend my time which includes watching girls dance naked at the local bar and they are not religious thank the stars. Romans thought anyone who denied themselves sex because it was only for the procreation of children were a religious cult of lunatics. Its amazing how far advanced the Romans were several thousand years ago and that was before Freud came along.
In closing I cannot help remember only a few months ago seeing one of our club members with a glazed eyed look in his eyes while shooting his new silencer with of course his favorite tee shirt that said “American love it or leave it”. I think that really said it all. They really do live on another planet, the planet named stupidity.
“I have shot guns before and after that had silencers put on them and in no case did the accuracy improve…”
That’s because you suck.
Mr. Negative is wrong on most counts, he is very biased.
If your “comment” has to include “in closing”…it’s not a comment.
Even you don’t believe
“might need one someday to commit a murder”
Do you farm bullshit? How can you have so much all the time?
He runs a pig farm back east.
Little d and his fellow dropout roommate ( whom likes to call himself “Moxie Kowsnofski” ) wait until d’s mom passes out upstairs, then they sneak up and help themselves to her cheap bourbon and vodka. Back downstairs afterwards, they like to play a game they call ” Top My Lie” where they giggle like little schoolgirls and see how many times they can overuse phrases like ” civilized countries, Capitolvania, average moron, etcetera. Oh, they also like to butcher sentence structure and misspell shit. I believe that Moxie is actually Miner49er in real life, and they will continue to sponge off of poor mom while spending their Soros earnings on frivolous things like glitter shirts and Unicorn rides during their all too frequent forays to ProgWorld….I pity poor mom !!
Good job, very funny.
In case you were wondering how I spend my free time… When I’m not owning the Jethros on the net, I’m hanging out at the local titty bar. Unlike you morons, I’m living my best life.
Oh yeah, your other fantasy game…. “Turn off the lights and let’s pretend.”
But those civilized Countries you are always telling us about allow anyone to have a suppressor. In some of those more civilized places it is considered rude not to use one.
In Europe people are vetted more thoroughly when buying a firearm than we are when we are vetted when buying a full auto weapon or silencer. The U.S. silencer restrictions were one of the more sane moves the U.S. Government made long ago and they should have had the same vetting for all gun purchases not just machine guns and silencers.
At any rate the point of my post was really not about the right to own one but about the absurdity of owning a silencer considering the cost, the long wait and the fact that the owner has no real need of one anyway unless he wants to kill someone. Selling one can also be just as big a nightmare when one wants or needs the cash or simply no longer wants one.
It all amounts to a ridiculous fad and the “want factor” because they are not an over the counter sale item. The forbidden fruit often is not as tasty as it looks. The same could be true about machine guns and pistols with shoulder stocks. The former is not affordable to shoot anymore for the average guy and pistol shoulder stocks offer so little advantage and so many disadvantages compared to the short barreled rifle that again the fruit is not as tasty as it looks. People seldom research anything but want what everyone else is suddenly buying no matter how ridiculous or how much overpriced or expensive they might have to spend to get one or the simple fact that what they want has no real or practical purpose. When at the range your ear muffs cost under $20 bucks and the silencer price is completely out of that price range the ridiculousness of the purchase suddenly becomes readily apparent.
Its the same old 1950’s story of “We have to keep up with the Jones’s next door to look affluent” and we need one even though we really do not want one and when we get one we do not know what we will use it for.
It was not so long ago at our range that when someone showed up with an assault rifle he was chastised for even owing one because he gave sane gun owners all a bad name and he was looked upon like a member of a revolutionary far right group. It only became a fad when every other gun owner had to “look cool” and emulate John Wayne when he used one in the movie “The Green Beret”. Before the movie was made the original cost of a Colt AR15 when Colt was the only game in town was $260 bucks and Colt could not give them away even though they were available to anyone who wanted one so Colt started marketing them as a survival rifle for people exploring out in the wilderness, it was not marketed as a rifle to kill your neighbors with because they were of a different skin color than yours or belonged to the “other” political party. Trump and his Far Right paranoia and immigrant hatred and xenophobia was still a long way off in the future.
One could give other examples of fads such as was started with the movie “Dirty Harry” and his .44 magnum or the James Bond movies and his use of a PPK. When importation of the German made original PPK weapons were banned prices went through the roof and the gun companies scrambled to come up with a way around the law and simply put a PPK slide on a PP frame and Walla you could now play James Bond at the shooting range again.
Did anyone really need a .44 magnum when in fact most people got rid of them after they bought one and experienced the unpleasant recoil and the fact that Smith 29’s started coming apart with very little shooting because the original frame and barrel configuration was never designed to hold up with repeated use of such a hard recoiling caliber. I too was caught up in the fad and started to destroy my Smith 29 with very little shooting when using Elmer Keith hand loads proving what a fking Moron and abject liar Keith was most of his life in all gun matters. I could rant on about Keith and his bullshitting until the cows came home.
Fads come and go and so it will be with the silencer fad as well. Its your money to blow and the silencer companies are happy to take your money. And a warning, if another James Bond movie comes out with the good guys and bad guys all shooting at each other with silencer equipped weapons you will suddenly find out you will be waiting years to just get the chance to buy one (as if you actually needed one).
Does anyone actually read this idiot’s long winded drivel?
I just usually buy something because I want it. Don’t usually go through ten paragraphs of bullshit to justify it.
Eight paragraphs and didn’t rebuke your civilized Countries ownership of suppressors.
Suppressors in your civilized Countries don’t even have serial numbers. In 2017 an American tourist bought a few and bought them home. He was of course arrested. So much for vetting buyers over there as you claim. Seems anyone can a suppressor over the counter without a firearm permit.
People like you claimed concealed carry would cause blood to run deep in the streets, statistics show that never happened. The trends in violent crime fell steadily during the same time period instead until last year where there was a slight uptick.
Just as concealed carry didn’t bring about the end of mankind, neither would the ownership of suppressors. Your predictions have always been wrong about these things, so there is little to fear of suppressors being owned by the average American. The biggest fear is the loss of the tax stamp revenue, but that may be moot in the increased sales of suppressors and the sales tax generated. With a larger market the cost of suppressors will fall.
European Countries promote suppressors to promote hearing protection and to lessen noise pollution from ranges. Same reasons as stated by many here.
Had I showed up to your range with a Brown Bess I could imagine the fear. I mean a military weapon, made for war and has a bayonet, who needs such a thing? I wanted it, and as a free person I can have what I want if I want to pay for it. You do not have the moral authority to tell me what I can and cannot own if I am not harming another.
To Paratrooper
quote————-Suppressors in your civilized Countries don’t even have serial numbers. In 2017 an American tourist bought a few and bought them home. He was of course arrested. So much for vetting buyers over there as you claim. Seems anyone can a suppressor over the counter without a firearm permit————-quote
You attempt at twisting what I said failed. What good would a suppressor do to a European who had been denied a permit to own a weapon to put it on. That was my point so do not attempt to twist what I said.
quote————People like you claimed concealed carry would cause blood to run deep in the streets, statistics show that never happened.———-quote
I never said that about concealed carry what I did say was that silencers sold over the counter certainly would.
Once again because of your twisted political agenda you ignore the reality of mass shootings. They are already bad enough but when one of these nut cases puts a silencer on it because he was able to get it over the counter or second hand over the counter the victims would be dropping like flies before they even realized someone was shooting at them. To deny that the nut cases would not have a sexual orgasm over the ability to use them is to deny the reality of all of the almost daily mass murders we have in this country. Compare this to the very low incidence of mass shootings in Europe that heavily vets the purchase of all firearms so therefore the vetting of suppressors is not as paramount as it is here.
And as a matter of fact too soon you forgot about the man that used two pistols with legal silencers on them to commit mass murder here in the U.S. and again yes he had them legally. Remember, unlike Europe he was not heavily vetted when he bought the guns and if he had been that could have stopped him. No this is not a common occurrence because usually the extreme vetting on silencers usually weeds out such nut cases but its not fool proof as was proven here.
quote————-You do not have the moral authority to tell me what I can and cannot own if I am not harming another.————-quote
Again the history of the Supreme Court proves you wrong. You now do not have the right to own a brand new machine gun, you do not have the right to own without extreme vetting a silencer or short barreled shotgun or rifle and you have been denied by the courts from owing ordinary shotguns like the Street Sweeper, Spas-12 and even a piece of leather called the wallet holster.
Although we could factor morality into it and mostly on the side of the Court it still is totally irrelevant as the bans come with the absolute dictatorial Court and its power over you regardless of what 2A says because seldom do they pay the slightest attention to it. Their decisions have already proven that, that is if you uphold the Right Wing view of 2A and I am sure that you do. The Far Left of course holds a completely different view even though they too realize the criminality of the courts but it’s just that the court sometimes panders to the liberal agenda which is amazingly done with the blessing of the criminal Conservative Justices. Its simply a matter of their enhancing their absolute power over you. Do you still think the Constitution is of any more use than wiping your ass with it. If not you are living in a fantasy world.
Sorry try again you failed on everyone of your responses.
“You attempt at twisting what I said failed. What good would a suppressor do to a European who had been denied a permit to own a weapon to put it on. That was my point so do not attempt to twist what I said.”
Didn’t twist anything. A tourist was able to buy suppressors, no vetting apparently. A criminal with an illegal firearm there could do the same couldn’t they?
“I never said that about concealed carry what I did say was that silencers sold over the counter certainly would.
Once again because of your twisted political agenda you ignore the reality of mass shootings.”
Then you would be one of the few on the fringe left that did not claim mass murder from CCW. So why do you believe that opening suppressors would create an issue? One or two incidents is statically small considering how many are legally and likely illegally owned. I don’t ignore the reality of mass shootings. Many people ignore the fact that inanimate objects are not responsible for the actions of the perpetrators. There are evil people out there and those people will find any method they can to commit mass murder regardless of what you think should be banned.
“Their decisions have already proven that, that is if you uphold the Right Wing view of 2A and I am sure that you do. The Far Left of course holds a completely different view even though they too realize the criminality of the courts but it’s just that the court”
My view of the 2A, and the rest of the BoR is based on the historical facts and the spirit of the debates when they were codified. Hardly right wing or extremists to hold the view that is historically correct in the founding of our Nation.
As Thomas Jefferson said:
“On every question of construction (of the Constitution) let us carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit of the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed.”
If this is an extremists or right wing view, and not the mainstream view then we have failed to hold up the ideals of our Founding. The lives lost in our Revolution, our Civil War and our gains in civil rights have been for nothing.
To Paratrooper
Anderson’s new book quotes the Criminal Founders of the U.S. such as the Incompetent George Washington, the hypocrite Jefferson and Madison etc. who were absolutely terrified of the slave uprising in Haiti and the overthrow of the French Government there. The Founders of the U.S. were worried that the White Slave owners who were fleeing and bringing their slaves with them would influence U.S. Slaves into an all encompassing U.S slave revolt which certainly had a big influence on the writing 2A the most disingenuous Amendment of the Bill of Rights and it was meant to be that way. More on that shortly. 2A was also written to cajole the States into joining the new Federal Government by promising them a State Militia independent of any Federal oversight (at least it was that way in the beginning). The Scoundrels that founded the U.S. were well aware of the rather low educational level and often low intellect level of the average citizen, it was almost as low as the current Trumpite morons as well as the Qanon nut cases of today. 2A was political and gave the proletariat the illusion they had the right to own arms as individuals but nothing could have been further than the truth about the right to own arms for the individual.
Let us suppose that the Second Amendment had been written by honest true patriotic men, not by the greed monger dangerous power mad criminals that did write it. Suppose it had been written in plain English such as “The right to own weapons for all American Citizens shall not be restricted, banned, taxed or in any way denied to the people. Would this have made any difference down through history and of course in modern times in regards to restricting and banning weapons?
The answer is it would have made “no difference” because to argue otherwise is to ignore the nature of the power mad rulers of all countries.
It must be remembered that despite the disingenuous Scalia rant in the Heller Case the decision was far more anti-gun than pro-gun because the court stated that the power mad courts had the right to “regulate” firearms, (double talk for the right to restrict or ban firearms). This was an “out” to let them circumvent the statement that “guns in common use” are guaranteed by 2A, (government today is still every bit a slick and disingenuous as it was when the Criminals who founded the country wrote 2A.)
continued to paratrooper
Since the Heller decision banning guns and magazines is exactly what has already happened as the double dealing, back stabbing, power mad courts have banned firearms and their accoutrements with mad abandon ever since i.e. magazine bans, weapons bans, right to carry bans, etc. ad nauseam. In 2020 the largely rabidly Conservative gun hating Supreme Court has refused to hear 12 Second Amendment cases letting the lower court anti-gun rulings stand and done by a largely conservative staffed lower courts proving the lust for power crosses party lines with Conservative Judges hating gun ownership as much as the Liberal Justices.
It must also be remembered the courts have reversed themselves since the 30’s since they once declared only weapons of war were covered by 2A while during the anti-gun Reagan years they reversed course, banned machine guns, and then stated 2A was about duck hunting and sporting weapons. And the courts reversed themselves yet again to ban sporting weapons under Clintons semi-auto ban. Again just another use of smoke and mirrors to ban any and all weapons that are a threat to themselves and their absolute power over the people.
continued to Paratrooper
The past and current mess of what the Second Amendment really meant when written has had the criminals who originally wrote it turning over in their graves and laughing hysterically as it resulted in exactly what the disingenuous Founders wanted to happen and that is it let the established Oligarchy in power do as they pleased in regards to the right to own weapons, which ended up giving no one any rights what-so-ever.
If none of this were true then you could still today walk into your local mom and pop hardware store and buy a Thompson machine gun over the counter with no paperwork. Can you imagine what the streets of Capitalvania would be like today if they had not banned machine guns and heavily vetted used ones as well as silencers?
quote————Didn’t twist anything. A tourist was able to buy suppressors, no vetting apparently. A criminal with an illegal firearm there could do the same couldn’t they?———quote
Once again you try and squirm out of the truth. A silencer was useless to the American or to any criminal if they do not have a weapon to put it on. The history of France proves that their draconian vetting of guns does work and work much better than our total lack of meaningful gun laws that let any criminal buy anything he wants 365 days a year by buying second had guns.
quote———I don’t ignore the reality of mass shootings. ———-quote
Yes indeed you do you just proved it by denying the fact that if these nut cases could buy silencers over the counter or second hand because they were never heavily vetted they indeed would use them. A man who even had legally registered silencers used them for mass murder but you wave all this off with a wave of the hand because you totally refuse to admit what human nature is like especially the criminals and how they think and act.
quote————-Many people ignore the fact that inanimate objects are not responsible for the actions of the perpetrators.———–quote
Now that one was really over the top. So we should let everyone and anyone who wants a deadly weapon have one and then hope they do not use them for mass murder. Do you know how screwy that statement is. Every civilized nation on earth bans weapons of war and vets heavily sporting weapons and even semi-auto sporting weapons and their much lower homicide rate and mass murder rate prove they do know that these laws work and our lack of laws is an absolute disaster with mass shootings now coming almost every day when formerly it was every other week. I ask you how bad does if have to get before the dim light bulb goes on in your head. Does it take a personal tragedy of your own family to make you see the light of sanity..
“Anderson’s new book quotes the Criminal Founders of the U.S. such as the Incompetent George Washington, the hypocrite Jefferson and Madison etc. who were absolutely terrified of the slave uprising in Haiti and the overthrow of the French Government there.”
The Haitian Slave revolt occurred August 22, 1791. The BoR was written, including the 2A, was written September 25, 1789 and ratified December 15, 1791. Your author conflates the ratification date with the date created or written. The BoR was conceived of BEFORE the Haitian Salve Revolt. It is doubtful they time traveled to December 1791 to be terrified of the revolt. That leaves anything else he wrote to be suspect. I would have considered that you would have seen such a glaring mistake.
“Let us suppose that the Second Amendment had been written by honest true patriotic men, not by the greed monger dangerous power mad criminals that did write it. Suppose it had been written in plain English such as “The right to own weapons for all American Citizens shall not be restricted, banned, taxed or in any way denied to the people. Would this have made any difference down through history and of course in modern times in regards to restricting and banning weapons?”
The 2A was written plainly enough. So plain that even in debating the 14th Amendment Thaddaeus Stevens explained that the newly freed slaves were Citizens and had the same rights as all other citizens. He specifically stated the right to keep and bear arms. He thought it proper that blacks be armed, especially against the KKK and others upset at losing the War.
“quote————-Many people ignore the fact that inanimate objects are not responsible for the actions of the perpetrators.———–quote
Now that one was really over the top. So we should let everyone and anyone who wants a deadly weapon have one and then hope they do not use them for mass murder. Do you know how screwy that statement is.”
Is personal responsibility really over the top?
I did not say, nor have I ever said we should let everyone be armed. People convicted of a forcible felony should not be armed. People taking psychotropic medications, should not be armed. In certain rare circumstances after someone has demonstrated after years of good conduct, the community should be allowed to judge whether or not an individual is able to regain their rights. Those who are habitually violent, should not be in society at all, they should be in prison.
“Once again you try and squirm out of the truth. A silencer was useless to the American or to any criminal if they do not have a weapon to put it on. The history of France proves that their draconian vetting of guns does work and work much better than our total lack of meaningful gun laws that let any criminal buy anything he wants 365 days a year by buying second had guns.”
The history of humankind shows me that just because you think you denied someone the ability to purchase something they will find a way to achieve the goal. Even in France. Whether it be guns or drugs, criminals will find them.
“Yes indeed you do you just proved it by denying the fact that if these nut cases could buy silencers over the counter or second hand because they were never heavily vetted they indeed would use them. A man who even had legally registered silencers used them for mass murder but you wave all this off with a wave of the hand because you totally refuse to admit what human nature is like especially the criminals and how they think and act.”
A suppressor is not going to silence the sound of a report. Even your case of the Navy Yard shooter using a suppressor, people heard the report. You watch too many movies.
The moral and non criminal of humankind outnumbers the immoral and criminal. With your logic, we should vet people buying automobiles because they could get drunk and drive into a kindergarten. It happens rarely and the majority of automobile owners will never do it, but your logic dictates we do this. You can buy a car from a dealer or private purchase without a drivers license.
You seem to be enthralled with draconian measures used against people. You want a society where the government is the ultimate authority. That is more akin to Communism and Nazism than what the majority of people like me prefer. You call us storm troopers, yet you show those tendencies. You really are a true believer. But is that Mao or Lenin that you aspire the US to adopt?
quote————-I would have considered that you would have seen such a glaring mistake————quote
No it is you who flunked history classes.
How many times do we have to go over this? 2A was never ratified into law until after the Haitian slave revolt was well under way and White Slave owners fleeing to the U.S. brought the news of the revolt to everyone in the U.S. so yes Jefferson and the others were well aware of this before 2A was ever signed into law. And by the way if you had researched it Jefferson was on record about ranting about the threat of the slave revolt spreading to the U.S. as well as other U.S. leaders at the time. They were all very well aware of it. One such sign was the action of the French revolutionary government to grant citizenship to wealthy free people of color in May 1791. Since white planters refused to comply with this decision, within two months isolated fighting broke out between the former slaves and the whites. This added to the tense climate between slaves and grands blancs. Note this proves that the revolution was actually underway in July not August. It was only in August that the major revolt erupted.
quote———–The 2A was written plainly enough.——-quote
Again you proved you flunked American History classes. Most Constitutional Scholars have for decades stated 2A was not about the individuals right to own a weapon but was in regards to a State Controlled Militia. This included many distinguished Supreme Court Justices as well.
quote————-A suppressor is not going to silence the sound of a report.————quote
One you never fired a silencer in your life or you would have known that an M16 or AR15 with a .22 rimfire conversion kit makes so little noise the sound of the bolt moving back and forth is louder than the cartridge going off and that comes from my hands on experience. And if you think a .22 rimfire will not kill people than you never hunted animals in your life either. Also reduced power pistol rounds like the 9mm are also very low noise and with the noise a crowd makes as well as background traffic noise a crowd would never even be aware they were being fired upon. Again we have gone over this many times before.
quote————With your logic, we should vet people buying automobiles because they could get drunk and drive into a kindergarten———quote
What planet do you live in we do exactly that we vet out drivers that have had their licenses revoked for drunk driving and even those that were involved in accidents and never paid the fines to the court or to the victims as they too have their licenses revoked.
quote——–You want a society where the government is the ultimate authority———-quote
Again what planet do you live in as that is the way it is currently. It is only you that have this harlequin backwoods mentality that you do not have to obey the government if you do not agree with it. That went over like a lead balloon even recently on Jan 6th 2021.
Quote————But is that Mao or Lenin that you aspire the US to adopt?———–quote
Unlike you I did not flunk history classes. All leaders and all governments have both achievements and also have done many times great crimes against its own citizens and that includes Capitalvania at the top of the list. I could mention Capitalvanian medical experiments on black people that killed them. Of course you know nothing of this.
I could mention that 27 million people have no health care in the U.S. and many die from lack of affordable drugs or preventive health care which they never get. No civilized country on earth commits such mass murder against its own citizens by placing health care in the hands of the Insurance companies as health care in civilized countries is a human right not a privileged only guaranteed by the rich.
I could mention that crime in China is so low that one American Girl who received a position at a new Chinese University was astonished when she saw young girls hitch hiking to work and found out that crime was so low that they felt safe doing it all the time not just some of the time. She told them that if they did that in the U.S. they would be raped and murdered within days even in rural counties not to mention that it would be complete suicide in our larger cities.
I could mention that in Russia everyone gets an apartment to live in while in Capitalvania people are forced to live under bridges and many freeze to death in the winter.
I cold mention that in the 1970’s when things were much better for the U.S. working man and wages were high then that when the U.S. during that time period let a large group of Russian immigrants into the country in less than 5 years half of them went back to Russia when they found out that Capitalvania had almost no social safety nets when you lost your job as you lost your health insurance, and your ability to make your rent payments which put you out onto the street as well as all the gun homicides and other crime and also the lack of many of the other social safety nets that Russia has and Capitalvania did not and that is why the immigrants said the hell with this hell hole we are leaving.
and did.
I might add that during a big recession in the 1980’s the Russians scooped up a U.S. man living on the streets in one of our larger cities and asked him to come to Russia and tell the people how Capitalvania did not give a damn about people who lost their jobs. Putin at the time said to the Russian people that if you think the streets are paved with gold in the U.S. I want you to listen to this mans story. He was later asked if he wanted to stay and when he said yes he was given a job in Russia and given and apartment and as far as I know is still there to this very day.
So tell me how great the U.S. is as every country has its problems and if you think Capitalvania is superior in all aspects you really are totally ignorant of how other countries function. I might add in closing that some African countries have lower infant mortality than West Virginia does. So much for Trumps bull crap about all African countries being shit holes.
History is not your strong suite. The BoR was written before the revolt even by your time line. The BoR was more related to the abuses by the King than because of a revolt that had yet occurred when the BoR was created.
The Jefferson quote made it clear what the Constitution and the BoR meant, there was plenty of information left to see what the 2A meant. Read the quote again, he said it because of the individuals you cite.
You can have your driver’s license revoked and still buy an automobile, you deliberately left that fact out. And if caught in possession of an automobile without a drivers license there are no penalties unless you are operating on public roads.
Oh my God! This guy not only has an irrelevant opinion, but he has the time to rant forever on gun posts because he hates them. One sick little fu$% you are, boy.
Apparently, the best suppressor is a Texas classroom wall. Glad the GGs with Gs were there to…I’m not sure, run and hide while kids were shot?
Communities like this are the reason these child-murders continue.
Please don’t feed the troll.
p o s
I don’t need a suppressor in order to plink cans in my back yard, but it sure would be nice.
Placed under law enforcement surveillance.
I thought we were watched 24-7 already?.
So I guess being watched by “them” is not like being watched by “them”. So what are “they” watching us for?
To go a bit further Dacian, I think clothes should be outlawed. No one could conceal a weapon nude, well they could, it better have a safety, well then again maybe not. Pulling the concealed gunm out from its concealed hidey hole would probably be a little hard on the roids. So let’s skip the safety and go with a Glock, hoping you dont get glock ass or shoot your gock off. A Freedom Arms mini revolver would be another option.
At any rate I dont know about you, but deep nude concealment sounds like a shitty deal to me. And unless you really practiced catching it on the squat would be a little tricky. You wouldn’t want to shit out your gunm and have it hit the pavement and go off. I wouldn’t anyway.
A think banning clothes would prevent a lot of crime, and what the hell, if them “watchers” are going to be watching ,, ,, give them something to watch.
No use except to kill people. Or for home defense if one doesn’t want to either remember to put on and then turn on the fancy electronic ear plugs OR go deaf if they do have to shoot an intruder. Or for hunters who relish the experience of being out in nature and would find the experience much diminished if filtered through some electronic listening gadget. No, only useful for homicide, which is why Europe, etc. happily allow them to their carefully-vetted gun owners, because those guys can be trusted to murder people with proper discretion.
Wrong again. Most mass murders with firearms in Europe especially in the night club incident in France were sponsored by a foreign government who supplied the training and weapons. None used silencers by the way.
This of course is an act of war and local gun control laws will not prevent an act of war.
You’re comments are an act of useless BS waging war on facts with twists and turns to be as biased as possible.
Seriously, I’ve sit here and read every word you wrote in all of your very long droning on “comments”. Its the longest line of pure BS I have ever encountered.
In one of your comments, I especially liked the part about, basically, the streets running with blood ’cause some people have suppressors and the only reason for them is commit murder.
Do you practice really hard to be this ridiculous or were you born this way?
So, legal gun owners in Europe aren’t committing murders, but they still are allowed to and do use suppressors which are only useful for murder.
Perhaps if you tried to make your point(s) more concisely, you wouldn’t forget what you previously argued by the time you get several paragraphs further on?
to Snake in the grass
quote—————–Perhaps if you tried to make your point(s) more concisely, you wouldn’t forget what you previously argued by the time you get several paragraphs further on?————-quote
No its you who have no reading comprehension or are deliberately trying to distort what I said. I said because of France’s harsh vetting for buying a gun the crime rate with guns even with or without silencers is very. very low compared to the mass murder in the U.S. because anyone who wants a second hand gun can get one.
Still missing the point.
Well that’s an interesting idea. We’ll start the first church of the suppressor and sue the federal government over the tax stamp
I’m in !!
How long do you think it would be before it got burned down?
There’s no sporting use for suppressors. Be a man take the hit to your ears.
Could you print that in caps, please.
What? WHAT??
Sorry, I ran some farm machinery when I was 19, and later the lawnmower finished off my right ear in a left-turn fence-line of my yard. This was before we knew about hearing protection.
I’d like to use a suppressor to protect what remains of my left ear. Until then, I’ll use a Peltor Sport – seems to work.
Ditto. Silencers create the perfect place for old men (and women).
As a reader of “The Truth about Guns” I find Dacian’s comments piss me off. I wonder who he is ? He is most certain a “Fudd” , probably a good three hundred pounds on him, lives in an urban, East Coast shithole, and lives with his mommy. I have used Modern Sporting Rifles and suppressors to feed my family and take care of pests. I find an AR-15 “pistol” with a can use full for home protection, as Police response can be dicey. And yes, I can shoot tin cans in my back yard (66 acres). So Dacian, I am sorry you hate America, but STFU !!!
Dacian doesn’t hate America.
,, He just has disgust for all the “morons ” that dont see it his way .
Anyway that’s what he/she/it’s comments lead me to believe.
Its preferred pronoun is “they.”
Dacian does serve the arguably useful purpose of presenting the stereotypical Fudd arguments for the rest of us to shoot down. Would be more useful if they could learn the value of conciseness and skip the absurd ad hominem attacks on anyone who disagrees, but possible they’re getting [over]paid by the word.
Silencers are chick magnets at the range. Unfortunately they’re also dude/RSO magnets.
I have multiple cans.
Still haven’t found religion. Never will.
Silenced firearms are like finding religion? Sorry, I don’t get the connection.
Next argument is some irresponsible red neck will have murder in mind, etc. when they try to purchase a suppressor. Guess the people making such arguments have never actually fired a suppressed weapon. Not like in the bad spy movies or the even worse gangster movies. A silencer just brings the blast and noise down to where it isn’t rattling the windows half a mile away and deafening anyone within a hundred yards. The little cough from Hollywood is just that, from Hollywood.
Then of course is the complaint is criminals will use them to hide their crimes. See above about sound and understand most criminals get whatever is available on the black market. Stolen guns, straw purchase guns, borrowed from friends/relatives, etc. It’s not because Silencers/suppressors aren’t available or all that hard to make. It’s because they are not easily concealed while mounted and no criminal is going to stop mid crime to screw on a suppressor.
And then the whole back ground check foolishness. Can anyone demonstrate or prove somehow that the current version, or the proposed version of background checks have or would stop a criminal from getting any firearm they wish? If the background check system, as is or even as demanded by the anti gun folks, worked as advertised, we would have no felons wandering around after release from prison with firearms. Nor would those who have somehow rationalized the irrational have whatever weapons they want.
“Silencers” [suppressors] are illegal in my state (New Joisey).
Fortunately, they’re legal in the neighboring state of Pennsylvania, where my gun club is where I go to shoot rifles — but so far I’ve only met one man who used them.
Even the guys with SBRs, guys who managed to fill out the forms and get the tax stamp for their SBRs, don’t have enough common courtesy to get a suppressor for their SBR.
I think it’s very rude to shoot an SBR without a suppressor.
But I think the REAL reason people who shoot SBRs at public ranges don’t get a silencer is that they enjoy the attention of their extra-loud gun blast making everyone stare at them in fury as they hold their bruised and bleeding ears. The guys who shoot SBRs at public ranges without suppressors are just like the guys who remove the muffler on their car to make the exhaust extra loud, like, “Look at me! I’m the guy blasting your eardrums with unnecessary noise to make my car SOUND fast, even though my car is really just a 4-cylinder 1.6 liter econobox that can only hit 55 mph if I’m going downhill with a tailwind!”
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