Image by Boch

Joe Biden’s so-called diplomacy with Russia to avert an invasion of Ukraine didn’t really work out. Not even a day after Kamala Harris flexed her diplomatic muscles, Russian troops rolled over the border. When Biden offered the Ukrainian president safe passage out of the country, he declined the offer with a now-famous reply . . .

Toward that end, an American ammunition manufacturer has stepped up and announced a donation of a million rounds of 5.56 ammunition to Ukraine. The ammo will allow soldiers and citizens of the beleaguered nation to fight if they so choose.

From ZeroHedge:

On Monday, AMMO, Inc., a US-based ammunition and components manufacturer, announced it had acknowledged Zelensky’s call and has pledged to donate one million rounds of ammunition to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Fred Wagenhals, CEO of Ammo Inc., said his company “firmly supports Ukraine’s sovereignty and independence, as we stand for freedom and democracy everywhere.”

“While we fervently hope for a quick and peaceful resolution to the crisis and that diplomacy will win the day, we condemn the Russian aggression and its threat to Ukraine’s territorial integrity and freedom. We recognize that events are unfolding rapidly on the ground in Ukraine, and we are prepared to move quickly as possible to support Ukraine as it continues to defend itself and its freedom,” Wagenhals said. 

Assuming someone can somehow get the ammunition into Ukrainian hands, Mr. Wagenhals’ laudable donation of gun food will likely help them defend their sovereign territory.  At the same time, the international publicity it has generated is priceless.


    • History suggests that the greatest type rifle there is the AK. 7.62×39 is what they need, particularly civilians.

    • Russia invading = good and bad.

      Yeah, so uh, I like that Putin invaded and is taking eastern Ukraine. They are NOT Ukrainians. They don’t speak Ukrainian. They speak Russian. They are ethnic russians. And they are victims of the tyranny of the majority. They have no voice in Ukraine, and they want to be part of Russia. So yes. I support Russia going in, and claiming these people.

      What I don’t support is Russia trying to topple the Swing Dancing, movie production manager, Volodymyr Zelensky. The people of Ukraine wanted this weirdo fruitcake. He made a series of movies, with a party name, where he was president in the movies. Then his production manager created a party in real life, exactly like the party in the movie, and then the Ukranians literally elected him, thus making his movie, a reality. Now, Ukranians want this insanity, they voted for it, so Putin should leave it be.

  1. Would not all of those AK’s be using 7.62 ammo instead of 5.56 as the article offered?

    • NATO and the US have been dumping billions in military equipment into there for at least the last 7 years so I’m sure there are plenty of NATO chambered arms in their hands.

      • Shire-man,

        Every photo and video that I have seen shows the populace with AK-47 (or possibly AK-74) rifles.

        I am also seriously concerned that 5.56 x 45mm NATO ammunition will be useless for Ukrainian defense forces.

      • Just like continuing to give them money and goods, this will probably line some pockets and feed their corruption machine.

    • Even in just the past week, several NATO countries have been sending 10000s of small arms to Ukraine. So a load of NATO ammo should be a welcome side dish.

      • Even as the idiot manchild king in Ottawa decrees the same weapons prohibited to his own peasantry and threatens confiscation of same in less than one months time. I wonder if he and Zelensky struck a deal in cash or was it simply a direct deposit into the idiot manchilds ‘Foundation’? I mean why even hide it at this point, right?

  2. Saw that operation on FOX NEWS. Nice factory. I hope the donation gets to those that need it. I feel conflicted about boots on the ground. Ukraine was told that they would be protected if they gave up their nukes. They were lied to. Should be a lesson learned about giving up your weapons because the government will “protect” you. They are lying to you.

      • Those willing to sacrifice hard earned liberties for some perceived security, deserve neither liberty nor security.

        They will ALWAYS deservingly lose BOTH.

      • Yeah, I remember studying that in history class. Trail of tears was Effd up. Stuff happens.

        • Truly. Can’t imagine how that must’ve felt and how deep the hatred must’ve burned. And it played out so many times over. But of course people everywhere have been doing the absolute worst things they can do to each since we first existed. It boggles the mind so many of us can so easily be that way.

    • Many were lied to over there. All around. And many have died, before mother Russia ever set boots on the ground in the Ukraine. Will this ammo actually land in the right hands? I guess we will have to trust our wholly owned media corporations to deliver us the truth, as we all know they unfailingly do.

  3. That’s great; but does the Ukraine have rifles chambered for the caliber? Almost every rifle/carbine I’ve seen has been an AK variant chambered in 7.62X39. A few in 5.45X45 and a smattering of ARs. (If I had one of those I’d trade it for a 7.62 AK most rikki tikki.)

  4. Odd…. it didn’t state it was for an AK-47, ammunition 7.62×39mm, but they (Ukraine) does have the M4-WAC-47 5.56 assault rifle that is made by Ukroboronprom in Ukraine.

  5. Golly I hope none of those 556 rounds are diverted to a certain former US ally near the Khyber Pass…

  6. They just gave ammo that will eventually end up in the hands of Russian soldiers. Just like Joe Biden made sure the Taliban got ammo and an upgrade in their small arms. When he left American civilians in Afghanistan and pulled out the US military.

    And by doing so he showed that the United States is now a weak Nation. Biden gave the signal to Putin that the Russians could invade not just the Ukraine but any country. But when Donald Trump bombed Russians and Allied positions in Syria. And announce to the Chinese leader at a state dinner, during the serving of the desert, that he was bombing another country.
    Both the Chinese and the Russians realized that Donald Trump meant business.
    But now since he is gone the Russians now know they can do as they please. And an invasion of Taiwan is not far behind.

    The Libertarians Liberals and the Left live in a fantasy world. They do not understand that is an important to have “a strong man” in office. There were no new Wars while President Trump was in office. But that wasn’t good enough for them.

    • In theory libertarians should not have a problem with the president/diplomatic corps standing up for American interests abroad as that is their assigned roles in regards to national defense (also why the Navy was so prominent throughout our history) with that said theory does not equate to practice and libertarians as a party are almost as coopted as the greens (watermelon) so unfortunately you are correct in this statement.

      • I wish I was not correct. I am very angry and sad at the same time. And for me the truth hurts. But it needs to be said.

        As for Libertarians, they have for so long been against the “military-industrial complex” I don’t see how they can intellectually be honest and support Sig Sauer, or Ruger, or anyone in the Firearms manufacturing business. Who sell guns to the government and civilians.

        Unfortunately they seem to have no interest in the other half of President Eisenhower’s final address to the country. Where he warned about the danger of federal money corrupting the education system in this country.

    • “When he left American civilians in Afghanistan and pulled out the US military”

      If you didn’t like the deal Trump negotiated with the terrorist Taliban, why didn’t you complain then?

      The US civilians had a year to evacuate after Trump announced the retreat deal with the Taliban, and Joe Biden even extended the deadline three months.

      They should’ve got out while the gettin’ was good…

      • Ah so democrats failed to effectively plan for Afghanistan like they did for Iraq despite knowing about the evil republican plot to make them look retarded, cool.

        • “so democrats failed to effectively plan for Afghanistan”

          The deal was negotiated by Donald Trump when he met with the Taliban and worked out the details of America’s retreat from Afghanistan.

          Remember when Donald Trump was going to meet with the Taliban at camp David?

          What’s up with Trump, he sucks up to every dictator and terrorist group in the world, and it was his timetable to withdraw from Afghanistan.

        • “so democrats failed to effectively plan for Afghanistan”

          The deal was negotiated by Donald Trump when he met with the Taliban and worked out the details of America’s retreat from Afghanistan.

          Remember when Donald Trump was going to meet with the Taliban at camp David?

          Did you guys really forget this or are you intentionally lying to support your delusional narrative?

          “President Donald Trump said Saturday that Taliban leaders were to travel to the US for secret peace talks this weekend but that the meeting has been canceled and he’s called off peace talks with the militant group entirely.

          Trump tweeted that he scrapped the meeting after the Taliban took credit for an attack in Kabul, Afghanistan, that killed a dozen people, including an American soldier.”

          Yep, that’s Donald Trump, negotiating with a terrorist, even as they’re killing American soldiers, priceless.

          What’s up with Trump, he sucks up to every dictator and terrorist group in the world, and it was his timetable to withdraw from Afghanistan.

        • Lol ok Minor the all powerful Trump leaves Biden as helpless to manage foreign affairs as Bush did Obama. To be honest I was kidding but now I am starting to believe it.

      • Biden announced the actual date of withdrawal. Nothing like announcing your time line to the enemy. Works every time. For the enemy.

        • No, Donald Trump set the timeline when he negotiated the retreat deal with the terrorist Taliban. Biden did extend the deadline by three months in order to give Americans more opportunity to unass the AO.

          “The agreement with the militant group that harbored the al Qaeda operatives responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks comes after over 18 years of war. The Trump administration hopes it is poised to reshape Afghanistan, leading to national peace negotiations and ending any Taliban safe haven for terrorists that threaten the U.S. homeland. But critics warn the Taliban has neither the ability nor perhaps the appetite to carry out their commitments.“

          What a lame attempt to rewrite history you folks engage in, it seems trumps deception works, especially with the “poorly educated”.

      • Funny how the dementia addled resident was able to undo everything that President Trump did. But he wasn’t able to change the terms of the deal or change the deadline in Afghanistan. Even funnier when people use it as a slam against President Trump.

        • “But he wasn’t able to change the terms of the deal or change the deadline in Afghanistan“

          Donald Trump set the deadline for removal of troops by May 1, and President Biden extended that deadline by three months to August 31, the facts of history are irrefutable.

          And one party to an agreement can’t unilaterally change the terms without the approval of the other party, Donald Trump had already negotiated the retreat deal with the terrorists.

          “USA TODAY | 1:47 pm EDT March 17, 2021

          WASHINGTON – President Joe Biden is under mounting pressure as he weighs whether to fully withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan by May 1, a deadline negotiated by the Trump administration.”

          Again, are you folks really that forgetful and can’t remember the facts of history… Or are you intentionally lying in order to support your fake news narrative?

        • Even funnier is when Trump released 5000 Taliban terrorists from prison so they can begin killing innocent citizens once more.

          Is that what Trump calls the ‘Art of the Deal’?

          Trump cut a great deal with the Taliban… I thought we shouldn’t negotiate with terrorists?

          “Romney’s claim is correct. A February 2020 agreement between the Taliban and the Trump administration called for the release of 5,000 Taliban members who were in Afghan prisons. Afghanistan’s government has said that the 5,000 Taliban prisoners were released. A Congressional Research Service report said the release was completed in September 2020.”

      • OK these posts are why I have earned my reputation as a salacious belligerent regurgitator of the most heinous leftist lies. I had a link to… CNN for f-sakes!

        This is also why many consider me a sickly reprehensible trollop of indefensible agitprops, falsehoods, and propaganda.

        As a filcher of the truth I conveniently ignored this little gem;

        “Everything changed when BIDEN declared that US forces would leave Afghanistan by Sept. 11, 2021, pushing back the Trump administration’s timetable by four months. 𝘾𝙧𝙪𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮, 𝘽𝙄𝘿𝙀𝙉 𝙙𝙞𝙙𝙣’𝙩 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝𝙙𝙧𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙡 𝙤𝙣 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙙𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙖𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙙-𝙪𝙥𝙤𝙣 𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙥𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨. It would be an unconditional pullout with an arbitrary date based on pure symbolism — and set in stone.

        At that point, the Taliban sat back and waited for the date to draw near, then launched a countrywide offensive, knowing they had no reason to fear any reprisals from this administration. The ongoing chaos — not least the stranding of US personnel and allies — was the natural result of the Biden administration’s decision to…… 𝙚𝙨𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙬 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨-𝙗𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙣.”

        Yup that’s what a lascivious slut I am.

        • You are very wordy. That doesn’t change the fact that Trump would never, ever, ever have screwed up the withdrawal as bad as Biden and Millie. Maybe Hunter got a big $ deposit somewhere in exchange for all that hardware. That definitely fits the pattern for the Bidens.

    • The Ukrainians have shown more fight/backbone in the last week that the Afganis did over 20years. Difference between a tribe of barbarians and not a tribe.

      • I’m in awe of these guys.
        This now looks like it’s gonna be Berlin 1945. Once they let civilians out in a humanitarian convoy all that remain must be combatants so release the thermobarics.
        In their situation I think I’d like to go down in a two man anti tank team, firing as quick as I can until the flechette come, but get to see my rounds strike.

    • One more place I won’t be buying ammo. At their screw-the-customer-milk-them-for every-dollar prices, I likely would not have ever bought a round there anyway. Get woke go broke.

  7. Look on the bright side. Sleepy Joe wanted to send black powder and musket balls. And shotgun shells, to be fired from Ukraine’s back porch.

    • ABN, the article said 5.56. All other comments (weapons/caliber) were based on what I’ve seen in the media. Rangers, Lead The Way! I heard someone said something like that a long time ago on a beach on the other side of the planet. Now we’re looking at Europe again. Patton was right. We should have fought them when we had the army there to do it with. And we owned all the nukes. The loss to humanity and global treasure would have been less without socialism/communism. And it will be still until it’s wiped from the face of our world.

  8. Just shut up and do it. Why tell no counts and Russia about such intentions? Do it then talk about it.

  9. This is a great thing…but why do I get the feeling we are going to need ammo to?

    • Connor Marek,

      We may very well need ammunition.

      Purchase as much as you can BEFORE you truly NEED it.

      Remember the famous saying, “If you desire peace, prepare for war.”

      The truth of the matter is that evil people are in the world and sometimes they command the war machines of nations–even superpowers. Prepare accordingly.

    • Me either… due to that very unfortunate maritime disaster involving my full gunsafe and overloaded canoe in the middle of Lake Superior.

    • jwm, I know that you know that I own a couple of 5.56 weapons. Not my favorite, but you should own at least one, spare mags, ammo and support gear. Simply because 5.56 is common. Or, used to be. Everyone should own a rifle chambered for the common military calibers in their area. Stock up on boutique calibers if you want to. They don’t kill anything deader than a 30-06 does. The caliber doesn’t really make that much difference. Within reason. What makes a difference is the instrument of delivery for that projectile. Always good to talk to you.

      • I live in CA. My choice of rifles and mags are limited in 5.56. Once i move out after my wife retires it will be a different story.

        Common caliber is why I always own a 9mm.

        • jwm, I don’t extend this invitation often, but you’re welcome in N FL. I think I’m going to have to kidnap Possum from Kansas, but wouldn’t we make bunch? I think we would be somewhat dangerous and a bit entertaining after a bouborn.

        • Appreciate the invite. But I’ve been to Florida. The weather sux. My sister wants me in Georgia. Weather also sux.

          Probably wind up in Utah. Weather sux there but at least it’s somewhat drier.

        • Like you I’m a large dude and I do prefer my 308s/M1A but if I’m forced into a shoot n scoot (more like shoot n shuffle at this point), which may actually happen to me/us a few short weeks from now in the Great White North, then I’m gonna be right glad I have a choice of a much lighter, quicker handling rifle to grab and much lighter, easier to carry/move around with ammo. For up close n nasty the 5.56 does just fine, as does an AR. But I know you already know that. I would gear up with some just to spite the Cali oppression, as well as for the reasons Gadsen states.

    • Chris, I was not aware of that. The fact remains that my own personal observations of media coverage has shown, at least to me, that the majority of Ukraine citizens and military are armed with 7.622 AKs. Good for them! At least an AK works. And! And, you can lay a heat tab on the side of an AK receiver and heat up a C-RAT. No problem. I knew a guy in the army that carried his M-16A2 in a garbage bag in the field so it wouldn’t get dirty. Of course, that’s exactly where an AR deserves to be.

      • “I knew a guy in the army that carried his M-16A2 in a garbage bag in the field so it wouldn’t get dirty. Of course, that’s exactly where an AR deserves to be.”


        And glad to pass on the information. I totally support making sure that people can buy weapons to be able to defend themselves. And to me it doesn’t matter that those people live in Chiraq Illinois or Saudi Arabia. Or israel. Or the Philippines. Or the Ukraine. Etc, etc

      • So Gadsden was a REMF on active duty.

        Reason #1 NOT to vol for duty in Ukraine – On arrival they will issue some POS Ak47 as individual weapon

        #2 future demtard progs will throw you in jail (with the Jan 6 folks)

        • neowa, I volunteered for the Army. I went through basic, AIT, and airborne school. After that I reported to my permanent duty station. 1st Bn 75th Infantry Regement. After that I had a 25 year career in LE. What have you done for the United States of America?

        • A Ranger that carried his rifle in a garbage bag? BS, Certainly never saw any such at Lewis. That why I call REMF. Speer, Champoux would have such a troop strung up by the nads.

          I’m fireman as I do not the personality to be a cop. I’m a problem solver type not a bully.

      • What a load of horseshit. Hey, everybody, throw away your AR15s and you too, Armed Forces throughout the world, toss those garbage M16s out the hatch; they don’t work and if they get dirt on them you will die. Good to know. Thanks for enlightening us all. Again. Still.

  10. I believe that when the fallout settles, the world will be compelled to admit that Russia invaded Ukraine because Ukraine was using Plutonium and Uranium salved from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant to build nuclear weapons.

    • “Ukraine was using Plutonium and Uranium salved from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant to build nuclear weapons“

      That’s the second time you’ve made that claim and still you offer a no source or citation or website with details.

      You do know, over the past decades there’s been much international attention focused on Chernobyl, do you really think that Ukrainian operators could somehow extract plutonium from the reactors without anyone noticing?

      Wouldn’t you think that if Ukraine had nuclear weapons, they’d be considering using them already?

        • Bullshit speculation, I read the article you linked and there is zero mention of nuclear weapons.

          “Andriy Melnyk, Ukraine’s ambassador to Germany, suggested to national public radio network Deutschlandfunk on Thursday that President Volodymyr Zelensky’s administration was weighing up all possible options as fears mount over a possible escalation of hostilities in the country’s conflict-stricken east.

          “Either we are part of an alliance like NATO and also make our contribution to strengthen this Europe, or we have only one option; to rearm ourselves,” Germany’s DPA news agency quoted Melnyk as saying. “How else could we guarantee our defence?”

  11. I’m good with this. It actually makes me want to buy more from ammo inc.

    What we are seeing right now with so many entities ‘cancelling’ Russia while siding with Ukraine is exactly what I think NEEDS to happen. This is what needs to happen against BLM, Antifa, and others like them here. THIS is the world siding with Ukraine. People are always asking if this person or that group supports them. Well, this is the response.

    As for Ukraine getting lied to:
    We talk endlessly on this site about politicians that lie and the consequences of it. If this is news to you then you need to grow up and get your head out of the sand. Politicians lie. That’s what they do. That’s why it’s up to ALL OF US to keep them in check by way of our vote.

    • “I’m good with this. It actually makes me want to buy more from ammo inc.”

      Same. I just ordered a thousand 10mm from them. Never bought their stuff before, but this made me want to try it.

      • I’ve shot over 1.5k rounds of Ammo Inc since October of last year. 9mm and 45acp.

        Has run flawlessly. Good stuff

    • So suddenly, just like that, cancel culture meets with yours and everyone’s approval. Great, let’s really clamp down so only one side of the story can ever be known. Of course politicians make their living by lying about everything, are you saying (again, suddenly and just like that) the media and these cancelling entities do not also lie? So what, now we have “BaLd KgB mAn baD” instead of orange man bad?

      • Much human life is being extinguished in this for the purposes of dealing with and covering up of political corruption. Were I to choose sides, it would likely be with the Ukrainian people. Not the Ukrainian government. Their government is finding out what it means to sleep with the enemy. They might have a leader now that is trying to change all that (maybe). But things have already progressed to such an extreme length that there might not actually be a fix but through death. More is yet to come. I have no love for Putin. I have no love for any of these lunatics.

        Right now, it’s not my fight. That easily could change. But my biggest personal effort to stop all this comes in the form of a vote against Biden. He has a part in this and it’s no small part. Russia is an unstoppable force against Ukraine. There is no way they can win. It’s all about how much Putin wants it and how much he is willing to sacrifice to get it. Either Putin backs down or Ukraine gets absorbed.

        As for the media:
        Well, my suggestion is to trust no one. They have an agenda and have proven themselves to be nothing more than propagandists.

        • This – anything the MSM and the chickhawk progs like is automatically to be distrusted. This entire program from them to go to war appears to be a convient midterm election distraction.

          “never let a good crisis go to waste” – said some POS Dem progtard.

    • It isn’t news to me I’m just pissed nobody is stepping up to truly help the Ukrainians. It makes me feel exactly how I felt about our brain dead resident in chief completely screwing the pooch in Afganistan. He tossed the United States standing in the world right into the toilet all while getting 13 brave service men and women killed.

      • Yes, it was terrible that President Donald Trump released 5000 Taliban terrorists to reignite the conflict in Afghanistan.

        Perhaps you should have objected to the terms of his retreat agreement Donald Trump negotiated with the Taliban terrorists when he signed it back in February 2020, setting the timetable for our withdrawal from Afghanistan on May 1, thus telegraphing our military movements to the Taliban.

        Thanks a lot, Trump!

        • Who closed Bagram?

          Washington — The U.S. military quietly departed Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan on Friday, a historic milestone following President Joe Biden’s order to withdraw U.S. troops from the war-weary country.Jul 2, 2021

        • OK I’m a putrid buttock-rimming sub-literate simple minded subhuman.

          So Fine! Here’s the truth;

          “Everything changed when BIDEN declared that US forces would leave Afghanistan by Sept. 11, 2021, pushing back the Trump administration’s timetable by four months. 𝘾𝙧𝙪𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮, 𝘽𝙄𝘿𝙀𝙉 𝙙𝙞𝙙𝙣’𝙩 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝𝙙𝙧𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙡 𝙤𝙣 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙙𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙖𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙙-𝙪𝙥𝙤𝙣 𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙥𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨. It would be an unconditional pullout with an arbitrary date based on pure symbolism — and set in stone.

          At that point, the Taliban sat back and waited for the date to draw near, then launched a countrywide offensive, knowing they had no reason to fear any reprisals from this administration. The ongoing chaos — not least the stranding of US personnel and allies — was the natural result of the Biden administration’s decision to…… 𝙚𝙨𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙬 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨-𝙗𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙣.”

          Thanks a lot, Biden.

  12. Chris, I was not aware of that. The fact remains that my own personal observations of media coverage has shown, at least to me, that the majority of Ukraine citizens and military are armed with 7.622 AKs. Good for them! At least an AK works. And! And, you can lay a heat tab on the side of an AK receiver and heat up a C-RAT. No problem. I knew a guy in the army that carried his M-16A2 in a garbage bag in the field so it wouldn’t get dirty. Of course, that’s exactly where an AR deserves to be.

  13. Why? Ukraine is the money laundering cesspool of the universe and all the criminals in congress get their kickbacks from there and politicians kids who don’t know where they work are all listed as working for Ukrainian companies.

    If you support Ukraine, YOU are a criminal too.

    • I don’t support Ukraine. Or Russia. But the Russians invaded a country without what I consider just cause. I

      Unless new info is made public I will not lift a hand to assist either side. And I won’t weep for either side.

      • I’d want to invade Mexico if they joined the Soviet Union and planned to park nukes on the border. Ideally I’d want to invade before said nukes were there.

      • Oh shiiiiiiiiit. I’m sure the Ukrainians will be really upset when they find out that an old, broke down and cowardly white supremecist isn’t willing to join their ranks.

  14. Quite a few countries have fissile material for reactors. I guess they should all be invaded ? Iran says it has assembled a few bombs and has stated it’s intent to destroy Israel. India and Pakistan claim to have detonated H bombs. So if Ukraine assembled a bomb and then tested it, that would mean no one should then invade it?
    Or what exactly is the conspiracy that Putin has thought up to justify all the death?

    • Because evil Soviet Russian Empire expansionism and unbridled aggression. But only into one corner of one country. I mean, baby steps, am I right? “Putin man bad! Putin man bad!”.

  15. And in the meantime time we are limited to a two box purchase because of the emu shortage.
    None dare call it Conspiracy

    • ?
      Order online.
      I had a place in MD ship a few 500rd cases to my front door last week. 9mm Syntech for .40 per round. That included tax and shipping too. Purchased it off Gun Broker.

      • Order emu’s on line? The shipping cost must be pretty high. I have ordered chickens on line. With mixed results. Mostly bad.

    • Opossum, great book, Gary Allen had just about all of his facts right, though some of his conclusions may be a little squishy.

      The solution is to get money out of politics, and that damn citizens United decision moved as backwards by 100 years.

      Money is not speech and corporations are not people.

      Corporations should not be granted all the rights of a citizen, including the right to meddle in our public elections, unless corporations stand the risks of citizenship.

      • Well around here if cooperations needed citizenship they’d lose 7/8’s of the work force.

  16. Have you even looked at the rifles being distributed – All are AK-74 rifles that only eat 7.62x39mm ammo. Send all the NATO ammo you want perhaps they can drain out the powder and make pipe bombs!

  17. I’m still waiting to see if Afghanistan donates Amy of their vast stores of weapons and ammo.

  18. Biden announced the actual date of withdrawal. Nothing like announcing your time line to the enemy. Works every time. For the enemy.

    • “Biden announced the actual date of withdrawal. Nothing like announcing your time line to the enemy“

      No, Donald Trump negotiated with the terrorist Taliban and set the withdrawal timeline. Biden did extend the deadline by three months in order to give Americans more time to unass the AO.

      • If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.

        So how many times have I told this withdrawal/timetable lie in the comment section? And how many of you now believe it?

        Mr. Goebbels would like to know.

  19. I need ammo donated to me also. Ukraine really needs 7.62×39 and 5.45×39 ammo instead.
    I guess they have some 5.56×45 rifles around somewhere. Too bad Obama and Biden did not do anything for Ukraine in 2014, but they did send them blankets to help them out. What a laugh and joke. Germany can not field troops to protect themselves and are in dire straits or help protect NATO. Putin know it and is using this to his advantage. Next will be Moldova and Georgia. I guess that peace dividend has paid off for those NATO countries for the last 30 yrs of not supporting their military.

  20. Too bad they didn’t complete a credible weapon as a deterrent. Nobody seems to invade nuclear countries. These are useless after you’re invaded.
    It took Pakistan maybe 25 years and a mountain of treasure to build its first fission bomb. I don’t think Ukraine could have done that in less than 5 years or so, and without a demo test nobody believes you anyway.
    I haven’t checked but I am thinking if the existing reactors are breeders, Ukraine had signed up for monitoring. Anyone know?
    As for Chernobyl, i think the fuel is all that melted core blend of very low enrichment so would need years of enrichment. Anyone expert out there?

    • I went with a 5hp Briggs&Stratton and a bigger pulley. Got the spin cycle on the Maytag up to around 120,000 rpm’s now. Also switching to premium gas a and a new spark plug might help, it did for me.
      Not too familiar with uranium, my expertise is in

      • A 120k rpm centrifugulameter? But I thought the whole idea was to smash the tiny bits together, not fling em apart like hv monkey poo? Is it different with neutrino fission bombms?

    • Is that all you got?

      “Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Andriy Melnyk said that the country may opt to construct nuclear weapons to defend against Russia in case it is not accepted into Nato.

      The statement by the envoy follows ongoing military tensions with Russia and its ‘significant’ troop movement along Ukraine’s borders.

      Since the illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014, Russia is said to have made considerable military build-up in and around Ukraine.“

      So you are hanging your hat on a speculation by the ambassador?

      “the country may opt to construct nuclear weapons to defend against Russia“

      So you don’t have any actual evidence to support your claim, it’s just speculation.

      Lame agitprop.

  21. I just remembered when Cyprus suddenly got Russian air defense missiles and the Russian government didn’t even know. It turned out the Oligarchs had their money there and didn’t want the Turks threatening it. So I guess now that the Swiss screwed the Oligarchs, the Swiss better get nukes. Or join NATO.
    I loved seeing MBT in Swiss driveway and guys walking out of house with full auto rifles to go practice. But they couldn’t hold back Russia and they’re not part of nato.

  22. jwm, something sucks everywhere. Georgia isn’t bad. I could throw a rock and hit it from here. People are friendly, food is great, but it does get warm in the summer. One good thing is that I have a number of friends in Georgia. They all have a low threshold for bullshit. They will kill a bad guy before he can say, “Don’t do it!” Really. Besides, Casey bought 375 acres in Grady County on the Ochalochnee River recently. It’s ate up with turkeys. Guess where I’ll be in a few days. I have it on good authority that mature gobblers carry cheap Italian switchbades. They must be stopped. I’ve found a load of 3″ magnum #5 heavy shot to their head ends their aggressive behavior immediately. Of course, the best part is eight hours after that bird comes off the bottom rack of the smoker along with the pork shoulder that was dripping on it from the top rack to keep it basted. Sides and a bouborn. That’s grub.

  23. Very long time ago chatting to Israeli veterans of Yom Kippur war about M16 grit susceptibility. The takeaway I can remember was that if you fired over dusty grit dirt you would toothbrush the star bolt head. Also to not use mags taped with open end down. But nobody complained of actual battlefield inability to clear a stoppage.
    They did say the AK could better tolerate neglect. Those you tube videos of AK buried in dirt then firing support that.

  24. I once had a Bulgarian Tokarev pistol called I think a “super 90”.
    It had a proper locking barrel, was reliable, came with both 9mm and 7.63 barrels.
    But single stack.
    I’m surprised Russia botched a side arm refresh. They should have asked for help or bought license for something decent.

    • My 1954? Tula T33 has been 100%. Nice finish on it as well. Very solid pistol, nice n slim, horrible grip though. Smokin little round, that 7.62×25.

      • I still have my Vz52 and some old Czech ammo running very hot and with a weird shuttlecock shaped penetrator. It could bust big rocks like a rifle. Supposedly if you put the Czech 7.62×25 into a TT pistol you would damage it, and in a 7.63 Mauser pistol risk getting hurt.

  25. All of the ignorant fools thinking that it’s good that Ammo Inc. is supporting the Ukraine, you are literally on the side of the New World Order: Biden crime family, Clintons, Bushes, Cheneys, Soros, Schwab, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, FAUX News, etc. Ukraine is a corrupt shite-hole and money laundering nation for the Globalist elites. Piss on Ammo Inc. and all brainwashed virtue signaling morons.

  26. It’s really amazing that Joe Biden wants Americans to pay for the more expensive Russian oil. But he doesn’t want Americans to have inexpensive Russian ammunition. It’s amazing how the Democrats like to line the pockets of Putin and the Russian oligarchs.

    American ammo is now being sent to the Ukraine.

    “America currently imports something on the order of 600,000 barrels of Russian oil every day – an amount about 200,000 barrels shy of the number of barrels America would not have to import from Russia, had the Biden Thing not cancelled the Keystone Pipeline, among other things.”

  27. If so much as one round of this ammo falls into neo-nazi hands, what should be your fate?

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