New Jersey Freedom Rally (courtesy

“Whether it’s the streets of our New Jersey communities, a movie theater in Colorado, or an elementary school in Connecticut, enough is enough is enough,” said Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver (D., Essex). “No more talk. It’s time for action.” This immediately after more than 1000 pro-gun “Freedom Rally” demonstrators rallied in the cold and pouring rain, ahead of a blizzard, to protest the Garden State’s civilian disarmament plans. The action in question: legislators are going to rush through a package of 24 gun-control bills next week. [ED: 43 bills have been submitted, listed below courtesy] They plan on voting on the measures Feb. 21.

  • A3645– Requires ammunition sales and transfers be conducted as face‑to‑face transactions.
  • A3646– Establishes a regulatory system to govern the sale and transfer of ammunition.
  • A3653– Criminalizes purchasing or owning weapon if person has previous conviction of unlawful possession of weapon.
  • A3659– Revises definition of destructive device to include certain weapons of 50 caliber or greater.
  • A3664– Reduces lawful maximum capacity of certain ammunition magazines in New Jersey.
  • A3666– Prohibits mail order, Internet, telephone, and any other anonymous method of ammunition sale or transfer in New Jersey.
  • A3667– Requires mental health screening by licensed professional to purchase a firearm..
  • A3668– Prohibits investment by State of pension and annuity funds in companies manufacturing, importing, and selling assault firearms for civilian use.
  • A3676– Requires psychological evaluation and in‑home inspection as prerequisite to purchase firearm.
  • A3687– Disqualifies person named on federal Terrorist Watchlist from obtaining firearms identification card or permit to purchase handgun.
  • A3688– Requires mental health evaluation and list of household members with mental illness to purchase firearm.
  • A3689– Requires security guards who carry weapons to wear certain uniform, including identification card.
  • A3690– Declares violence a public health crisis, recommends expansion of mental health programs, recommends federal adoption of gun control measures, and establishes “Study Commission on Violence.”
  • A3704– Requires handgun ammunition to be encoded with serial number.
  • A3707– Establishes a ballistics identifier program for certain firearms.
  • A3717– Requires submission of certain mental health records to National Instant Criminal Background Check System.
  • A3727– Imposes additional five percent tax on sale of firearms and ammunition to fund safety infrastructure improvements in public buildings.
  • A3748 – Requires background check for private gun sales.
  • A3750 – Establishes regulatory and reporting program for all ammunition sales.
  • A3752 – Requires firearms to be unloaded and securely locked or stored within home.
  • A3753 – Increases references required for application for handgun permit and firearms identification card from two to five.
  • A3754 – Requires firearms seizure when mental health professional determines patient poses threat of harm to self or others.
  • A3772 – Requires that firearms purchaser identification cards display picture; mandates that firearms purchaser identification cards be renewed every five years.
  • A3773 – Increases firearms purchaser identification card and permit to purchase a handgun fee.
  • ACR176 – Memorializes Congress and the President of the United States to enact legislation enforcing stricter firearms control measures.
  • AR143 – Expresses support for Attorney General’s gun buyback program.
  • AR133– Expresses support for creation of task force on gun control led by Vice President Biden.
  • S2430– Declares violence a public health crisis, recommends expansion of mental health programs, recommends federal adoption of gun control measures, and establishes “Study Commission on Violence.”
  • S2456– Criminalizes purchase or possession of firearms ammunition by persons convicted of certain crimes.
  • S2464– Regulates sale and transfer of rifle and shotgun ammunition.
  • S2465– Prohibits mail order, Internet, telephone, and any other anonymous method of ammunition sale or transfer in New Jersey.
  • S2467– Prohibits State administered pension fund investment in manufacturers of firearms prohibited in New Jersey.
  • S2471– Prohibits investment by State of pension and annuity funds in companies manufacturing, importing, and selling assault firearms for civilian use.
  • S2474– Establishes a regulatory system to govern the sale and transfer of ammunition.
  • S2475– Reduces maximum capacity of ammunition magazines to 10 rounds.
  • S2476– Requires ammunition sales and transfers be conducted as face‑to‑face transactions.
  • S2485– Disqualifies person named on federal Terrorist Watchlist from obtaining firearms identification card or permit to purchase handgun.
  • S2497– Reduces lawful maximum capacity of certain ammunition magazines in New Jersey.
  • S2523 – Establishes a regulatory program for rifle and shotgun ammunition sales.
  • S2525 – Establishes regulatory and reporting program for all ammunition sales.
  • SCR136– Urges President and Congress of United States to enact assault weapons ban including prohibition against large capacity ammunition feeding devices.
  • SR96 -Urges President and Congress to reauthorize assault weapons ban.
  • SR92 -Urges Congress to strengthen gun control


  1. Lots of repetition in here. Obviously this is intentional–if the first bill fails, the second that does the same thing is right there waiting.

  2. So when are you all moving ?

    Just don’t come south to Maryland – we have or will have it just as bad.

    • I’m graduating college and getting the hell out of here, I’m treated like a damn second class citizen.

  3. I already live in Philadelphia and I was thinking on moving back to NJ to be closer to friends and family…ugh..

  4. Also requires a photo of you pledging to support herr obama with your swastika & nazi salute? I thought so, Randy

  5. Finally, responsive NJ politicians are going to make the state safe again for mafia loan-sharks and union goons with baseball bats. It’s about time!

  6. Ah, fragrant New Jersey, the Garbage State, living down to its name.

    I just love it when an elected representative like Sheila Oliver says “no more talk.” Because talk is so, y’know, democratic, and who really needs that pesky First Amendment. Or the Second, Fourth and Fifth. Someone should remind little Sheila that if people aren’t allowed to talk, they just might shoot instead.

    • Hey! I’ll have you know that we only have several awful crime ridden death zones here! I mean East Orange isn’t that bad, neither is Newark, or Trenton, or Atlantic city, or Seaside Heights….And I mean it s
      Doesn’t smell that bad….except for the insanely polluted parts…or the almost entirely de forested state…

  7. WTF!! Are the states trying to see who can get to a civil war, or Tyranny the fastest here???

    • Well, seeing as I can come up with a list of free states( like Arizona) refusing federal orders and slave states(like the Garbage StateI inhabit) that operas their citizens to no end, I’d say yes. They do want to create tyrannies and civil war.

  8. If Republicans had any balls whatsoever, they’d attach amendments disarming the government to each and every one of these bills.

    After what we’ve seen in California this week, clearly we cannot trust the police with guns.

  9. I just have to laugh at the notion of “anonymous” ammo purchasing via the internet. I’ve bought a LOT of ammo over the internet. But, gosh-darn-it… I have to PAY for it (with a credit card) AND give them my address (so I can actually receive said ammo). If someone can figure out how to do that ANONYMOUSLY, I’d LOVE to hear it! LOL!


    PS… serial numbers on ammo??? LOL!

    • Not only that, but every time you buy ammo to be shipped to NJ the retailer will ask for a copy of your Firearms ID. So how’s that anonymous? There’s really no reason to stay in this state.

    • You and everyone else knows it has nothing to do with crime or people dieing. It puts online companies out of business first, then they will attack the local dealers. All using commerce laws to do it.

      • What local dealers? I can only count a handfull of ranges in the entire state and there are only 2 stores left anywhere near me. There were 3 but that one closed.

    • It demonstrates that those proposing the laws are abjectly ignorant about that which they want to regulate.

      Furthermore, they display a profound level of irrationality when they suggest that mail / internet purchases are “anonymous.”

      They’ve truly lost their minds (presuming they had a mind in the first place).

        • I’m afraid you’re right. It’s the sheeple who actually BUY this crap spewed by the politicos. I’ve actually had debates with people on the “anonymous” purchasing of ammo online. When I explain that while buying it face-t0-face at the local store with CASH is actually anonymous, it’s IMPOSSIBLE for it to be anonymous online (credit card, billing and delivery addresses, etc.)…. they stare blankly and say, “Yeah, but….”

          IDIOTS! (And, the politicians know it.)

    • I guess police in NJ don’t need ammo any more. And they couldnt buy it in NY or PA since they have NJ ID. Yep, pretty soon, they will be like barney fife with one bullet . . . .

      • I can only hope that both ammo and gun manufacturers will follow LaRue and apply the laws that limit civilians to law enforcement and other officials. Maybe then the politicians will realize how stupid and irresponsible their proposed restrictions are. But, I’m not holding my breath.

        • I have been emailing my favorite firearms manufacturers asking them to follow suit with LaRue. No idea if they will but I figured it couldn’t hurt to express a customer’s (and shareholder’s in S&Ws case) point of view on the matter. I would suggest others do the same and maybe this thing can gain some traction.

    • I’d stop ALL sales to Jersey then tell the chucklehead politicians if they want their cops and bodyguards to have ammo they can build their own ammo plant.

    • The effect of this law is to require all ammunition manufacturers to adopt–at who knows how many millions of dollars–a technology offered by a single vendor– in order to ship ammo to NJ. Since the law requires the disposal of all nonstamped ammo within one year, and criminalizes possession of such thereafter, it presumably outlaws handloading. How many nore millions to develop the computer suystems and software for the tracking of all these rounds? And a new number for every 20 or 50 rounds? This cannot possibly be cost effective–rather it is a bullet ban.

      • Shhhhh…those of us spreading the truth will fail the mental health background checks to keep our firearms.

      • I highly doubt ammo manufacturers would actually implement bullshit like that. Much easier to tell Jersey to FOAD if they want to require something ridiculous like that. I’m sure the cops would be exempt which is a de facto ban for civilians but hopefully the ammo companies adopt a Barrett/LaRue stance.

  10. TL/DR: Buy up rifle scopes people!! Do it now!! Stop reading here and do it!!

    And here I was, thinking that my copy of Mathew Bracken’s books would stay in the “fiction” section of my home library…

    He’s the author of the “Enemies Foreign and Domestic” trilogy. A really good series, in my opinion.

    He got a couple of things wrong (in the first book at least, started the second) though: Its almost entirely the federal government, he never really even touches on the state governments infringing on our second amendment. He also said that in his novel he was debating whether to have a (false flag operation) shooting at either a school, or at a stadium, in order to kick off a bunch of gun control efforts by the state.

    He apparently went with a shooting at a stadium because a shooting at a school was “too unbelievable”.


    He also never thought that any government would tell people how many rounds to put into their magazines, á la NYS.

    My recommendation for people reading this:


    In his book the state eventually goes after rifle scopes. Redefining the once-sacred-cow of “hunting rifles” to the deadly, and scary-looking “sniper rifle”.

    Max out your credit cards buying scopes up on, and any other place you can get them!! All of you who are kicking yourselves in the groin now because you should’ve bought up magazines before now, don’t F*&%$ing Wait!

    Buy up scopes.
    Buy cheap ones.
    Buy expensive ones.
    Buy long ones.
    Buy short ones.
    Buy electronic ones.
    Buy up all the scopes you can!!!

    Buy red-dot sights too while your at it!!

    Consider it an investment for the day when those two are bought up because people are scared they’re “sniper rifles” will be banned.

  11. Not about the “gun”…

    It’s about CONTROL!

    (How many times have I said that on these blogs??)

  12. These bills are a disaster. Will Governor Christie have the guts to oppose them? If he doesn’t, say goodbye to any national aspirations he might have.

    As a New Yorker, I’m horrified to see the kind of stupid madness that infected our state government spread to others. This is the lesson of giving liberals the majority.

    • Please, Christie will be the darling of the Progressives. An “enlightened” former Republican who saw the Obama light after Hurricane Sandy now running for President in 2016 as a Democrat. Book it.

  13. A3653- Criminalizes purchasing or owning weapon if person has previous conviction of unlawful possession of weapon.

    Thought that was illegal already.

  14. ■ACR176 – Memorializes Congress and the President of the United States to enact legislation enforcing stricter firearms control measures.
    I can go along with part of this. Dontcha have to be dead to be memorialized?

  15. This is precisely why I left NJ. Frig you NJ, fall off into the ocean already! My brothers in the 2nd amendment from NJ- move west!

  16. Everyone knows that the best way to make this all stop cold and dead right now is for us all to shoot the dark kingpin who is the figurehead of this communist pre-invasion siege of America, and we all know the dark kingpin has a big “O” on it.

    • Dear FED Up,

      Take a deep breath and Chillax. Two wrongs do not make a right. I’ll assume you are just venting.

      Putting the moral aspects aside, how would your recommendation do anything other than make things worse, if someone actually thought this was a good solution and followed through? This would just give Biden more ammunition (pun intended) to accomplish putting the most Draconian gun restrictions in place.

      Next time you feed the urge to write something like this that is so wrong, please write it down without posting it and give 24 hours before you look at it again. Hopefully a clearer head will prevail.

    • You can own and use hollow points in Florida. You don’t have to get letters of reference or a permit to buy a gun. We are a SHALL ISSUE CCW state. You can also own standard capacity magazines and EBRs. And no state income tax! Oh… no winter weather, either!

  17. This state sucks! I have to figure out how to get out of here and move to a free state. Did you all know that nj taxes people who move out of nj. Wtf!

  18. Remove online ammo sales in the state and force people to pay sales tax on it. Doesn’t sound like a solution to the disease, sounds like a convenient way to quick revenue in a failing economy.

  19. I moved from NJ to NC 2 1/2 years ago. Best. Move. Ever.
    I hated NJ with a passion then and didn’t think it couldn’t get any worse. Once again, NJ has proven me wrong.

  20. ■A3666- Prohibits mail order, Internet, telephone, and any other anonymous method of ammunition sale or transfer in New Jersey.

    OK, so since I have to give my credit card info, it’s not anonymous, so online or phone order is OK, right?

  21. This is beyond a doubt the stupidest thing I have ever heard. The crooks and killers are licking there lips and getting ready to move to your state. Where else can they find this easy picking. They are not going to worry about gun laws and registration. If your capital was raided by brain eating zombies they would all starve to death.

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