Home » Blogs » AMNY: It Turns Out ‘Ghost Guns’ Are Traceable After All

AMNY: It Turns Out ‘Ghost Guns’ Are Traceable After All

John Boch - comments No comments

Leave it to the little media outlets to publish the truth that corporate media organizations would prefer to avoid. In this case, AMNY, a tiny publication, did some actual journalism about so-called guns without serial numbers – termed “ghost guns” by those who want to ban Americans from making guns at home.

In the AMNY report, the New York Police Department admitted that guns without serials numbers are still traceable.

Indeed, just like traditional serialized guns made by gun manufacturers, firearms without serial numbers still leave plenty of trace evidence. They aren’t quite the untraceable unicorns that the mainstream media’s predominate narrative would have everyday Americans believe.

Keep in mind that gun control advocates and the media — who know less about firearms than they do about particle physics — frequently conflate guns with obliterated serial numbers with unserialized homemade firearms. Police departments sometimes do the same. They’re only too happy to overstate the number of “ghost guns” used in crimes to generate alarming headlines and stoke fear among the uninformed.

From AMNY . . .

Inside a Jamaica, Queens police crime lab, members of the NYPD are working tirelessly to track those responsible — armed with “ghost guns” and other firearms — for unleashing a hailstorm of bullets into New York communities.

According to the NYPD, this past weekend alone saw 24 shootings that occurred from March 18 to March 20, resulting in 29 individuals shot. The lab’s efforts are crucial in not only solving those crimes, but helping police get “ghost guns” — illegal, untraceable weapons made of plastic, modeled after authentic firearms and just as deadly as the real things — off the streets.

Behind both microscopes and confiscated firearms, leading experts talked amNewYork Metro through how they bust the ghosts. In the first part of our series on illegal ghost guns, amNewYork Metro spoke with Inspector Courtney Nilan regarding the NYPD’s methods of busting homemade firearm dealers… 

“With ghost guns, the untraceable firearm is the moniker, but they are still guns and we are able to do forms of testing to compare them to fired evidence from scenes or from homicides, assaults. So, we can still track them in our way even though they are personally manufactured, and they aren’t traceable for sale or transfer,” Strong explained…

With technological advances allowing criminals to 3D print firearms in their own homes, it would be easy to believe that the NYPD are currently wading into uncharted territory. However, Strong explained that the police department has been dealing with those who have been constructing their own firearms for decades. While they are not as nearly as complex as ghost guns, they have been a thorn in their side.

Americans have been making their own firearms for literally hundreds of years. Since before our nation’s founding. Yet suddenly, those who would seek to stop the practice pretend that the fact someone can build their own gun at home over the course of a day’s work is somehow the cause of the surge in violent crime across America.

We don’t limit the First Amendment just because the Founders didn’t have high-speed printing presses, television, or the Internet. Yet because with modern tools and technology it now takes hours, not weeks to build a quality firearm these would-be tyrants believe we need to further restrict the Second Amendment for the law abiding while criminals continue to commit crimes.  Makes complete sense, right?

Heaven knows, most of those politicians who want more gun control legislation aimed at guns without serial numbers are the same politician who refuse to hold violent criminals accountable.  These are the same politicians who like to spin gang violence as “gun violence.”

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