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One of the most notably absent topics of this year’s election fracas has been any discussion on firearms. Then enter Kamala Harris.

The moderators in the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden didn’t ask a single question touching on the divisive topic, nor did either candidate bring it up. Observers noted during the Republican National Convention that the party platform in other than a passing reference didn’t even mention guns. None of the speeches delivered during the four-day event did either short of vice-presidential nominee J.D. Vance talking about how his grandmother once had 19 firearms hidden around her house, a humorous story likely meant to convey to the audience, “we love guns” without actually coming out and saying “we love guns.” But in her first speech as the presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee following Joe Biden’s endorsement of her after he exited the race, Harris was quick to trot the topic into the spotlight. And gunowners got a few of what they already knew, Harris is going to be no friend to the Second Amendment.

“That’s why we will work to pass universal background checks, Red Flag laws and an assault weapons ban,” Harris told staffers at campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware, and streamed on YouTube. Her statements support a continuation of the current administration’s efforts at combatting gun violence by restricting overall gun ownership and a continuation of her own views that she expressed in the 2020 campaign when she was seeking to defeat Biden for the party nomination.

“Upon being elected, I will give the United States Congress a hundred days to get their act together and have the courage to pass reasonable gun safety laws,” Harris told the audience during a 2019 CNN town hall. “If they fail to do it, then I will take executive action.”

As Vice President, Harris oversaw the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention and played a significant role in several gun reform initiatives. These include a rule to reduce the number of guns sold without background checks, restrictions on gun exports, enhanced background checks for young buyers and the launch of a national center to support extreme risk protection order laws, as reported by The Trace.

Harris has a history of advocating for stringent gun control measures, often positioning herself even further to the left of Biden. During the 2020 primary, when she proposed using executive action to enforce stricter gun laws if Congress failed to act she declared her actions would include universal background checks, revoking licenses of gun manufacturers who break the law (based loosely on her interpretation of negligence and unfair trade practices), closing the “boyfriend” loophole to prevent domestic abusers from purchasing firearms and banning the “import” of AR-15-style assault weapons despite most companies making them in the U.S.

This approach contrasts sharply with the current Republican strategy, The Reload reports. As noted, Republicans recently dropped all previous gun policy promises from their platform and avoided discussing gun policy or the Second Amendment during the Republican National Convention. The truth is, that was probably a good thing gun rights wasn’t receiving attention, because it meant they weren’t being attacked either. Live and let live.

But now Harris’s statements in her opening speech serve as a shot across the bow and undoubtedly places a greater emphasis on gun rights and the gun debate as the election approaches. This will force the Republicans to formally take a stance as well, a stance most gun owners hope is already there and that Trump himself committed to during his speech at this year’s NRA Annual Meetings in May.

While Harris as the nominee is far from a done deal, in the days immediately following Biden’s bowing out of the race, no other challengers have stepped forward though a number were suggested prior to Biden’s exit. The problem the Democratic Party has should they veer away from Harris is one of severe optics. To give the nomination to a man or a white person could alienate those progressives within the party, as well as their supporters, who are eager to see a woman, especially a woman of color in a high position. It would also confirm what many people both inside and outside the party suspect, Harris was chosen as Biden’s VP not for her leadership credentials, but because of the woke boxes she checked off in an election that was going to go down to the wire. She was indeed the weakest candidate among a crowded field vying for the 2020 party candidacy was among the early ones to drop out, suspending her race before the primaries even began.

One thing remains true. Whether it is Harris or any other candidate who ultimately faces off against Donald Trump in November, to be the Democratic nominee, they are going to have to support gun control, which still leaves only one choice for gun owners come election time—and that choice is Donald Trump and the Republican Party.

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  1. There’s going to be another panic induced spike on guns and ammo that may already have begun. If you ain’t stocked up now, I suggest you get to stockin’ now.

    • Well I’ve decided to keep what I already have. Save my verboten rifle & magazine’s across the state line which I have ez access to I did prepare. I even have 1000 Russian 22 hollowpoint’s unopened from an estate sale. Now to get a 22😀 Trump/Vance 2024!

  2. Harris is a hopeless candidate. And they know it. They had to pull all the strings just to get her name into the candidate talks.
    So what really worries me isn’t their bad candidate, but why they are bringing a bad candidate? Do they want to have even more safer and securer mail-in ballots at 3am and win that way? Do they plan on something so horrible that they actually want Trump to win and catch all the heat when things really go south?

    • Optimistically they want to keep several hundred million in donations to the Biden/Harris campaign that they would have to refund if neither runs and regroup for next cycle. Planning for reality double check those voter rolls for dead people.

      • I watched a couple of political commentators discuss the possibility the way it went down may violate federal election laws. It has something to do with her not appearing or winning any presidential primary. Not that rules or laws mean anything to the dims.

        • “It has something to do with her not appearing or winning any presidential primary“

          Hilarious coping strategy, just so entertaining, thank you!

          Having checked the constitution, I find no requirement for running or winning a presidential primary in order to qualify for the position of vice president.

    • Good Lord, the illiterate conservatives never cease to bring a laugh, thank you!

      “You don’t qualify
      Your a disgrace”

      I think maybe I would take the YouTube poster seriously if he could actually spell the English as she is written…

      I understand English as a second language can be difficult.

  3. Outstanding. I very happy when a libertarian, liberal, or a leftist is honest with me. Instead of hiding what they really think.

  4. From this article, “While Harris as the nominee is far from a done deal …”

    Bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!!! If you spent an hour watching good news sources, you would see that 98% of prominent Democrat politicians and supporters have been gushing over Kamala Harris telling us how wonderful and fantastic she is and how she will lead our nation into our bold new world. She is a done deal and the Democrat Party’s candidate. Plan accordingly.

    The only question at this point is how Democrats are going to source just enough votes in a few key precincts to ensure that Kamala edges over the finish line ahead of Trump.

    Note that Democrats do not need to implement wide scale voter fraud with millions of bogus votes to win. They only need to manufacture a few thousand bogus votes in a few precincts in two or three battleground states to put Kamala over the top.


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