Joe Biden
(AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
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So, when Democrats and Republicans alike all called for a softening to the hate and vitriol used in the run up to the current election following the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, we wondered how long it might be before it was again politics as usual. Looks like for Joe Biden, who just days before the assassination attempt, urged his fellow Dems that “it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye,” it took less than three days.

Biden backtracked from his statements about Trump prior to the shooting in an NBC News interview, saying it wasn’t what he meant and admitting it was a poor choice of words, and while he hasn’t gone after the Donald directly just yet, he has turned his message back toward another favorite scapegoat to his policies…AR-style rifles.

The Guardian reported the following on Tuesday:

Biden says ‘time to outlaw’ AR-15 rifle used in Trump assassination attempt

Joe Biden is commenting at length about the toll gun violence takes on American communities, and singled out the impact of assault weapons such as the AR-15.

“An AR-15 was used in the shooting of Donald Trump. This was the assault weapon that killed so many others, including children. It’s time to outlaw them,” Biden said.

In what was likely a reference to his involvement in passing the 1994 assault weapons ban, which expired 10 years later, Biden said: “I did it once, and I will do it again.”

Never mind that the attempt on a politician from any lofty perch at a distance would arguably best be achieved with a bolt-action rifle in a heavier caliber, Biden is only too eager to go after the 5.56-caliber rifle because it looks like a “weapon of war.” Historical note for Biden and other fools as shortsighted as him, at one time, single-shot, front-loading muskets were “weapons of war.” They were weapons that actually helped free the colonies from British rule and give birth to this great nation, just as the AR is the one that helps keep our country free today.

Had the Secret Service, under his presidency, did a better job, the story on the assassination attempt would have been but a blip on the Sunday news show circuit and forgotten about by Monday. Hard to blame a gun for that.

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    • Vinny,

      The Carcano M91 rifle is a bolt-action rifle. That being the case, it doesn’t look as scary as an AR-15 rifle plus AR-15 detractors can correctly claim that AR-15 rifles are able to achieve much higher rates of fire which makes them “far more dangerous”. Furthermore, lots of people (especially “Fudds”) would likely get politically active if our federal government or a state government tried to ban bolt-action rifles.

      Due to the above, governments will not seek bolt-action rifle (a.k.a. grandpa’s deer rifle) bans in the short term. Instead, they will attempt to ban semi-automatic rifles (especially rifles which look “scary” or look like “weapons of war”) because there is less public support for them. That is why we need to be on our toes and ready to push back against any discussions or legislation to ban semi-automatic rifles.

      • I know semi-autos are low hanging fruit but the Carcano has a place in history (as far as what has been written about a motorcade in Houston on Nov. 22 1963) but never a call to ban,,, yet.

        • My shootin’ buddy has a Carcano. AR-15=Assault Rifle, Hunting Rifle=Sniper Rifle, Shotgun=Riot Gun…All concocted labels used to advance Gun Control. Gun Control=An agenda History Confirms is Rooted in Racism and Genocide.

  1. Had the Secret Service, under his presidency, did a better job, the story on the assassination attempt would have been but a blip on the Sunday news show circuit …”

    I have been focused on the security failure at the Trump rally–thinking that it was intentional to assure a successful assassination (and thus absolutely ensure that Trump does not win the election). I totally missed the fact that a successful assassination, where the killer used an AR-15 rifle, could be a compelling enough picture to move an AR-15 rifle ban over the finish line.

    In other words, had the would-be assassin succeeded with an AR-15 rifle, Democrats would get a “two-for”–ensuring that Biden wins the election AND achieving an AR-15 rifle ban.

    The events of this past week illustrate exactly how far Democrats are willing to go to increase their power, wealth, and control.

    • Don’t forget that the shooter wore a t-shirt from Demolition Ranch, the most popular YouTube gun channel. They demonized YouTube gun channels, just as YT started to implement even stricter anti-gun rules.

      Obviously, Matt C. and the rest of the GunTubers had nothing to do with this punk shooter, but it’s one more excuse for big tech to shutdown another avenue of education and entertainment for those of us that support the 2A.

  2. joey just because hunter cannot possess an AR-15 doesn’t mean no one else can…sit down and eat your ice cream.

    TRUMP/VANCE 2024.

    • Does anyone think the Deepstate© had a hand in the Incel shooting my president & murdering/maiming other’s? Wherever my Armalite pattern gat is it ain’t going away🙄

  3. Joe Biden says (if he could speak intelligently) “look at my opponent, that bullet hit his ear and the AR15 blew his lungs clean out.”

    • The guy was trying to protect Trump from that Kevlar Vest wearing deer Biden sent to kill him, and missed the deer.

  4. If he hit his mark we’d have:
    -ban the guns
    -further restrict social media/chat rooms/forums
    -invade Iran for the act (they apparently had a plot so the MSM says)
    -back Israel
    -get the Houthis
    -amass our war machine on Russias border
    -wartime economic rebalancing to resolve the inflation and debt
    -Bidens a tough guy, non-partisan hero for getting revenge

    More war, less liberty, more financial flim-flaming. It would have been perfect for the globalist/Davos crowd. Still could be. Keep your eyes open.

    • Not so sure that the Biden Administration wouldn’t have suspended the constitution, suspended the election and declared Marshall law and we would be in a hot Civil War right now.


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