Jessica Y. writes:
I currently reside in Southern California due to my husband’s duty station. I have a sticker on my car of a pink revolver. I was loading my trunk after a shopping trip at Target when a large, professionally dressed man approached me. He poked fun at my “gun sticker and Mississippi license tag” telling me guns are only “killing machines” and should not be owned by anyone. I proceeded to simply say . . .
“Well, sir, it’s my right as an American,” and continued loading my trunk. I guess that made him mad because he started yelling at me, telling me how horrible a person I am and calling me everything under the sun. I promptly pushed the shopping cart my infant son was in behind me and put my hand on the knife in my purse.
You see, I’ve always been extremely pro gun, but I’ve never been in a situation where I actually feared for my own safety and wished I had one with me (I know proper gun safety and wouldn’t have pulled it unless completely necessary). Until then.
I’m a petite gal. If this guy would have lunged at me (who knows what kinda weapon he was legally or illegally carrying) I’m not confident I could have protected myself against a 250+ lb. man with my folding knife. This made me realize just how terrifying this gun control stuff is.
It’s scary living in a state where I feel I can not even properly protect myself and my family.
“Julie Moore instructed her son to shoot ‘anyone who breaks in to their home'”
Sounds like good instructions to me.
Under Cal. Gov’t Code § 12940(a), you can discriminate against a monopod but not against a bipod. And don’t even ask about tripods.
Thanks for sharing your story, Jessica. The cretin you interacted with in the parking lot will never be swayed with facts and logic. “Guns are bad” is all he’ll ever know. I credit you with stating your constitutional right but would advise you to be careful in the future when dealing with strange men in parking lots. As you mentioned, your chances of fending off such a large individual are not good, plus you had your child with you. Best wishes from Ohio to you and your family.
This is why I don’t have anything that visibly identifies me as a gun owner and gun right supporter. It’s often a habit of the little shouters to become intimidating or start damaging your property (keying you car for example) because you are “horrible” for not agreeing with them.
Hooray for big cities I guess.
Just got mine back from the Kimber factory yesterday. They simply installed a new sear and said nothing about addressing the real problem which is where the sear spring rests. I gave them a very detailed description of the problem and shipped that letter with the gun. I’m very disappointed that they choose to ignore such a fatal flaw. I’m going to try a phone call to see if I can find out why they won’t deal with this issue. I’m not counting on a satisfactory result. This almost great little pistol will probably work great…with the always nagging thought of when will the sear spring slip off and render the weapon useless? Guess it’s back to my Glock 19.
So the big bully thinks guns are bad but aggression toward a woman and her child is acceptable. It’s scary to think that deranged people like that can vote and sit on a jury.
He’s right about one thing, though: He should never own a gun.
Mr. Groceries is probably just yet another man who deeply resents the limitations women-with-guns have begun to place on his ability to tout PC politics as he slaps his woman around. Hollywood/Burbank is full of such guys. They lure their lovelies with PC talk, then blame their subsequent behavior on drugs, alcohol (a drug), and other locally-acceptable excuses. So much for CA primate behavior study.
Which duty station, where is your residence? If it’s Edwards Air Base and you live in Kern County or can move there, Kern usually issues CCW permits…. San Bernadino is known to as well….
San Bernardino is the burgh from which I escaped. I shudder at the memory.
AC 135 was a tyop. I mean a tpyo. Aw, hell, you know what I mnea.
Talk about a guy with size issues.
So, guns are bad and people who own guns are dangerous. Yet, gun owners are constantly insulted, legislated against, and provoked without retaliation.
Doesn’t that kind of disprove their “theory”?
I think people like this should be answered with “I’m not going to argue religion with a religious zealot”. This emphasizes their opinion is based on belief rather than on fact.
Vote with your feet, Kenn and send the Governor of Maryland along with your state representatives a letter telling them why you are leaving.
If he truly believes that guns are only ‘killing machines’ that nobody should own, I have to wonder what he thinks about cops. After all they have guns. And some of them (SWAT) get to run around with machineguns kicking in doors on no-knock raids. And they don’t get in trouble when they raid the wrong house. Or kill the family dog.
Thank you for your calling, your service, your work, your words, and your continued work in bringing logic to an illogical situation.
May we as a group be as strong as our strongest individuals.
As a gun owner in a blue state, I applaud your efforts. The sad thing is that the state could care less about your personal safety, and will do everything within its power to hold itself harmless were you to be injured or killed after the denial of your CCW.
They never hear the shot. It is just lights out.
Please share that story with your Legislators. Maybe, just maybe, a light-bulb will turn on in their normally empty heads.
all i wanna know is where to find a set!
“Good and substantial”. To exercise a right? Should Good and substantial be used on any other rights? Watch the riots then.
Totally unrelated, but I wanted to get out the word:
Looks like the Robo Call I just received from Mayors Against Illegal Guns is to coincide with the following “Day of Action” 3/28/13. They are trying to get out the word to have people call their congress person. We need to make sure we are countering these voices.The following link outlines the latest push by Mayors Against Our Rights:
I prefer to give my money to people and businesses who will not use it against me and my beliefs. Hollywood does not meet the standard. I’m sure a lot of you will poo poo such a stand. Fine, you are free to live your own life. However, money and power is the only thing leftist understand or care about, and I will not give them either if I can keep from it.
Giffords attempted gun purchase. I would like to know if he was going to donate the gun to the police department, if he was going to fill out the proper gun transfer papers, that the law requires. Good job Douglas.
u can’t fix stupid, man. NOBODY, at the sub 10 ft ranges likely in home defense, is anything LIKE as fast for moving the gun around, with ANY longarm, as can easily be done with a handgun. You are KIDDING yourself if you “think” that you are going to have a longarm ready, in many cases. Just because you have had it in the past is no guarantee whatsoever. things can “jump off” so quickly, so unexpectedly, so SNEAKILY, that you wont be able to do diddly squat, most likely. Unless you train a LOT, at karate and superfast ccw draw.
I am 63 years old and have never owned a gun but as I am a born and raised american citizen and proud of it I now feel I need to arm myself because of the Obama tryanie. America is being trampled on everyday from this president and his administration and he needs to be removed.
If you are going to have to live “behind the lines” in So Cal, it would probably be a good idea to keep a lower profile. Your pro-gun bumper sticker that would be completely commonplace back Mississippi will attract too much unwanted attention. Also, register the car in California and change those plates.
What about just stashing spare mags? This has recently crossed my mind.
Home carry. The only stash I ever had in my home was when I was in college. Hey, it was the sixties.
No, your inner safety Nazi is not rearing its ugly head again. The World needs one less person bumping into a loaded gun that’s “hidden”. Period. I home carry because I will not allow my kid to get my gun, or one of their little buddies find my gun. It is always on me because it is always safest there.
I home carry. That’s as far as I’ll take this discussion with strangers.
That’s pretty poor accuracy for a 20 feet target. He needs to practice the fundamentals. His handgun stance is terrible.
Everyones situation is different. No one in my home but me and the wife and a very large dog. I stash.
It amazing where you can hide pistols with super powerful rare earth magnets. Lets just say my vehicles are armed but the pistols arent inside the vehicle. That being said always disarm your vehicle before you bring it in for any servicing and also wrap it in a ziplock bag with grease. Magnets… rocks!
Enjoyed this film tremendously. Not sure why they had suicide sappers blow the WH fence – they could have had the municipal garbage trucks with hidden .50 cals just drive thru. I like the screen cap, since it shows one of the more ridiculous scenes – why were these men streaming out of the building en masse, not attempting to use any sort of cover or real tactics?
Hmmm…. Never quite made that grammatical connexion.
About the only other class word would be blunt trauma.
Point well taken.
Actually, you can’t. According to the NYC Penal Code, if you are faced with a threat by another person(example: you are in a room[on the third floor, btw] where someone with a gun has just broken through your door. There is a window on the other side of the room), you are REQUIRED BY LAW to retreat through that window rather than trying to defend yourself!
Also, if the bad guy attacks you with a bowie knife, you are not legally allowed to shoot him. NY Penal Code says that is “escalation of force”, and makes YOU a criminal(again).
Remember, also, that even if the DA decides not to prosecute you for assault(or murder) there’s a good possibility that the family/friends of your “victim” could sue you in civil court, and take you for everything you have(or more).
I was taught this in the NYC Police Academy, where I was trained to be a civilian PD clerk.
although you gotta admit, there were some dimwitted Jews that wanted to go back to captivity rather than continue to the promised land.
I got to hand it to the Jews they were light years ahead of everyone else in how they depicted their own history. The TANAK (Old Testament) is not very flattering to them. They messed up at almost every turn and when they were about to enter the promised land God tells Moses that they will go against His Law.
If the Bible and history tell me anything about armanent & fighting its that the weapons are secondary to the will to fight. Saul’s army was a real army but would not take out an almost assuredly numerically inferior yet technologically superior opponent. Then a shepherd boy shows up w/ a sling and shames an army of grown men including the king himself.
“You come to me with a sword, a spear, and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel”
Rather a broke open shotgun w/ some chutzpah than state full of AR’s without it.
Stashing guns around your home depends on multiple factors. To boil it down, if you have a mansion with multiple floors and multiple wings, then I would recommend stashing long guns on each floor of each wing. If you have a smaller home, one long gun centrally located is enough. If you have something in between, I would recommend something in between.
If you keep your doors locked, you should know about a home invasion with enough time to get to your long gun wherever it may be. And if you carry a handgun on your hip in your home, you should always be able to buy enough time to get to your stashed long gun.
As for safe storage, that depends on each situation. If there is effectively zero chance of ever having guests that would be irresponsible, then leave them locked and loaded. If infants and toddlers are the only possible visitors, a long gun with a full magazine and nothing in the chamber is safe. (Infants and toddlers cannot cycle the action of long guns.) If you have guests or family members who are capable of cycling the action of long guns or who might harm someone with your long guns (whether accidentally or intentionally), then keep a trigger lock on them and keep the keys on yourself at all times.
He surely needed an ambulamp! HA, HA
“I don’t get why Hollywood has such a boner for a Third World country led by a chubby boy who looks like one of the Cosby Kids.”
When you watch these movies, you need to mentally substitute North Korea for China.
The Red Dawn remake was originally supposed to feature the Chinese as the invaders, but it was decided that might be too provacative and would put a damper in ticket sales in China. China has become a major movie for Hollywood movies, and if the Communist Party censors your movie that leaves a lot of money on the table.
I don’t doubt that the original concept for Olympus Has Fallen involved the Chinese as well, but was changed for purposes of political correctness. The world and Americans in particular are becoming somewhat uneasy with the rapid rise of China. Especially since we’ve enjoyed a period of relative peace and prosperity with America as the world’s sole superpower, since the fall of the Soviet Union.
Movies and popular culture are, of course, reflecting that anxiety. Except the above-reasons mean we can’t actually say that we’re talking about the Chinese. Fortunately just over the Chinese border on the Korean peninsula there exists an Asian country with a maniacal leader who wishes they could destroy the United States, that serves as a far more acceptable “enemy’ for movie purposes.
The modern “Pillar of fire”:
Little Jimmy Crackpot…….
Remember to get the standard “I was in fear for my life” on the record.
I’ll watch out for commie-mutant-traitors, and keep my blaster handy!
Now where did I put that cone-rifle…?
Let me say this, on behalf of 2nd Amendment supporting Americans to Biden and any other people who want to infringe on our natural right to self defense: This is just the beginning.
As a side note, “Hambulance” may just be the best name for a work vehicle in… ever.
They just made Kyle an even bigger star.
Well, if this keeps up,
If this hits NYC and the area around LA, innocent citizens may get shot LESS! and maybe there will be less no warrant home invasions by the local SWAT, resulting in fewer homes being misidentified and fewer innocent citizens being flash banged and/or SHOT.
You’d be surprised at how many gun owners still have never heard of the SAF. Pushed aside by the more vocal NRA, GOA, et al. Low key is good, to a point. The more attention they draw, the more they will be vilified, like the other orgs. I think they could do a better job of getting through to gun owners who care about the 2A. Their web site is a bit too 20th century.
Of course, the results of their work speak for themselves. They sure have made a difference it where it counts.
h S [url=][/url] U k Make sure all the fees are included in the contract and that there are no hidden fees or ambiguous terms and conditions. s
Things that never happened for$100, Alex.