Back in October, after the Mandalay Bay spree killing, Ohio resident Aaron Lawrence “had an epiphany.” He realized he could stop spree killings by destroying his AR-15. Or something like that. Anyway, it worked! PR-wise. WCET gave Mr. Lawrence’s meaningless protest all the attention it didn’t deserve. As reports, there’s been a copycat AR annihilation . . .
A gun enthusiast from southern California says he is taking a step to help destroy gun violence.
One of Chad Vachter’s prized possessions was a thousand-dollar AR-15 assault rifle. After seeing the growing number of mass shootings in the country, Vachter said he was fed up and decided to take a hammer to his gun, destroying it.
“I can’t do it,” he said. “I can’t have something in my house that so easily could become a part of another situation like that, and I’m not going to be desensitized to it. I refuse to.”
Click here for‘s report. And before you dismiss Mr. Vachter as a misguided fool, know this: he supports the Second Amendment!
“The other night, when I read the thing about the school in northern California, I cried and I haven’t felt good since,” he said. “And although I’m still sad for all those victims and all the people affected, I feel like I’ve done the only thing that I can do in this equation. Even if it’s just a small thing, I did my part to make things better.”
Vachter says he wants to be clear that he still supports the second amendment and will be keeping his shotgun and pistol. But he’s challenging other gun owners to destroy their assault weapons.
Yeah somehow I don’t think that whole chop-up your AR thing’s gonna catch on. Then again, virtue signaling gets you mad props in some quarters. Not ones that you and I frequent, but there it is: more ammunition for #blackgunsmatter.
The hammer he used to destroy that rifle kills more people than ARs do.
I posted one of these a while ago:
Back here in fact…
The idiot in the video doesn’t even understand the difference between an actual assault weapon and an AR15. Let these weak-minded dumbasses cutup and destroy their weapons, but they have no reason to complain when some thug assaults/kills them or their family or government becomes their master!
Funny how government has destroyed thousands upon thousands of weapons and it has had ZERO impact on criminals using them. Here’s a thought, why doesn’t government destroy criminals?
It’s probably good that he did destroy that weapon & no doubt saved lives because we all know that liberals are the reason for mass shootings, it’s just common sense not to let them near guns. Oh and a $1000.00 gun…..looked more like a sub $500 one to me.
Everyone has an opinion. Not impressed with the video. I see nothing at all wrong with owning an AR-15. Makes no sense to me to restrict law-abiding citizens access to a carbine that they enjoy to shoot or destroying your own, because a wing nut decides to kill people. I don’t plan on destroying mine or any gun, rifle or carbine in my inventory. Not going to reward bad behavior or to satisfy a libtards emotional rant or their moral high ground that doing so makes everyone safer. Staunch defender of 2A.
One less guy buying ammo at walmart.
That’s the way I was thinking while reading this story.
In the words of Bugs Bunny “What a maroon”.
these guys are just paid shills trying to spin the fuds against AR weaponry.
I’m sure doxxing them will turn up their DNC / anti-gun ties.
Was it a Springfield or Rock River? Maybe he was protesting their general douchbaggery.
Virtue signalling. A bastard form of self loathing. The man needs help.
Well, that and an indication of insecurities and a need for attention.
And a good gunsmith.
*searches through pockets, desk drawer, backpack, and the center console of the car*
Sorry, haven’t a single fvck to give.
Found some spare ammo, though…
Do these people not realize that the message they send by destroying their own guns is that they don’t trust themselves not to murder anyone?
Or they are concerned the weapon could get stolen, an unstable teen child could find it, etc.
So, they don’t trust themselves to be responsible members of society then. Got it.
Sell it to me cheap and I’ll make sure it’s locked in my safe.
I’ll bet you say that to all the girls!
Anti-2As see virtue. Pro 2As sees some salvageable parts.
Calm down, sources say it was a neutered Fagifornia AR. Haahhaahahahah, what an idiot.
“I can’t have something in my house that so easily could become a part of another situation like that, and I’m not going to be desensitized to it. I refuse to.”
Could easily become part of another situation like that? So… is that an admission by the owner that he’s an unstable nut who might just go shoot a bunch of kids?
Seems to me that statements like this suggest that if the owner wanted to do something useful they’d volunteer for psychiatric commitment. I mean, after all the gun is an inanimate object and the only way it could “easily” be used for a mass shooting is if the owner commits a mass shooting and the only reason an owner would worry about such a thing is if they’re actually contemplating committing such an atrocity.
Seems to me if he’s involved in any kind of legal trouble in the future, a prosecutor could use this gesture as evidence of this twit knowing that he was criminally inclined…
Is that shotgun of his a 870? if so he still has a “assault weapon”.
Or worse still: “a weapon of war”
Anyone else chuckling at the irony that he’ll probably throw the bits in the trash and become a felon since it wasn’t destroyted to ATF standards?
Oh, that’s a good idea, report him to the ATF so they can verify the rifle was properly destroyed. This will teach people to be media whores!
Maybe the next one could donate it to TAOFLEDERMAUS so he can use it as a target when he loads his shotgun full of frozen liberal tears.
Yep. This is one of those “Pinky, are you pondering what I’m pondering?” moments.
I dunno, Brain. But I _was_ wondering what it would look like if Pipi Longstockings and I had a baby. NARF.
“Another AR15 Owner Destroys His Gun For Media Glory”
And another douchebag is created…
This is probably a good thing. Anyone that’s this stupid and not in control of their emotions probably shouldn’t be around guns, power tools, cleaning chemicals, voting booths, or children. Anyone who participates in this crazed behavior should be “Baker Act’ed”. For the children. Their guns can be donated to the responsible folks at the NRA for a gun raffle.
Everything in the story makes sense, but I wonder why it was necessary to finish the article by taking a shot at Black Lives Matter?
Thats not a slam on BLM, its a promotion of an ideal.
Actually it says Black Guns Matter, which is some guy who teaches 2A safety in the hood.
It goes like this, AR guy looks at firearm, ” What a plastic p.o.s., I wouldn’t sell this to my worst enema!” Hammer, grind, saw, chop. Buys AK, ” oh I feel much better now” Why? Because AK’s are indestuctable
basically what he is saying is that he doesn’t trust HIMSELF with that weapon so neither should we. so im glad he destroyed it.
A twist on Andy Warhol’s AR-15 minutes of fame…
slow clap
Or… this wily AR owner just took a hammer to 250.00 of cheap AR parts while his 1K AR (safely hidden in his house) is now reported destroyed so when Semi’s are banned next year by Gavin, no one will be kicking in this upright citizens door.
Internet win of the day.
“They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us.”
when whatever is going to happen in this country eventually happens this guy isnt going to side with those who would be a part of the solution like us
he is going to side with those who would be a part of the problem
everything else being equal its better that he not be armed with an ar-15
“But he’s challenging other gun owners to destroy their assault weapons.”
Sorry, buddy, but I don’t own any ‘assault weapons’…now I do own some semi-autos that are patterned after the real deal, but I’ll never destroy my own property like you foolishly did! Do you feel better now?
Now this is the real gun violence.
He should castrate himself to prevent rape.
Slow clap…
Remove his middle finger to prevent insulting people.
Get this sissy into the nearest safe space and give him some coloring books. He’s having a crisis.
Oh, I thought it was a picture of a CA-compliant AR-15.
Soon. Just a couple of more laws. Maybe when that ass-hat Newsom is crowned the new overlord.
in other news, a Kalifornia man was killed today while be hijacked.. Chad Vachter was the victim….
I’m not a gun owner, and I think this guy is a total LibTard ! Obviously, he just another attention seeking crazy Democrat voter trying desperately to gain admits into the DNC/ Politburo…So he can be part of this hysterical ” Civilian Disarmament” campaign. Which of course is nothing more than an attempted coupe by Neo-Communists to overthrow the USA ! Also known as Globalists……
His property. However, what an idiot. I hope he doesn’t vote.
What a girlboy…I’m trying to pay off an AR and this weenie beats “his” to death
What an idiot.
Did he attempt to cut the barrel? Someone should ask ATF if he has a tax stamp for attempting to make an SBR.
I wonder if he will continue his virtue signaling on his car once he learns about DUI related deaths this past weekend, my guess not.
So, what the guy was actually saying is that he didn’t trust himself to control his impulse to go on a killing spree??
I have an 80% AR lower that is clearly a weapon of mass destruction. In the spirit of stopping mass shootings I’m going to destroy it by using a router, milling bit and jig to selectively carve away the evilest parts of it! I might also drill a few holes, too. Just to be on the safe side.
Those look like the bits of a pretty plain jane AR – hard to see $1000.
Tapco stock, standard gas block/front sight, plastic M4 style hand guard not a free floated one, basic plastic grip, looks like a run of the mill BCG.
Nothing wrong with a plain jane AR, I have one, but it was closer to $500. Methinks he may be exaggerating a bit.
I guess we cannot count on him to help defend the neighborhood when the time arises and if he asks for help, I’ll be sure to tell him to go get that Glock out of the bucket and join the fight.
I didnt take a hammer too it, but sadly mine was destroyed on a fishing trip over the marianas trench when our boat sank….
Im sure it would be fine if i could swim 7 miles straight down to get it.
I’m thankful for stupid people because they make me giggle!
Hey don’t destroy them . Send them to me. I can find a good use for them. Through a dealer of course to keep it legal.
The people in California are just proving they really don’t need guns. But they do need to have sex in public on days the government gives them permission.
And they don’t need guns because they can smoke pot legally now in the state. Soon they will have their gun free zone utopia.
So instead of buying a real gun safe and not some hunk of shit Stack-On, he destroys his weapon? What kind of stupid is that? This guy is just one drip of drool off the lip different than the goof-balls who commit shootings.
I went to the safe and hugged my Spikes Tactical real tight. I petted it on the fore grip and repeated there, there.
Sorry…..I don’t have any “Assault Rifles” to destroy with a hammer. I do however have two AR-15 Semi-Auto rifles, which are going to remain in pristine shape in case I have to defend my life against criminals and terrorists.
P.S. If that moron paid a Grand for that AR, he got ripped off!!
Estrogen ladden Soy boy.
— go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen
Samuel Adams
And you missed a spot.
Lives in Coachella and sometimes works on movie sets with props etc. Yeah, that’s a typical AR owner.
Cant help stoopid….
I’ve read about how the Soviet Army committed many, many atrocities in the early 20th century. I urge all Mosin-Nagant owners to join me in destroying your military rifles, as it’s the only way to prevent it from happening again!
How does society create people this dumb?
38,000 people die in motor vehicles accidents every year, I expect this doofus to burn his car and walk everywhere to prevent highway fatalities.
Don’t destroy that AR!
Remember the “shoot around the corner” guns the German’s had for their tankers. Well we can salvage that AR. Just put it back together, and Bingo! you have got yourself a weapon of mass destruction.
I Wish I Had $600-1K Burning a Hole In My Pocket To Where I Could “Afford” To Destroy an AR-15 Rifle…
Of Course If I Had That Kinda $$$ I’d Never “Destroy” It, I’d Just Add Ammo, Training, Or Just Plain Outright Get a Fancier AR-15!!!
When the gangs near me turn in all their rifles and weapons, I might briefly consider it, but probably not. If they can shoot up my neighbor’s house and mine, I’m going to defend myself.
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