Texas Democrat Congressman Carjacked at Gunpoint in Washington, DC


U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar was carjacked by three armed attackers but was unharmed, the Texas Democrat’s office said.

Cuellar’s chief of staff Jacob Hochberg released a statement Monday night saying: “As Congressman Cuellar was parking his car this evening, 3 armed assailants approached the Congressman and stole his vehicle. Luckily, he was not harmed and is working with local law enforcement.” …

Monday’s carjacking was the second assault on a member of Congress in the District of Columbia this year. In February, Democratic Rep. Angie Craig of Minnesota was assaulted in her apartment building, suffering bruises while escaping serious injury. Her chief of staff said the attack did not appear to be politically motivated.

— AP in US Rep. Henry Cuellar of Texas is carjacked by three armed attackers about a mile from the Capitol


  1. as a resident of Texas, I couldn’t be happier that this happened in D.C. (District of Crime).

  2. Maybe it wasn’t really a carjacking but 3 fellow democrats coming to get their reparations !

    • Since the car was found just a few blocks away. It may well be another Jussie Smollett. On the other hand if it is real. what kind of sensitive information might be on his cell phone that was stolen.

      • My first thought but I haven’t figured the angle yet. (No MAGA hats?!?) At this point there’s no stunt I’d put passed the Democrats to advance their communist agenda.

        • Like pulling the fire alarm right before an important vote to keep the government from shutting down.

  3. “Her chief of staff said the attack did not appear to be politically motivated.”

    LoL 😂

    maybe not politically motivated directly, but criminals are waking up to the fact that liberal and democrat voters are more likely to be softer targets because they are less likely to have a firearm for defense because they bought into the whole ‘anti-gun agenda’ BS by democrat politicians and liberals. So in a way, it is politically motivated indirectly.

    Nationwide, since Biden started his ‘term as president-n-crook’ war on law abiding gun owners – overall violent crime against liberal and democrat voters has risen more than 30% and violent sexually based crimes against liberal women voters has risen more than 47%.

    • These criminals , after the lack of law and order in the big cities, find that any and everyone is vulnerable if they’re not armed. If armed then it/s a crapshoot as to who is prepared for actual violence. The crooks are already on alert ( they initiated the action) we must be as well.

  4. I wonder if the Democrat Senator now wishes he had been armed instead of NOT having the right to bear arms in DC?
    Or if he prefers to relieved of his car and thinks the carjackers were the victim here?
    Perhaps more Dem Polis need to be on the receiving end of their own lack of catching and convicting criminals, instead of turning back loose on the streets of DC?
    He’s lucky he’s still well and alive. many other victims were not as lucky as he.

    • “I wonder if the Democrat Senator now wishes he had been armed instead of NOT having the right to bear arms in DC?”

      Being carjacked is a victory; proves the argument that if private ownership of guns was banned, the crime would not have happened.

      Never let a crisis go to waste.

  5. Earlier this year, the DC city council wanted to deploy the Army NG to fight the crime.
    This is what Democrat policies bring you. From DC, to San Fran, Philly, Chicago, Baltimore and others.

  6. Eventually they’ll either relocate capitol operations or harden the immediate area further separating themselves from the unwashed masses leaving the wolves to continue their predation outside the walls.

    They certainly won’t do anything tangible to affect the crime that happens to us peasants.

    • “They certainly won’t do anything tangible to affect the crime that happens to us peasants.”

      Not until the jobs and pensions of many career politicians and their bureaucrat appointees are at significant risk.

      • I think bussing the illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities is a good idea.
        Funny how a pile of shit in my backyard is okay until it starts spilling over into yours.

  7. You would think–THINK–that events like this happening to Democrats would motivate Democrats to reevaluate their Party platform and hopefully change direction.

    Sadly, that will likely not happen because that would require admitting that their long held beliefs are wrong which is nearly as painful as the violent crimes that they endured–and it no longer allows them to blame others (something that Democrats have a compulsion to do).

    Gosh, it’s almost like truth and facts do not matter one bit to a GIANT percentage of the population.

    • Lots of Democrats have had a good rating from NRA right up until they stabbed gun owners in the back. The Republicans aren’t much better, but at least they don’t vote Communists into leadership positions (Pelosi/Schumer).

      • Cuellar has had many opportunities, and a whole lot of pressure from his party to change his stance on gun control and he hasn’t caved. While the rest of his party drove off the progressive cliff, Cuellar has remained what would have been called a “conservative Democrat” a couple decades ago.

    • NRA and NSSF grades mean nothing. Those responsible for the Safer Communities Act last year had A-grades and still have them. The NSSF came right out and said out loud that they didn’t factor that bill into their grading calculations. That is saying out loud that they support confiscation orders without due process and safe storage laws that prevent having a gun loaded and ready to use.

  8. Yeah, you guys piling on just because he’s a D are missing that he’s the ONLY Democrat in Congress who is unabashedly pro-life, and he’s just about the last pro-2A Democrat in all of Congress.

    Democrats launched a pretty vicious campaign to primary him by a “progressive” candidate, but he just managed to hold on. He’s been in Congress forever, and he’s just about the last “good” Democrat left.

    (Not saying he’s “good”, just that he’s the best that party has to offer). If he had his choice, he would have been armed and he probably would have shot that thief.

    This story would have meant a lot more if it had been one of the disarmament democrats instead of just about the only NRA A-rated democrat in Congress.

  9. Lots of Democrats have had a good rating from NRA right up until they stabbed gun owners in the back. The Republicans aren’t much better better, but at least they don’t vote Communists into leadership positions (Pelosi/Schumer).

    • If only they Powers That Be would pass a law against crime.
      If they cant do that at least make gunms illegal.
      Somthing has to be done, and it starts with disarming law abiding citizens.
      Once the law abiding are disarmed only the criminals will have weepons.
      X law abiding criminals are more easily controlled then career criminals.
      Build more prisons
      Build Back Better

  10. The plan rolls on and many think these people will “learn the error of their ways” or laugh at the victims for having made their bed.

    This is eggs and omelets. TPTB are more than willing to let a few of their rank and file suffer to achieve a larger goal. The more those people suffer, the better, actually. These people don’t expect to capture the prize without casualties.

    As unethical as it sounds, there are people in .gov who are looking at this and thinking that it’s a damn shame that the Congressman survived. It would have been better politically if he hadn’t. Optics, spin and justification all tend towards preferring worse outcomes on the individual level because it’s better at the macro political scale.

  11. As a couple folks have pointed out, Cuellar isn’t a “gun control liberal”. He’s been better supporting the 2A than many “Republicans.”

  12. He also voted against any increased border security, or even to use previously appropriated money to fund previously established projects on the topic.

    One could be forgiven for thinking that his behavior is part of a larger plan which currently involves tactically deceiving his constituents on one topic to retain his office and assist in screwing those constituents elsewhere as part of a longer game.

  13. He may be pro life, he might talk about being pro 2A but I bet his voting record would reveal who he really is.
    I’m not looking it up because I don’t care.
    I do know you don’t usually get reelected to many times if you don’t keep your base happy.
    Or you can cheat

  14. Someone should sell a reflective red window sticker with a capital R on it.

    Start a campaign that vehicles without stickers belong to passivist and non-violent people.

    Everybody is happy, crooks get vehicles, no one gets hurt.

  15. …. but, but, but, but did he manage to hold on to his Subway tuna sub?


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