When candidates run for office in rural districts, they naturally want to prove they’re just like the voters they seek to represent. But things often don’t go as planned when they’re just posing as everyday gun owners.

Such was the case in Missouri recently when Democrat Lucas Kunce, a candidate for U.S. Senate, and former congressmen turned CNN commentator Adam Kinzinger held a media event at a private range near Holt, Missouri. With media in tow, Kunce, who is trying to unseat Republican U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley, set out to prove his marksmanship skills—a sure way, it seems, for Democrats to prove they are not anti-Second Amendment advocates.

As both Kunce and Kinzinger are military veterans, one would think they could have avoided the inevitable problem that soon occurred. Who they meant to impress by shooting AR-15s at targets only 10 to 12 yards downrange is anyone’s guess. But almost anyone who has ever shot an AR—or any other rifle—knows you shouldn’t shoot steel targets at such a short distance.

Alas, that’s what the duo did. And, given the propensity of bullets to ricochet off hard surfaces, a fragment from one of Kunce’s bullets bounced off a target and hit Ryan Gamboa, a Kansas City television reporter, in the arm. Kunce and Kinzinger managed to patch up Gamboa’s wound, and the range session continued.

A bloodied Ryan Gamboa, a Kansas City television reporter, is patched up by Senate candidate Lucas Kunce after Gamboa was struck in the arm by a bullet or shrapnel.

Of course, it could have been worse. Any bystanders could have been hit somewhere more serious than the arm with a ricochet when shooting steel at that distance. In fact, one photo from the media op shows Kinzinger sending rounds downrange with his safety glasses on top of his head! He could easily have lost an eye or even had his brain penetrated by a ricocheted bullet fragment.

Alas, candidate Kunce was able to brush the bullet wound aside and declare victory following the episode.

“Great day at the range today with my friend @AdamKinzinger,” he posted on X. “We got to hang out with some union workers while exercising our freedom.”

Then, rather than apologizing to the photographer for putting him in harm’s way, Kunce bragged about his own preparedness.

Senate candidate Lucas Kunce at one point reportedly forgot to put his eye protection on while shooting an AR-style rifle at close steel targets..

“Always have your first aid kit handy,” he posted. “Shrapnel can always fly when you hit a target like today, and you’ve got to be ready to go. We had four first aid kits, so we were able to take care of the situation, and I’m glad Ryan is okay and was able to continue reporting.”

Gamboa did reportedly go to a hospital after the event to get his arm checked and was afterwards released several news outlets reported. The group had Tannerite on hand as well as evidenced in the photos. Tannerite is an explosive target that is fun to shoot, but definitely shouldn’t be shot at at such close range as the photos indicate.

Regarding media opportunities gone wrong involving Democrat candidates this election season, this one might have topped the recent escapade by Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, the Democratic vice presidential candidate, when he invited television reporters along on a pheasant hunt. Walz blew the video op by bumbling and fumbling while trying to load his Berretta semi-auto shotgun. The bungled loading video had some on social media questioning whether he’d ever been pheasant hunting.

True to form, Walz didn’t take the criticism well. When asked about it later in an appearance on “The View,” Walz lashed out, claiming he has superior marksmanship skills compared to his “right-winger” critics.

“Well, I can shoot better than all of them,” he said. “I’ve got the trophies to prove it.”

Perhaps, when both Kunce and Walz lose on election day, they can spend some quality time together in the field or on the range!


  1. It gets worse. The guy who hosted the event turns out to be under felony indictment. Where are all the people who said Trump was breaking the law by being in a gun store?

  2. Democrats… 😂Remember when Todd Akin was essentially disqualified for the same seat for saying something that was true and taken out of context, yet this guy shoots someone and Dem’s will play it off.

    • Tod Aikin was a moron who pissed away a win that a lot of people had worked to secure, he should never be remembered with fondness.

  3. I watched that video of Walz and his shotgun, and when carefully viewed in its entire context, reveals that he was actually unloading his shotgun. As reported in the full length video, the day was done and he’d had nothing to shoot at that day.

    • Still not great and wouldn’t take anything he has to say about guns at any value but substantially less retarded than it first appeared.

    • Waltz was obviously having difficulty unloading his shotgun (is it really his shotgun or a loaner?) because the shell carrier was tangled up with the strings from the tampons Waltz was loading.

      As for the reporter, they needed shooting anyway.

  4. Dingbat democRats using a scoped AR to shoot steel from a few yards away. What happens when a plattoon of alec baldwins gather around…APOLOGIZE cackles for the stupidity of your fellow democRats then march into their homes to confiscate their guns. It’s a wonder someone’s eye wasn’t shot out.🫣

  5. I hope the reporter sues the shit out of these idiots and these idiots get hit with some sort of negligence/recklessness charge.

    It’s like they watched some demo ranch vids, dusted off rifles they haven’t even looked at in 15 years and decided to LARP what they saw in their tight ass backyard.


  6. Candidate Kunce — “We got to hang out with some union workers while exercising our freedom.”

    Oh, that’s rich: exercising a freedom that Kunce’s political party desperately wants to criminalize–and WILL criminalize at the first opportunity.

    The really fun question is this: if Kunce wins the election and Democrats bring a bill (outlawing those very rifles that he was shooting) to the floor for a vote, will Kunce defy his political party and vote against such a bill? Or will he tow the party line? I put the odds at 99% that he will tow the party line.

    (The only two U.S. Senators who dared defy their Democrat Party recently were Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema–and they only defied their party on one vote if I remember correctly, thus towing the party line about 99% of the time as ALL Democrat politicians do.)

    • “will Kunce defy his political party and vote against such a bill? ”

      Hell, no. By the time he gets done being sued, he’ll KNOW how dangerous guns are.

  7. He also has his eye pro pushed up to his forehead while shooting steel at point blank range.

    Check out the big brain on Brett! (Lucas…)

  8. For f*cks sake. HE DID NOT SHOOT THEY GUY!

    The guy just caught some bullet spatter because the were stand to close to the steel targets they were shooting with a freakin’ AR.

    I swear this site is getting to be as bad as CNN when it come to nonsensical stories and commentary.

    • The abject stupidity paired with double standards with that familiar seasoning of disingenuous pandering leading up to the injury ensures it’s continued attention and relevance. Enjoy it for what it is or don’t.

      • Almost as dumb as the one reporter saying the Venezuelan gang takeover of apartments was just a few and not a big deal.

        The acceptable amount of bullet splatter a person should catch at a target range is ZERO which, coincidentally, is also the same number of apartment buildings on American soil it is acceptable to have taken over by hostile foreign elements.

    • RE: “The guy just caught some bullet spatter.”

      Enlarge the arm of the casualty…That bullet splatter you just seem to make light of caused some blood splatter. And it looks like the wound was tended to by a buffoon. The kind of buffoon that would make light of inexcusable stupidity.

      • Colion Noir has a commentary on the democRat clown show…copy and paste link to a reply box, connect the h, highlight link and click view…

        h ttps://youtube.com/watch?v=d5r1hnNPJcI&feature=shared

      • Yeah, looks like a tournaquet on a 4×4. You say that Dunce er Kunce (doggone spell check) is a veteran?
        1. An IFAK is SOP at a “range” which includes one or more pressure dressing such as an Israeli or a H bandage.
        2. Soldiers/sailors are taught the application of proper supplies to wounds.
        3. Dunce appeared to forget 1 and 2 above. Was he really in the military?

      • Southern,

        OK, did that 10+ years ago (actually, an NRA sponsored RSO course). Achievement unlocked, now what do I get??? (Even BEFORE I passed the course, I would never have been so stupid as to allow idiots to shoot steel targets from approx. 7 yards with a 5.56, with no ear or eye pro, and containers of freakin’ Tannerite sitting in front of me!!!!

  9. Just goes to prove no one should have a gun.
    KH/TW 2024.
    BTW ,- it was known the TV reporter had a Trump sign in his yard, fair game, Fire at will, or whoever.

  10. He was a reporter.
    He needed shooting.
    Unfortunately; there were a lot of reporters on the scene.
    Shooting, Shoveling and Shutting up wasn’t an option.
    BTW, as the movie CASINO dramatized, the perp doesn’t need to be dead before they are buried.

    • When I first heard about the recent unfortunate death of Bear 399, I had a momentary fantasy that she had been shot by Liz in selfdefense. Not true of course, it was a tragic vehicle/bear incident. Shockingly, no word on the condition of the vehicle.

  11. I’ve shot a lot of steel long before there was frangible ammunition. Picked a lot of fragments out of my skin. Especially my arms for some reason. The rule was no pistol calibers on steel closer than 7 yards. Didn’t shoot much steel with a rifle. When I did it was much farther away and heavier than a Pepper Popper. Never had a problem with a rifle. Usually shot them with 7.62 also.

    • 00 buck can come back from vinyl siding at surprising angles. Incident angle was about 45⁰, one went by my ear. No surprises at 90⁰, but it digs in, then gets wonky when shot at a slant.

  12. I hope this gives the Josh Hawley campaign more “ammo” to beat that chump. I pray the voters in Missoura cherish the amazing rep they have and keep him. I love watching vids of him in action shredding dims alive! Go Josh!

  13. What’s wrong with people? This is what watermelons are for! Don’t be cheap asses and buy some fruit. After all, it’s democrats.

  14. The title of this article is very misleading. If the “right” is going to jump on the “left” for media bias, why not title this article appropriately then? The one guy did not shoot the other. Getting hit by shrapnel is a whole lot different than pointing your bang stick at someone.

    I do agree though this was completely setup as a photo op however. Who in their right mind would shoot steel so closely?

  15. The guy got some minor shrapnel, he wasn’t directly shot and no bullet hit him not even a ricochet. The pic with the article is not all there is, there are pics where the guy is laughing/smiling about it so it could not have been too serious.

    These idiots broke the rules for a photo-op, a few different rules but the more obvious that stands out is ya don’t shoot at steel that close with a rifle.

    Democrat politicians will always find a way to hurt you in some way, physically or other wise if even accidentally. That’s sort of their whole thing, sacrifice someone so they can do what they want.


    The US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit issued a major 2A ruling involving gun free zones, NY’s licensing regime and the so-called default or vampire rule banning carry. Mark Smith Four Boxes Diner analyzes today’s 240 page decision.

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_4uZGaEAMI

  17. UNPRECEDENTED: Dems RACE To EMBRACE Trump To Save Their Own Races… Something Is Happening. Dems running for office are pitching that they are on team trump.

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igKNFKcmgWM

  18. Long ago I was instructed to shoot steel at no less than 10 yards with a pistol and no less than 100 yards with a rifle.
    Correct or not, that rule has worked out well enough for me.
    And why is the idiot wearing his eye protection on top of his head?
    Dementia-crat photo op gone bad because basic range safety rules were ignored.

    • “And why is the idiot wearing his eye protection on top of his head?”
      He was merely in costume. Wanna guess where his ear plugs were!
      Evidence of a staged event. He knew safety glasses were part of the costume, but didn’t think he should wear them.

  19. So I guess being a clerk or analyst in the military makes you a warrior like Chris Kyle?

    Waltz has participation trophies, no doubt. Went to a BR match, shot sub 1/4 MOA at 200 and came in fifth out of five. Wonder if he was shooting against other fat, bald wannabes or was it the team of convalescent hospital patients?

    Somebody tell him about dummy shells so he can figure out loading and unloading that auto shotgun without shooting himself…oh, never mind since bleeding is a beneficial Poser learning experience also.


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