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Bobby Shmurda's guns (courtesy

You might say that blogger Greg Howard at identified the guns confiscated from rapper Bobby Shmurda and submitted the following list [after the jump] as an attempt at anti-gun humor. I agree with TTAG tipster therealmattinfl that Howard doesn’t know dee eye see kay about guns. Like the majority of his colleagues in the media, he felt free to ignore his ignorance to celebrate his prejudice. Anyway, name those guns! . . .

1. Cricket

2. The one with the Terminator laser

3. That Predator-esque snubnose number

4. Old-timey revolver next to cricket

5. Old-timey revolver on bottom all alone on a lonely revolver island

6. That lil’ matte black one at the top

7. Chrome one next to cricket

8. The one with the superfluous clip

9. Chrome revolver

10. Black one with the cool neon on the handle

11. Old-timey revolver at the top

12. Ostensible black revolver below the lil’ matte black one

13. Black and silver one with the cool neon at the top

14-t. Those black and silver ones without the cool neon at the top

17. Black one with the curiously fat handle by that lil’ matte black one

18. Black one next to the old-timey revolver on a lonely revolver island

19. The black one in the geographic middle

20.That one next to the lil’ matte black one that lacks any defining characteristics

21. Finger guns

22. The one up in the corner

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    • Where did it assert anywhere that he was “anti-gun?” The only point anti-gun was mentioned was in reference to THE READER may see the linked piece as an attempt at anti-gun humor.

      The point of posting it here is that the linked author, and the media in general, is “ignorant” about guns. If that ignorance is willful or not merits discussion.

      • I’m not sure I see how this proves the author is ignorant about guns. It’s clearly a (failed) attempt at humor. If he had actually tried to identify them and got most wrong, that would be evidence of ignorance. This is just…dumb.

        • Perhaps, but the ignorance about guns was the point of the post (as written) whether you/we agree with Farago’s thesis or not.

          Debating whether Farago has a good point still does not have anything to do with Farago making an assertion that the linked author is anti-gun. No such assertion exists in the post.

          Sorry; it’s just a peeve when people seek to execute tangential derailments.

        • It seems to me that this piece is not being called for ignorance about guns, but rather on the old joke about the ability to count without needing to take one’s shoes off. There are 21 guns on the table, NOT 22! The joke being that the author would have no way to know that, if he is unable to count past the number of fingers and toes he possesses….

        • It could also be about the calling of the DA revolvers “old timey”, as there are no SA hoglegs in evidence here. But I like the Jethro Clampitt, can’t count to twenty without his shoes off, angle better.

    • To show how awesome they are at enforcing laws that prohibit acts that are not in the least bit criminal in nature.

  1. Honestly Im starting to feel the same way about the plethora of ARs everywhere. “The black one with dust cover, the black one without dust cover, the black one next to the pink one that lacks any defining characteristics”.

    • That is so true! LOL The black Ar with the chrome bolt next to the matte black one with the sniper scope…Then you have the tan ar with the foregrip next to the old timer Vietnam ar. haha

  2. “7. Chrome one next to cricket”

    You made me LOL here. “Noisy cricket”, fantastic reference.

  3. 8. The one with the superfluous clip
    Now clearly he doesn’t know what clip means, but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t know what superfluous means. Unless the clip (or magazine in this case) is from an incompatible model gun, or is glued to the slide, so that it can never fit in the magwell, it’s a useful (some would say necessary) part.

        • And as “Sticky Fingaz” says in his song “my guns is my dogs” or “my dogs is my guns” or, How I learned to stop worrying and learn frickin’ English for Pete’s sake. “…da one wit da taped up grip”.

          Gotta have a Hi Point wit da taped up grip if you want to be gangster.

  4. Every year Deadspin become less and less about sports.

    I have many reasons to tell deadspin and a lot of Gawker to EXPLETIVE DELETED. Well, except Jalopnik.

  5. All I know is it is a horrible piece of writing…a stupid list of guns on a table? Is he writing for a high school paper or something? Silly.

  6. One of TTAG’s readers left a comment that if the author wanted help identifying any of the guns, he should just ask, rather than look retarded, to which the author replied:


    maybe you should put the guns and keyboard down and grab a beer! it’s friday!

    also, no one here is “retarded”; in fact, many of us are almost definitely smarter than you!

    have a great weekend, and be sure to stay warm!”

    Obviously, the antis do not wish to be educated, being the supreme beings they are, but would rather engage in ad hominem attacks than discourse.

    • It’s Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals #5

      RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

  7. Just a weak attempt that would have worked if there had only been a half dozen pieces. It started off well, but quickly evidenced a limited imagination.

  8. I have always kinda wanted a giant tube of a laser sight mounted on top of a handgun like the Terminator’s. for shits and/ or giggles of course.

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