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Another Pistol in an Airport – One the TSA Missed

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

By Kate

As a corporate security advisor, I regularly encourage people to arm themselves before they travel abroad—with information about the crime, civil unrest, terrorism and no-go areas of their destination. In the main, they never seem to worry about getting there. They believe that TSA security “keeps us safe from terrorists” (imagine the voice of George W. Bush). So they put up with the always enjoyable process of waiting in line, removing their shoes and belts and facing the prospect of a TSA rubber-gloved pat down. They’ve been desensitized into denial. In reality, the long lines, gray plastic bins, zip lock baggies and barrels for full-size toothpaste tubes don’t protect us as much as they’d like to think . . .

Sept. 29 –  An unidentified woman forgot her .380 caliber semi automatic was in her purse as she went through the ever-diligent TSA security screening process at Orlando International Airport. But unlike the scores of others who are caught with a gun in their carry on almost every day, this one made it through.

She then boarded her plane – realizing she had the gun with her while on board – then ratted herself out to authorities in Newark when she landed. Port Authority police then confiscated her gun.

Now what if she wasn’t just an absentminded, law abiding citizen but instead, a Jihadi Jane 2.0?

In a statement, Greater Orlando Aviation Authority executive director Phil Brown said the airport would continue to work with law enforcement to ensure travelers’ safety. “We expect the Transportation Safety Administration to evaluate the incident and take appropriate action,” he said.

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