Oh look, another wanna-be “smart gun” salesman. This one — for some reason — wants to sell the deeply flawed Armatix iP1 to the public . . . Guns Getting Smarter: Delaware County, Pennsylvania, Man’s Plan to Improve Firearm Safety
Gareth Glaser could be seen as an optimist. After all, he believes gun owners will pay more to implement strong safety mechanisms in firearms.
He even believes gun owners might be willing to have chips implanted in their hands.
I’m not sure “optimist” is the word we’d use, but whatever. Glaser, CEO of something called LodeStar Firearms, wants to begin selling the poorly designed, under-powered Armatix iP1 pistol. And yes, he’s fully aware that doing so would trigger New Jersey’s mandatory smart gun sales law, Loretta Weinberg’s infamous poison pill that has done more to impede the development of smart gun technology than anything bad design reluctant gun buyers could ever do.
But Glaser’s hoping that the impending exit of Chris Christie from the New Jersey governor’s mansion in favor of a newly elected Democrat, Phil Murphy, will mean Weinberg’s ill-conceived smart gun mandate will finally be thrown on the ash heap of legislative history where it belongs.
He said Lodestar plans to bring a smart gun to market by the summer of 2019. He expects the handgun to cost about 20 percent more than its common counterpart: roughly $750.
Good luck with that. Most gun owners don’t want anything to do with so-called smart guns, but don’t mind if others want to throw their money at them. No one — other than dedicated hoplophobes — wants them mandated, though, hence the vehement opposition to their being sold anywhere to date.
Then again, all marketing starts with a good product. And the iP1 ain’t that. Something Mr. Glaser will likely find out the hard way.
Well gun rights got ME politically active…I see the anti “rallys” near me with 6 or 7 old leftard hippy idiots. In Springfield (Illinois)there were 3000 at a rally with only a few hours notice. AND no press coverage. Yeah the left sucks😖😫😡
I wonder what the failure to report rate is cor each of those jurisdictions. Cause if they are hitting at or below the DOD average I could see them opening a cannon of worms on themselves.
Shouldn’t it be LOADstar? Some peoples air should be taxed.
I am calling for the destruction of Senators like these.
“Smart” handguns like red-light cameras are answers to questions that nobody asked. And about as effective at accomplishing their purpose—which is to say not at all.
10 glock 10mm’s with Super Extendos seems pretty good.
ATF seeking comments on making bump stocks & other devices a NFA items meaning machine-guns. Thanks for supporting our Original natural born human right.
Time for giving up OUR gun rights is past! For nearly 84 yrs we have given up thousands of times without any give back! 22,000–0 does not seem fair to me! A right lost or a anti-gun law passed is lost forever.
Look at the 1934 NFA! Have we got that illegal POS back??? #SHALLNOTBEINFRINGED IS PRETTY CLEAR!
Youtube is forum open to the public and everyone employed by Youtube including but not limited to the CEO and other high level executives are conspiring to deprive people of their rights. It is a felony under federal law for 2 or more individuals to conspire to deprive people of their rights. 18 U.S. Code § 241 – Conspiracy against rights. The maximum sentence typically is 10 years except in certain circumstances that likely would not apply. The executives of youtube committing multiple felonies per day against multiple people by conspiring against rights likely results in youtube more like a criminal enterprise than a legitimate business. Operating as a criminal enterprise may make youtube vulnerable to a RICO civil lawsuit which as far as I know anyone can file and can result in triple damages. Also if youtube does this to a minority and/or disabled individual posting gun videos then it could result youtube being investigated in much the same way as Walmart would be for discrimination.
“This is a gift,” he emphasized, “to be reminded that we still live in a world that’s wild.”
Yeah, screw that. If I wanted to live next to animals I would move to a rural area. I live in a city cause I want to be surrounded by easy to access amenities, not wild animals. Bring on the urban hunters, I hope they kill every last animal in my city.
How long before one of these echo-chamber blue state legislatures requires their local Police to mandate smart guns for duty weapons. It does seem like a logical leap for some of the more moon-batty of that ilk. I can’t wait for that to happen. The one-hand-washes-the-other relationship won’t last forever and pretty soon they are going to have to put their money where their mouth is. Then it is popcorn time.
That button could just as easily be a pro sexual education button.
If I had that kind of money to spend on a 22 pistol I’d get a S&W Model 41.
Fortunately none of the police outside of the NYC area enforce any of this bullshit.
Aftermarket stock that will take a pistol brace, short barrel, suppressor, 33 round mag, yes please!!!
Like so many gun control proponents, he confuses an attempt to just overthrow the government (insurrection) with resistance to a tyranny. They are different things. You don’t have a right to just march into Washington and start shooting at the politicians. If however the government becomes extremely oppressive, such as a very oppressive dictatorship, you very much do have the right to resist by force if necessary. And this is right in the Declaration of Independence.
I just saw this article and want to set the record straight. LodeStar Firearms is designing our own RFID smart handgun chambered in 9mm. It will be of the highest quality and reliability and priced at no more than 20% above the average price of a traditional handgun. We will offer our smart gun as a free market alternative for homeowners who wish to buy a safer gun for home and self defense. LodeStar will not mimic or sell the Armatix iP1 .22 caliber, which was proven to be overpriced and unwanted by gun buyers (regardless of the NJ Mandate — which we expect to be amended this year anyway). The iP1 pictured in the article is my own personal iP1 and was only shown for illustrative purposes. I made it quite clear to the author that it was NOT LodeStar’s gun. Gareth Glaser, CEO LodeStar Firearms.