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TTAG Contest

By Don N.

Submit your [Zhivago] doctored image to [email protected] with the word DA! (all caps) in the subject field. The winner gets a brick (500 rounds) of Thunderbolt .22LR.

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  1. The other ones have been nice examples of ridicule against a common opponent, but this was the first one that actually made me laugh. My hat would be off if I had one.

  2. ABSOLUTELY the BEST one so far!!!!!!!! This is EXACTLY what MDA and mayors against everything are all about.

    • Obviously that’s Mother Russia pointing toward the ruins of Stalingrad. Wonder what the original cyrillic says?

      The mother figure looks too heroic to satirize the Moms Against Gun Owners crowd. They’re usually wailing a la Meryl Streep “What are we doing to our children!!!?”

      • In the original poster she is pointing to three bombs falling from the sky, each labeled “US”.

        The text on the poster, if my limited Russian serves me, says: “Imperialism is pain(ful)” or words to that effect.

      • And by the way, I saw and liked this poster but passed on it because I could not find a comment for it half as clever as this one. Excellent work.

  3. From a design standpoint, It’d be great to have made bold, red, the words “YOUR FREEDOM THREATENS MY” and “BABY”, to be visible from a distance, yet, not the message at all.

  4. Definitely the best so far, though I agree with DV about the design changes to make it even better.

  5. This I like. The Bloomberg one I hated. Don’t need to see the midget for any reason.

  6. Look at your rights.
    Now back to me.
    Now back to your rights.
    Now back to me.
    Sadly, rights are scary, but if you switch to Gun Control, you won’t need them!
    Look down, back up, where are you?
    A violence free paradise!
    What’s in your hands, back at me, I have it!
    It’s a man with a gun to protect you!
    Look again, the gun is now pointed at your head!
    Anything is possible when you give up your rights!
    I have a baby.

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