The tragic thing is that the once-defeated presidential candidate is backing Biden, who said from the debate stage the firearms industry was “the enemy.” Kerry’s throwing his support behind the guy who would ban modern sporting rifles, and who proposes taxpayer-funded buybacks to gather them up, thinks a federal gun rationing plan is appropriate, and wants to mandate technically impossible DNA-matched “smart guns.”
All of this, and Kerry’s AR-16 proclamation, make about as much sense as Biden infamously advising a woman during an online forum to “get a double-barrel shotgun” and, like he told his wife, just to “fire two blasts” of a shotgun if she felt threatened.
Think of how dangerous these anti-gun politicians would be if they actually knew what they were talking about.
– Mark Oliva in John Kerry’s Ignorant Gun-Control Rhetoric Is More Dangerous Than Guns
Anti-Gun Dems Don’t Even Know What They Don’t Know About Guns…And They Don’t Care
Dan Zimmerman