Marcus Hook Mayor James Schililro (courtesy

“Despite impassioned pleas from family and friends of former Marcus Hook Mayor James Schiliro, a Delaware County Court judge on Monday sent him to jail,” reports. “Schiliro was sentenced to 10 to 20 months for an alcohol-fueled episode last February in which he had a police car bring a former neighbor – a 20-year-old [male] to whom he said he was attracted – to his home, made him drink wine, and refused to let him leave for 3 1/2 hours. During the encounter, Schiliro threatened to kill himself and fired a gun into a stack of papers. The man eventually left and later called police.” . . .

Schiliro was convicted of recklessly endangering another person, unlawful restraint, false imprisonment, official oppression, and furnishing liquor to a minor . . . Judge James F. Nilon evidently was not moved by the testimony from Schiliro and his family members. ‘I don’t think you appreciate the seriousness of the nature of the behavior that you engaged in,’ Nilon said.” Duh. Schiliro was a member of the Mayors Against Illegal Guns. [h/t MT]


  1. serving alcohol to a minor? OMG!!!! Think about the children!!!

    BTW – is fat boy still on the MAIG roll call Hall of Fame? Can we ask MDA and Shannon Watts why they are supportive of a pedophile unless . . . perhaps they endorse his actions and MDA is a front.

    • homosexual, yes, pedophile no. The victim was 20, not a minor for the purposes of sex or consent, but still a minor with respect to alcohol only. And buying handguns of course.

      • you guys are missing it. MDA considers those under 22 to be “Children” for purposes of their statistics. Not only is this guy a pedophile for his actions (by their logic), but the US Govt is committing human rights abuses by employing “child soldiers” by using 18-22 yr olds in the military . . . .

        • Hmmmm…a gay rapist. with a gun. Who tells us that we are too stupid to own guns. I’m not seeing the issue here. By liberal standards, this guy is the victim and he was victimized by that hot 20 year old.

      • Well, there’s MAIG member Gary Becker,Charges include: Possession of child pornography, showing pornography to a child, sexual assault on a child, enticing children, and lesser felonies.
        Shiela Dixon-Charges: Fraud, perjury, embezzling gift cards meant for the poor, investigated for receiving thousands of dollars in illicit gifts.
        Eddie Perez-Charges: bribery, fabricating evidence, conspiracy. Arrested a second time, on extortion charges.
        April Almon-Charge: Interfering with police officers.
        Kwame Kilpatrick-Charges: Perjury, obstruction of justice, and misconduct in office. Later, re-arrested on two counts of felonious assault on officers. Jailed for violating conditions of bond.
        David Delle Donna-Charges: Extortion, mail fraud, tax evasion. Forced to surrender his firearms and passport.
        Frank Melton-Charges: Conspiracy to violate civil rights (by tearing down a person’s house), commission of a violent crime while possessing a handgun. In 2006, the same year he joined Mayors Against Illegal Guns, he was convicted of violating a “gun free school zone” law and bans on carrying guns in church.
        Samuel Rivera-Charges: Many: before taking office, convicted of covering up a homicide. After, indicted for extortion and taking a bribe.
        Will Wynn-Charge: Assault
        Jeremiah Healy-Charges: Quite a rap sheet. In 1999, convicted of disorderly conduct. In 2007, convicted of resisting arrest. Presently, he is a suspect in an official corruption probe.
        Larry Langford-Charges: Indicted on 101 counts of bribery, fraud, money laundering and tax evasion.

        Gee, what a GREAT group mayor mikey has himself.

  2. Will Shannon Watts make a statement?

    More proof we need a group called Gun Owners Against Illegal Mayors.

    • And a psycho lush. The Mayors Against Illegal Mental Health fails again. I wonder if he still has his gun.

  3. He’s only against illegal guns – everything else is OK. His gun was probably legal. And he was not against kidnapping, pedophilia, or any of the other crimes he was charged with.

  4. Daddy Bloombucks should start a new organization called “Mayors Against Illegal Drugs,” or MAID. That fat bastard Rob Ford from Toronto could be a prominent member.

  5. Marcus Hook is home to a huge refinery and not much else. It’s right next to Chester PA, a beautiful vibrant community of crack houses, hoods, and broken dreams.You have to see this area to believe it.

    I’m surprised they even bother to have a mayor.

    But why not have a freak mayor who preys on young men and plies them with alcohol? At least he doesn’t have a gun lying around that can accidentally discharge/

  6. “in which he had a police car bring a former neighbor – a 20-year-old [male] to whom he said he was attracted – to his home”

    Ok… so what disciplinary actions will be taken against the cop? Seriously. What (decent) cop would get an order to “pick up so and so and take him to the MAYOR’S HOUSE and not have warning bells going crazy in their head?!?

  7. Holeee crap. 10-20 months? Really?

    I wonder what the sentence would have been had it been the judges son.

  8. This is all the proof we need guns are just bad. Look what this poor victim is going through because of a gun. If this can happen to a trusted government official, then we meer peasants will never be able to stop our evil guns from turning us all into criminals…Wait a minute! Should we not expect more from our elected officials. He should have gotten the maximum time and federal kidnaping charges too. What about the police who brought the 20-year-old. How involved wer they. I have very little doubt any investigation will be conducted. If it is it will be like the IRS “We found no evidence of any prosecutable crime.” Maybe we might hold off on giving up our guns. I don’t think they are evil, politicians are evil.

  9. That’s not a very good looking queen, I’ll tell ya.
    Maybe his unrequited love was turned off by his cigar halitosis.

  10. Anyone else notice that the full MAIG membership list is not available on their site? Dead link.

    Poked around more….some online speculation that there is an internal rift because Bloomy is stepping down and his successor hasn’t signed up for MAIG

  11. If this guy was a poor black or hispanic man, he’d be spending ten to twenty YEARS in jail for the same exact crime, not months.

    • Or just poor in general. I don’t doubt that if he were a different brand of old fat white guy perhaps with a southern drawl and unkempt facial hair he would have been crucified.

  12. I read these and picture the kid from the Simpson’s pointing a finger and shouting “Ha-ha”

    • They weren’t used… they were active participants. I’m not seeing anything about an investigation into their conspiracy or complicity in this crime. 🙁

  13. When people threaten to shoot themselves in the head, hindsight always confirms that would have been the optimal outcome. Be sure to buy my upcoming book “Suicide. An ER Nurses Guide to Getting it Right!”

  14. What is it with politicians from New Jersey? Have they no impulse control? Do they all become gluttons when they pass the local donut shop or something?


  15. “The Hook” (Marcus Hook) is a nasty s-hole, I grew up near there….Dyspetic it is in PA along the Delaware River south of Philly, close to the DE line.

  16. Typical mayor of MAIG. Bloomberg probably does it too – just doesn’t get caught and doesn’t leave behind witnesses or evidence.

  17. There is more to this story, and none of it good…

    Mayor James Schiliro was threatening to shoot the 20yr old if he didn’t perform oral sex on him…Mayor James Schiliro is a pig of the worst kind, a “dick”tator of his fiefdom…

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