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If there’s one thing for certain, it’s that the anti-gun fake news site, which touts itself as an unbiased news source, is always going to come down on the wrong side of the ongoing debate over the Second Amendment.

But don’t take my word that it’s nothing more than an anti-gun shill website focused on propping up gun-ban proposals. Just look at a handful of the site’s latest headlines, all of which have a distinctly anti-freedom twist: “Red Flag Gun Laws Under Fire,” “Shot By A Civilian Wielding A Police Gun,” “Gunmaker Sig Sauer Found Liable in Shooting Accident,” and “How a SCOTUS Decision Led to an Unprecedented Gun Sales Boom.”

The Trace’s latest “flackery” is a not-so-veiled attempt to scare readers into voting for Vice President Kamala Harris in this fall’s presidential election. Headlined “What Harris and Trump Might Do About Guns if Elected,” the story paints a rosy picture of Harris’ gun-ban credentials, while trashing her opponent, former President Donald Trump, insinuating that he’s a shill for pro-gun groups like the National Rifle Association.

“Harris has made the prevention of gun violence a key focus of her campaign,” the story boasts. “As we’ve reported, the Democratic nominee has backed gun safety regulations throughout her political career, and she has taken a prominent role in the Biden administration’s gun policy work.”

The report continues with a glowing report on Harris’ anti-freedom credentials, specifically mentioning the support for her campaign by a variety of gun-ban groups.

“Harris has received endorsements from all of the major gun reform organizations, including March For Our Lives, Giffords and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence,” the report states. “Brady’s president, Kris Brown, pointed out that Harris’s running mate, Governor Tim Walz, has approved ERPOs and other gun safety laws in Minnesota, and Brown believes he will work to implement similar policies at the federal level.”

Turning to Trump, the report attempts to make him out to be the bad guy as far as firearms are concerned.

“Trump has taken a different stance on guns by positioning himself as a staunch defender of the Second Amendment and aligning with the interests of gun lobbying groups like the National Rifle Association,” the report states. “The NRA, the most prominent gun rights organization in the United States, officially endorsed Trump during its annual convention in Dallas in May, where Trump was a keynote speaker. On the same day, Trump’s campaign announced the creation of a ‘Gun Owners for Trump’ coalition, signaling his intent to appeal strongly to gun rights supporters.”

“If reelected, experts expect Trump to resist new restrictions on gun ownership,” the report says. “He would likely support measures to expand concealed-carry rights, including allowing permit holders to carry their firearms across state lines without licensing.”

Lastly, the report lambasts the former president for remaking the U.S. Supreme Court to interpret the U.S. Constitution the way the Founders had intended.

“The three judges Trump nominated to the Supreme Court—Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett—have already had long-lasting implications for gun regulation,” the report warns. “One of the candidate’s senior advisors has said that if Trump returns to the White House, he plans to appoint more federal judges who interpret the Second Amendment broadly.”

While the report is unlikely to change any of The Trace readers’ minds as they’ve probably already “drank the anti-gun Kool-Aid,” it could turn some undecided voters who support the Second Amendment toward the Trump camp. When read just the opposite as it was intended, the report actually gives gun owners yet another reason to shun Harris at the polls in November.


  1. But Harris said during the debate she’s a gun owner and isn’t going to go after anyones guns.
    Maybe the folks at The Trace missed the debate? No way madame Harris is lying just to sway votes. She has all the integrity of a Cheney, Rumsfeld or Bush.

    • Kamala speaking to local news (link gets moderated): “I feel very strongly that it is consistent with the second amendment and your right to own a gun to say that we need an assault weapons ban.”

      She lied nonstop during the debate. That was probably the last presidential debate with moderators. It’s wild how people are still shocked by the media being biased and dishonest. Has everyone forgotten Russiagate, Covid, Hunter’s laptop, etc?

    • “the integrity of a Cheney, Rumsfeld or Bush“

      Yep, you sure can’t trust a Republican.

      But you voted Republican the last eight elections, what does that say about you?

      • Haven’t been alive long enough to vote in 8 elections.

        If you want the rundown it was: Ron Paul write-in, Ron Paul write-in, Ron Paul libertarian, Trump, Trump.

        Not exactly the Cheney, Rumsfeld or Bushs of the Republican party.

      • What does that say about him voting republican? It says he enjoyed the lower cost of stuff and lack of marx -ist socia – list communist democrats in power wanting to remove every ones constitutional rights and lack of fear of some federal law enforcement agency self-interpreting something so they could raid his home to murder him.

      • minor49iq…Anyone who supports any gun control candidate supports an Agenda History Confirms is Rooted in Racism and Genocide. There is no way for you or anyone else to dance around Gun Control and its Rot. But do not feel alone with being a lowlife because certain Gun talking blowbags on this forum have barked like mangy dogs at me citing the History of Gun Control and Defining Gun Control for History illiterates across America. I can backup what I say here whereas you and certain gun talking blowbags do not stand a snowball’s chance in hell of doing the same.

        Furthermore blocking picture links as this site does now is something I would expect from the Trace. Here is a vid link that educates useful idiots like you far more IMO than any article that has ever been on TTAG. To get by the gestapo moderator you’ll notice the h has to be reconnected…
        h ttps://

      • “the integrity of a Cheney, Rumsfeld or Bush“

        You mean the people that are on the same side as you and democrats these days? It’s funny how Cheney has been Satan to dems for decades, but now Kamala is bragging about the Cheneys endorsing her. You guys can have them.

        • And she keeps bring him up. Cheney and McCain. She’s being sure to announce to the MIC at every opportunity that she’s on their side.

          RFK Jr. was absolutely right when he said the Dems are now the party of the MIC, big business, big tech, big pharma, big agri and nation building meddling.

          It’s sad so few apparently see it. Or they do see it and are willing to throw away whatever convictions they claimed to have had for last 30 years just to vote blue no matter who.

        • “You mean the people that are on the same side as you and democrats these days?“

          Well, Rumsfield is dead so it’s too late for him, but the other two are getting old and eternity nears.

          Some folks try to set things right before they shuffle off this mortal coil.

    • Kamala’s, “Took ‘Ol Biden Out Behind the Barn and Shot Him to Death,” campaign is betting everything on the strategy of saying nothing, lying about everything, and hoping the Marxists who back her effort will see that the web of deceit is just a masquerade for the rubes of middle America.

      Of course, Kamala wants to ban guns. Of course she wants to ban fracking. Of course, she wants to raise taxes into the stratosphere. Of course, her foreign policy will put Americans last (it wouldn’t be a foreign policy otherwise, right?). Of course, she supports transgender surgeries for illegal immigrants! (good freaking grief)

      Of course, of course, of course.

      Kamala Harris and her ilk have the lying part down pat. They’re inveterate liars. Shameless liars. They can’t even help themselves.

      Fortunately for America, they’re also incompetent losers. They’re not even good at lying, it turns out, the one area where they might be able to claim some kind of expertise. It’s actually quite amazing how stupid these people are. It’s so easy to see through their lies. Stunningly easy. Like seeing through the lies of a three-year-old, which is about the age demographic their campaign should appeal to.

      Incompetent lies. Lying incompetents.

      Remember, a vote for a Democrat in 2025 is a vote for someone who hates you because you’re smarter and better than they are. In their tiny gremlin brains, they know it and simply can’t stand it.

      Throw them out. Make them face up to it.

      • “Remember, a vote for a Democrat in 2025 is a vote for someone who hates you”

        OK, you’re right, hey everybody be sure to vote for the Republicans in 2025.

        I’ll see you guys at the polls in 2025, and I’ll bring the beer!

        • Alright miner, you hate Republicans. I understand, they have been exactly as guilty of screwing people as any other party [PLEASE DONT GET HUNG UP ON THIS].
          I genuinely want you to explain your stance on GUN RIGHTS. Ignore everything else, don’t go into a tangent about Trump. Just tell us your actual stance on it. I have not seen a single example of you giving a straight answer on it, and if you have I haven’t seen it.

          • Miner owns an AR-15 along with standard capacity magazines. He has admitted this. Policies come and go. They don’t matter. The only thing he believes in is The Party. It’s his team against the other team. Tribalism explains a lot.

        • “Remember, a vote for a Democrat in 2025 is a vote for someone who hates you…”

          The Democrat party committed elder abuse, lying brazenly about Joe Biden’s cognitive decline, cruelly propping him up, prancing him around like an ailing circus pony, and calling it “cheap fakes” when they were caught. Now they expect us to rally around a supposedly new candidate of “joy” and “vibes,” as if we’re a bunch of stupid rubes who can’t see what’s really happening.

          The only thing “cheap” and “fake” about the whole sordid affair is Kamala Harris and her cabal of accomplices. Their contempt for ordinary voters, both Republicans and Democrats (who can at least agree the country should be run for the benefit of a free people instead of for the benefit of grifting politicians), is obvious.

          Feels pretty hateful to me. I stand by what I said.

  2. Been on the Trace hundreds of times. You know that keep your enemies closer thing.
    My deeper dive on their stats show 89 percent false or misleading results. Of the 89 percent, 85 percent was so wrong even a 3rd grader knows it’s false.
    One stat of school shootings ,70 percent showed the school board voting against beefing up security. Wanna know why ? Scary guns in the hands of teachers, resource management and metal detecting the takes away a students personal infringement. I e backpacks. Screen shot this and show non believers this. or they can repeat my work and find out for themselves.

    • she can’t ban them by executive order, its a false promise. Neither the constitution nor the law gives that authority to the president. That’s completely in the purview of congress. And its most likely that congress can do it either now as this is not 1994 any more. Especially since it can not be proven qualitatively that the civilian MSR (AKA AR-15) is actually an ‘assault rifle’ (which it isn’t) because it does not meet the standard over which government has authority which is the ‘assault rifle’ of the U.S. military and the civilian AR-15 is not the same thing – plus – its gonna be really difficult to get that as a law from federal government past SCOTUS considering its a direct and intentional infringement by the federal government that, in light of Bruen, has to be rooted in text-history-tradition and there isn’t any. Its very doubtful congress can do it either now. And besides, even if she could, the American people are not bound or obligated or required to follow such an executive order.

  3. RFK Jr. BEATS democrat Cheating Secretary in Key Swing State (basically trying to rig election against Trump – other states democrats trying same trick)

    (note: remove the ‘-‘ and contract to fully form url to watch, but if one appears after the = do not remove those)

    http-s — ://


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