In the last few weeks, we’ve covered a lot of news where it was clear that government officials had no intention of even trying to do the right thing. Let’s review a few of those real quick.
Disingenuous Actions Taken Against Guns
For one, there’s the gun control group in New Mexico that committed multiple felonies, despite being warned by BATFE that they had to properly destroy firearms to avoid breaking all of these laws. Because they’re favored by Democrats (who now control both the state and federal government), they’re getting away with it when you or I would be sitting in jail awaiting trial.
California’s politicians have also been playing games. Instead of respecting the Supreme Court’s NYSRPA v Bruen ruling, they went into lawfare mode. Because they were forced to issue permits to all qualified, they did their level-headed best to make those permits as worthless as possible. When called out on it by a lower court, the Ninth Circuit did what all the anti-gun courts have been doing since Bruen: stay, delay, and impede in hopes that some Supreme Court justices die and get replaced by Biden.
As Kostas Moros (a fellow writer here) pointed out on Twitter/X:
Another lesson to learn from us in California is this: no matter how much you surrender, it will never be enough.
Think about it, getting a CCW permit in CA is like a gun control wet dream (aside from just not giving permits at all of course).
You apply with high fees, you wait months and sometimes years, you do a police interview and background check, a safety course with a shooting proficiency test, and if the department demands it, a psych exam.
Despite all this and despite almost nonexistent crime rates among people with carry permits nationwide, the Democrats in Sacramento still cast us out from all public places, making our carry permits that we jumped through so many hoops to get a nullity.
So next time gun control advocates in your state start saying “reasonable” this and “common sense” that, tell them you have no interest in even hearing their latest idea until states like CA and NY repeal their punitive laws.
A number of other states are doing similar things, both in New York and in many other cases as we pointed out here. Illinois has a new “assault weapon” ban, and almost nobody is complying with its registration requirement. It’s such a (likely intentionally) poorly-written law that even the State Police and other government offices can’t answer citizens’ questions about it. Despite that the registration deadline has passed, the state kept the online registration portal open, but anyone that uses it after the deadline would basically be sending ISP a written confession to a crime. Similar court delay shenanigans have gone on here as in California.
I could write about these abuses and usurpations all day (it’s a long train), but I think I’ve driven the point home. The clowns passing these non-laws are proving to us that they have no respect for the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Supreme Court, or simply doing the right thing.
The Deeper Problem This Causes
While the tug of war over gun rights is nothing new (many of us here have been involved for decades), it has taken a nasty turn since Bruen. Anti-gun government officials have gone from fighting with the system to abusing the system for political gain. This practice of abusing public institutions to deny people’s rights and limit their ability to push for reforms has a name: lawfare.
Because they couldn’t win at a rational debate over the Second Amendment and human rights, they’re instead deciding to play “pigeon chess”. A pigeon obviously can’t play chess, but it can shit all over the board, throw the pieces around, and then claim victory. Here’s a great example of Gavin Newsom shitting on the board.
But, the chess board isn’t just a gun rights issue. Playing the “pigeon chess” version of public policy and law (lawfare) makes everyone lose respect for the game. I’m sure I speak for many gun owners both in and out of California when I say that I don’t have any respect for the state now. They’re not trying to improve public safety or have an enlightened public policy debate about firearms, and there’s no amount of appeasement that will ever be enough for them.
When governments play dirty like this for long enough, people will eventually wise up and realizing that they’re playing football with Lucy.
If too many people realize that the rule of law is a rigged game, people like Gavin Newsom will find out to their horror that the rule of law was there to protect people like him as much as it was there to protect gun owners. Political scientists call this kind of a situation a “legitimation crisis” or “crisis of legitimacy”. Some have called this situation “the law of the jungle”.
Whatever we want to call it, this crisis of legitimacy is still in the relatively early stages. I won’t sit here and pretend that only Democrats act this way, either. Republicans have plenty of other issues that they don’t want to play by the rules on, and that behavior also serves to sap the legitimacy of the system in the public eye. If government officials on all sides don’t cut it out, the whole system could unravel and get a bunch of people on all sides killed.
Nobody really wants that.
“They’re not trying to improve public safety or have an enlightened public policy debate about firearms, and there’s no amount of appeasement that will ever be enough for them.”
Not true. They will be perfectly appeased when all lawful gun owners are forced to turn over their firearms for destruction. There is even a slim possibility that they will allow a limited number of shotguns for hunting solely for animal control–but they hate hunters too.
By now Gun Owners should know they cannot reason with an insane agenda History Confirms is Rooted in Racism and Genocide. Anyone with half a brain can see Gun Control zealots simply erased the N-Word from yesterday’s Gun Control tactics and inserted today’s Gun Owners. Gun Control zealots did that because Gun Control zealots see those who own firearms as dumb History illiterate hayseeds who could not connect yesterday’s Gun Control tactics with today’s Gun Control tactics…
why can’t you take your place in line?
The Fed during so called “reconstruction era” when the Union League armed free black gangs under the authority of Military Occupation to violate southern citizens who were not allowed to own firearms, southern veterans. Later on the push back then did not allow blacks to have firearms. It’s convenient not to tell the whole story. It pushes the narrative how naughty southerners were supposedly were. Read “Washington’s KKK: The Union League” by John Choates.
Not if the UK is any example. After banning guns, they’ll push for “commonsense” laws to stop the “epidemic of knife violence”.
Disagree. Guns are only one of their beefs with the likes of folks like us. Even Hillary had the audacity to claim that Trump supporters should be sent to reeducation camps. Commies are NEVER appeased.
Mark N.,
I disagree as well. “They” will not be satisfied taking all of our firearms. “They” will not be satisfied taking all of our knives. “They” will not be satisfied taking more than half of our money. “They” want much more.
“They” want to reduce us to inhuman playthings where “they” can do whatever “they” please with us. “They” want:
— us to eat insects instead of meat
— us to live in cold homes without fossil-fuel heat
— us unable to resist violent robberies, home invasions, and rape
— our young teen daughters to be their human $ex dolls on exclusive islands
— our young teen boys and girls to be human sacrifices at their “parties”
— world population reduced more than 90%
It is difficult to comprehend how totally and completely evil many members of the Ruling Class are. It is even more difficult to believe that they are actively trying to do all of the things that I just listed above.
Might be hard to believe (I sure as hell had a hard time with it), but it’s all true.
“Republicans have plenty of other issues that they don’t want to play by the rules on, and that behavior also serves to sap the legitimacy of the system in the public eye.”
LOLOL. Maybe, but the Dems and the left in general do it as a matter of course. Don’t get the result you want?? Move the goalposts. Case in point, in every state the subject of gay marriage was brought to a plebiscite, the population rejected it.
Even in California!
But, instead of abiding by “democracy,” the Left turned to the courts to change the rules. To the Left, “democracy” is only when they get the result they want. Otherwise, they attempt to bully the populace and change the rules. Look what Raskin and his cohorts are saying about the Supreme Court.
These people are revolutionary communists.
As long as it is allowed. nuff said.
“If government officials on all sides don’t cut it out, the whole system could unravel and get a bunch of people on all sides killed.
Nobody really wants that.”
I beg to differ with you, Ms. Sensiba. I honestly do not think the power-brokers care if a bunch of people are killed. In fact, they use those deaths to further expand their totalitarian agenda. So in fact, it kind of seems to me that they DO want a bunch of people killed.
Square hit dead center! That is exactly what many on the left (and a few idiots on the right) want. Much to the sorrow of us all.
100%. The limousine communists want us dead. All of us. It’s all part of their war on people on behalf of their earth god. Every single day they’re working to ban the foods we want, the method we can cook them with, heat in the cold, cold in the heat, reliable automobile transportation, air transportation, reasonable prices for bare necessities, and on and on and on. It’s not a conspiracy. We can’t even have functioning toilets and 50c light bulbs.
They can’t win all the wars on their perceived climate change front, so they’ll make it a lot easier to simply die.
In the 1960’s the radical left was openly communist and were calling for a “violent revolution”. They assumed they would win and had plans to “eliminate” about 250,000 people who would resist their agenda. Now that number would be about 250 million. Those same people control the democrat party (communist party USA)
They will probably steal the election, POTUS, house and senate so they will have complete control of the government. Stack the Supreme Court and away they go…
Be Prepared
THE Florida Gunfighter,
I posted a comment below with very similar sentiment.
Adding to your comment, remember that the limousine communists also want our young teen daughters for human $ex dolls (at their exclusive island resorts) plus both our young teen sons and daughters for “entertainment” (in the form of human sacrifices) at their “parties”.
And no, I am not kidding nor exaggerating. I have heard very credible testimony myself and found very credible accounts which mirror (with astonishing consistency) the testimony that I have heard. And if you are still wanting to reject that this is real and happening: if the upper echelon of Germany’s Ruling Class (e.g. Nazis) in the 1940s did the same to Jews, why wouldn’t the upper echelon of our Ruling Class be doing it today? If exclusive islands with young teen girl “$ex dolls” are not real, then why did Jeffrey Epstein go to jail–and die (whether by suicide or murder)?
“if the upper echelon of Germany’s Ruling Class (e.g. Nazis) in the 1940s did the same to Jews, why wouldn’t the upper echelon of our Ruling Class be doing it today?”
And of course it goes back way farther than the Nazis. This is one of the big fallacies that plagues us: “It can’t happen here.”
People just don’t seem to understand that we are the same species we have always been, subject to all the same weaknesses and fully capable of all the same great evils. And there’s a reason that the same con games have been played successfully for thousands of years.
Phil Wilson,
Well said.
Nobody really wants that? I question that assertion. Democrats seem to revel in the blood of the dead, every time another tragedy takes place. The media wallows in it, like hogs wallow in mud. I honestly believe that the gun control crowd would be please with tens of thousands of deaths, and that they would gloat over “proving” that gun control is needed.
I only pray that if/when it happens, all of the senior progressive leadership is taken out firstest and fastest. Those who fund the gun control industry should be primary targets – but they hide behind their own paid guns.
We need to cut to the chase: The only reason these things are happening in various states and localities is because the people currently in charge can do it. Control the court, control the police, language: Control the “law”, regardless of what the law states or mandates.
SCOTUS decides it’s fine to kill babies in the womb? It’s the law. SCOTUS decrees that the previous Roe decision was wrong, or that Second Amendment is an individual right and American history is on the side of the individual right to keep and bear arms? It’s contrary to the law, and not only should it be ignored, but special steps must be taken to make the exercise of the latest decision dangerous, physically and financially. It all depends on who controls the government at the time, as well as the MSM and other factors.
Lawsuits will not end this, nor more laws passed at the national level. Even a second SCOTUS decision codifying Bruen, or perhaps another Constitutional Amendment to verify the original intent of the Second Amendment will not fix the problems so long as the elected and appointed people are allowed to thumb their noses at the law, or hire a brigade of lawyers to continually cloud the issue and bide for time. Only the election of new people who are interested in the personal liberties confirmed in our founding documents, and the complete replacement of those now in charge will have any real effect. It is an effort that needs to be undertaken by us all, and it is up to us, not politicians, to “sell” this to the masses.
How? Start with your own circle of influence. Know your arguments well and have patience delivering them to those who at this time are skeptical. Make your connections and try to have a ripple affect outside of your “world” and into that of those you communicate with. I see no other way to break out of the polarity. It will take time, but it also took decades to arrive at where we are now perched.
“Only the election of new people who are interested in the personal liberties confirmed in our founding documents, and the complete replacement of those now in charge will have any real effect.”
Oh, I can give you another way it can happen. And I 100% guarantee it will be THE way it happens. End game it. It only ends one way.
if you are referring to some kind of armed “Second American Revolution”, I doubt you’ll gain enough support to make it work. But good luck.
I believe Illinois is trying to NRA and such to burn thru their funds fighting all these silly unidealistic laws
These BS anti constitutional laws have nothing to do with public safety. Keeping habitual criminals off the streets and controlling the borders,are public safety policies.
I cannot comment on articles from Jenny, because I am avoiding articles from Jenny.
Yet you took the time to comment on it.
he did not.
But he did not “avoid” the article, might not have read it, but he had open it to be here to place his “no comment” comment…
Ms. Sensiba consistantly votes far left for gun control pols. This will probably get deleted since most posts pointing out her anti 2A, anti gun votes disappear. She gets her say and those critical of her don’t. Just the way things work now.
When it comes to getting killed, seems the left is doing all the killing. It was Chairman Mao who pointed out “all political power arises through the barrel of a gun”. Never hears that sort of crap from a conservative…not ever.
I normally look forward to your comments, as they are usually (i) very erudite and (subtly) snarky, and (ii) usually quite well thought out.
TBH, Sam, this was a ‘swing and a miss’. Is Jennifer a sort of ‘left-of-center’ squish, on many issues? Sure. But on many issues, she is spot on (or close to it).
But you actually opened her article, went to the comments, and commented that you WEREN’T commenting because “. . . avoiding articles from Jenny.”
Contemplate that for a while, and get back to me.
could be scam i am bot- seems out o karakter.
“But you actually opened her article, went to the comments, and commented that you WEREN’T commenting because “. . . avoiding articles from Jenny.””
How else can I declare I am refusing to read Jenny’s stuff?
I stand by my words….oh, wait. I would need to print out my comment, put it on the table, then actually stand by the printed page. Sounds like a lot of work; I need another drink.
Stop being Charlie Brown. Kick Lucy in the teeth.
There is an AI generated picture of Charlie Brown holding a football and a smoking pistol while standing over a bleeding Lucy. That is gonna be the answer. There can’t be compromise without some common ground. The lunatic left wants to enslave everyone and molest their kids. No way to compromise with evil.
They tell us to compromise, thier meaning of the word means give in with nothing in return. That is not a compromise.
Use their own tactics against them, make fun of them unmercifully (Saul Alinsky rules for radicals, rule #5). If enough people start laughing at them, they are done for the next few decades. Take a verse from one of their sacred texts and use it against them: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”
WHY does no one on this blog seem to cite the (IMNSHO) best easy capsulization of the whole “sensible gun control” debate???
As RAH once said, once a person of genius states a truth, no further comment on that is necessary. And with that, I give you:
That IS, literally, the history of “gun control”. Remember, the only way to win the game is not to play.
President Biden is the Greatest President America has or ever will have.
Free Hunter Mandela.
You keep saying that and people are going to start thinking you actually do believe it… Although I kind of hope Braindead Jr prevails on the gun issue could bring major changes to the 4473 or maybe get it thrown altogether… All feds need for a BGC is name, SS# and date of birth…
You’re catching the drift, but you’re missing the point. It isn’t ABOUT “what they need” (just like me owning an AR-15 isn’t about ‘no one need an AR-15’, it’s about, “It’s the ‘Bill of Rights’, not the ‘Bill of Needs’), it’s about what they WANT, to further identify/target/control you.
I, too, am conflicted about the First Family Cokehead going down for lying on his 4473. But, if “it’s the LAW”, and his demented, senile daddy is busy locking up others for similar (or LESSER) violations, then . . . why not his son??
Don’t change the form; change the LAW. If they do that, I’m OK with Whoremonger Cokehead going free on the gun charge (we can discuss the bribery, illegal representation of foreign (hostile) governments, in another post).
Yes, Alinsky rule number 5 in action.
Doesn’t matter what is banned, permitted, or taxed. Unless and until the 1 common factor in any type of violent crime is dealt with, nothing will change. And that single common factor is the human. Deal with the person using the weapon. The weapon is nothing but an inanimate object that does nothing until the human picks it up.
The Reader’s Digest version:
Bad law breeds contempt for all law.
^^^^ The Pandora of unintended consequences………
Vote For Biden in 2024…………In the Primary
Do the right thing in the election, even if you have to hold your nose or risk puking.
“… the whole system could unravel and get a bunch of people on all sides killed.
Nobody really wants that.”
Au contraire mon ami!
Many members of the Ruling Class’ Upper Echelon want EXACTLY that.
Clarifying my comment above:
The masses assume that everyone (including the Ruling Class) hold the same values in general. THAT is the major mistake of the masses.
Many members of the Upper Echelon of the Ruling Class have found that their virtually unlimited ability to violate laws and their mountains of cash no longer entertain them. So they have embraced the dark notion that deceiving and manipulating the masses and orchestrating their misery and even death is somehow entertaining.
My previous sentence–not ignorance nor incompetence–explains just about ALL of the destructive stuff that our Ruling Class does.
Sensiba, do tell us what the repubs are doing that is just as dangerous? After all, if safety and reasonableness is the goal, then logically you should be informing us if those issues as well.
The new change in ownership seems to be opening the door to some “nice” new content.
Ms. Sensiba consistantly votes far left for gun control pols. This will probably get deleted since most posts pointing out her anti 2A, anti gun votes disappear. She gets her say and those critical of her don’t. Just the way things work now.
When it comes to getting killed, seems the left is doing all the killing. It was Chairman Mao who pointed out “all political power arises through the barrel of a gun”. Never hears that sort of crap from a conservative…not ever.
OF COURSE, the Leftists are disingenuous about their agenda. it is not just about gun control, it is about total control. They started this indoctrination in the schools. Unfortunately for them, most people pick right through their gibberish and propaganda and realize just what the Lefties are trying to do.
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