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Anti-Gunners Distort Evidence on Defensive Firearms Uses

Doug Howlett - comments 47 comments

A 2023 Pew Research Center poll on gun ownership and public safety in America indicated that the overwhelming majority of Democrat and Democratic-leaning adults (86%) felt the nation’s gun laws should be even more strict. The same poll asked whether gun ownership did more to increase public safety by allowing law-abiding citizens to protect themselves, or tended to reduce safety by giving too many people access to firearms and increasing misuse. More than three out of four Democrats/Democratic leaners (78%) responded that gun ownership did more to decrease safety. According to this viewpoint, there are no “good guys with guns” – everyday gun owners are more likely to be seen as irresponsible, unsafe, or even Second Amendment-obsessed extremists.

To maintain this perception and rationalize laws that make it harder for responsible citizens to acquire and carry firearms for self-defense, the anti-gun lobby and their political allies have resorted to downplaying or distorting the evidence on how often armed, law-abiding citizens reduce or prevent crimes.

A recent op-ed by Dr. John Lott, Jr., the president of the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) discusses how the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have been hiding data that support the deterrent effect of “good guys with guns.”  

For almost a decade, the CDC had “referenced a 2013 National Academies of Sciences report noting that people used guns to stop crime anywhere from about 64,000 to 3 million times a year.” This changed under the Biden-Harris Administration, due to pressure from gun control groups. Dr. Lott states that “gun control activist Mark Bryant, founder of the Gun Violence Archive, lobbied the CDC to remove ‘misinformation’ regarding defensive gun use estimates because they are cited by ‘gun rights folks’ to stop gun control legislation.”

Another source, the California Rifle and Pistol Association (CRPA), writes about how it had filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the CDC in 2022, after its attorney noticed the same amendments on the CDC website. It determined that the changes were the result of a “one-sided lobbying campaign by gun control advocates who were angry that the DGU [defensive gun use] figures reported were hurting gun control efforts.” As part of the campaign, “[i]ntroductions from the White House and Senator Dick Durbin’s (D., Ill.) office helped the advocates reach top officials at the agency after their initial attempt to reach out went unanswered.” According to the CRPA, the CDC “made no effort to contact any other researchers, nor did they contact any gun rights advocates to get their input before the change was made.” Additional details on the CDC’s cooperation with the anti-gun lobby are found in an article by the internet publication, The Reload (here, and referenced here).

December 2022 letter written by five senators to the-then director of the CDC, Biden appointee Dr. Rochelle Walensky, raised the issue of gun-control activist influence over the CDC’s research. It quotes an email from Mark Bryant on the DGU statistic (“[T]hat 2.5 Million number needs to be killed, buried, dug up, killed again and buried again.”) in the context of the mission of the CDC. While the “CDC prides itself on being a ‘science-based, data driven service that protects the public’s health,’” the “censorship action” taken by the CDC ran contrary to that mission. “Eliminating a credible study and its findings hurts public health, and the credibility of the CDC, by not allowing transparent access to all relevant research. The removal of the referenced study was not due to updated research. Instead, based on the released emails from the FOIA request, the removal of this study appears only to have been done to appease gun control groups and to suppress any data that firearms are in fact an essential lifesaving and protection tool.”

As Dr. Lott discovered, the FBI has also been selective about presenting defensive gun use data, in the context of how it tracks “active shooter incidents” (ASIs). Dr. Lott previously worked with the U.S. Department of Justice, and his duties included evaluating the FBI’s reports on ASIs. He found that the FBI repeatedly excluded or misidentified cases in which armed citizens intervened in attacks, with the corrected data (as collected by his CPRC) establishing a significantly more favorable depiction of defensive gun uses:

For instance, the FBI continues to report that armed citizens stopped only 14 of the 350 active shooter cases that it identified in the ten years from 2014 to 2023… the CPRC numbers tell a much different story: Out of 515 active shooter incidents from 2014 to 2023, armed citizens stopped 180, saving countless innocent lives. Our numbers even excluded 27 cases where a law-abiding citizen with a gun stopped an attacker before he could fire a shot.

Dr. Lott’s data indicate that armed law-abiding citizens have stopped over 35% of active shootings over the last decade (and 39.6% of those in the last five years), a figure that is “eight times higher than the four percent estimate made by the FBI.” The DGU statistics are even more compelling once the location is narrowed to only those places where citizens are legally allowed to carry a firearm. By excluding “gun-free zones,” the CPRC estimates that “armed civilians stopped 51 percent of active shootings over the past decade. Over the last five years, that figure was 53.1 percent.”

The FBI is apparently unwilling to amend its dataset, even after corrected and updated information is made available. Dr. Lott indicates that the “FBI refuses to fix its errors and even the blatant omissions that I pointed out have still not been corrected… [it’s] missing so many defensive gun uses that it’s hard to believe it isn’t intentional and the fact that they never correct mistakes that are brought to their attention is even more damning.”

The Washington Post’s fact-checker ran up against the same intransigence over this alleged research bias. Last year, when the Post looked into Dr. Lott’s dataset and the FBI’s exclusion of cases, it reported that the “FBI brushed aside repeated efforts by The Fact Checker to discuss its reports and the questions raised by Lott. ‘We have no additional information to provide other than what is provided within the active shooter reports on our website,’ the agency said in an emailed statement.”

In addition to this skewing of facts and data by taxpayer-funded government agencies, there is now reason to believe that the Biden-Harris Administration may have been in “collusion” with anti-Second Amendment plaintiffs in litigation against the gun industry. The suit seeks to hold a gun manufacturer responsible for the harm caused by third-party criminals who illegally modified its product and committed violent crimes. A pending investigation by House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) is examining whether and to what extent the White House has been working with “anti-gun interest groups to cripple a manufacturer who sells a legal product in a highly regulated sales market.”

All of this is aimed at undermining the truth that armed, law-abiding citizens – the “good guys with guns” – thwart crime and save lives. Defensive gun use instances occur across the country every day (hereherehere and here, for instance). “Almost every major study has found that Americans use their firearms in self-defense between 500,000 and 3 million times annually, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has acknowledged,” states the Heritage Foundation. “In 2021, the most comprehensive study ever conducted on the issue concluded that roughly 1.6 million defensive gun uses occur in the United States every year.” Moreover, as Dr. Lott’s research on concealed carry permittees shows, the 21.8 million or so carry permit holders in the United States are, as a group, exceptionally law-abiding.

Protection remains the overwhelming reason Americans exercise their Second Amendment rights. Even Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, trying to close the gap between her radical anti-gun agenda and what millions of Americans believe in, has a newly embraced (and highly questionable) identity as a “gun owner” for her “personal safety.”

Make no mistake: even as she trades on her gun ownership for political mileage, Harris poses a most serious threat to our Second Amendment rights. Her extremist gun control platform makes it clear that she doesn’t like guns or America’s responsible gun owners, and will continue the campaign to write off defensive gun uses and “good guys with guns” as an unsubstantiated fantasy of the firearm lobby.

—Courtesy NRA-ILA

47 thoughts on “Anti-Gunners Distort Evidence on Defensive Firearms Uses”

    • Below is minor49iq stooping to spin its way out of the known fact hungry people will eat anything including each other. Haiti has always been a dog eat dog mess and it’s a wonder in 1994 when bill clintoon sent Carter and others to Haiti they weren’t eaten although rumor has it the democRat do gooders had to skidaddle out of Haiti.

      So while there is no video of Springfield’s invaders dining on cats and dogs there is enough evidense of such activity for it to sooner or later turn to fact. This effort by minor49iq to whitewash what hungry Haitians do at home and abroad circles back to the election. Funny how minor49iq and its democRat ilk cannot define what a woman is yet they are gung-ho on a documented 60 year old slap worn out vagina being the first woman president…sounds sleazy because it is.

      And while Gun Control zealots sit around daily and concoct lies about firearms in order to disarm America I for one must constantly remind the zealots that History Confirms Gun Control in any shape, matter or form is an agenda Rooted in Racism and Genocide.

      Connect the h…
      h ttps://youtube.com/watch?v=WlItbl9SOAg&feature=shared

  1. Well yeah! It’s because the truth is very inconvenient for them. If you can’t win with the truth, LIE. It’s the oldest trick in the book; lie and silence the truth.

    • “If you can’t win with the truth, LIE. It’s the oldest trick in the book“

      Yep, that’s a real problem for the Republicans:

      “Ohio GOP Gov. DeWine slams Trump and Vance for baseless claims about Haitian migrants in Springfield
      He called on his fellow Republicans to end what he called harmful rhetoric.
      ByBrittany Shepherd
      September 20, 2024, 12:48 PM

      Haitian community in Springfield, Ohio, under threat after debunked comments
      ABC News’ Terry Moran speaks with H…Show More
      Ohio Republican Gov. Mike DeWine delivered his strongest condemnation yet of former President Donald Trump and his running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, for their continued false claims regarding Haitian migrants in Springfield.

      “As a supporter of former President Donald Trump and Senator JD Vance, I am saddened by how they and others continue to repeat claims that lack evidence and disparage the legal migrants living in Springfield. This rhetoric hurts the city and its people, and it hurts those who have spent their lives there,” DeWine wrote in an op-ed in the New York Times published Friday morning.“

      • “Haitian community in Springfield, Ohio, under threat after debunked comments”

        been debunked, they are not under threat of anything. A few said they ‘felt’ … but zero evidence of such ‘threat’. Typical left wing media BS, over amplification of ‘I feelz’ trying to make it a thing. ABC calls it a ‘community’ to avoid saying ‘illegal immigrants’.

        • Clarification for : “ABC calls it a ‘community’ to avoid saying ‘illegal immigrants’.”

          Some of the Haitian are legal migrants. The people of Springfield are not complaining about the legal migrants, they are complaining about the homeless illegal immigrants flooding the town. ABC lumps these in with their ‘community’ to avoid saying ‘illegal immigrants’ are part of what they are calling ‘community’.

        • “but zero evidence of such ‘threat’.”

          So a national presidential candidate can make fraudulent claims about a town and its population and it’s all OK as long as nobody has actually been blown up yet.

          Y’all Republicans have taken these lies and fraud to a whole new level.

          “An emailed threat said bombs had been planted in the homes of Springfield’s mayor and other city officials, said Karen Graves, a city spokesperson. A second email said that bombs would be detonated at locations including Springfield City Hall, a high school, a middle school, two elementary schools, a local office of the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles and a licensing bureau.“

          “More than 30 bomb threats have been made against schools, government buildings and city officials’ homes since last week, forcing evacuations and closures. Springfield also canceled its annual celebration of diversity, arts and culture in response to the threats, and on Tuesday, state police were deployed to city schools.”

          Trump and JP Mandel are doing a great job of whipping people into a mob frenzy with rumors and outright lies, Trump’s study of Hitler’s techniques is really paying off for him.

          • minor48iq…I hate to rain on your self righteous parade but allow me to remind you it is your beloved democRat Party that owns the Legacy of Slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, the kkk, lynching, Eugenics, Gun Control and other race based atrocities.

            When you and your democRat Party make Monetary Reparations for all your wrongs then and only then will you have a podium. Until then sit down and stfu.

          • minor49iq…Without any named perps it could and very well may be a team of your very own jesse smolett democrats yanking your chain. Go fetch names and azzholes like the 2 democRat Party lint lickers who tried to assassinate POTUS DJT and present to this forum something other than your usual load of demoCrap.

            TRUMP/VANCE 2024.

          • “So a national presidential candidate can make fraudulent claims about a town and its population and it’s all OK as long as nobody has actually been blown up yet.”

            100% lie, plus I never said or implied any such thing. Show me where “a national presidential candidate” said such statements were OK “as long as nobody has actually been blown up yet.”

            “An emailed threat said bombs had been planted in the homes of Springfield’s mayor and other city officials, said Karen Graves, a city spokesperson. A second email said that bombs would be detonated at locations including Springfield City Hall, a high school, a middle school, two elementary schools, a local office of the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles and a licensing bureau.

            More than 30 bomb threats have been made against schools, government buildings and city officials’ homes since last week, forcing evacuations and closures. Springfield also canceled its annual celebration of diversity, arts and culture in response to the threats, and on Tuesday, state police were deployed to city schools.”

            With absolutely zero proof this had anything to do with anything Trump or Vance might have said in regards to Haitians – you throw this out there like its someway substantiating. You just craving for something to substantiate your TDS screaming to continue to troll with.

            Y’all, meaning you and other left wing idiots, have taken your lies and fraud and delusion and TDS to a whole new level.

          • Oh, and Miner49er learn what context means and stop cherry picking out of context to support your craving to unleash your TDS.

          • “Show me where “a national presidential candidate” said such statements were OK“

            Here you go:

            “JD Vance says he does not regret spreading baseless rumors of migrants eating pets
            USA TODAY
            “If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people then that’s what I’m going to do,” Vance told CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday.“

          • and again you missed the context

            You said this:

            “So a national presidential candidate can make fraudulent claims about a town and its population and it’s all OK as long as nobody has actually been blown up yet.””

            I said this:

            “Show me where “a national presidential candidate” said such statements were OK ‘as long as nobody has actually been blown up yet.’ ”

            But you cherry pick out of context to say:

            “Show me where “a national presidential candidate” said such statements were OK“

            When that’s not the context of my statements pointing out your lie that you wrote that said was ““So a national presidential candidate can make fraudulent claims about a town and its population and it’s all OK as long as nobody has actually been blown up yet.””

            So i’m still waiting …

            Show me where “a national presidential candidate” said such statements were OK ‘as long as nobody has actually been blown up yet.’

            That was your claim, that such statements by “a national presidential candidate” was OK as long as no one was blown up.

            So stop it with your deliberate deceptions and lies and intentionally deceptive cherry picking out of context and substantiate your claim that such statements by “a national presidential candidate” was OK as long as no one was blown up.


            Show me where “a national presidential candidate” said such statements were OK ‘as long as nobody has actually been blown up yet.

        • “Miner’s impossible stay on topic challenge“

          Perhaps you missed it but the subject of this article is intentional distortion of the situation in order to promote an agenda.

          And regarding the cat-eating claim, it was Donald Trump himself who said he “likes to grab them by the pussy”.

          But really, I’m sure that’s not what he meant, in his confession to serial sexual abuse. It seems his admission of guilt during his “locker room talk” session is gonna cost him somewhere north of $100 million.

  2. If Kamala owns a gun I’m a monkey’s uncle. Yes it is possible, but she has had secret service protection from the moment she and Biden were declared the winners of the last election, if not before. Further, when she was California’s AG, she had a private armed security force providing protection. None were LEOs, but at best CCW holders who broke the law every time they entered a government office. So why would she need a gun?

  3. (Kamala Harris endorses firearm armed self-defense) Kamala Harris Panders To Oprah Saying If Someone Breaks Into My House They Getting Shot.

    (remove the ‘-‘ and contract to fully form url to watch, but if one appears after the = do not remove those)

    http-s — ://ww-w.you-tube.-com/watch?v=2KhWUZxEXyg

  4. Harris Promises to TRAMPLE 2nd+4th Amendment Rights.

    (remove the ‘-‘ and contract to fully form url to watch, but if one appears after the = do not remove those)

    http-s — ://ww-w.you-tube.-com/watch?v=zLST0ppOKEc

  5. BREAKING: DHS says there are 5 teams looking to take Trump out.

    (remove the ‘-‘ and contract to fully form url to watch, but if one appears after the = do not remove those)

    http-s — ://ww-w.you-tube.-com/watch?v=LV3t4a_uy8I

    • More intentional misrepresentation and distortion from conservative Republicans.

      So where is the statement from DHS about these five teams looking to take Trump out?

      Oh there isn’t one, it’s just some story Matt Gaetz is relating in order to distract from his upcoming prosecution for kitty fiddling:

      “Exclusive: Rep. Matt Gaetz Claims There Are 5 Known Assassination Teams in U.S.
      September 19, 2024
      In The News
      Article by Hannah Knudsen
      Published on Breitbart News“

      • Miner49er, evidently you still don’t understand what context or research is. If you did, you would have found out that Gaetz was relating what DHS had told him. He says he met with a senior official in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) who said that there are at least five known assassination teams in the United States, “at least three of which are foreign that are out to kill Trump.”

        You can read about it here > h ttps://gaetz.house.gov/media/in-the-news/exclusive-rep-matt-gaetz-claims-there-are-5-known-assassination-teams-us

        I’m sure Joe read about it, right after he finished his day dream about showering with Ashley.

        • 40 ounce, I read his claim.

          “He says he met with a senior official in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)“

          That’s what’s known as ‘hearsay’ evidence and it doesn’t meet your burden of proof.

          I’m sure Matt Gaetz is shitting and getting, and will say anything to distract from his kiddie fiddler guilt:

          “Matt Gaetz attended 2017 party where minor and drugs were present, woman’s sworn statement obtained by Congress claims
          The Ethics panel is questioning witnesses about allegations involving Gaetz.
          ByWill Steakin
          April 19, 2024, 5:04 AM

          According to a sworn written statement that has been obtained by the Ethics committee, a woman says that in summer of 2017, when she was 20 years old, she attended a party in Florida that Gaetz also attended, which featured alcohol and drugs including cocaine and MDMA, sources familiar with the committee’s work told ABC News.”

          Just another MAGA Republican politician.

  6. left wing democrat and liberals buying 2X as many guns as conservatives and republicans.

    (remove the ‘-‘ and contract to fully form url to watch, but if one appears after the = do not remove those)

    http-s — ://ww-w.you-tube.-com/watch?v=Ehc8MGgp8WA

    • Possibly because every conservative/Republican who was 18 at the time stocked up in 2016 ahead of the “inevitable” Pres. Hillary, and every one who was too young then but 18 in 2020 stocked up before Biden got into office?

  7. Harris Wants YOU On A Registry!

    (remove the ‘-‘ and contract to fully form url to watch, but if one appears after the = do not remove those)

    http-s — ://ww-w.you-tube.-com/watch?v=qZ1_v4w2VR0

  8. America’s Private Self-Defense Gun Culture just took a giant leap forward this week. Mark Smith Four Boxes Diner explains.

    (remove the ‘-‘ and contract to fully form url to watch, but if one appears after the = do not remove those)

    http-s — ://ww-w.you-tube.-com/watch?v=HuMOro7RA2I

  9. “More than three out of four Democrats/Democratic leaners (78%) responded that gun ownership did more to decrease safety.”

    That’s like saying “More than three out of four Democrats/Democratic leaners (78%) responded that car ownership did more to decrease safety.”

    Its one of those ‘Democrats/Democratic leaners’ leaning questions that feeds the irrational fear inherent in their ignorance so of course they are going to respond that way.

    They don’t look at the reality that, for example, they are actually safer with gun ownership than they are around cars operating on a street/highway. There are around 400,500,000 guns in the ownership of law abiding Americans, less then 0.00001% of those guns are involved in any ‘unsafe’ accident annually (around 4,000 annually across the United States, collectively, with or without injury, in a year period), where, there are around 300,000,000 cars in ownership in the United States in operation on street/highway with around, nationwide, 19,000 injured in some manner (including minor) due to car accident monthly (including deaths) (directly and indirectly – indirect, e.g. secondary effects such as fleeing an accidental direct hit by car but then striking other objects and receiving injuries, for example, common in bicycle riders on streets, these are not reported as car accidents are thus do not appear in the numbers for car accident but are a result of car accident), to include pedestrians on foot) and that comes up to ~228,000 annually due to car accident (~90,000 of these are children 12 years of age or younger). For ‘safety’ in terms of likely hood chance a person is more than 1,500 times more likely to be injured (including death) by a car ‘accident’ (even as a pedestrian) on or near a street/highway than they are to be injured by a law abiding gun owner having a gun.

    • “a person is more than 1,500 times more likely to be injured… than they are to be injured by a law abiding gun owner having a gun“

      Clever phrasing, but you know, it’s not the ‘law-abiding’ gun owners folks are concerned about.

      It’s the guy who was ‘law-abiding’ right up until he wasn’t.

      • “Clever phrasing, but you know, it’s not the ‘law-abiding’ gun owners folks are concerned about.”

        Oh I see, its clever phrasing when the truth is told. But for some reason you think you can say “Oh no, its not the ‘law-abiding’ gun owners folks are concerned about” when its pretty darn clear that the gun-control industry and the Democrats do nothing but affect the law abiding gun owners with their trick of not saying ‘gun control’ but suddenly its ‘gun safety’.

        “It’s the guy who was ‘law-abiding’ right up until he wasn’t.”

        And who exactly is that? Less than 1% of conservative republican gun owners commit any ‘illegal’ act with a firearm. More then 67% of left wing democrat voting liberals commit illegal acts daily, and ~90% of the so called ‘gun violence’ crime is committed by 12 % of ‘career criminals’ with over 60% of murders in the country committed by ~7% of the black demographic that comprises ~13% of the population. Even for Chicago alone, the US Attorney Generals office identified 500 people who are gang members that were responsible for over 80% of the crime in Chicago.

        • More clever phrasing:

          “Less than 1% of conservative republican gun owners commit any ‘illegal’ act with a firearm“

          Compared to:

          “More then 67% of left wing democrat voting liberals commit illegal acts“

          So you’re comparing just illegal acts with firearms by conservative Republicans, as opposed to all illegal acts by liberals.

          Just can’t stop yourself from twisting the facts.

          That’s a big reason why the Republicans will lose in November.

          Other than the fact that Donald Trump and JP Mandel are women-hating Aryans who are willing to ‘create stories’ if it supports their narrative.

          • You said this:

            “It’s the guy who was ‘law-abiding’ right up until he wasn’t.”

            I said this:

            And who exactly is that? Less than 1% of conservative republican gun owners commit any ‘illegal’ act with a firearm. More then 67% of left wing democrat voting liberals commit illegal acts daily, and ~90% of the so called ‘gun violence’ crime is committed by 12 % of ‘career criminals’ with over 60% of murders in the country committed by ~7% of the black demographic that comprises ~13% of the population. Even for Chicago alone, the US Attorney Generals office identified 500 people who are gang members that were responsible for over 80% of the crime in Chicago.

            I replied to your comment with “And who exactly is that? Less than 1% of conservative republican gun owners commit any ‘illegal’ act with a firearm”. And I wasn’t comparing anything but just stating that, basically, that its the least likely to happen, and said illegal acts are more prevalent from other sources, and at the same time, although you obviously did not catch it, the concern you specifically focused on is not what was presented in the pew survey and you have delusion-ally induce it into your thinking. You made that comparison, not me. Learn what context means and stop being confirmation-ally biased.

            “Just can’t stop yourself from twisting the facts.”

            I didn’t twist anything, I replied with fact exactly to what you said.

            “That’s a big reason why the Republicans will lose in November.

            Other than the fact that Donald Trump and JP Mandel are women-hating Aryans who are willing to ‘create stories’ if it supports their narrative.”

            100% false. Aside from the usual left wing narrative that pretends it can predict the future … where exactly has Trump and Vance been “women-hating Aryans” and… its “J.D. Vance” not “JP Mandel” … and here you are complaining about twisting facts.

          • “its “J.D. Vance” not “JP Mandel” … and here you are complaining about twisting facts.“

            It’s not me calling him JP Mandel, it’s Donald Trump.
            So you’re saying Donald Trump is twisting the facts, I’m glad you’re finally admitting it:

            “We’ve endorsed Dr. Oz. We’ve endorsed JP, right? JD Mandel, and he’s doing great. They’re all doing good,” Trump said.”

            Of course, it’s easily explainable, Donald Trump is an old man and just made a mistake, after all he’s almost 80 years old.

            At least Donald Trump is receiving the endorsement of the Muslim community:

            “Mayor of Muslim-majority Michigan city endorses Trump: ‘Right choice for this critical time’
            Mayor Ghalib met with former President Trump in Flint earlier this week for a private 20-minute conversation
            Bradford Betz By Bradford Betz Fox News
            Published September 22, 2024 7:51pm EDT“

            Wait a minute, Donald Trump is having confidential meetings with Islamists, are you guys OK with all that? I thought he instituted a “total ban on Muslims entering the United States”…

            “Mayor Ghalib met with former President Trump in Flint earlier this week for a private 20-minute conversation“

          • “More clever phrasing”

            (well, my reply went to moderation for some reason, but to add…)

            Evidently, common English language use is way too clever for you to understand.

  10. This whole “good guy with a gun” argument is a dead dog faced pony.

    First of all, as a political stance it is useless; emotion sells, not stats.

    Second, it is perhaps useful in some court cases.

    Third, all the machinations by anti-gunners, and burrocrats is the result of taking power. What’s the point of grabbing power if you can’t abuse it?

    Fourth, the left always seeks to eliminate the opposition, so if we cannot trash and humiliate (because pro-2A politicians are actually only interested in being invited to all the cool parties) the Left to the point of extinction (as happened to the Whig party). We will always, and truly, be reactionaries; who constantly lose.

    The mantra of the anti-2A mob is, “If it saves only one…”. Yet, if it saves only 14 in DGUs, it is indicative of uselessness. And then, if one of the 14 saved speaks up supportively, the Left would declare that if the shooter had not been able to possess a firearm, the DGUs would have been unnecessary.

    • “The mantra of the anti-2A mob is, “If it saves only one…”. Yet, if it saves only 14 in DGUs, it is indicative of uselessness. And then, if one of the 14 saved speaks up supportively, the Left would declare that if the shooter had not been able to possess a firearm, the DGUs would have been unnecessary.”

      the circular false logic of anti-gun

    • I certainly agree with one of your statements:

      “pro-2A politicians are actually only interested in being invited to all the cool parties“

      “Matt Gaetz attended 2017 party where minor and drugs were present, woman’s sworn statement obtained by Congress claims
      The Ethics panel is questioning witnesses about allegations involving Gaetz.
      ByWill Steakin
      April 19, 2024, 5:04 AM”


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