Anti-Gunners Will Do Damn Near Anything to Prove Their Point

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  1. Too bad posting pictures is not possible as I saw a political cartoon with a man with an assault rifle and an NRA shirt with his arm around a Republican Congressman. In the foreground you could see dead children and adults lying in a pool of blood and carnage. The caption read for the NRA man and the Republican Congressman “We have come a long way together”.

      • The more important pictures were of herr dacian and his buddies in the ss/antifa burning and looting minority owned businesses during their mostly peaceful protests.

        He has helped to arm a lot of folks that were not interested in guns. He’s done a better job of selling guns than the NRA could ever do. And he’s simply too stupid and uneducated to realize the truth. Priceless.

    • Wow, that was almost 50% witty . . . eh, make that 25%.

      dacian the stupid, show us on the doll where the mean NRA hurt you.

      Or just go resume your efforts at onanism.

    • Give me a break. The NRA and the good gun owners of America support hunting, shooting sports and defensive use of firearms. They do NOT support the wholesale slaughter that is happening mainly in the inner cities between street gangs for drug turf. Do not pretend it does.

    • darcydodo…The cartoon scenario you presented was a spin containing slander and libel whereas the cartoon pictured is the truth. If it were not the truth you would have presented evidence. And since you failed to do so and posted lies instead you can go pound sand or eat sht…your choice.

    • The NRA a/k/a The 800lb gorilla?

      I think the couple dozen 400lb ones are doing just fine in the halls of Congress. Just keep worrying about the NRA, which is what we want you to do dacian.

    • dacian, the Dunderhead Do you even know what an “assault rifle” is ? I doubt it. You can’t even tell us the firing sequence of a cartridge. I see nothing wrong with a man wearing an NRA shirt with his arm around a Republican Congressman.
      I would see something wrong with you in a picture with one of Senator Corey Booker. Both of you are Leftists.

    • This is funny, because this is the same concept as the Grace’s illustration above. In Grace’s illustration, the left is blaming guns. In your illustration, the government and the NRA are protecting guns, and thus the left is blaming guns. I don’t understand why the left always blames freedom instead of bad behavior. Why don’t they go after the root cause? – the desire to murder and the perp’s inability to suppress the urge? Instead, it’s always the method’s fault. the method by which the murder is committed, that’s the problem to the left.

  2. No the anti-gunners will do anything to prove their point. Including murder people using guns.
    It’s not just the shooter in Buffalo NY and the shooter in New Zealand. There have been many anti-gun activists who ended up using guns in crimes including murder. And it’s all been covered here on TTAG before.

    • Pattern recognition is racist (or whatever ist or phobic is popular at the moment)……. not quite exactly how the state framed it on some of the mandatory annual training but not far off.

      • The gun Community needs to start connecting the dots. And face reality. We are dealing with potential murderers who want to take our guns away.
        And we are dealing with Anti-gunners who will not pull the trigger themselves. But will support other Anti-gunners pulling the trigger.

        • I would say most of the gun community that is honest with itself realized that communism in whatever form it wants to call itself lately never went away and took root on our side of the world and very much fall under the pattern of behavior you describe. I would also say a growing percentage of the “normal” population is finding it more difficult to deny and are not liking the discomfort acknowledgement of reality brings.

  3. If these things work that way then I should be able to hit the ten ring with every shot from every gun and with any ammo from any distance.

    C’mon…hit the circle with the X.

  4. We were on our usual Saturday morning breakfast with a few extended family members. None of them own or carry guns, but they all know I am always armed. We were joking about some controversial topic (I do not recall what it was), and I was laughingly kidding my sister-in-law. She then said “So what are your going to do about it? Take out your gun and shoot me?”

    So, I said, “Ammo is too expensive” and everybody laughed. HOWEVER….

    It struck me that even though she knows I would do anything for her (and have), the fact that I carry a gun unnerves her enough that she would joke about me harming people. This was not the first time, and no other family member has ever made such mention.

    She watches ‘The View’ and SNL.

    It is a lesson. Some people are so brainwashed that they cannot get past it when someone they know and love carries a firearm.

    • Oops, I got the numbers reversed. It’s about 11% of Floridians who have a carry license.

    • some people just don’t like guns…and are uncomfortable around them…until something happens to change their mind…absent that, don’t expect them to alter their view

    • “the fact that I carry a gun unnerves her enough“

      How can she ignore the fact that, out of all of her loved ones and family at the table, you were the only one who felt the need to bring a lethal weapon to breakfast.

      And you don’t understand how that affects those around you?

      • I’ll bet he also drove a lethal weapon to the gathering — as did the rest of the family members.

        How dare they?

      • Quote “And you don’t understand how that affects those around you?”

        It doesn’t affect them at all, no one was harmed, everyone was safer because he was carrying. If something did happen, he could respond.

        Miner49er, deciding to not carry a weapon doesn’t make you virtuous, it makes you a liability because you’ve decided to have others protect you.

        • Notice how I used the inflammatory word “weapon” interchangeably with the word “firearm”.

          That concealed carried pistol was likely never used as a “weapon” and likely never will. Yet y all gleefully reused that exact ‘loaded’ manipulative term.

          You rubes are terrible at using terms that benefit your side and willingly use our terms in your vernacular, like ‘gun violence’, ‘assault weapon’ and ‘gun buyback’.

          We leftists control the culture and the narrative and y all only react to our yanks on your strings.

        • Minor MINER49er Well, for one thing there is no such thing as an “assault weapon”. A gun is incapable of violence, and “gun buy backs” are bull/S. You buy a gun that cost me $700 and give me $50? Or If I am lucky maybe $100?

      • What’s your point? Out of all of her loved one’s he is the only one that takes her safety seriously. If something were to happen and LifeSavor ended up saving her life I have a feeling she would get over her anxiety after that.

    • I work on audio for our Sunday church service in eastern TN. The guy working next to me is a retired cop and we started talking about carry pistols. As the conversation continued, it turned out that everybody working in the back of the church was carrying. After the service, I asked the pastor what his estimate was of congregants who carried to service. He estimated about 40 – 45% of the men and 20% of the women. That would be about 150 people. And yet, in all these years, we never got possessed by evil gun magic and started shooting each other at random.

  5. @LifeSavor — I have a similar situation with my own sister here in Florida. Fortunately she no longer makes any pointed comments and I’ve learned simply never to raise the topic.

    I was with her and some of her friends not long ago and one of them mentioned disparagingly a Sheriff Grady Judd (Polk County) press conference where he recommended that his county residents ought to have a gun handy and to shoot home invaders, and not to wait for a deputy to show up in such a dangerous situation.

    I got a bit of attention when I overrode my better judgment and said that the same thing applied to carjacking, but that the intended victim should have a concealed carry permit away from home.

    “Oh, but not that many people have one of those permits!” somebody said.

    “Au contraire,” I replied. “There are now 2½ million Floridians with concealed weapon permits out of a population of roughly 22 million. That’s about 9%, one out of every eleven residents. I don’t know what percentage of permit holders go armed all the time, but I’m confident that a substantial number do so.”

    “That sounds like YOU carry a gun!”

    “Yes, I do, although I’ve been and hope to continue to be successful in never needing to use it. In fact, you’ve never seen me when I haven’t been carrying a pistol.”

    Have you ever been in a group of people where every one of them looks at you as though you were an alien life form? (-:

    • just had an experience that drove that home…accidently dropped the alarm remote on the floor and tripped the panic button….took a full five minutes for the cops to show up…..

      • Five minutes is a nearly instantaneous response where I live. Generally more like 15-30 depending upon where the two deputies are when the balloon goes up.

    • quote————–Have you ever been in a group of people where every one of them looks at you as though you were an alien life form?———-quote

      You were right you were an alien to them because the majority of Americans do not carry a gun every day because they do not suffer from advanced paranoia. Now that they know that you are armed to the teeth they will probably be to frightened to ever carry on a conversation with you about anything controversial. None will ever feel comfortable about being around you. To them you are a powder keg ready to explode at any moment and sadly many people who carry deadly weapons often do just that. The graveyards are full of road rage victims. It does not happen in civilized countries.

      • Yep, it happens to me every time that I drive my car. The looks of horror on the faces of those surrounding me, drivers in their own cars and pedestrians alike, for publicly possessing and using a potential weapon — one that can end numerous lives at any second without warning. People’s paranoia is palpable, perceptible and perspicuous.

        Now that they know I am armed with nearly two tons of steel, glass and rubber, they are frightened to carry on a conversation with me. None will ever feel comfortable around me unless they are enjoying the efficient air conditioning, five-way power seat and lush leather upholstery in my mayhem machine.

        To them I am a powder keg ready to explode at any moment and run down dozens with my murderous weapon, and sadly more than 32,000 die and over 2 million are injured by similar military-grade killing machines in the US alone. The graveyards are full of victims of auto deaths.

        Of course it happens in civilized and uncivilized countries alike, but that doesn’t stop me from selfishly exercising my right to operate a carnage creator because I don’t care about the value of human life. I have places to go and people to potentially murder and maim!

      • “who carry deadly weapons”

        This man dacian, gets it.

        He is down with the program.

        • It was illogical drivel. What are you talking about. Watch me tear it apart below. Grab a daily wire “Leftist tears” tumbler and hold it up to your eyes for me.

      • You were right you were an alien to them because the majority of Americans do not carry a gun every day because they do not suffer from advanced paranoia. Now that they know that you are armed to the teeth they will probably be to frightened to ever carry on a conversation with you about anything controversial.

        They must feel the same way about cops, security guards, and military. Or more likely, they are just trapped in their own ideological bubble.

        None will ever feel comfortable about being around you.

        In my state, a large number of people are armed and carrying, and nobody cares and everyone is comfortable about it.

        To them you are a powder keg ready to explode at any moment and sadly many people who carry deadly weapons often do just that.

        More “guns are the problem” talk. The reality is there are crazy and evil people out there. People who don’t know you, but would do you harm. And firearms are tools to help equalize force between you and them, or even to provide more force to you, than them. Criminals who continuously make victims of unarmed, innocent, and moral people will never learn until boundaries are put up for them. These people will always push, until there is some pushback. And when they know they might get shot and die trying to rob you, rape you, or otherwise, then they will get the message. They will get the message or they will die. Both outcomes are not bad.

        The graveyards are full of road rage victims. It does not happen in civilized countries.

        Disagree. This IS a civilized place. You don’t get to unilaterally determine what is civilized and what isn’t. A guy resisting the urge to assault some old man who accidentally cut him off in traffic, because he might get shot and die, is civilized!

      • civilized countries do not have a disarmed population for a local example
        look at Chicago New York any where anti gunners habitat. To quote Hielien
        an armed society is a polite society.

      • dacian, the Dunderhead. There you go again. Accusing us of being paranoid because we want to be able to defend ourselves against your criminal buddies. Carrying a simple pistol is hardly “being armed to the teeth.: But then you have always been prone to hyperbole.

  6. As they are perfectly entitled to do. I cannot see the objection. Sy nurely in a free sociatey evert yone is lawfully entitled to an opinion. So whilst is seems that the PRO-FIREARM lobby is entitled to THEIR opinion contra opinion is is not. By opposing conta-opinion so vociferiously and giving it unwarranted POLITICAL you are in danger of losing the argument. Surely even the most vociferous Gun Freak must see that 20,000 dceaths per annum and counting due to GUN CRIMe IS a worrying Public Health problem It does not help your cas e by continuously giving each and every Civil Argument extreme political implications. If those that support what seems to unlimited access to all firearms cannot see with spurious references to ‘The Constitution’ that if theyn them selves casnnot POLICE the situation than General Sociaety will of nessessity have to eventually do so simply because the problem get’s worse year-on-year.

        • Albert, well done.

          But remember to use the inflammatory word “weapon” in your teachings to these people.

          For example instead of “PRO-FIREARM” and “GUN CRIMe” use “PRO-WEAPON” and “WEAPON CRIMe”.

          These people have been conditioned to treat that word interchangeably with gun, firearm, rifle, or pistol. However non-“weapon” people will shudder at the word.

          Every time Albert, they use the word “weapon” they help our cause, so be sure to use it.

        • Miner: Use correct democrat speech and word choice to win the argument, rather than reason and logic. We can’t win using reason and logic.

        • Minor MINER49er Typical anti-Gun rhetoric. one lies and the other swears to it.

    • Great… Albert Hall from across ‘the pond’ living in what is basically a diluted tyranny monarchy state where he has never had an inherent right is here pontificating on the U.S. Constitution. There are just some opinions that don’t matter Albert, yours is one of them.

    • All Hail, You don’t care about 20,000 gun deaths per year. It’s just a talking point for you. All of you anti gunner’s are hypocrites and couldn’t care less.

    • Violent crime is not a public health problem, it is a complex criminology problem.

    • We have 20,000 gun DEATHS in the US annually. Roughly half are suicides. The vast portion of other deaths are from inner city criminal gangs who are already prohibited from having firearms.

      In fact, if you take those inner city killings out of the equation, the United States is as safe as Switzerland.

  7. Alan,

    “Have you ever been in a group of people where every one of them looks at you as though you were an alien life form?”

    Laughing! The thing is, THEY are the aliens!!! They are from the planet ‘Normal’ and call themselves ‘Normals’.
    We live on a parallel planet called ‘Reality’, and call ourselves ‘Realists’.

  8. I have to say; it’s been my experience that liberals have violent thoughts. I can’t say how many times a liberal has walked up during a conversation with me a some ‘gun’ friends talking about range trips, cleaning procedures, targets or anything else shooting related and the first thing the lib will want to talk about is killing. Nothing to add or garner from the talk other than ‘guns are meant to hurt or kill’ so that’s all they register. They can be really small minded.

  9. Inanimate objects cause crime, and 100 million gun owners who have not committed a crime worse than a parking ticket are at fault for criminals committing crimes. Only in the fantasy world of the progressives and disarmament crowds.

  10. once you understand
    that the same group of people
    that want to take all our guns
    also support infanticide
    and giving puberty blockers to 5 year olds
    and sex reassignment surgery to teenagers
    youll soon realize
    that theres not much
    that theyre not capable of

  11. rendering the general public defenseless…while neutering the cops…does seem to be part of their agenda…

  12. The small percentage of people that have guns illegally and use them illegally is the problem.
    The large number of people that have guns legally and use them legally is not the problem.
    If that large number was actually the problem I don’t think there would be very many of those illegal gun users left. Or sick liberal leftist progressive scum either.

  13. If anti-gunners were as shocked about violence as they pretend to be, they wouldn’t be statists. (Google “democide”.)

  14. I recently read a pro gun restriction article claiming that, with stricter gun laws, the gun homicide rate in London has gone down. The relevant statistics, however, would be the homicide statistics by all means. Dead is dead. The writer failed to mention that the violent crime rate, including homicide, has gone up. If red cars were banned, the crash statistics for red cars would go down. It wouldn’t reduce total accidents. It’s not the color of the car that causes accidents; it’s the driver of the car. And the Progressives let the criminals out of jail to commit more crimes. How often do you read that the perpetrator had been released – and that he had a long rap sheet of previous convictions?

  15. There never was a GUN HOMICIDE rate in London of any significance bearing in mind that the TOTAL number of ILLEGAL deaths, [this includes victims of gun crime, knife crime, MANSLAUGHTER, domestic violence and Acts of TERRORISM’ in the entire UK is less than ONE THOUSAND PER ANNUM. And that’s from ALL CAUSES. So when we talk of ‘reducing numbers’ we are talking about in all ,probability of single digits to even lesser single digits [no doubt you can access the actual numbers if you so wish] When we talk of an increase of HOMICIDE rates for the entire UK we are probably talking an increase from say 400 to 450 per annum. NOT an increase as in the USA, on a per capita basis of 2500 to 3000 [not to forget that from ALL CAUSES] but from 20,000 plus and in the article that’s only about HALF of all homicides.

    Think about those figures for a moment. I must confess here that I have not bothered to access the real to ‘to the third decimal point’ true figures I leave that to you in the hope that it may well be an educational journey. And I do not regard the UK to be anything but a European average.
    By the way the UK definition of VIOLENT CRIME covers any crime from a handbag or Cell Phone snatch and up.
    I am now 84 years old and a have only once been the victim of anything remotely resembling a VIOLENT CRIME and that was a rather minor bout of drunken fisticuffs where the only damage was to egos and a split lip or two.
    I was by the way in the UK Armed Forces both as an ARMOURER and as a Smallarms Instructor, Explosives disposal, bombs and aircraft fitter Ejection Seats and air-to Air weaponry and in the Royal Air Force and as a member of the UK Army Infantry.

    • ‘…….I was by the way in the UK Armed Forces both as an ARMOURER and as a Smallarms Instructor, Explosives disposal, bombs and aircraft fitter Ejection Seats and air-to Air weaponry and in the Royal Air Force and as a member of the UK Army Infantry.’

      We called on another country (that kicked us out because we’re a bunch of tyrannical cvnt punters) to have them provide us weapons and support so we could defend ourselves against foreign invaders.
      We proceeded to get our war debts wiped out by bribing world leaders and much diplomatic wrangling. This is why the queen mum smiles so much.

      Now we like to point our fingers at the country that pulled us out of the sh!t and tell them how they’ve gotten everything wrong.

      Hey All Hail, nobody gives a cr@p what ‘subjects’ think.

    • There never was a GUN HOMICIDE rate in London of any significance bearing in mind that the TOTAL number of ILLEGAL deaths, [this includes victims of gun crime, knife crime, MANSLAUGHTER, domestic violence and Acts of TERRORISM’ in the entire UK is less than ONE THOUSAND PER ANNUM. And that’s from ALL CAUSES.

      Population of London is about 10 million, so 1000 is pretty high!

      I am now 84 years old and a have only once been the victim of anything remotely resembling a VIOLENT CRIME and that was a rather minor bout of drunken fisticuffs where the only damage was to egos and a split lip or two.

      So……….. Assault. Got it. That’s a definite crime. That’s a serious crime over here.

      I’m only 40, and my home has been burglarized, twice. My car has been burglarized, four times, one of those times they broke the window and took my in-dash GPS touchscreen. Occasionally (not always) they stab or shoot you to death and take your stuff. So yeah. We need guns.

      I was by the way in the UK Armed Forces both as an ARMOURER and as a Smallarms Instructor, Explosives disposal, bombs and aircraft fitter Ejection Seats and air-to Air weaponry and in the Royal Air Force and as a member of the UK Army Infantry.

      That’s great, but are there any neighborhoods in the UK where if you walk there, you are very confident you will be a victim of a crime? Like a mugging, or assault, or stabbed and robbed, etc.? There are definitely those places here. Many, many many places like that here. So – you know, guns are needed!

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