The U.S. Senate’s confirmation of former federal prosecutor Kash Patel as the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is drawing cheers from pro-gun groups and jeers from those who want more restrictions on private firearms ownership.
Patel, a strong gun rights supporter, has been castigated by gun-ban groups since President Donald Trump first mentioned him for the role. One of their biggest grievances was that Patel was a “gun extremist” who might “purge the FBI.”
Now that he has been confirmed, groups like Brady United, formerly known as Handgun Control Inc., are apoplectic that the Republican-led U.S. Senate managed to push Patel through by a 51-49 margin.
“The confirmation of Kash Patel as FBI Director is a devastating blow to public safety,” Kris Brown, Brady president, said in a press release following the vote. “The FBI is responsible for running our nation’s Brady Background Check System on gun sales—a system that has blocked over 5 million illegal gun transfers. Patel’s record suggests he will weaken this system and our safeguards, making it easier for individuals intent on doing harm to obtain firearms.”
Brown criticized the Senate for confirming Patel, without mentioning the fact that his own party’s turn away from Second Amendment rights was one reason Republicans recaptured the Senate last November.
“The U.S. Senate had a choice, and they failed us by confirming a known gun rights extremist and conspiracy theorist to lead the FBI,” Brown concluded. “Now, our work is more urgent than ever. As the Trump administration stacks its cabinet with leaders diametrically opposed to the charges of the agencies they will lead, we must fight to protect the systems and institutions that keep our country safe.”
As most TTAG readers are well aware—but Democrats won’t admit—the Biden Administration weaponized the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) against gun owners through various means. The FBI was part of that weaponization of government, and pro-gun groups like Gun Owners of America are hopeful that now that Patel has been confirmed, he will put the agency back on track.
“For years, we’ve watched the FBI trample on the rights of law-abiding gun owners who the Biden Administration designated as ‘Militia Violent Extremists’ for their belief in the Bill of Rights and use of patriotic imagery like the Gadsden Flag,” Erich Pratt, GOA vice president, said in a news release about the confirmation. “Kash Patel has made it clear that those days are over. He is a true constitutionalist, and we are confident that he will work to rein in the agency’s abuses and ensure the FBI upholds, rather than undermines, the Second Amendment.”
GOA Chairman Tim Macy also weighed in on the confirmation, saying he hopes the agency will once again work to “serve the American people.”
“Kash Patel’s confirmation is a massive win for gun owners across America,” Macy said. “Unlike his predecessors, he understands that the FBI must serve the American people—not act as a political weapon against them. We look forward to seeing Director Patel restore integrity to the Bureau while standing firm in defense of our Second Amendment rights.”
WAHAHAH what a GREAT time to be alive
Congratulations Director of the FBI Kash Patel.
I am so glad that Donald Trump has reversed his position on diversity hires, and nominated Kashyap Pramod Vinod Patel to be the Director of the FBI.
He is the son of immigrants, folks who are refugees from Uganda in central Africa.
And no need to be concerned about Christian nationalism, as an Indian Gujarati he was raised in the polytheistic Hindu religion, worshiping the revered gods Vishnu, Shiva, Ganesha, Krishna, Sarasvati, Durga, and Kali.
the proggie left shows its diversity by hiring a shiny new white boy, hogg.
Trump hires a poc that is a LEGAL immigrant.
He was born in the USA, his parents were legal immigrants.
I’m sure his leadership will be exemplary, a worshiper of the Divine Mother Goddess Durga is blessed with mystical powers.
Durga is a Goddess of Strength and Justice who brings compassion, peace, calm and order to the chaos, destruction and conflict in any situation. She appears to us on her tiger, looking completely serene and composed, dressed in a red silk sari and carrying various weapons and tools in her eight to eighteen arms.
So…….your criticism is him being of a different faith?
miner’s faith is proggie fascist.
Didn’t seem to like militant atheist so generally go with that as it is just close enough to get the description while making him try to argue against it.
“So…….your criticism is him being of a different faith?“
Did you even read what I posted?
I applauded the fact that he is probably not a Christian nationalist, considering he worships the multi-God/Goddess pantheon of Hinduism.
“miner’s faith is proggie fascist”
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
I prefer to actually see evidence sufficient to warrant belief before I accept any premise.
Ah then you better learn how to craft your message into something intelligible. That came through as mostly sarcastic and mocking. Either way I agree he is likely to do a great job in making the country better.
@ Mynr49r
“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
I prefer to actually see evidence sufficient to warrant belief before I accept any premise.”
Like anything bible verse, you don’t understand this one either.
Thank you mynr49r.- I’m serious.
I did not know all that, that is quite interesting. 🙏
minor49iq…you have the attitude of a pathetic disgruntled dirty diaper democRat.
What in retardation are you attempting to communicate in some broken pidgin English? Oh well doesn’t really matter and sucks for Schiff.
Lat time I checked DEI and affirmative action numbers, the majority people people hired were white women and White homosexuals.
That’s right, Leftist/fascist tw*t, let your racist freak flag fly!!! When has DJT EVER expressed, in words or (more important) deeds that he is opposed to “people of color” getting hired or promoted (so long as it is for actual MERIT)???? Oh, that’s right, he hasn’t.
I knew you were an idiot, MajorLiar, and it actually doesn’t surprise me that you are a disgusting racist (and anti-religionist) as well. Does you klan hood make it impossible for you to have an OUNCE of self-examination, or are you just such a hateful racist that you are going to hate on an accomplised “person of color” (whose PARENTS came here LEGALLY, and he was born here) just because of your insane racism and Trump Derangement Syndrome??? I always knew you were a fick suck, but this is beyond the pale, even for you. I was mildly disgusted by you when you were JUST a Leftist/fascist propagandist liar; now that you’ve exposed yourself as a rabid racist (and a flaming hypocrite) as well – I wouldn’t stomp on you to clean my shoes if I’d accidentally stepped in dog sh*t. I could wish that your Commie/Lefty fellow travelers would drag you for being such a racist pr*ck, but that would require consistency and intelligence from the Left, which we all know is impossible. Go suck the hemorrhoids of a syphilitic warthog, you disgusting, vile, racist POS.
“When has DJT EVER expressed, in words or (more important) deeds that he is opposed to “people of color”
It’s a matter of public record:
“United States v. Fred C. Trump, Donald Trump, and Trump Management, Inc.
1:73-01529 | U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York
Filed Date: Oct. 15, 1973
Closed Date: June 10, 1977”
“Trump and his father fiercely fought a 1973 discrimination lawsuit brought by the Justice Department for their alleged refusal to rent apartments in predominantly white buildings to black tenants. Testimony showed that the applications filed by black apartment seekers were marked with a “C’’ for “colored.” A settlement that ended the lawsuit did not require the Trumps to explicitly acknowledge that discrimination had occurred — but the government’s description of the settlement said Trump and his father had “failed and neglected” to comply with the Fair Housing Act.“
You keep excusing the atrocities committed by the dems. Civil war to keep slavery. The klan. Segregation. And the interment in concentration camps of American citizens based on race by the dems. You keep saying that’s all in the past.
Now you dredge up a lawsuit from over 50 years ago to smear DJT.
You really are a walking, talking indictment of our education system, miner.
“You keep excusing… “
I excuse nothing, I am proud of the Civil War to free slaves. And the Democrats of 1860 are not the Democrats of 1970, much less 2025.
And the Republicans of today are not the Republicans of the 1970s who were pro-choice:
“The chair of the Republican National Committee, Mary Louise Smith, supported abortion rights, as did First Lady Betty Ford, who declared Roe v. Wade a “great, great decision.” Likewise, Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, who had taken a leading role in the fight for abortion rights in New York in the late 1960s and early 1970s, was solidly pro-choice. Even some of the party’s conservatives, such as Senator Barry Goldwater, supported abortion rights.“
Parties change over time, I realize it’s a difficult concept for you to grasp.
And FDR never signed any executive orders directing the internment of Japanese-American citizens.
Coming from NY yes, they absolutely are. Continue though it’s fun to see the logical fallacies at play.
If fdr never signed the orders he allowed it to go forward. One order from him would have stopped the atrocity.
And yes, party’s change. Corporate billionaires bought out the dems and converted them to fascism.
jwm only real change for the two parties since the civil war is they both went farther left……. Which honestly makes your point that international interests purchased democracy inc and run them through a few manipulators to lead the useful idiots especially hilarious. To be fair the republicans were going through the same thing with the neocons. That they are not in immediate control of the situation explains the absolute freakout for the last decade.
“I am proud of the Civil War to free slaves.”
You mean the slaves that YOUR party based its entire existence on. Yeah, given that you are such a rabid racist, I just bet you do.
And NO, the Dimocrat party of today is NOT different than the Democrats of the 1850s or 60s, they just learned new tactics. LBY showed you the way, didn’t he?? He was going to “have those n***ers voting Democrat for 200 years” – by bribing them with handouts, destroyed the black nuclear family, while the rest of his party was busy trying to filibuster the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. Then your hero, Joe Biden (before he was senile, but he was still stupid) railroaded through a bill so he (and his big-city Dimocrat mayors and DAs) could lock up as many blacks as possible.
Y U always B lyin’, MajorLiar. Your party is racist, fascist, Leftist (oh and stupid, don’t forget stupid).
And now they, the party of the entitled rich and the paid-for, inner-city welfare leeches, and CLAIM to be the party of “working people” are busy screwing every working person in the country.
NIIICCEE!!! Proud of that, too, you pathetic wanker???
Every time you post, I find new reasons why you disgust me, MajorIdiot.
As someone who has delivered quite a few babies, let me assure that there is no “choice” in pro-choice; unless that means you choose murder.
So you’re admitting to being “pro” murder.
As long as we’re clear on that, and you are clear that murderers and those who enable them get the death penalty.
Hope you’re okay with that; but it doesn’t matter whether you are or not. because YOU will be given the same choice as those murdered babies.
Mynr, your mocking tone makes you sound racist to me.
Debbie, can you talk some sense into this knucklehead?
President Trump nominated a man for FBI director that comes from an awesome family. The fact that you want to reduce this to religion is a testament to your bias. Your life is obviously lacking acknowledgement of your creator.
Trust but verify as Ronald Reagan would say
I think Mynr must have run out of peas on his plate to fling and now he’s switched to mashed potatoes.
Hey dumbass, just eat your dinner, and don’t talk with your mouth full.
“We look forward to seeing Director Patel restore integrity to the Bureau while standing firm in defense of our Second Amendment rights.”
This is promising, but I believe I shall hold my cheering until concrete results happen…
The fbi has never had integrity. They were corrupted by j edgar from day one.
jwm, I was thinking the same thing as I read the article. I’ve worked with a few FBI agents. Nothing firearms related, except incidentally as evidence. We were trying to put our hands on homicide suspects that taken up interstate flight in a stolen car for a new diversion. Anyway, they were decent guys, if a bit condescending.
The closest I came to FBI was when I was with a co-worker at lunch in a Burger King, circa 1986.
After we sit down, he recognizes somebody in line. He goes to talk to the man, and comes back a couple minutes later.
“Wow, you just never know where people will land in life.”
“Yeah?”, I responded.
“That guy? He’s an old schoolmate from high school. He and the one he’s with are both in the FBI, and they’re here investigating some counterfeit $20 bills that were passed at this restaurant a few days ago.”
“He was a total screw-up. Now he’s in the FBI!”
“Maybe there’s still a chance I can get accepted into astronaut training school?”
Okay, maybe not. 🙂
The five families must have had some serious dirt on Hoover to get him to have the bureau largely ignore their activities for several decades.
Hoover sucked, literally.
Faries wear boots and sometimes dresses.
Ozzie would be so proud to be acknowledged.
There’s strong circumstantial evidence Hoover was gay as hell, he shared a house with another guy for decades…
Rumor has it Meyer Lansky and Frank Costello had a picture of him blowing Tolson. They got it via Donovan/Angleton of CIA when their departments were fighting over foreign intelligence jurisdiction.
oldsht…If left up to Trump slandering pathetic azzholes like you there would be no Kash…do not try to pretend otherwise.
Worship Trump if you must DebbieW but he is not God.
I guarantee you that Geoff voted for Trump. Ask yourself what you’re accomplishing here.
At this point I just assume “she” is a troll alter for another poster.
Had it not been for DebbieW I would have never known to stick a butt plug in my trigger hole.
Please, no explanations. We don’t need to know what any of that means! 😮
“…do not try to pretend otherwise.”
How about you stop pretending and take me up my generous offer of a nice hotel, a good meal with lots of drinks, and you and I get down to the business you and I both want?
For HOURS? Again and again and again? 😉
Sure this is a gun blog, but call it what it is. The government wasn’t weaponized against gun owners, and it wasn’t just the DOJ. It was against political opposition to an extreme never before seen in this country. Cue the brainwashed Dems screaming about Trump being an authoritarian.
“The government wasn’t weaponized against gun owners”
Tell that to widow of Bryan Malinowski.
The ATF was specifically weaponized against gun owners. The FBI was specifically weaponized against anyone that spoke out against the Biden tyranny or wasn’t radical left wing.
Sure, there was “against political opposition to an extreme never before seen in this country”, but there was also weaponization against law abiding American citizens for simply being citizens trying to stand up for their beliefs, rights, and call out the wrong doing of the left wing and democrats and the system.
People were labeled terrorists and ‘extremists’ and put on watch lists and investigated because they spoke out in school board meetings against harmful policies or purchased bibles for cripes sake, and much more, elementary and middle school and high school kids were labeled ‘extreamists threats’ and investigated because they refused to participate in the ‘trans’ ‘pronoun’ BS in schools, and so much more. That’s not ‘against political opposition’, that’s against people very focused and personal.
I feel like you missed the point. Certain gun owners were one small part of the people the government was weaponized against. This problem was a heck of a lot deeper than being against gun owners.
your whole point wasn’t….”It was against political opposition to an extreme never before seen in this country” ???
I acknowledged that with…”Sure, there was ‘against political opposition to an extreme never before seen in this country’.
“Certain gun owners were one small part of the people the government was weaponized against.”
it was all gun owners. where have you been for the last four years? you didn’t see the weaponization in the tyrannical and unconstitutional ‘rules’ ATF created, in what Biden did with creating and unconstitutional office to specifically infringe 2A rights that belong to all Americans, you don’t see the Biden rule by fiat through executive Orders to literally make the people suffer unconstitutional actions and inflation and deceptions and lies of Biden-Harris ?
that’s not “against political opposition”, that’s against the people.
You still don’t understand my point. Does Tren de Aragua have guns? Why were they, and other gangs, allowed to flourish while the Puppet Admin pursued people like Malinowski? If Brian was selling to “prohibited” people, then why weren’t they focused on taking down the prohibited people? Because it isn’t gangs and criminals that offend these people. They practically rolled out the red carpet for them. It isn’t even guns that offends them. This wasn’t a war on guns. It was a war on ideologically opposed people.
I understand your point, but its not the only point.
Of course it isn’t the only point. The other points are made all of the time. This point is rarely acknowledged. They aren’t offended by guns. They aren’t offended by gun-owning antifa nerds communicating terrorist events across state lines. They’re offended by us because we don’t hate America and the Constitution.
lol, now that was funny.
And I don’t think you missed the point…not the point he should have been making, anyway!
“where have you been for the last four years?”
I’ve been watching them invite more gun-related criminality while pursuing people that were ideologically opposed to them.
Expose all the agencies scams and shams then shutter it.
Bondi Starts Clearing Out ATF.
“ATF’s Chief Counsel Pamela Hicks has been fired and es- cor -ted out of the Washington, D.C. headquarters.
Hicks oversaw the enforcement of every Biden infringement of the Second Amendment since taking the position in 2021.”
(note: apparently the word ‘es- cor -ted’ without the spaces and – will send posts to moderation from which they never return, thus why I altered the word to add the spaces and -, but you can figure it out)
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But not yet indicted?
Soros Has His Fingerprints All Over USAID.
Democrat mega-donor George Soros, the lead financer of the institutional left and gun control groups in America (aside from tax payer dollars), used U.S. Agency of International Development (USAID) disbursements to fund color revolutions in the Balkans, according to U.S. spending hawks.
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I always wondered how a limited number of lefty billionaires could fund and buy influence on such a huge scale for years and not lose an appreciable amount of wealth. Silly me they had matching (exceeding?) contributions from us taxpayers.
Yep, they been part of the massive tax payer money laundering scheme. That’s how they been doing it.
The histrionics from the gun control groups crack me up. I can only hope that saner people will be able to publish a message for a wider audience that the sky didn’t fall and civilization didn’t come to an end!
Well at least we have a new guy monitoring ttag now
I love that TUS skit with Kash making the last guy ( I already forgot his name ) a janitor at effbeeyi
5 million illegal gun transfers stopped… right. Where are the arrests, prosecutions, convictions, and incarcerations of those 5 million people? Oh, right, because they never happened.
The statistic is denied NICS. But the system in known to have a false positive (denial) rate of well over 90%, and less than 0.01% of denials actually resulted in successful prosecutions.
Lies, damned lies, and statistics.
With numbers like that, what’s the point? 2A doesn’t say shall not be infringed after passing a background check.
Since background checks are unconstitutional and due to the low numbers get rid of it.
Nearly all of the false positives are overturned on appeal or review.
The actual successful prosecution rate is still very low.
Its not “5 million illegal gun transfers”. As usual they ‘massage’ the numbers by including things that don’t belong – like that thing about ‘guns are the number one killer of children’ which is 100% false because they included age 18 and up in their numbers and these are adults and not children, when those are taken out as it has been car accidents are the number one killer of children and not guns.
About 90% of their ‘5 million’ were due to delays in nics. That three day ‘window’ thing, frequently caused by nics issues its self, where there was no immediate approval in nics but a day later they were approved. In other words they are counting and claiming delays as ‘illegal gun transfers stopped’ when in reality they were not ‘illegal gun transfers stopped’ but rather legal gun transfers that were just delayed due to nics issues.
Those zany democrats: Democrat Operative Turns Herself In On Election-Tampering Charges.
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fun trivia: Recent Washington D.C. Google searches include an abundance of swamp wigglers searching for a lawyer, wanting to know how to transfer money internationally, and how to “Hillary” their devices and clear them of any information that might be used against them.
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fun trivia: Hochul recently took a victory lap to celebrate how safe she had made the New York City’s subway on the same day two people were stabbed (one in the face) and another woman was set afire and burned to death.
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Irony, failure, and wasted effort. The recent prison strike isn’t looking to be much better.
“purge the FBI.” – Top to bottom. Soon.
Reform the thing? How to you do that? Ban rehire in and law enforcement org anywhere in the US? I certainly don’t want these legions of FBI employees who persecuted the Jan 6 people employed by any local or state cops in Iowa
typical of the anti-gun mentality that has it backwards. The role of the federal agencies, which are unconstitutional to begin with, is to uphold the constitution. ATF’s role is to allow access to gun ownership. Their background check won’t change. Now maybe the anti’s ought to turn their focus on criminals who never use the background system. They just don’t get it and want all guns to magically disappear. there would be a civil war before that happened and the anti’s would be unarmed. Hmm!
Founded in 1908 by Teddy Roosevelt to investigate government corruption.
Now it’s a government corruption that investigates the citizen.
I can tell you that various organized crime elements as well as our traditional foreign adversaries and terrorist organizations, are pleased to see the erosion of the FBI’s personnel and capabilities.
I must say, I have been surprised at how ready MAGA was to hand control of the United States over to a billionaire globalist from South Africa.
Remember, you voted for this and have responsibility for the outcome.
That happened long ago and has been exploited heavily for over a decade. Getting rid of the deadwood will be necessary to rebuild into something effective. But glad to see you acknowledge effective and trustworthy counterintelligence and investigation is necessary.
Effective pruning is part science and part art, and all necessity. And, apparently, above miner’s grade level.
Elon Musk is a hero and a patriot who is honest to God saving this country from total financial collapse.
Good. big (smile)
Woke Broke: Planned Parenthood Broke, Losing Customers and Providing Shoddy Care.
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BBC Pulls Hamas Propaganda Documentary.
“…the BBC has pulled a documentary about young, innocent children struggling to survive the war in Gaza that turned out to be totally manipulated Hamas propaganda featuring the children of Hamas bigwigs.”
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Atheist radical violent left-wing death cult member ‘Mynr49r’ (AKA ‘Mine -49’er AKA ‘Missy 12’ ) mastur – bation fantasy becomes reality: 70 Christians Beheaded in DRC and Mainstream Media Is Nowhere to Be Found.
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Christophobia? Is that even a word that exists? It’s never used. How about ethnic cleansing? Where are the bleeding heart liberals?
the escalating threat posed by ADF militants
Also known as ADF terrorists. Stop calling terrorists militants. They’re literally a designated terrorist group.
Since November 5th, I have been waking up with a smile and general feeling of wellbeing. This got better on January 20th. I can get used to this “Winning” every day. Hope this keeps going for another 12 years.
I’m loving the pace of 2.0. They’re going to have a hard time weaponizing the deep state against the sitting president this time.
“I’m loving the pace of 2.0.”
And it’s only just begun… 😉
Days 60-90 is what I will be interested in as the first round of court battles should be settled and the commie states that contribute far more in taxes than they get in benefits (lol sure) will be otherwise occupied in trying to keep their castles built on sand from crumbling. Oh and then just the self deportation fun.
The talk bad about Kash Patel’s being a pro-2nd Amendment, but there are still a lot of Rinos left in the Senate that would be happy to take away our 2nd Amendment rights a little at a time.
Correct: They
Now Patel is also to head up the ATF. Maybe he will be the last director!
MajorLeft MELTDOWN over FBI confirmation has now been eclipsed when Trump also gave him the BATFE to manage. Anyone else see ATB being eliminated and the FBI just saving the Tech Branch. No more DOJ writing new “LAWS” for ATF under the guise of Administrative housekeeping and publishing new Rules.