Home » Blogs » Apex Tactical Suspends Sales of P320 Aftermarket Triggers

Apex Tactical Suspends Sales of P320 Aftermarket Triggers

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

From Apex Tactical:

Due to Sig Sauer’s recently announced “voluntary upgrade” of the Sig Sauer P320 pistol, announced on August 8, 2017, Apex Tactical Specialties, out of an abundance of caution, has chosen until further notice to suspend sales of those aftermarket trigger products specifically designed for use in the Sig Sauer P320.

Additionally, for those customers that have purchased an Apex Curved Advanced Trigger, part# 112-022, due to how closely the Curved Advanced Trigger’s design reflects that of the current Sig Sauer stock factory trigger, we are asking customers to stop using this trigger and to please contact Apex Customer Service at (623) 322-0200 of Guns@ApexTactical.com to return the trigger in exchange for credit towards any one of our Apex products.

Regarding the Apex Flat Advanced Trigger, part# 112-021, and the Apex Flat-Faced Action Enhancement Trigger, part# 112-020, Apex engineers have conducted controlled drop tests at the -30 degree angle with each of these flat triggers and have not had a discharge occur. HOWEVER, because this is too small a sample, and due to the fact that Sig Sauer has indicated that its voluntary upgrade will include more than just the trigger, we advise caution and warn against accepting use of either of these two Apex triggers as solutions to the factory drop safe issue.


For more information and how specific P320 replacement triggers are affected, click here.

0 thoughts on “Apex Tactical Suspends Sales of P320 Aftermarket Triggers”

  1. Just another nail in Sig’s coffin.

    Like Sig itself, APEX is looking to distance itself as “Far Away from the Controversy” as possible.

    Although a very reputable company, I’m sure APEX doesn’t even hold a dimly lit candle to SIG when comparing asset positions.

    The sad TRUTH, is that these decisions are not driven by concerns for safety, as much as they’re driven by publicity & the bottom line of the respective companies.

  2. As of a few minutes ago, MidwayUSA was showing all three of the variants they normally stock as “temporarily unavailable.” A few days ago all were in stock. I supposed in light of recent events they could have sold out, but I’m wondering whether they just decided to suspend sales as well.

  3. Unless Sig makes a mechanical change to the weapon, I’ll be very surprised if Apex *ever* offers a trigger again for that gun.

    From a potential liability standpoint, simply not selling them is their smartest move…

    • It would have to have been ‘years ago’–over 100 years ago. All US Colt and S&W service revolvers for police use have been drop safe since circa 1899 even if cocked in single-action mode, unless they have been so drastically altered as to have actual safety features removed.
      There simply is no safer firearm available.

      • Nope, it was 1960. I was 8 years old. Not being a school night, mom let me stay up late till dad left for his tour on the midnight shift. I was sitting on the living room floor watching something on TV, when all of the sudden from dad’s bedroom, came that big “BANG” !!!

        The revolved didn’t actually hit the floor. Rather, as it fell toward the floor, dad instinctively did what we’re all trained not to do today. He grabbed for the falling gun. As he caught it, one of his fingers got into the trigger guard, and his motor reflexes caused his hand to “SQUEEZE”, which happened to actuate that heavy double action trigger.

        I realize this is NOT a comparison to the Sig 30 degree drop problem, but I only brought it up to show that other things can certainly happen.

        As one poster put it, if, over the years, you don’t have an accidental “DROP” you’re an in-frequent handler, just plain lucky, or a liar.

  4. Nothing unusual or alarmingly negligent about anyone handling a firearm, especially a handgun, day in and day out over the years to experience an inadvertent drop of a held weapon or a weapon that for some reason falls off a desk, out of a car door etc, it’s simply the law of averages, it can happen to anyone and anyone who says they’ve never dropped a gun is either an infrequent handler, lucky, or a liar.


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