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    • Not one? I don’t like Glock’s either, but they have at least a few features that all gun owners can appreciate:
      1) dead balls reliable
      2) easy to maintain
      3) relatively inexpensive (cost of gun vs life expectancy)

      With that being said, for polymer guns I own 3 XDm’s and 1 XD 🙂 TEHO!

    • I’ll bite, what features don’t you like and why?

      I find it hard to fault DAO, striker fired. The “safety” is a bit redundant but doesn’t seem to be a problem. I don’t own one, just curious what is so objectionable.

    • You know how I know that you are not an engineer or historian?

      Lot of things that I don’t like…yet see the merit and appreciate.

    • Here’s the dealbreaker with me and Glocks: the “safeties”.

      What’s the number one cause of negligent discharges? Pulling the trigger when you shouldn’t. What do the “safeties” on the Glock provide absolutely zero help with? Pulling the trigger when you shouldn’t.

      Sure, if you handle the gun correctly and use proper equipment such as decent holster you shouldn’t have a problem. If you’re ever unlucky, however, and say a part of your shirt gets into your holster without you noticing and hooks your trigger, the “safeties” on the Glock will merrily disengage until you’ve introduced some new holes to your anatomy. If you’ve got a properly functioning thumb safety or grip safety (and your reholstering motion disengages it) you won’t shoot yourself in that case. And yes, I know you should always check your holster to make sure it’s clear before you reholster, but mistakes are always possible.

      • Hi CarlosT,
        That is the reason I don’t own a Glock.
        My primary CCW is a Springfield XD, chosen due to the added safety of the grip safety. It eliminates the problem of the light trigger being accidentally pressed and firing.

        • Yeah, mine is the XDm. Great guns. The primary safety on any gun is between the ears, but it doesn’t hurt to have good design on your side as well.

          • Right right. Because it’s impossible to pull the negligently pull the trigger AND press the grip safety, so you must be completely safe!

            • I never said that, but having all the safeties in the trigger makes them largely pointless. They might as well not be there.

              On the other hand, on a gun with a grip safety, if you train yourself to move your thumb on top of the rear sight while reholstering, you’ll disengage the grip safety, thus making a negligent discharge that much less likely. Again, your primary safety is using your brain by keeping your finger off the trigger, using a quality holster, and checking to make sure it’s clear.

            • Hi Matt G.,
              Few things are completely safe, but there are degrees of safety.
              While it is not impossible to negligently press the trigger and press the grip safety, it is less likely than pressing the trigger alone.
              On a gun with a 5.5lb. trigger pull I feel safer knowing that my gun will not fire unless I have a proper grip on it. I like the fact that I get this added safety without having to consciously engage and disengage it. This is the main reason I eliminated Glock from my list of choices, but this is not the reason I chose the Springfield for EDC.

              I carried a Ruger SP101 .357 for several years. Followed by a Kahr K40 Elite and a Walther P99 CQA . I still have all of these guns and many others. I shoot all of them on occasion.

              For the last nine years I have carried an XD 9822HC SC.
              I have fired thousands of rounds through it during twice a month range sessions, without a single failure. Not one FTF, FTE, stovepipe, nothing. I shoot Remington UMC Metal Case and Speer Gold Dot JHP.

              I trust my life to this gun because I believe it to be the best CCW available at this time. The grip safety is just an added benefit.

  1. this is pretty funny, then end is the best. I have seen these with hitler yelling about anything from justin beiber to football teams.

  2. I like Glocks. I have shot over 25,000 rounds through my Glock 17. Always goes “bang.” Having said that, I have always found it amusing that Glock has always talked about “perfection” in all of its advertising, and yet has somehow found it necessary to have 4 “generations” of the pistol. I’m waiting for the Glock ad that says: “Perfect(er).”

  3. A local gun store in Portland ‘The Gun Room’ has a hard copy printout they compiled documenting Glocks that have exploded on owners along with pictures of their mutilated hands or what’s left of them. These Hitler videos are hilarious. The Hitler video on the price of silver and the Federal Reserve is another one to watch.

  4. Is it my imagination, or are Glocks, caliber for caliber, the loudest pistols ever made? I can always tell when someone is shooting a Glock at the range just by the report. Do Gaston’s boys make them that way accidentally or on purpose?

    • Yes…it is you.

      You think you have heard loud until someone shows up with a Ruger Blackhawk chambered in 30 carbine.

  5. I don’t care for Glocks either. I’ve shot several belonging to friends and shot well. I just didn’t care for the way they felt in my hand. I currently carry a Taurus 24/7 in .45 acp. I’ve put a few thousand rounds through it and it has functioned flawlessly. It gives me 12 + 1 in a package that fits my hands much more comfortably than any Glock has.

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