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AR-15 Used for North Carolina Home Defense

Dean Weingarten - comments No comments

On the 7th of February, 2018, three young men approached a home in Catawba County at about 6 p.m. One of the young men, a 17-year-old, shot at the intended victim. The intended victim, also 17, was armed and fired back, hitting the attacker several times, killing him . . .

| WBTV Charlotte

The other two masked men have been arrested. Investigators met with the District Attorney on Thursday morning. They determined that the shooting was in self-defense.

The family of the teen who defended himself received death threats. And then a relative of the 17-year-old suspect who was killed approached the property.

A man at the house who is a relative of the teen who was the robbery target, drove up to the edge of the driveway and asked that man to leave. He didn’t.

That’s when the relative pulled out an AR-15 rifle and asked the man to go away.

When that gentleman reached behind him, as of to pull out something from behind his back, the relative with the AR-15 raised the barrel, pointed it at the man, and yelled at him to stop.

It turned out he was just trying to show that he was not armed.

The video shows the usefulness of the rifle in stopping a threat.

While the intruder was not armed, the rifleman was confident enough of his position to hesitate in firing, even though the man confronting him chose to show that he was unarmed in a confrontational and foolish fashion.

©2018 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included. Gun Watch

0 thoughts on “AR-15 Used for North Carolina Home Defense”

  1. Probably more to this than we see here.

    Interesting to see and hear ideologies on how armed enocunters are “supposed” to go.

    The relatives were upset with how many shots were fired and thought the assailant should have “been shot in the leg and the law called”.

    Since the assailant fired first (according to the report), I imagine the defender didnt want to be shot at again.

    I guess the assailants family would have been happier if both defender and assailant were equally shot. You know – Marques de Queenbury rules and whatnot.

    The news report also called the assailants family member a “visitor”. Pretty sure he was a tresspasser from the clip.

  2. Obviously the Hick town sheriff isn’t stopping these intrusions onto the defenders property! And the local news station didn’t help much in the effect of putting a social/Political slant to it…By poisoning the news report with opinion, moral posturing, and misdirection.This is the kind of thing I’d expect in NJ., Massachusetts, or NY. Of course the only difference is the local “authorities” would have stripped the defenders family of the property (arrested the firearm.) and deprived them of they right to self-defense under the 2nd Amendment…And probably charged the defender with some kind of fabrication…

  3. Another “good boy” gone. And society will most definetly not miss him. Room temperature is the best state of a armed robber anyways.

  4. The dead teen, who was a criminal and wore a mask showing criminal intent, has some of the dumbest dumb shit relatives ever. No wonder he’s dead.

  5. I’ve got 2 stroke and 4 stroke bikes, where can I get one of these elusive single stroke bikes you speak of? They must be super efficient engines!

  6. I have three and love them. The 9C, FNS 40 and FNX 45. All three have been absolutely reliable. The 9C is one of my carry guns and the 45 is my night stand gun. As far as cost goes, the 9C was $450, the 40 was bought new for $320 and the 45 was bought used, in great condition for $499. I’ve heard radio commercials for them, so they are targeting the consumer market. As far as why they don’t get the respect in gun stores, I can only guess that they’re crowded out by Glock, S&W, Sig and Ruger.

  7. Every time I see a tech company come out with something seemingly revolutionary and the video refers to ammunition as “bullets” instead of referring to it as “ammunition”, I lose hope. Tech people are not gun enthusiasts, so I don’t see how they can hone a system to be ideal for gun enthusiasts. They will hone it to be what gamers think is ideal because they are gamers, but this isn’t a gamer construct, it’s a gun enthusiast product.

    That said, I saw some stuff like this at Shot and I’m stoked to see this kind of thing become available to try in the next few years.

  8. Interesting what that round ball will do, we had a 44 black powder vs 357 125gr hp’ s, the 44 made a deeper and larger hole in our test medium( mud river bank). If Cimmarons replicas are as good as the old Uberti’s I will probably get a 51 Navy.

  9. people are fleeing california in droves

    just like venezuela

    whats happening in venezuela is tantamount to a societal collapse

    thats what california is headed for

    its probably too late

    theres not enough republicans left

    theyre the ones leaving

    theres too much damage done

    not enough time

    get out while you can

    get out while you can still sell your house to somebody

    i moved from illinois to wisconsin for all the same reasons california is failing

    it wasnt easy but but my entire family has been better off

    lower taxes

    better government

    better gun laws

    better schools

    better people

    its a no brainer


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