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By Claudia Bommer

After reading my earlier post about German gun laws, some readers commented that they thought that these kinds of strict regulations must be the wet dream of American liberals who favor of ever more gun control. Well, I don’t think so. Of course, they might sigh and think to themselves, “If only we had reached that level of gun control yet!” But even if they ever enacted gun control laws on a par with Germany’s, you really think they’d be satisfied with that? . . .

Gun grabbers in Europe definitely aren’t at all satisfied with the laws we have now. After the terror attacks in Paris the EU had nothing better to do than propose still more restrictions on civilian gun ownership. If these proposals would become EU law, gun owner permits would be valid for only five years, shooters and hunters would have to take a mental exam every five years and semi-automatic rifles that look like full auto rifles (“assault rifles”) would be banned in the EU (just a few among many restrictions).

That would be a serious blow to gun ownership in the EU. And remember, they have demanded these new restrictions after foreign Muslim terrorists killed and injured hundreds of people with fully-automatic weapons of war that were brought into Europe illegally. In short, the strategy of the EU is this : when something bad happens involving a gun, punish the legal gun owners.

Then again, in Germany the leftists have been trying for years now to tighten the German gun laws even further. “Die Grünen” (“the Greens”, a far left party with an eco-touch) are among those who have been pushing for more gun control for a long time. Their latest proposal is to prohibit private gun and ammo storage for sports shooters.

If they manage to push this bill trough, this would be (almost) the end of private gun ownership in Germany. Many would rather give up their guns and their hobby than storing their own property away from home. It would mean the end to a lot of shooting clubs, too. Many of those clubs without their own club house and shooting range couldn’t manage to store the guns and ammo of their members.

Also, barely protected arsenals of guns and ammo held by clubs would attract criminals who could steal dozens to hundreds of guns in a single break-in. That’s probably the leftists’ goal as thefts would lead to the the next step: if there had been a number of burglaries, the gun grabbers could then demand expensive security measures like 24/7 security. Again, a lot of clubs couldn’t afford this. So this path will eventually lead, in the end, to a total gun ban.

Arguments from sports shooters, that with this kind of regulation they can’t practice their sport any more are countered with the usual declarations that if one life could be saved, it’s all worthwhile.

I’ll say it again: leftists and liberals will not be satisfied until no civilian possesses a gun any more and the government has them all. Since most of the time they don’t dare to openly express this goal, they use the salami tactic, taking one thin slice at the time. The goal, though, is total civilian disarmament. And no, that won’t ensure our safety. That path leads to suppression and – in the end – totalitarianism and slavery.

Moderate gun owners in the US should learn from this example. Gun grabbers always talk about “reasonable” regulations. And maybe to some these proposals sound reasonable. German shooting associations gave in for decades to ever stricter gun control measures. They thought that if they give in a little, the other side will be satisfied and leave them alone. They never will, not until a total gun ban is achieved.

I totally agree with the NRA: don’t give in one inch to the gun grabbers. But it’s five minutes to midnight. And we don’t have much time left.

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  1. Considering how much of a nonsensical failure European gun laws have been at making people safer, Yes I would think Bloomberg and friends would love to do it all here.

    • To be fair European gun laws have made it a lot safer to be a rapist. Which is what their goal is, to protect Muslim rapists from European citizens. Wouldn’t want to let the horrible racists defend themselves would we?

  2. It’s not all of Europe. There are parts of Europe that are better than parts of the United States– at least until Heller and Kolbe are fully implemented.

      • I do not know, but even a couple of the Scandinavian countries– who have less restrictive gun laws than the rest of Europe– are strongly objecting to the proposed laws. I would imagine that the countries with stronger gun cultures would be even more vehement.

  3. Wait. Does this mean Progressives are the same whether they are in Europe or North America? I am shocked, SHOCKED I SAY!

    • They’re really more Regressive, than “progressive,” despite stealing that moniker from turn of the century Republicans. They really just want to go back to the way things used to be (in the Caliphate), where all women were unsexualized (at least until needed, and then never by disgusting white men) and kept in separate “safe spaces” (harems), European men and non-believers were put to death or used as eunuch slaves, and power was solidified in the wealthy ruling families, who were the only ones allowed to own or wield tools of destruction.

  4. No. European gun laws are far too lenient for most of their tastes. They won’t be satisfied until the US adopts a total ban on firearms for civilians.

  5. Off topic but, Alabama just announced NICS exemption for valid concealed carrier permit holders. Awesome!

    • This is good news.

      Next time we brag about record gun sales, the ones in Alabama won’t be included in the total…making the real number higher!

      • I’d expect the NSSF is a fairly sophisticated outfit and would have several information channels for tracking sales levels, aside from just FBI NICS checks. After all, working from the opposite end, they already rework the NICS data to exclude license-related checks and to address successful checks resulting in no gun sale or even multiple gun sales.

  6. leftists and liberals will not be satisfied until no civilian possesses a gun any more and the government has them all

    Very perspicacious, but I go a bit further. Leftists will not be satisfied until every civilian is a criminal or not depending exclusively on the will of the State, the law be damned.

    Stalin would be so proud.

  7. I had someone suggest this for the US. “Why can’t the guns just be locked up at a club or a range?” I countered with what about hunters, who have to travel with their firearms and have them away from ranges; people that want to have a firearm or 3 ready for home/self defense; people that want to try out a new range? I was dismissed with “You just want to carry a gun around”. I pressed her further. “What would be the point of mass storage where no one could keep track of their guns?” She showed her true colors with “Well police could confiscate them more easily.” Yep. Never enough for the anti’s.

    • There is only one counter; we have a constitution that restricts what the state may do.

      If this restriction does not apply to the state, then none of it applies to the state. This is protection for all of society, and the only protection.

    • We have some idiot senator up here in Canada proposing the exact same thing. Unfortunately for gungrabbers is that just as easily as the police can confiscate them, some enterprising criminals can break in and steal them. Maybe they’ll go for the shock-and-awe style of attack like in France where they crack safes with RPGs, or maybe they’ll be more subtle, like the group who used their girlfriends working at a gunstore to leave stuff unattended so they could quietly scoop it up.

      That’s when the ideal solution can be proposed- let individual gun owners look after their guns. Lot safer that way, as they have an investment in keeping them safe, and the tools to do so.

  8. I totally agree with the NRA: don’t give in one inch to the gun grabbers. But it’s five minutes to midnight. And we don’t have much time left.

    I agree with this too…but the NRA does not; they’re all about laws that ostensibly keep guns out of the hands of bad guys and actually approve of NICS–they brag about it. (No. Do NOT tell me that they brag about bringing it in when the alternative was a waiting period. That’s not what they are saying; you are reading that in. They are bragging about NICS outside of that context.)

    • They brag about it as an alternative solution to the suggested waiting period that continues to be postulated on, whether in actual legislation or in the media. The only one reading anything in is you.

  9. “In short, the strategy of the EU is this : when something bad happens involving a gun, punish the legal gun owners.”

    This strategy sounds like looking for your lost keys at night under the street lamp, not because that’s where you actually lost them, but because the lighting is better there.

  10. Every time I hear “for the children” or “if it saves just one life”, I want to respond, “The bullet riddled corpses of your children would no more convince me to give up my guns than seeing their crushed and tire-track covered bodies, would move me to give up my car”.

  11. I just always had a theory about totally Statist Germany, in that a lot of the more liberty leaning German folk have left over the centuries to America; leaving the totalitarian leaning Germans back in Europe. We have a lot more German descended folk in the USA, than what many think, as many names were changed to hide their true identity. I have a few German ancestors who changed their names to sound more Anglo-American. The German descended areas of America usually are fairly pro-gun rights.

    • I did forget to state that I have Sachsen ancestors who left when the Prussians took over and dominated Saxony. Some of my ancestors were actually in the Sachsen Army fighting against the Prussians. Not everybody was infatuated with the Fuhrer Prinzip.

    • My Grandfather Immigrated to the US as a young boy from Germany..He married a woman who’s family had immigrated from Scotland. My grandmother on my mothers side was French.
      My mother’s father was rumored to be american indian. It wasn’t talked openly about such things back then.

      Proud mongrel-American. That’s the kind of hyphenation I can tolerate.

      • Hey I’m German too. One of the millions of Schmidt folks. Ethnic german from Transylvania who fled in 1913. Transylvanian Saxon as it were. Why Hitler conquered Europe so easily. And mostly French/French Canadian on pop’s side and also got a Canadian injun in there…maybe we’re related Thomas and Tom…but lots of pro-gun freedom on pop’s side.

  12. It boils down to slavery. One group imposing their will on others and denying free will to lawful self defense.

  13. It’s true. To a grabber it’s never gona be enough. Look at what’s happening now. The most gun restrictive areas are the ones with the most gun crime (Chicago, Los Angeles, etc.) and mass shootings (gun free zones). It would seem obvious that gun restrictions aren’t working.

    But a grabber would think well it’s because the guns came from out of state, so we should restrict those areas too. And if that doesn’t work either, grabbers would think well it’s because the guns came out of the country… Or out of the continent, and so on and so on.

  14. Even people who claim to be moderates on guns stare in disbelief when you mention that “it’s never enough” when speaking of the anti-gun politicians and their running dog lackeys. But then you point out the progression (NFA, GCA, etc…) and sometimes you win a few over.

    Confiscation wouldn’t happen tomorrow – but it could happen fifty years from now if we’re not careful.

  15. I bet this poor officer wishes he had a firearm, a bit too late. NEVER leave your home without your firearm.

  16. Muzzies to Europe’s rescue. By the millions. Those guys don’t seem nearly as idiotic, as the evolutionary dead ends they are set to replace.

    • I don’t know about that. They believe in the insane rants of a mass murdering pedophile 1400 years dead and they want to kill and/or enslave all of us infidels.

      • Those wanting to kill and enslave someone else, is infinitely less idiotic and self destructive; than those wanting to disarm oneself when confronted by the former.

        And seriously, as long as the Muzzies out fertile “us” 3 to 1, “we” would do well being a bit more careful about which group we deem sexually deviant…… Any way you look at it, “their” approach to sex and reproductive behavior, is most certainly more effective than “ours.”

  17. They simply will not stop until civilian gun ownership doesn’t exist, and anyone who denies this is either a liar or ignorant.

    There is no “compromise”. What does a gun owner get in ANY “compromise” for new gun laws? Nothing. It’s simply “We want all this, you don’t, so we’ll only do half of it and call it a compromise”.

    Enough giving them anything at all. Fight tooth and nail for every damn law. Let them label us “obstructionist”. I’ll wear that title proudly.

  18. Claudia you seem like a level headed person. If you’re ever in Denver I will introduce you to the local beers!

  19. Mr. repost is at it again, aka: Dan Zimmerman, intellectual property thief and editor of dead hooker magazine.

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