defensive gun use

A woman’s screams caught the attention of an unnamed hero on August 30th in Tazewell County, Virginia. Armed with a 9mm handgun, the Good Samaritan moved swiftly toward danger, putting himself in harm’s way to protect the life of a stranger and her child. Unknowingly coming face to face with a suspect already wanted on two outstanding warrants, the harrowing confrontation unfolded.

Moments earlier at a Lee’s Kar-Go convenience store, the suspect, 30-year-old Cody Dailey, forcefully attempted to seize control of a truck, assaulting the female driver and terrifying the woman’s child, saying, “I’m going to rape your mommy.” Before the heinous threat or worse could be carried out, with a sense of duty, obligation and clarity that organizations like Brady United, Everytown and March for Our Lives could never understand, the courageous Good Samaritan’s voice rang out, confronting the attacker and ordering him to stop immediately. 

Hearing the commands, the suspect responded by turning his aggression on the Good Samaritan, charging and shoving him to the ground despite the presence of a firearm. In an act of unrelenting criminal and “Walking Dead” zombie-like disposition, Dailey continued to advance upon the armed citizen, who finally decided, not today Satan. While our Good Samaritan had exercised restraint until this point, electing to attempt de-escalation before violence, the suspect overruled him, compelling the citizen to discharge his firearm one time, providing a complimentary body modification procedure upon Dailey’s chest.

Hearing the gunshot, law enforcement officers in the vicinity, responded and quickly arrived on the scene. Dailey received a taxpayer-funded airlift to nearby Roanoke for medical treatment, where he is reported to be in stable condition. In light of the attempted carjacking, assault, and terrorizing of an innocent child, Roanoke authorities and detectives are seeking additional charges against Dailey including abduction, carjacking and assault and battery. 

Sheriff Brian Hieatt expressed gratitude to the citizen hero for his courageous actions that day.

“Thank goodness for the Good Samaritans that came to the victim’s aid during her time of need. We are grateful for their desire to intercede on her behalf. Had they not acted, this could have been a very different outcome,” the sheriff told WDBJ news.

This incident, and many others like it are shining examples of the critical importance of responsible gun ownership and the lifesaving role that firearms play when in the hands of good human beings. Bravery, quick thinking and being equipped to confront evil ruled the day here, preventing tragedy from befalling a woman and her young child.


  1. “…turning his aggression on the Good Samaritan, charging and shoving him to the ground despite the presence of a firearm.”

    There is the lesson from this posted article.

      • I have to say without videos the forum is boring, drab and blasé. It’s along the lines of the clintoon/biden 1994 Assault Weapon Ban that limited mag capacity and cosmetics all for the good of nothing, nada. Hopefully the senseless boot placed on the throat of the First Amendment will sunset sooner than later.

  2. ” … Dailey continued to advance upon the armed citizen, who finally decided, not today Satan.”

    LOLOLOL! The armed citizen was indeed brave and selfless, but the tone of this article is absolutely hilarious!

  3. This armed citizens deserves to be given free ammo and trips to the local range in order to improve his accuracy. This went from a possible pennies on the dollar solution to now costing the taxpayers 100s of thousands of dollars. On a scumbag that doesn’t deserve to be breathing.

  4. “Before the heinous threat or worse could be carried out, with a sense of duty, obligation and clarity that organizations like Brady United, Everytown and March for Our Lives could never understand”

    And you are correct, they don’t understand. And despite their false words about caring about lives, I’ll bet they will not bother to post all around the internet and in the media and on their web sites how this hero saved this woman and child nor will they bother to post all around the internet and in the media and on their web sites about the thousands saved by defensive gun use every day around the country, nor have I ever seen even one news story about how their members put them selves in harms way for the good of fellow humans to save a woman and child from such a heinous crime as outlined here.

    • Good on this hero! You gotta be a dumbfluck to charge a guy with a loaded gat. Even in Chiraq this guy would be applauded🙄

      • In gun control Chiraq someone may have applauded the hero before the police showed up to arrest him and charge him with attempted murder and put him in jail waiting for the prosecutor to try to send him to prison and ruin his life while Daily would be out bail free to roam the streets looking for more victims ’cause ‘justice impacted individual’.

      • By the way gentlemen I prefer the pejorative term “Chicongo” over “Chiraq” which is a much better fit in my humble opinion, and sounds much closer to the actual word Chicago. (Say Chicago and then Chicongo one after another any you will realize how amazingly close they sound.)

        • uncommon…You and your pals should head to the inner city and speak directly to the chiraqis and chicongoites otherwise paleface you and your pathetic like minded sheltered pals can stfu.

  5. Let us hope the Chiraq A.G. sides with the sheriff. The fluff in this written word,,, I’d rather eat a burrito supreme at Taco Hell.

  6. What is legal standard for legally justifiable deadly force in self-defense in a case like this?

    Normally, if an “unarmed” man communicates his intent to attack another man, the victim is only legally justified to use hands and feet for self-defense unless the attacker has some sort of significant advantage (such as the attacker is musclebound and outweighs the victim by 70 pounds, or some such nonsense). Of course a physically fit unarmed man has a significant advantage over an average woman so an average woman is legally justified to use deadly force in self-defense immediately.

    Well, in this case, the attacker was apparently unarmed and the Good Samaritan was also a man (presumably reasonably physically fit and therefore an “even match” for hand-to-hand fighting) and normally should not have been legally justified to use his firearm right from the get-go. However, the Good Samaritan was defending a woman who was legally justified to use a firearm (if she had had one) right from the get-go. So, which is it? Is the Good Samaritan NOT legally justified to use a firearm from the get-go because he was “evenly matched” for hand-to-hand fighting with the attacker? Or does the fact that the Good Samaritan was intervening for a woman–who was legally justified to use a firearm from the get-go–enable the Good Samaritan to use his firearm from the get-go?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

    • why bother with such mental gymnastics? I mean, woman and child saved by hero from violent rabid animal, hero wins and woman and child safe – happy ending – no need to second guess it.

      • “why bother with such mental gymnastics”

        Well you see, there’s this place called “court”, maybe you’ve heard of it….

        • rednco…What part of “assaulting the female driver and terrifying the woman’s child, saying, “I’m going to rape your mommy” don’t you undertstand? At that point the threat level is to the point it doesn’t make a yippee yippee f if the perp was armed or not. Because of public backlash odds are a court is not going to cater to rapists, child molesters, etc. even if they wanted to.

    • This is why it is best to remain uninvolved in such situations. Given the current legal standards imposed upon us, we should be prepared to observe an abduction of a mother and child, the rape of the mother, and probable homicide of both with Equanimity. If one can’t compel themselves to remain uninvolved while a mother and child are abducted, brutalized, raped and maybe murdered, then the proper course of action would be to shoot repeatedly including a few rounds to the head to ensure that the perpetrator is dead. Then quietly explain the situation to the mother, quoting the Guild Navigator from DUNE. “I wasn’t here. You did not see me.”. Then disappear.

      • *waves hand* “you don’t need to see my identification. I’m not the hero you are looking for. Neither are these droids.”

  7. Joseph A Couch is suspected of opening fire on motorists in both directions of I-75 in southern Kentucky around 5:30 p.m. Saturday. Nine vehicles were shot into, and five people were injured. All of the victims were described as stable on Sunday.

    Police have found his car near exit 41. On a separate stretch of the highway, Acciardo said, police on Sunday found an AR-15 they believe was used in the shootings.

    • OK, so criminally minded people abound in this world – film at 11. Duh! Its why I carry a gun because sometimes those criminally minded people show up to do harm and have on several instances, I am still here. Guns are non-animate objects, they don’t think or breathe or sneak out when no one is looking so they can do harm all on their own, people do that harm. So when you look at it realistically truthfully the headline should be “Joseph A Couch injured 5 and damaged nine vehicles.” because that’s who and what really did it.

      So your point is … criminally minded people exist????

  8. It was ONE good samaritan, a man. Why is he being referred to as they and their? Does the cop have no knowledge of grammar, or is this SOP in today’s tra-knee world?

  9. I love how you desperately dig every single story of a good Samaritan with a gun in order to rebuke any laws or ratification deemed “anti 2A” by most conservatives. I wonder how they do it in other developed nations where you cannot legally carry a firearm? They just walk away or call the cops? Nope, plenty of good Samaritans and heroes, just much less bad guys with guns and a desperate need to find reports of good guys with guns.
    I am certain that for every story of a good guy with a gun, you can find another of some clown who pulled a gun and made threats because someone took “their” parking spot or something else equally silly.

    • So I’m guessing that you’ll vote completely Dem in the upcoming elections, earning yourself a comfy back seat space (I guess the trunk, actually) as Thelma and Louise drive off of the edge of the cliff into Progressive Canyon.

    • bluesucks…Ivory tower ignorant people like you talk out their butts. All you have to do is wear a blue armband so I will know to keep on trucking should I see a democRat like you getting assaulted, kidnapped, etc. Deal or No Deal?


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