Amid the hikers and snowmobilers in the park today, these are members of a group called Rainbow Reload, an LGBTQ gun club that offers experts and the gun-curious a chance to practice firearms skills in a supportive environment.
Similar groups exist across the country, often under the name “Pink Pistols.” Rainbow Reload members stress that their mission goes beyond mere hobby: The goal is to prepare and protect themselves from a rising chorus of threats against LGBTQ+ people, including those stemming from hate groups.
“If the world is dangerous, then you have to be dangerous back,” says Smith, who, like everyone interviewed, requested some level of anonymity citing concerns about their safety. “And that very much has pushed me to where I am now.”
After delivering a safety talk, Smith, who is carrying a Diamondback AR, and a half dozen other Rainbow Reload members here — a smaller crowd than usual due to the presence of a reporter — begin hiking down a snow covered trail. Passing dog walkers give confused looks as they see long guns slung over shoulders.
Every member of the group has a different story about how they arrived here, feeling the need to carry a weapon for self-defense.
“I went from concealed carry every once in a while when I was feeling it to every single day,” explains Sharon, a Navy veteran and competitive shooter who transitioned last year. “Because reading the news, having a few experiences, realizing that I’ve gone from: old cis-male, white, upper middle class, really no real fears about anything, to: there are people that just looking at me will want to hurt me.”
— Todd Bookman in ‘You have to be dangerous back.’ Why some LGBTQ people in New Hampshire are taking up arms
“If the world is dangerous, then you have to be dangerous back”
countries do it, governments do it, police do it, and down here on the people level its dangerous also and you need to be ‘dangerous back’ when that threat danger comes to you.
Yep, but as an OFWG and student of history, I can enlighten them bit further.
Beware the garden variety criminal since they will pick their victims based on their perception of who they think is vulnerable. Be cautious of government and its agents since large groups of stupid people can behave irrationally. But most of all fear your fellow Democrats since there is no one more dangerous if you stray even slightly from the leftist ideal than the secular zealot.
“But most of all fear your fellow Democrats since there is no one more dangerous if you stray even slightly from the leftist ideal than the secular zealot.”
Exactly why I believe the reality of a 40 percent gun-owning household is vastly under reported. They have guns, but are fearful of being found out and shunned…
“Exactly why I believe the reality of a 40 percent gun-owning”
It is under reported, and its that way ’cause its mostly based upon the NSSF type of reporting for legal ownership and they don’t count all of the legally personally built and person-person sales and gifted and ‘permanently’ borrowed and left to them by deceased relatives and then the ones in gun-trusts being used by those who do not purchase. Its probably closer to between 55% – 60% area in reality. Its not that they fear being found out, although maybe there are some, but they are not breaking any laws and its actually no ones business if they built one or got one as a gift or borrowed one or a deceased relative left them firearms or they have one being a member of a gun trust and they don’t participate in various surveys that try to get an idea.
legally personally built
Or the ILLEGALLY built and sold to the “bangers”… Saw a “thing” the other night groups of guys building all types of “Ghost” guns by the hundreds and selling them to the big city gang bangers (including full auto stuff), could be thousands a week hitting the streets of LA, Chiraq, NYC, Houston, Atlanta….
“…large groups of stupid people…”…I don’t know why, but that just strikes me as profound.
You’re still a dude Sharon…
“realizing that I’ve gone from: old cis-male, white, upper middle class, really no real fears about anything, to: there are people that just looking at me will want to hurt me.”…Nah we really couldn’t care less although knowing you have a mental illness makes it a little scary that you carry a gun. But it is your right.
It’s not a mental illness. It’s a choice she made in how she wants to be addressed and how she wants to live her life and if it seems a little weird to the rest of us, so what? Everybody is weird. She’s not hurting anybody else, and comments like yours just empower the evil people who DO want to do her harm. Freedom takes all kinds of shapes, be a cool person and respect her personal wishes.
When “Science”, (remember that?) comes up with a way to alter the guys chromosomes and turn him into a “real” female okay… Til then HE is still a fucking dude and NOTHING he can do will EVER change that; in fact, HE could cause that harm himself if he tries to pass himself off as a woman to some dude in a bar late at night… This is not about freedom this is about some kind of mental defect… Be a “cool” person and see it for what it really is…
I’m not empowering anyone. Evil people make their choices to do what they do. That’s like saying because I support the 2nd Amendment I empower mass shooters. Personal responsibility hippie. The guy is mentally ill period! And I couldn’t care less except up to the point they start pushing their illness on children. Then it’s a huge problem.
“Passing dog walkers give confused looks as they see long guns slung over shoulders.”
Relax dog walkers, its not the ATF.
Doh! 🐕
^ W I N N E R !!!
Unbeknownst to them, the confused looks weren’t regarding the guns.
So will the Alphabet People stop voting for the party with a “D”?
Because that’s the one who wants to take away their ability to protect themselves.
Pronounably not Rick🙄. Just leave my grandkids alone & I’ll be neutral…
Who was it that went to the Stonewall Inn in NYC to kick-asses?
Was it a gang of crazy conservative Republicans?
Or, agents of the municipal government?
Were the government officials registered as: Republicans? Conservatives? Or, some other party.
It’s now ‘Upside-Down World’, Mark, from that era… 🙁
Like “Slavery” that “Stonewall” crap is past it’s expiration date, that place was mob-owned, they were blackmailing the closeted-types no doubt with help from the “regulars” who then went into a tizzy when their undeclared income was threatened. Stonewall …… Schmonewall ….. they all deserved “hickory shampoos” for attacking the NYPD (I would’ve said “Abner Louima-type Proctological Exams” but they would enjoyed thaaaat).
I don’t know how much of these fears are real or perceived. “Reported” acts of hate are not proven or prosecuted acts of hate and there are plenty of Jussie and Bubba cases out there. A good Jewish friend of mine growing up had some delusion in his twenties and started seeing antisemitism EVERYWHERE. If the phone rang more than 5 times before an answer it was because the person on the other end was an antisemite. The illusion of victimhood is powerful. Homosexuality has been mainstream for decades. Popular and trendy even. To the point that I feel we’re into an era of victim envy. Like they’re missing out on the cache of marginalization from the 50’s. Just leave the kids alone and nobody cares. Unless you’re visiting a nation ruled by the religion of peace of course.
Regardless, I’m always happy when people tool up and take their own security seriously.
The illusion of victimhood is powerful.
They’re rewarded for being a “victim.” Everyone wants a piece of the pie.
Just leave the kids alone and nobody cares.
This is what the alphabet mafia and their enablers don’t get. I’ve known, worked with, and been friends with various gay people ever since I graduated from high school and moved. No one cared. Now the crazy ones (not all gay people) are trying to indoctrinate non alphabet members into their tribe. They’re literally trying to perform conversion therapy! I’m old enough to remember when that was the greatest sin according to the Left.
“There is simply no polite way to tell people they’ve dedicated their lives to an illusion”
– Daniel Dennett
“they’ve dedicated their lives to an illusion”
Yes, and many of them get very angry when you challenge their delusions.
Thanks for posting some wisdom from a very intelligent man.
“A vocal atheist and secularist, Dennett is referred to as one of the “Four Horsemen of New Atheism”, along with Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and the late Christopher Hitchens.“
That’s where you’re wrong Miner. I couldn’t care less if you don’t believe in God. It’s the atheists that scream the loudest and have their hissy fits and want to force their secularism on everyone. We’ve all seen how well that has worked out for society.
““A vocal atheist and secularist, Dennett is referred to as one of the ‘Four Horsemen of New Atheism’, along with Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and the late Christopher Hitchens.“
But its great that he realzies the error of his ways and nailed yours and his own “atheist and secularist” illusion with … “There is simply no polite way to tell people they’ve dedicated their lives to an illusion”
Breathe deep the gathering gloom
Watch lights fade from every room
Bedsitter people look back and lament
Another day’s useless energy spent
Impassioned lovers wrestle as one
Lonely man cries for love and has none
New mother picks up and suckles her son
Senior citizens wish they were young
Cold hearted orb that rules the night,
Removes the colours from our sight.
Red is grey and yellow white.
But we decide which is right.
And which is an illusion?
[Late Lament – Graeme Edge] “Nights in White Satin”
Agreed. Gays aren’t “hunted down” and beaten. This is pure liberal fantasy.
Why get excited about some sub-set of the generally Progressive voter base coming to the 2A?
So what do we, the PotG care that they ware kilts?
Do we believe in the right of the People to keep and bear arms?
Let’s celebrate their discovery of the 2A. Who knows, that might lead somewhere politically.
We the PotG don’t agree about much. We can’t even agree whether the Glock or the 1911 is the superior choice. Why should we waste our energy debating sexual orientation or identity?
Please! Everyone agrees the 1911 is the Superior Choice!
Why should we waste our energy debating sexual orientation or identity?
There will be no debate.
You will be forced to bend a knee and show public support for the alphabet mafia or you will be fired.
Have a nice day.
I am thrilled when responsible gun ownership is happening. Own, but get trained. Practice.My rights = their rights. I do not care about your personal political perspective. My wish is for people to be able to defend themselves and others within their Constitutionally guaranteed rights, against criminals, and if necessary, against the tyranny of government.
The 2A is for everyone, including the mentally ill. Because there are a lot of mentally ill people, that are not necessarily dangerous to themselves or others.
Quite frankly it’s laughable to hear people in the alphabet community claim they support the 2nd amendment. When in fact they have been voting for candidates that are taking away 2nd amendment civil rights.
A person like Tammy Bruce has paid a price for her support of republicans who openly support the 2nd amendment. She was supporting republicans who were against gay marriage but supportive of the 2nd amendment for everyone.
And since the alphabet people disagreed with the christians when the christians said a father is necessary in the home. thst only tells me that they alphabet people are tyrants. They just want to have their guns now.
But they don’t support civil rights for anyone else. Their governor in the state of Colorado is a perfect example.
The pole smoking Polis is an ahole to the tenth degree.
A lot of these people are dangerous to others.
Especially children. This nonsense was cancelled.
Yes, I agree with you. Adults who want to perform sexually in front of children are extremely dangerous.
However, it was the alphabet community who provided armed guards for the drag Queen shows featuring children. And make no mistake about it. Those children were part of the performance.
And I do hope that more folks in the alphabet community come out of the closet. And tell the world they support sex with children at the drag Queen shows.
Yes, I agree with you. Adults who want to perform sezually in front of children are extremely dangerous. However it was the alphabet Community who provided armed guards for the dr@g q u e e n shows featuring children.
And make no mistake about it. Those children WERE PART of the performance. And I do hope that more folks in the alphabet Community come out of the closet. And tell the world they support sez with children at the dr@g q u e e n shows.
My Moderation self edit.
in the interest of inclusion, the librarians excuse, they should let gun owners come to the library and teach kids about firearms.
I’ll bet the left, liberals, and MOMS Demand Action would show up claiming to be parents then to protect the kids.
How about heteronormative story time? Would anyone have a problem with that?
“in the interest of inclusion, the librarians excuse, they should let gun owners come to the library and teach kids about firearms.”
Laugh all you want, that’s exactly what we should be doing.
DEMAND they accept us, in the name of their precious inclusivity. Be very demanding about, even.
Teach them the the bitter pill they must swallow to be truly inclusive people. It’s only fair, after all… 🙂
“heteronormative”?? WTF. You mean NORMAL = Not a degenerate POS? Stop hiding behind made up/faux demtard pseudowords.
Normal just means story time, no need for an adjective. Heteronormative story time would be a trigger. They would have a major problem with that. That’s why I posed the hypothetical. I’m not calling to actually do that. The entire purpose of draggg_queen story time is to turn that into the new normal.
Spelling it out: they’re allowed to do what we aren’t allowed to do within our current cultural and social environment. They perform their conversion therapy under the guise of inclusion. Inclusion is only allowed when it benefits The Party. If it doesn’t benefit The Party, then it’s a hate/anti-inclusive movement.
pretty sure most these people are mentally ill and were indoctrinated as a youth, same as any cultist. It’s a fetish. Nobody really cares but when you find ways to force it on people, it becomes a societal issue. That’s where we are now. It’s not that we don’t support you, it’s that we view you as extremist. Seriously… you are the same as any idiot with political bumper stickers all over their vehicle. It’s your right… Just know you are viewed as that crazy person and most people would rather ignore you. The people “out to get you” are just from the opposing cult, and you kinda enable them to exist the same as they enable you. Funny how extremist operate…
“pretty sure most these people are mentally ill and were indoctrinated as a youth, same as any cultist. It’s a fetish.”
And that’s the way in to counter it…
But they don’t “recruit”? Their BS song of the 80s on.
Very well said. Best I’ve heard it explained in a long time!
That’s good…..I guess. We don’t try to force our gun culture on them, they don’t try to force their lifestyle on us! Guess we can live with that!!
Dennis Sumner,
But, they are trying to force their lifestyles on our children:
Drag Queen story time.
Drag parades.
Lessons on sex transition in elementary schools.
Pronoun policing everywhere.
Gay and Lesbian and straight pornography in school libraries.
Teachers bragging about teaching the LGBTQ+ agenda in publis and private schools.
Netflix , Disney, and Hollywood increasingly incorporating LBGTQ+ themes and behavior in children’s programming.
Sesame Street.
Luggage theft.
It goes on and on. Much of it is blatently criminal but few law enforcement agencies will investigate.
So, yes, the LGBTQ+ folk should “…become dangerous back…”. But they are already dangerous because of their child-grooming and their control of the media and the education system.
NOTE: I know it sounds like I am stereo typing. But having family and friends who are gay and lesbian has also made me aware there are plenty of LGBTQ+ folk who are honest, ethical, and who are deadset against sexualizing children. My comments above are about the militant, perverse child-groomers AND apply equally as well to the straight pedophiles.
…there are plenty of LGBTQ+ folk who are honest, ethical, and who are deadset against sexualizing children.
Correct. They aren’t the loud ones so it can be easy to forget about them. They’re usually just going about their business like a normal person.
Dennis Sumner,
My comment back to you about how ‘they’ ARE forcing their lifestyles on our children…that comment has been censored. Maybe it will appear later, most likely not. Always amazed. everytime it happens, that TTAG is moderated by the far left.
Still, I come back here every day ’cause there are a lot of smart folk here.
Yeah, I’m beginning to wonder the same thing. Statements by TTAG admins that the site is now filtered thru WordPress shifts the blame from TTAG to WordPress, apparently. But the way our comments are modded and/or removed strongly suggests those pulling the levers in the filter tower lean heavily to the political left.
Doesn’t seem congruent for a site that purports to advocate for the 2A to hand the reins over to those who may oppose it.
I bet comments are rarely deleted. It’s probably a matter of not getting around to manually checking all comments stuck in moderation purgatory awaiting their cleansing.
At least twice, I’ve seen a comment posted, then gone upon page refresh when I came back to TTAG at a later time. Those were deleted and never seen again. Rare, but it has happened.
Canukian/Eurowussie woke “standards” apply.
I like your attitude, but I don’t think you’re aware of the situation. See LifeSavor’s comment.
“We don’t try to force our gun culture on them, they don’t try to force their lifestyle on us!”
That’s where we’re fucking up. They demand we accept them, then we must demand they accept us.
Being inclusive isn’t a buffet, where you can pick and choose only what you want, to be truly inclusive, you must eat every damn thing on your plate, no matter how much they hate it. You eat the broccoli along with the apple pie with ice cream, or they aren’t as inclusive as they claim… 🙂
or they aren’t as inclusive as they claim
Newsflash: They are not… Inclusivity has its limits in the “woke” world, “agree with us or STFU”… True inclusiveness would have room for debate but everything in THEIR world is “settled science” and anyone who dissents is just stupid and not worthy of an opinion…
Geoff, “That’s where we’re fucking up. They demand we accept them, then we must demand they accept us.”
That is correct, something about the goose and gander!
The Left has an interesting tendency to follow Marx’s personal predilections.
According to the man himself, his favorite quote from Faust was spoken by Mephistopheles (the Devil in that story).
““I am the spirit that negates.
And rightly so, for all that comes to be
Deserves to perish wretchedly”
Often said as “Everything that exists deserves to perish”.
The Left seems, quite often, to live this statement. “Intolerance of intolerance” is but one iteration of this theme.
this is a joke, right?
Unfortunately, not, some folks think they’re special and have to identify as a protected victim group.
“…some folks think they’re special”
We’re just as special, it’s time to get ugly about it.
FORCE THEM to admit they aren’t what they claim to be… 🙂
We are all better off as more people arm themselves for their own personal self protection. I just think it’s pointless to actively pursue self protection while siding with those that will militantly remove that ability. These people see freedom loving Americans as the enemy they arm themselves against. Which is absurd. All while refusing to recognize the actual threats against them. But then, this is a problem with quite a few people in general.
I bet these rainbow rambos all vote democrat…
Back in the day there were two types of people, straight or gay.
Being gay also meant if you were bisexual.
There are too many letters now, it has gotten so bad that 90% of these people are woke lefties.
This is the 10% that aren’t woke lefties but still pose a danger to kids.
Sex Ed in 1-4th grade? Talking teenagers into sex changes? NB, whatever that means.
They wont get any supportive environment from, just stay away from me.
These people are mentally ill, the doctors just changed the book.
The DSM-1 classified these people as a “sexual deviation”
The DSM-IV classified these people as “sexual disorder not otherwise specified” .
The DSM-V removed that because it didn’t fit the narrative of a woke society.
I don’t think openly mentally ill people should be carrying guns.
Especially the ones who are a serious danger to peoples children.
Or the protective/good PARENTS of children (targets).
I support the right of every American to tool up and defend themselves like the rest of us, it promotes individual responsibility and a healthy respect for the BoR.
What will always make me chuckle are the leftist/lgbt gun owners who actively vote for pols overtly demonstrating a commitment to disarming the public entirely and/or play the “I support the 2A, but…” game. What if the antis achieve absolute power and serious attempts to dismantle the 2A are made as you’ve been carrying for years? Then what will you do?
If your answer is anything but non-compliance and resistance to tyranny, your views were hostile to the principles of the constitution and BoR all along, and I guess I wasted my time trying to inculcate your appreciation for liberty.
Hell, I’ll say. Support for anything less than a complete return to what gun laws were in the 1950’s (minus our expanded CCW rights today of course) is suspect.
I am sick to the back teeth of people acting like I should be proud of them for preaching watered-down, compromise-ridden husks of the 2nd Amendment like it’s a good and reasonable position to adopt, regardless of their lgbt status or not.
…1850s. Before the NFA, GCA, ATF, etc.
I’ll see your 1850s and raise you another century, back to the beginning…😉
The 1850s?
So you are good with slavery, genocide of the native Americans, child labor and women being the property of their husbands.
I’m surprised you folks would say this out loud.
They call that Tuesday in the Middle East…
Um, Miner…
The very username you chose for yourself is smack dab from that very time period. 1849.
It’s just a name, I am not yearning for a return to the 1850s and slavery, child labor and women as chattel as you are.
What do you call a white person who wants to live in the 1850s?
“and a half dozen other Rainbow Reload members here … long guns slung over shoulders.”
wasn’t there a Tom Clancy video game about this group called ‘Rainbow Six’ ?
Relax Rainbow Reload… just having a little fun with the wording. Welcome to the area of sanity that realizes the world is a dangerous place AND you are your own first responder when that danger threat shows up.
welcome, that is unless you voted democrat and if you did you are your own undoing because eventually they will come for you too.
I loved that book!!
“Red Storm Rising” is a video series on YT now!!!
““Red Storm Rising” is a video series on YT now!!!”
Tiny bits and pieces of it, synched to some video game footage. The good combat parts, like “The Frisbees of Dreamland” and “Nordic Hammer”, a few others.
However, the entire 30+ long-hour audio book is there, as well :
must be someone I’m not seeing.
your coment was funny 😁
The Rainbow series was BS. Delta chicks/etc kicking in doors/a ss. Clancey went work early.
The recent ghost written stuff in better but is so repetitive/formulaic that could be written by the silly AI monkeys with typewriters brigade.
Just carry the gun. Nobody cares about your sexual orientation, race or “special” status. Anyone who needs to project it is telling.
Oh and don’t put bright colored objects in the center mass area of a plate carrier. The idea is not to test it. It’s to survive.
LOL, that was my immediate thought as well, upon seeing the article’s thumbnail pic. Doesn’t make much sense to get FDE gear intended to help the wearer blend in to his/her surroundings, then slap a neon rainbow target on it located near the throat.
“Nobody cares.. .” is off by a whole lot of people.
The parents of the ones we know as “snowflakes” are the ones who wanted their MTV. The parents of that crowd are the ones who said they didn’t care what you did in the privacy of your own home, so long as it stays there. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. That group was parented by the “do your own thing” crowd. And that group, in turn, was reared by ones who came back from war and wanted their kids to have a better, easier life.
Am I seeing a pattern here?
So, it’s ALL Trumps fault, right?
HELLO MADD! of course it is…isn’t everything? jeesh!
So when you see someone carrying your first though is “I wonder if they are …?”
No it’s not. Nobody cares
They’ve got their little rainbow stickers on everything they own so YOU don’t need to wonder, it’s right there in your face… Heterosexuals, “toxic” masculine men, REAL women should have their own ID badges, getting harder to tell which team the players are on…
How is it that a NRA, USMC, Go Army, US or Confederate flag, etc sticker get your car keyed? But a moroic rainbow sticker/flag does not? Almost like there is hypocrisy from the loonie left.
Individuals have a protected right to defend themselves and that certainly includes people whose lifestyle details makes most straights feel nauseous.
Since I am feeling dizzy it’s time for a little Sunday Morning Kris…
You’re human after all…Not my kind of music but was a nice song.
Right back at you with some Monday morning Kris.
“Long hair, beard and sandals
And a funky bunch of friends
Reckon may just nail Him up
If He come down again”
I see my very polite and factual post was moderated into oblivion.
Upon repentance and confession our father is faithful to forgive our sins. Our country won’t be right until we stop abortion and same sex marriage.
We may get a short reprieve between now and when our Lord returns but it won’t last. This world will continue in it’s decline because Jesus said so.
This world will continue in its decline because…. PEOPLE.
“Our country won’t be right until we stop abortion and same sex marriage”
So to be clear, it’s not a gay or atheist agenda.
It’s right wing Christian males who are attempting to impose their religious beliefs regarding abortion and marriage upon every other person in the United States of America.
If you don’t like abortion or same-sex marriage, don’t have one.
You’re trying to impose your beliefs on us, miner, or you would not be here.
If you don’t like folks carrying a gun to defend themselves then don’t carry one.
The goal is to prepare and protect themselves from a rising chorus of threats against LGBTQ+ people, including those stemming from hate groups.
Do you want to be treated like a normal person? Then act like a normal person. That begins with ditching your silly rainbow sexual tribe insignia. These people certainly are mentally ill if they think the biggest threat to them is anti-alphabet hate groups.
They’re being used by a political movement that wins by dividing everyone into various tribes. They convince the tribes they’re the only ones that can protect them. They’re using the same playbook they’ve successfully used on black people for decades. The only groups they aren’t offering protection for are the groups that are most likely to vote for their opposition. This identity madness is nothing more than a ploy for political power.
Divided We Fall.
Racism works.
“They’re using the same playbook they’ve successfully used on black people for decades.”
Ain’t that the truth. Unfortunately it always seems to work for an extended length of time, as in years before the ones duped figure it out.
They’re being used by a political movement that wins by dividing everyone into various tribes.
Bingo. Shades of Cindy Sheehan.
“Shades of Cindy Sheehan.”
And then, they tossed her out like a used condom after her utility was finished… 🙂
Everyone has a right to protect themselves against immediate threats to life and limb from an aggressor.
That said, this does NOT mean the “Words are Violence” crowd has a right to open fire on anyone who upsets them just because they don’t “feel safe”.
I dress up like a tough girl then hit all the lesbian bars.
I’m all for more gay guys, we need more gay guys, lotsa gay guys about a 75 to 1 percent gay guy ratio.
Texie is cute but I like her girlfriend Amana better. 👍
possum with a butch haircut…sexy!
Amana’s so butch she looks like a dryer. But she fucks like washing machine!
And comment awaiting moderation, who would have guessed, bwhahahaaha
Stop encouraging your enemies to arm up. They’ll use them to force you away while they groom and abuse your children.
Ah ha ha ha ha ha! Please…
Your comment is awaiting moderation
Exactly what they did in Texas w/armed (allegedly Antifa?) security outside a kids Drag Queen show… Why is Antifa getting involved in the grooming of children?…. Hmmm, MODERATED? For what this time? Spell checked, punctuated, grammatically correct, no obscenity, no personal attacks, based on FACTUAL reports from credible news agencies… TRUTH really sucks don’t it?
Reply is being “MODERATED” I am absolutely fucking shocked I tell you, SHOCKED!!!
Firearms = the most effective defense against carriers of HIV/AIDS/Hep C/Moneypox all of which can be fatal and as “deadly” as any other weapon.
Why aren’t you banning the “Rainbows” or regulating them and their diseases under the “any other weapons” classification?
Does biological warfare fall under the BAFTE? I’d ask our most benevolent and illustrious Wiseman President Pedoein, ahh dang I mean Mafiosibiden, ahh dang it, you know the guy, the Big Guy, yeah him. The guy that ruins (ah dang it) Runs our country, its Runs. Anyway I’d ask him if I could however the media cant come up with what he meant he thought he said yet.
Ohhh yeah , Now I remember America( ahhdangit) I mean the UN, is going to start implementing the draft so we can go over and kick the hell out of whoever’s it is needs kicking. One thing I truly enjoy is humanity will not survive a nuclear holocaust. Whheeww finally got rid of that species.
Dementia Joe is all for WWIII, his handlers including St. Greta of Dumberg told him if we reduce the number of Whites in Europe and the USA it’ll help save the world’s natural resources by curbing “over-population” and solve the …. what is it these days …. “New Ice Age”, no …. “Global Warming” …. no not that … it’s the “Climate Crisis” yeah “Climate Crisis”, plus by using nukes we don’t have to waste money on deactivating them …. that dough can be spent on ending “Ray-Cizzim”.
WW3 its coming whether we want it or not.
You die too possum you’re a mammal. All mammals die in a nuclear holocaust. Only the roaches survive. That leaves obidum, dacian, and 49er to procreate with themselves.
You can be whatever freak you want. I only vote with 2A in mind; everything else has been compromised by the loony left. If the alphabet folks feel vulnerable enough to acquire firearms, that’s good for me, as long as they don’t support any infringements.
Anyone who even uses the term “cis-male” in a sentence is some kind of virtue signaling suck-arse. We, that is, normal people, never use the term. We are men. End of story. If you use “cis-male”, ever, then you’re not a man.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, fux a “cis”?…. Sounds like something from the Woohoo virology lab…
It’s Latin. Cis = same side, Trans = other side.
The Romans referred to Cisalpine Gaul and Transalpine Gaul, parts of Gaul in relation to the Alps with Cisalpine Gaul being on the same side of the Alps as Italy and Transalpine Gaul being on the other side of the mountain range.
In the modern context you see it used in Chemistry to describe certain isomers where the chemical formula is the same but the physical structure is different. Something like built like -_- is cis because the two groups denoted by “-” are on the same side of the main structure of the molecule, -_ _ or _ _- is trans because one of the groups is bound on the other side compared to the other.
In this context it refers to how people identify. A man who thinks he’s a man is a “cis-male”, women who believe they are women are “cis-women”. Gay men are “cis”. People who identify as a sex other than their biological sex are “trans”. Unless, well, let’s not get into the mixed and multigender shit.
It’s a person who thinks they’re the sex that they are not. You see it a lot in grievence politics where people claimed to be oppressed by “heteronormative white cis-male culture” (aka “patriarchy”) or some similar twaddle.
Turn your sarcasm detector off this evening?
what bs. Boys have penis, girls have a vagina. Anything else is a fruit salad of mental illness. To each their own but a mental illness it is.
I’ve had an average four hours of sleep in the past three days and put in 11+ each of them.
I’m pretty much running on coffee and hatred at this point.
I thought it was informative but then I like that stuff.
As others have noted, one’s sexual orientation is indifferent.
Every law abiding American citizen has the 2ndA right to bear arms and self defense.
“If the world is dangerous, then you have to be dangerous back,”
Yes, I would agree with that.
However, is Smith really expecting such a dangerous world on a snow cover trail, with other people walking dogs?
Unless they came upon a momma bear and her cub, slipping and falling is a greater danger than anything requiring the use of a Diamondback AR.
If they want to face a dangerous world, I would recommend they go to a city with a Democrat Mayor. 11 US cities made the top 50 most dangerous cities in the world.
All 11 US cities had Democrat Mayors.
“However, is Smith really expecting such a dangerous world on a snow cover trail, with other people walking dogs?
Unless they came upon a momma bear and her cub, slipping and falling is a greater danger than anything requiring the use of a Diamondback AR.”
until you realize the number of violent crimes against individuals in public occupied outdoors hiking trails and wooded areas have increased 10 fold in the last 5 years.
and they come in packs too. the gangs have realized these areas are where a lot of soft targets are.
But not because they identify as a particular letter of the alphabet which seems to be the main subject matter in this piece. Pretty sure gangs attacking people on snow covered trails don’t first ask a person for their preferred pronouns or their sexual orientation…
Cis- e got a gun….cis-e got a gun…. Whole worlds come undone…
Good on Tn
Freaking Awesome! This is how you do it.
Expected mix of comments that these people are mentally ill, “groomers”, “the enemy”, etc., and a bunch of comments that their feeling of victimhood is illusory.
Yes, it turns out that our initial assessment of objects that look, walk and quack like ducks is just as airtight as it seemed.
We are ALL victims, for more than a decade the heterosexual white working male has been held up as an example of the lowest form of life on the planet… So what? When I hear that crap, I just laugh at them and go buy a new gun or get something new and shiny for my motorcycle. Those morons don’t pay my bills, they don’t keep my bed warm at night and they sure as fuck don’t hurt my Feeeelz. Anyone who can’t take criticism of who or what they are should consider a different lifestyle or at least maybe play it a bit more on the down low (see “Gay Days” at Disney). Haters gonna hate and there is a group of “haters” for every possible walk of life you can imagine, I suggest everyone should just get over themselves and their “victimhood” and just live their lives however they deem best for them… Unless of course you require public sympathy to feel relevant…
It’s real simple. If you don’t want to be viewed as a groomer, then stop trying to indoctrinate children into your alternative sex club. If you don’t want people to think you’re mentally ill, then stop saying men can become pregnant. These are principles the entire world has understood since the beginning of time until the past couple of years. Most people still understand them.
These people are as anti civil rights as bull Connor from the 1950s. Only now, they do want THEIR OWN guns.
The goal is to prepare and protect themselves from a rising chorus of threats against LGBTQ+ people, including those stemming from hate groups.
Not to be insensitive here but… I’m going to be insensitive.
Is anyone else tired of the nonsensical hysteria here? Personally, I’m tired of the molehills built into virtue signaling mountains and distracting from real issues.
Look, the 2A is for everyone but let’s not act like we have a national crisis here because there are gangs of marauding straight people out there slaughtering LGBTQ people like the guards at Auschwitz using MG-42’s to mow down escaping Jews. Schindler’s List this fuckin’ ain’t.
Claims that “LGBTQ hate crimes” are “up” are suspect at best, up slightly from 1996 so far as I can tell but down dramatically from the height in 2013. So, it’s a question of where you start your baseline. You can pick your starting point in the dataset to make the line-of-best-fit do just about anything you want.
Shit, read some of these articles and you’d think there was a massive problem for “black transwomen”. Did you know that crimes against them are up? Murder too! It’s a bloodbath for REALZ!
Jesus, are they being slaughtered like buffalo from a rail line in 1870 or something? No, 11 of them were murdered in 2019 and over half were “transients involved in sex work” if you bother to dig into this a bit.
Wait, what? Hey, ask no fuckin’ questions you bigot fuckin’ nabigotzi, that’s right, they were killed for being black and trans, because, historically speaking, being a homeless transient prostitute is one of the safer occupations in this or, well any, country. Amirite? Don’t you dare question that statement.
So, we, like, totes know they were all murdered specifically for being black trans women and not for, oh I dunno, being hookers who picked up the wrong John or got into a fight with a customer over drugs? Right? Because that shit, like, never ever happens.
And even if they were killed because because of the subtype of prostitute they were, that’s 11 dead hookers in a country of 330 million people. Not exactly a crime against humanity (especially since they were all dead inside to start with). Why are we not promoting prostitute safety in general?
This is like the “ban pit pulls” thing so far as I can tell.
Did you know that 80% of fatal dog attacks were due to pit bulls?
Fuck? Really? Straight up American Pit Bull Terriers? They’re, like, murder machines or something?
Well, they’re totally murder machines but, no, we combined all bully and Staffordshire breeds under the name “pit” because reasons.
Oh. Well, they’re like massing on people though, right? Like this happens multiple times per day all over the country? It’s a super serious and statistically significant thing, right?
Well, no, not really. There are about 50 fatal dog attacks total in the US every year in a country of 335 million people and that’s if we include all canids, like wolves and stuff.
Wait, so you’re telling me that 7.8 times more children (<17) die in swimming pools every year than total the total number of people killed by all types of dogs nationwide and that pits are only part of that? That 14.2x more people simply trip, fall down and hit their head on a flat surface and die from it according to CDC numbers than all dog attacks combined?
Why does this dog thing sound overblown, like maybe it’s media hype and the “pit” is the dog-banners version of the AR-15 or how they conflate gang bangers getting lucky with a psycho shooting up a mall to inflate the numbers of “mass shootings”?
Seriously, when the fuck do the adults get back from vacation in this country?
“11 dead hookers…” should read “seven dead hookers”.
Not that it much matters in the bigger scheme of things.
seven dead hookers”.
Aren’t hookers like the favorite target of serial killers?
Interesting that A&E ran that.
I’m not sure why they needed to but that’s another story.
Makes the point that the 7 dead trans hookers are more of a statistical probability than a target….
Also, I guess it falls under “entertainment”. Unless she’s (or “she”) is really good at some weird shit you could call “art”.
No one’s interested in the fine print. Just give us some juicy headlines.
Of course Anti-LGBTQIA (ad nauseaum) “Hate Crimes” are up especially when they’ve now reclassified “criticism”, exposing groomers, outing pedos, t®@ππys in childrens bathrooms/lockerrooms, sexually explicit books at school, posters/teachers recruiting students into a destructive “lifestyle”, and persons exposing themselves to children attending drag shows as a “crime”.
The reality is “Hate Crimes” against the “Rainbows” are down and have been for decades, since the emergence of the “Gay Cancer”, no one wants to risk contracting HIV/AIDS/Hep C/Monkeypox or a host of other diseases by cutting their knuckles while punching a lisping prancer in the mouth after the deviant grabs someone’s butt or aggressively pursues someone of the same sex who isn’t interested and doesn’t want to engage in unnatural sex with a member of his own gender.
“Is anyone else tired of the nonsensical hysteria here? Personally, I’m tired of the molehills built into virtue signaling mountains and distracting from real issues.”
Pretty much everyone who identifies as right-leaning, and a rapidly growing percentage of those in the middle.
They run a real risk of wearing out their welcome with the normal folks in the near future, and it’s gonna be a hoot to watch when it happens.
Along those lines, recently, I found this an entertaining read :
Jesus, that reminds me of the video below, and not in a “That was a cool movie” sort of way.
The description of the women is a dead ringer for aspects of Lilith (the terrible, devouring mother) covered in Lilith-The First Eve: Historical and Psychological Aspects of the Dark Feminine.
Some pretty twisted shit, really. Been known a LONG time too. Probably why Jordan Peterson talks about it with regard to “woke” moms.
Thanks for the link. Listening to this reminded me of what it was like in California in the 1970s. When so many people simply left the church only to find a different kind of religion. Where they worshipped sex drugs and eschewed personal responsibility.
They later became the fascists they had earlier in life hated.
Same BS “stats” as rape/incest are a big problem and why must Institutionalize Infanticide.
Sounds like another celebration of the LGBTQPerverse mental illness.
I don’t like it. This seems more like antifa training than 2A for everyone.
I’m really tired of hearing h0m0s3xu@ls blacks, J e w s or anyone else, complaining about being chased down in the streets in America, in the 21 St. Century.
Their bad dreams at night time are not a problem in this country. But they continue to project these fantasies onto innocent people. They are the ones that are harming this country.
“Their bad dreams at night time are not a problem in this country“
“Ronald Gay entered a gay bar in Roanoke, Virginia, on September 22, 2000, and opened fire on the patrons, killing Danny Overstreet, 43 years old, and severely injuring six others. Ronald said he was angry over what his name now meant, and deeply upset that three of his sons had changed their surname. He claimed that he had been told by God to find and kill lesbians and gay men, describing himself as a “Christian Soldier working for my Lord”; Gay testified in court that “he wished he could have killed more fags,”
“U.S. Army Pfc. Barry Winchell was murdered on July 6, 1999, in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, by fellow soldier Calvin Glover. Winchell was beaten to death with a baseball bat after rumors spread on base of his relationship with transgender author Calpernia Addams. Glover was sentenced to life in prison.[244]“
. Glover was sentenced to life in prison
And justice was served… What’s your point? No one is denying that there are haters in the world… Somewhere in the world there is a “hater” for every race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, political persuasion, occupation and whatever else you can imagine, so who or what are YOU pointing YOUR finger at this time…
The rest of the story…
In 1999, Fisher and others took Winchell to a Nashville club, The Connection, which featured transgender performers, where Winchell met a male-to-female transgender showgirl named Calpernia Addams. So they ALL went to a tran_n_y bar.
Winchell and fellow soldier, Calvin Glover, fought after Winchell accused a boasting Glover of being a fraud. Both were [consuming] beer throughout the day. Glover was soundly defeated by Winchell, and Fisher harassed Glover about being beaten by “‘a fucking f _got’ like Winchell.”
So these guys had a history. Glover was bitter over Winchell kicking his ass. Glover wanted revenge for losing a fight. That’s why he chose a cheap shot with the bat. It isn’t like he went to go kill some guy just because he was gay. There was a little more to it. Is this what passes for an LGBT hate crime? 24 years ago no less? Where were you when conservatives were being assaulted and murdered for their beliefs in the past six years?
You can find people being attacked and killed for all sorts of reasons, including looking at someone the wrong way while driving. Certain “hate crimes” are elevated, while others are ignored, in order to push a political agenda.
The rest of the story…
Typical miner “copy/paste” bullshit, present only the part that SEEMS to validate whatever the point is that he’s trying to pass off as fact at the moment…
Where were you when conservatives were being assaulted and murdered for their beliefs in the past six years?
Probably watching it on CNN and cheering, serves em right, right miner?
Dude puts out the Rest of the Story that you conveniently left out Miner. Disingenuous at least.
Disingenuous at least.
Disingenuous as USUAL: fixed it for you…
That’s why I made the joke above about just looking at the juicy headlines instead of reading the fine print. I remember when they began pushing the “black trans” being in danger propaganda a couple of years ago. It took about 15 minutes to look up some individual cases, and see they were killed due to living a dangerous lifestyle. They weren’t even necessarily killed because they were “trans.” Pure propaganda…
“Fisher harassed Glover about being beaten by “‘a fucking f _got’ like Winchell.”
So he killed him, because he was ‘a fucking f _got’
Did you forget about these?
“49 people were killed, and 53 injured, in a shooting at an Orlando gay nightclub on June 12, 2016.[299]
5 people were killed, and 25 injured, in a shooting at a Colorado gay nightclub on November 19–20, 2022.“
You aren’t even reading the story Miner. Glover was the murderer. Fisher was the one calling Winchell names. They all went to the g_a _y bar together. You acted like someone committed murder because they heard a rumor about someone. If you call Lil’d a f_g (after hanging at the g_y bar with him), and I kill him, is it a hate crime?
“Did you forget about these?”
We all remember the Orlando nightclub killer. You’re supposed to be defending Muslims, remember? No one said it didn’t exist, Miner. As a matter of fact multiple people said the threat exists, but it’s blown out of proportion. People kill for all kinds of reasons. People even get killed because they’re white. The media is silent on that, and so are you. You even went as far as to pretend that parade killing was accidental, just like the media. “Oops wrong turn. While I’m here, I’ll just swerve through this crowd, aiming for people. Don’t mind my social media that says I hate white people.” You hate treating people equally, don’t you? You live for the latest narrative. You should try honesty and equality some time. You might even like it.
We all remember the Orlando nightclub killer.
Did YOU forget he was a fucking radicalized muzzzie?
And the clown in Colorado (aside from being a neo-Nazi) should have been in jail after holding his grandparents hostage and threatening to kill Christians and government employees, but because the family refused to press charges nothing was done, he also threatened to shoot a planeload of passengers after harassing them and using racial slurs… This guy is fucked up, he hates everybody and everything and that night it just happened to be a gay bar instead of a church… Now he’s trying to claim he’s some kind of non-binary bullshit…
Here we go again with your attempting another of your grand tours of out of context stupid to intentionally give a false impression.
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