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Army Awards the 240L Machine Gun Their ‘Oscar’

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

“The Army recognized the M240L 7.62mm Medium Machine Gun among the 2010 Army Greatest Inventions (AGI) during an awards ceremony at the Association of the United States Army Annual Conference in Washington, D.C., Oct. 11.” And what did they do to the standard 240B model to warrant the honor? They took a few years to figure out how to machine titanium replacement parts and coat them to shave about five pounds of the gun’s total weight. And that means a helluva lot when soldiers are dragging them over mountains in Afghanistan. Ain’t she a beaut?

0 thoughts on “Army Awards the 240L Machine Gun Their ‘Oscar’”

  1. I was at the convention my dad made something else that was in the top ten inventions. My dad is friends with the group that invented the m40l, i got to hold it. Really cool place guns and tanks everywhere 🙂

  2. As soon as I move out of the Slave State of New Jersey, I would love to get a 10/22 takedown with a integrally suppressed barrel. Unfortunately, such a thing is illegal in the state where I live.


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