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“Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah gave Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a unique gift to cap off his two-day trip to Lebanon,” reports. “An Israeli assault rifle captured during the group’s 2006 war with Israel. Nasrallah presented the weapon – in a felt-lined box with a row of bullets – during a meeting at the Iranian Embassy in Beirut late Thursday, Hizbullah said in a statement.” So what is it? I tried to find a better shot and lighten up this one in iPhoto, to no avail. But I bet you guys don’t need no stinkin’ hi res image. Prove me right!

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  1. It looks like a heavy barrel FN-FAL to me. Especially with the carry handle and distinctive fore end. It's a nice rifle to be sure.

  2. The FN/FAL was the standard Israeli rifle until the Galil was adopted in the late 70's or early 80's. And Israel, not being a particularly wealthy country, didn't take many rifles out of service even after they adopted a different one (like the Soviets, they don't throw anything away.)

  3. Its an FN FAL, The funny thing about it that they told Ahmadinejad that the rifle was taken from the Israeli forces in the second Lebanon war, but the rifle was decommissioned from the IDF 30 years ago and today (and not in 2006) this rifle was in use.

    There was an article about it in the Israeli media just a few days ago.


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