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At a Loss: Voters Still Have No Idea What Harris Stands For, Neither Does She

Lee Williams - comments 21 comments

Kamala Harris said in a recent tweet she will be “president for all Americans.” However, like most of what she serves up on her public Twitter account, her tweet is long on smiles and handshakes but short on actual information. 

There is no credible source for whatever it is Harris intends to do if she is elected president today. She has not held a single real press conference in 90 days, while Donald Trump holds them daily – hourly now that the last voting day has started. 

Unfortunately, the best way to get actual information about what Harris has planned is from those who oppose her and her plans. 

New York Congresswoman Elise Stefanik and Congressman Andy Barr, who is from Kentucky, recently penned a joint opinion column for Newsweek that was published Monday, titled: “Kamala Harris Is Weaponizing Banks Against American Gun Owners. We Won’t Stand for It.” 

The two elected officials accuse Harris of trying to use banks to target American gun owners, and they introduced their own bill as a solution.   

“Under the Biden-Harris Administration, there has been an unconstitutional and relentless attack on the Second Amendment rights and privacies of American citizens,” the pair began, adding that anti-gun groups and their leaders, including New York Attorney General Letitia James, celebrated the creation of a new Merchant Category Code, or MCC, for gun dealers who live in the state. 

Stefanik and Barr both say Harris and Democrats in general are misusing the entire financial system against lawful gun owners because the MCCs will track sales linked to guns and ammunition.

Our bill aims to ensure that firearms retailers are not unjustly targeted by payment card networks or other financial entities, and purchases by law-abiding citizens are protected from monitoring and denial by the government,” Stefanik and Barr wrote. “Specifically, our bill ensures that firearms retailers are not considered differently than general or sporting goods merchants.”

The need for this new type of legislation has increased, the Congress members said, because several anti-gun and leftist groups operate without any supervision even though their “frameworks don’t align with the interests or values of our country.” 

Courting Both Sides

Over at CNN, Andrew Kaczynski and Erin Burnett discussed Kaczynski’s latest investigation Friday night, which featured a network chyron that read, “HARRIS CAMPAIGN’S MESSAGE ON ISREAL-GAZA DEPENDS ON WHERE YOU LIVE.” 

The story featured two ads from Harris, one running for Moslem voters in Michigan, and the second was written for Jewish voters in Pennsylvania. 

For the Moslems, Harris said, “What has happened in Gaza over the past nine months is devastating. We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering. And I will not be silent.”

For the Jews, Harris said, “Let me be clear: I will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself, and I will always ensure Israel has the ability to defend itself. Because the people of Israel must never again face the horror that a terrorist organization called Hamas caused on October 7th.”

Kaczynski summed it up best at the end, saying, “So this is a really delicate issue for her.”

21 thoughts on “At a Loss: Voters Still Have No Idea What Harris Stands For, Neither Does She”

  1. The nomination was given to her with no primary vote, her campaign has been almost entirely conducted for her by a lapdog mainstream press, and after the polls close, the White House will have been handed to her thanks to blatant election rigging and voter disenfranchisement against red counties and overseas servicemen.

    Great lesson for our nation’s young women: Nevermind all working hard and getting an education hooey; all you have to do is kneel in front of the right c**k and you, too, can be President one day.

    • Greetings, Rusty Shackleford.

      I, Rusty Shackleford, have come from the distant future of a few hours from now with good news: You were wrong, and the Donkeys got their asses kicked so hard last night that they’ll be burping farts all the way into the midterms!

  2. They may not know what she stands for, but they sure know what she kneels for. She just puts her head down and gets to work😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮🤣

  3. Kamala stands for whatever “they” tell her to stand for.
    I’m just so anxious to see how she is going to make good on all the promises.
    And just like that the price of food dropped.
    What pisses me off is how these elected cancel the elected part, because, well, no such thing. Anyway what pisses me off is how they believe We The People are stupid enough to think a president can just command lower prices on anything.
    Tell me Kamala, what’s your plan on making food prices cheaper. More subsidies for the American farmer, lower fuel prices, fertilizer, seed crops.
    How do you plan to lower the price of feeder cattle, hogs, chickens. Does your plan involve lowering the wages of those who work in produce.
    What’s your plan Queen?

  4. cancel above comment.
    The plan:
    Flood the country with cheap immigrant labor.
    They are Americans too. Just not United States citizens.

  5. SC, double think is the key.
    I’m honing my skills by eating shit sandwiches and championing how good they are.
    The mind is a terribly wasted thing.
    No more fried eggs for me.

  6. Harris knows exactly what she stands for. The real problem in this campaign is that she simply refuses to openly admit (in full detail) her true agenda.

  7. Back in 1960, Democrats circulated a campaign poster that featured an unflattering photo of Richard Nixon with the caption, WOULD YOU BUY A USED CAR FROM THIS MAN?

    In 2016 Republicans should have circulated a poster that featured a recent photo of Hillary Clinton with the caption, WOULD YOU BUY A BLOW JOB FROM THIS WOMAN?

    In 2024, Republicans should have circulated a campaign poster that featured a recent photo of Kamala Harris with the caption, WOULD YOU BUY A BLOW JOB FROM THIS WOMAN?


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