How can a firearm part be “barely legal”? It’s either legal or it isn’t. And all six firearms parts named by The Trace are completely legal. Just ask the ATF. But we thank Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun agitprop machine for highlighting the slippery slope that the NRA has created by directing the ATF to regulate bump fire stocks off the mass market. Not to mention . . .
the links to suppliers. Here’s The Trace’s “barely”legal sextet:
1. Polymer80 unfinished GLOCK pistol frame
“Because it is sold with excess plastic left in the handle, it doesn’t technically qualify. That means the ATF can’t trace a Polymer80 gun if it is used in a crime. The frames can also be sold without background checks.”
2. SIG SAUER SB15 pistol stabilizing braces
“The brace can also be used as a shoulder stock, steadied by the shooter’s body so they can aim the weapon like a rifle, with their eye right against the sights. Doing so turns the weapon into a short-barreled rifle, a weapon that is more easily concealable than a full size rifle and more powerful than a pistol.
“Short barreled rifles must be registered with the ATF under the National Firearms Act, but because stabilizing braces aren’t designed for rifle-style aiming, guns equipped with the accessory can be sold without registration.”
“The RONI STAB, like the Sig Sauer SB15, also uses a brace to get around National Firearm Act requirements.
“A company spokesman says in a promotional video that the product is a way to avoid the paperwork, cost, and wait time that come with registering one’s weapon before going on to note that ‘the Roni STAB is intended to be used only as designed.'”
4. The Mossberg Shockwave
“In January, Mossberg released the Shockwave, a “personal defense” shotgun that is half an inch longer than the minimum required length.
“Short barreled shotguns without shoulder stocks and less than 26 inches in length are regulated under the NFA because they are easily concealed, and were favored by criminals at the time of the law’s passage.”
5. The Black Aces Tactical
“Should the owner actually use the brace as a stock, shouldering the weapon when firing, it would technically become an illegal short barreled shotgun, if not first registered with the ATF. The agency regulates shotguns with stocks if the weapon has a barrel shorter than 16 inches.”
6. The Binary Firing System
“The Franklin Armory Binary Firing System doesn’t allow a shooter to fire as fast as with a gun equipped with a bump stock, but it can still double a semiautomatic’s rate of fire. It works by shooting twice for each full cycle of the trigger: once when the shooter pulls the trigger, and again when it is released.”
To paraphrase Martin Niemoller, first they came for the bump stocks . . .
You heard it here first: ceding to the ATF the power to regulate items outside of the letter of the law is an enormous mistake that poses a genuine risk to Americans’ right to keep and bear arms. Any arms.
Gun safety is not about safety.
Gun control is not about guns.
It is all about making us knuckle under.
our criminal status should either be free public domain, or attached to our identification. someone is pocketing a lot of profit and its all 100% profit. the paywall for background and CBI is unconstitutional and should be banned or at least fixed. we are being exploited and no one is saying a damn thing.
If the original time line can’t be believed, no other so-called “information” forthcoming from the so-called “investigation” can be accepted as valid. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING coming out of the official narrative is credible at this point.
What I learned today is that there are so many ways to squeek around the NFA that for SBR and SBS it’s worthless. Might as well move those from Title II to Title I and simplify the law. Then the ATF can focus on busting straw purchasers and real criminals, and not people who accidentally put the wrong accessory on the wrong gun at the range.
“Then the ATF can focus on ” . . . selling illegal cigarettes.
If only ;-(…
The ATF does not exist Constitutionally, why, because Gun control is not an enumerated power delegated to the federal government.
Our federal Constitution doesn’t delegate to the federal government any power over the Country at Large to restrict our arms. Accordingly, all pretended federal laws, regulations, orders, opinions, or treaties which purport to do so are unconstitutional as outside the scope of powers delegated. They are also unconstitutional as in violation of the Second Amendment.
The only proper perspective from which to view gun control, regulations, opinions is the Constitution. Congress seems to think they have authority here, which they DO NOT, but not to worry they swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution, a document which they’ve never read apparently.
Huh, they already forgot about the Maxim 50 and muzzle loaders not needing an FFL. Wonder if they’ll ever figure out how a repro cap and ball, conversion cylinder, and critical defense 45 colt can be mailed to your door and need minimal assembly.
“…so turns the weapon into a short-barreled rifle, a weapon that is more easily concealable than a full size rifle…”
Well, I suppose it ‘is’ more concealable than a full-size rifle, but that is like saying an F150 is more concealable than an F650. It is still not going IWB, in a pocket, or under a rain coat. Most SBRs are still rather…large, compared to a even a full-sized revolver or SA handgun.
Had an Army buddy who had to go to the crummy part of Phoenix for a doctor’s appointment. As he was sitting in his parked truck, ready to go in, he noticed two individuals coming up behind his truck, one on his passenger’s side, the other on his driver’s side. He pulled out his handgun and both saw it, while promptly getting the hell out of there.
Well, thanks, guys, for putting together my Christmas wish list so early this year… Need to remember to forward this to Mrs. C.
“But without 30-round magazines, mass killers would be forced to spend time reloading, precious time that could allow a victim to escape or law enforcement to intervene.
If that time could help save at least one life, it would be worth it.”
Any form of auto-loading firearm isn’t safe from those Leftist scumbags.
If you’re ‘lucky’, they’ll ‘allow’ you to have a single-shot bolt action rifle and a total of 5 rounds of ammunition…
“But without 30-round magazines, mass killers would be forced to spend time reloading, precious time that could allow a victim to escape or law enforcement to intervene.
Yeah because we all know that the black swan occurance of a mass killer would never be able to procure some standard capacity magazines from the millions, upon millions, upon millions of existing supply.
Gawd they are stupid.
Banning the evil POS (D) wouldn’t just be productive, it would be popular.
He’s my areas rep. As simple and stupid as the rest of the Libitards. F^^)ing useless. Just tows the party line. He has absolutely no record in Congress. Shows up every 2 years. Tells the senior citizens what they want to hear and somehow gets re- elected a few terms now.
All of the following make it easier to aim a car or truck, which can be used to run people over whenever the driver, driven to extremes by the ease with which he (always he) can do it, has his mind kidnapped by the vehicle and made to do heinous things he would never do otherwise. Therefore we must ban – automatic transmission, power steering, electric seats, electric windows, air conditioning, electric starter, gas tanks greater than 5 gallons. Let’s take cars back to circa 1920 or earlier when they were “safer”.
I have the utmost respect for this woman. Dana, you’re welcome to sit by my fire anytime, anywhere, stay strong, you and your family stay safe. Haters gonna hate, karma is a bitch, they will get theirs for making such hateful threats. I hope their identities are revealed and they are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
If there haven’t been any shootings at the schools with armed administrators, how can they say whether it increases or decreases the chance.
Furthermore, if it could be proven conclusively that it decreased the chance, does Kevin really expect us to believe he would not be against it?
“But all responsible gun owners use gun safes, and that is where they keep their deadly weapons, not slung on their hips.”
Makes one wonder what all those holsters are for. Also I guess cops, hunters and everyone else who ever removes a gun from a safe is, under this definition, an “irresponsible gun owner”.
Personally I think Abby doesn’t know her ass from a hole in the ground.
The letter was to “Dear Amy” not Abby.
These made up stats are poor attempts of comedy.
Maybe 70% of libtard fails support this fail but, not a one good American or vet.
Gun Control created bump stocks and the 1934 NFA Infringement!
It’s called TREASON…a rope and a tree are all that is needed to provide “corrective action”…
what Gregory answered I didn’t know that a student can get paid $6214 in 1 month on the internet . read here
A 17% reduction in firearm homicides? Um, wouldn’t that amount to nearly ALL firearm homicides not committed by prohibited persons? You know, seeing as how ~80% of killers have a prior felony history, a result that appears to be quite stable. If California had entered eliminated firearm homicides by non-prohibited persons, it’s news to me. Or are they suggesting that waiting periods reduced homicides by people not allowed to take possession of a firearm at all?
Considering our usual carry, the new Shield is a mouse gun. We have a Remora and IWB kydex.
I would carry every day…. IF I was not federally barred from doing so. Working/living on an AF base has its benefits, but also drawbacks. Also where we are it’s a national forest, I have seen Bears, bobcats and coyote’s on most hikes… A knife is a better than nothing, but still :(.