ATF agents
(AP Photo/David Goldman)

By Lee Williams

Hallelujah! The legacy media has finally started covering ATF’s unconstitutional war on the country’s gun dealers, which the pro-gun media has been denouncing and warning the public about for more than two years. 

The Wall Street Journal published a story Friday morning titled: “Hundreds of Gun Dealers Lose Licenses Under Biden Administration Crackdown.” Nine hours later, FOX News posted their take of the WSJ story titled: “Gun industry cries foul after hundreds of gun dealers lose licenses amid Biden administration crackdown.” 

This, friends, could be a very good thing. 

The more scrutiny the ATF receives, the more difficult it will be for them to continue violating our constitutional rights. But keep in mind that ATF officials are masters of hoodwinking and gaslighting the media and the public. Their responses to the WSJ and FOX show that ATF’s leadership are up to their old tricks. Clearly, they’re trying to downplay the significance of what they’ve already done, and what they continue to do every single day. 

Everchanging rules

In an emailed statement to Fox News, ATF said it is merely following the law:

“Federal Firearms Licensees are often our first line of defense against gun crime and are often a source of critical enforcement information that helps law enforcement identify straw purchasers and disrupt firearms trafficking schemes,” ATF Spokesperson Kristina Mastropasqua said. “FFLs that willfully (emphasis mine) violate the law, however, must be held accountable. ATF conducts inspections to ensure compliance with applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations and to educate licensees on the specific requirements of those laws and regulations.”

For those familiar with Joe Biden’s weaponized ATF, the word “willfully” should jump off the page. 

In a story published in May 2020, one expert warned that the ATF had redefined “willful” to bolster Biden’s zero-tolerance policy. Now, because of the new definition, if a dealer makes a simple clerical error they can lose their license, because the new definition of willful states that the dealer knew the law, but willfully chose to violate it anyway – regardless of whether it was a simple oversight, an error by an employee or a minor paperwork mistake. 

“They have twisted negligence into willful,” the ATF expert said. “These are not uncommon errors that we’re seeing. Things happen.” 

Revoked vs. surrendered 

Both FOX and the WSJ cited ATF revocation data that claimed there were 122 Federal Firearm License revocations during the last fiscal year, which began in October. 

First, I need to point out that ATF data – any ATF data – is immediately suspect. I’d rather rely on an 8mm Type 94 Nambu for home defense than any numbers ATF publishes. There is no doubt that far more than 122 FFLs were revoked, but that isn’t the point. 

ATF agents
(AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez)

After a series of embarrassing losses during their own revocation hearings, ATF changed some of its tactics. Now, in addition to formal revocation proceedings, ATF agents try to scare the hell out of gun dealers they’ve targeted, hoping they will “voluntarily” surrender their license and avoid hearings and reams of paperwork. 

This tactic worked when ATF sent a SWAT team to the home of a gun dealer in rural Oklahoma and handcuffed him in front of his 13-year-old son, but it failed when they threatened a longtime gun dealer in Texas with unspecified federal charges, who instead opted to take them to court. 

An FFL is an FFL to the ATF. It doesn’t matter how they get their hands on them, but any truthful data should also include the number of FFLs that were “voluntarily” surrendered.  


When covering anything ATF, particular attention needs to be paid to their legalese. Often, when ATF claims a gun dealer broke the law, it’s not really a law. It’s actually a rule the ATF came up with themselves. More than a few courts have chastised the agency for trying to be judge, jury and executioner. They’ve violated real laws by creating and enforcing their own rules, which carry the full weight of a federal law, such as fines and lengthy prison terms. 

ATF still can’t grasp that Congress creates laws, not the administration or any federal law enforcement agency. They’re headed for a spanking from the Supreme Court that will be legendary in its scope. 

Written statements

When a public official or the agency they represent have nothing to hide, they take questions. They submit to interviews. They give out their cellphone numbers. They make themselves available to the media and the public. After all, they work for us, or at least they’re supposed to. 

ATF police rifles illegal gun ghost guns
ATF agent poses with alleged “ghost guns.” (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

Nowadays, ATF leadership is hunkered down in their bunker. They don’t respond to emails, phone calls or ever FOIA requests. When pressed hard, they’ll sometimes send a written statement, but only after it’s been approved by teams of lawyers and communications staffers. 

This alone speaks volumes about the agency and their practices. It says they don’t believe in accountability to the public, which pays their salaries. It also screams that they have a lot to hide – far more than what’s already been uncovered. 

I hope the legacy media’s recent interest in ATF’s shenanigans continues. The more, the merrier. Besides, ATF has become bloated with lies and is long overdue for a thorough rectal examination. 


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This story is part of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project and is published here with their permission.


  1. Don’t celebrate until the media start running stories of why the FFLs get revoked. Right now they act like FFLs are allowing straw purchases when it’s over stupid typos in 4473s.

    • really nothing new about this…it’s the 90’s all over again…this is just the latest “purge”

    • Where do these JBT get off with “POLICE” on their clothing? Same for the FBI clowns/etc. NOT police.

    • nice thought…but if it didn’t happen after Waco…then it probably never will…but the thought of it does make them a bit uneasy….so they will do all they can to please their new masters…

  2. “During the last fiscal year that started in October, 122 gun dealers had their licenses revoked by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives which is up from 90 the year before and 27 in 2021, Wall Street Journal reported.“

    So there are about 136,000 FFL holders in the United States, 122 suspended licenses equals less than .1% of the total FFL licensees in the US.

    So you snowflakes have your panties all in a wad because less than 1/10 of 1% of FFL holders had their license revoked last year?

    At that rate it will take over 1000 years for the ATF to revoke every FFL holder in the United States.

    You people are pathetic whiners.

    • Miner would certain know “patheic whiner.” And “dimwitted prog liar.” As redundant as that might be.

      • what would the blowback be
        if trump
        had his hhs secretary
        shut down “less than 0.1% of the abortion clinics in america”
        there would be actual literal completely violent
        protests riots and looting

        • In fact, Donald Trump‘s federalist club member judges on the Supreme Court did shut down abortion in America, leading to an 100% ban in many states yet there was no “actual literal completely violent
          protests riots and looting“

          And looking at the FFL numbers, it’s highly probable that new FFL applications far outpaced the 122 revoked licensees, that’s why the number of FFL holders in the United States increases every year.

          1/10 of 1% revoked last year, if you guys see chicken Little let him know the sky isn’t falling.

        • “In fact …”

          IOW, Liar69er is lying — he keeps using the word “fact” but it does not mean what he thinks it means.

          “Donald Trump‘s federalist club member judges on the Supreme Court …”

          IOW, the justices that were approved by the Senate with bipartisan support — as they all have been.

          “…did shut down abortion in America …”

          IOW, a decision returning the issue to the states to be decided by the citizens of each — including some which still allow infanticide up to and immediately after birth, despite that being an extreme position which few reasonable people support.

          “And looking at the FFL numbers, it’s highly probable that new FFL applications far outpaced …”

          IOW, he didn’t “look at the numbers” but says it’s “probable” despite no evidence.

    • it’s not the number, it’s the reason that counts.

      if I misread the county block and input USA, is that reason to revoke the FFL?

    • Ah the inbetween of denial and minimization stages see also they are not coming for your children, the vote is not rigged, mail in balloting is perfectly secure, the side effects and heart damage are mild, we only silence those who are abusive of terms and policies, and other great hits.

      • Pr0gs are the same everywhere, i.e. Hive mind. Diversity and inclusion means thinking the same and never questioning the “right” authorities… lol.

    • Rosa Parks was a pathetic whiner, too? You jack boots always try the same tactics when you are suppressing the people’s rights. Insult and ridicule those that speak out.

    • You think the left is gonna shut down the gun industry by having the ATF visit every FFL this way? Do you even know what they’re doing?
      How stupid are you?
      Rhetorical question.

      Why do you come here? You make Everytown’s policy book look like it’s written by goddam Socrates.

      • There’s only two valid reasons for miner or dacian to be here. Trolling. Which activity is recognized as a sign of mental illness. Which explains dacian.

        Or they’re being paid to be here. Nothing else explains it. I’ve been here for 10 years. I’ve been to exactly one anti gun site in those years and I did not comment.

        • I believe dacian has issues, yes, I ignore him.

          Is this miner clown getting paid? Who knows. If he is, how pathetic is that? As much as I hate the left, the last thing I want to do is spend as much time with those losers as he does here. My gut feeling is that, because he doesn’t poison every story, he simply has no life and comes here to get something out of it, even if it’s “you’re a F-ing idiot” because it’s the most interaction with other human beings he gets.

          I almost never comment to him, but sometimes my curiosity gets the best of me as to what the hell he thinks he’s accomplishing here. And I want to correct myself above: I don’t think he’s stupid. I think he has a few working brain cells. But because he never applies himself, he’s worse than stupid. He’s not clever, he’s not funny, he’s not interesting. He’s a trifecta of boring ol horseshit.

    • “So you snowflakes have your panties all in a wad because less than 1/10 of 1% of FFL holders had their license revoked last year?

      At that rate it will take over 1000 years for the ATF to revoke every FFL holder in the United States.”

      The issue is many of these FFL’s were revoked by minor typo’s and such mistakes. Mistakes that were not malicious or resulted in hiding transferring firearms to those who are disqualified.

      Have you in your professional career made a typo in the conduct of business? A typo that did not create a hazard or was willful? Note that nothing has shown these typo’s allowed a transfer to a unqualified person. If you did make such an error, do you believe you should have been fired and had your professional licenses revoked? Again, no hyperbole about mistakes leading to unqualified transfers, as non are mentioned or implied by the ATF.

      • “Note that nothing has shown these typo’s allowed a transfer to a unqualified person“

        I have seen no evidence as to the exact situation in these revoked license cases, neither has anybody on this list other than the incomplete and biased reporting posted at the top of this thread.

        But with a revocation rate less than 1/10 of 1% per annum, it’s difficult for any reasonable person to conclude this is some sort of persecution campaign.

        Of course, need I remind myself that I’m not dealing with a reasonable people on this list…

        • Miner you avoided the question. Why would a reasonable person do that?

          I looked beyond the article, if you didn’t that is ok. No source I found claimed any clerical mistakes caused a illegal transfer, not even the anti gun sites of the ATF.

    • so, 27 in 2021, 90 in 2022, and with three months plus yet to be tallied in 2023, there is a radical and sharp uptick in revocations. not counting self-closures taking out how many more did they say? This is closely resembling a cubic expionential curve. At this trend, how many years will it take for the total number of FFL’s to be.. gone? YOU do the maths. Take 90 and triple it, adding to the previous closures, and come up with how many years we have left for any FFL’s to be forced out? Go into any big box store that sells guns… they have triple checks by multiple employees, and that is AFTER I make and gt caled on all MY mistakes. If all it takes is for ONE tiny slipup, how many big box stores, which sell tens of thousands of guns per year, to be gone?
      They are sending up trial ballons now. If this trend does not get squashed in the beginning, things will get to be more a viral explosion than a minor piece in a couple of newsrags.

      Of course, long before then no one will be using FFL’s anymore anyway. The quiet market will return and flourish. Meanwhile they will continue to fill the gulags until the tipping point comes along. Then it will be Lexington and Concord all over again.

      WAKE UP Miner. Or is your brain addled from the poisin gasses you’ve been breathing diwnstairs in your meth lab?

      • “there is a radical and sharp uptick in revocations“

        Yes, from .02% to a blistering .09% of the total FFLs over 3 years.

        122 revocations last year, do you know how many new FFL license these were added?

        “A total of 10,635 federal firearms licensees were registered in Texas in 2020, the most out of any state. California, Florida, Pennsylvania, and Illinois rounded out the top five states for federal firearms licensees in that year.“

        Hell, ‘Commifornia’ added over 8000 new FFL holders in 2020, and you snowflakes are whining about 122 revoked in the entire United States…

        Even Illinois, Land of Lincoln/Obama, added 4500 new FFL holders in 2020.
        Of course, none of you will ever be able to perceive your hysteria an outrage for what it is, an overreaction whipped up by propaganda.

        With the facts are clear, just in 2020, the top five states added a total of more than 36,000 new FFL holders, I think we could stand to lose a couple hundred bad actors without significantly affecting the availability of firearms in the United States.

        • “Of course, need I remind myself that I’m not dealing with a reasonable people on this list…”


          “…I think we could stand to lose a couple hundred bad actors…”

          Assumption that all of the FFL holders having their licenses pulled are “bad actors ” — while out of the other side of your mouth, you state “I have seen no evidence as to the exact situation in these revoked license cases…”

          Liar69er, true to form.

          If we boycott you, would you go away — or still hang around trying to get attention like a love-starved puppy?

        • The trend is not good. Taken with the apparently minor nature of the “violations”, and the general demonization of anyone to the right of Lenin by the submit-or-die Left, it raises flags. Guess what color. ..

        • “Of course, need I remind myself that I’m not dealing with a reasonable people on this list…”


          “…I think we could stand to lose a couple hundred bad actors…”

          Assumption that all of the FFL holders having their licenses pulled are “bad actors ” — while out of the other side of your mouth, you state “I have seen no evidence as to the exact situation in these revoked license cases…”

          Liar69er, true to form.

        • Of course the “RESIDENT MARXIST” who is a “BRITISH SUBJECT”, trolling an US website..

          Shows you are a “GOOD SUBJECT” who is earning his/her/its “PAYDAY”!!!

    • MINOR MIner49er. Let’s see…how many ATF agents are there? hey only have 1,714. Many of them are administrative, some are FFL inspectors. IT is funny how revocations and suspensions in the past have been few and far between. Now all of a sudden 122?

    • the purge is just beginning…but publicity may curtail their efforts somewhat…but, so far… you’re right…it’s small potatoes compared to what they’ve done in the past….

    • in the 90’s we went from approximately a quarter of a million FFL’s to less than 50,000 in the span of a decade…will history repeat itself?

  3. not gonna lie
    i keep fantasizing
    about what a vivek ramaswamy white house
    would do to the atf
    on day 1 of his first term

  4. yay
    miner can do simple math
    maybe he powered through
    and finally got his ged
    in the meantime
    he chooses not to acknowledge the fact
    that if trump
    had his hhs secretary
    shut down “only” less than .1 percent
    of the abortion clinics in the us
    the amount of violence that would be visited
    on most major cities in america
    by democrat party inc
    would be orders of magnitude worse
    than all the george floyd riots combined

  5. So who’s up for an embargo of Liar69er?

    If we don’t take the bait and respond, pretty soon he’ll be frothing at the mouth with frustration. Enough and maybe he’ll leave for good.

    Heh. Even a man without a brain can come with an idea or two.

    • Nah. It would appar he hath a sufficient number of functioning brain cells to simply stop posting under that handle, invent a new email address, and reappear under a different equally brianless monniker. But ust as with other previous trolls, he will be easily and quickly identified. If it walks like a…………

      • “equally brianless monniker“

        My ‘moniker’ is already ‘brainless’…

        As a soon to be convicted felon once said “I love the poorly educated”.

        If for nothing else but the entertainment value.

    • Nah. I am here because I don’t have enough to do – or don’t want to do what I do have to do.

      Grist for the mill, don’t you know…

    • “So who’s up for an embargo of Liar69er?“

      Yeah, all those against free speech can join right in!

      I’m a little older than most here, and I was raised with the creed “I may not agree with what you are saying, but I will defend to the death your right to say it“.

      Now it’s “STFU, I don’t want to let your pesky facts interfere with my opinion!”


      • defend to the death? How does a fascist like yourself make that claim, miner? You’re here to try and restrict our rights, not defend them.

      • @Miner49er

        “Yeah, all those against free speech can join right in!”

        Oh stop it. That ranks right up there with ‘its racism to arrest a black criminal in the progress of committing a crime’

        Typical left wing liberal BS.

        Its not about free speech, its about you.

        Miner49er, you don’t have a 1st amendment right to free speech here. There would be no government entity ‘infringing’ your ‘free speech’ here if you got your butt kicked out of here.

        You are a left-wing liberal socialist favoring the natural move from that to communism, in your politics (as is dacian and all of the anti-gun/gun-control fanatics). Over time, you have expressed and exposed this many times in your writings here. You have repeatedly called for government control over constitutional rights in a manner that relegates them to ‘government granted permissions’. Basically, from your writings, you have called for the overthrow of the country and the suppression of the constitution in favor of government control over the people which is known by another term called tyranny.

        It doesn’t matter if you intended to write this way or not, the fact is your writings over time have revealed this as your intent.

        Its OK if one wants to disagree with any constitutional right. But it is not OK to want to subject constitutional rights to government control to turn them into ‘exercise only by government permission’ or seek to remove them. That ‘exercise only by government permission’ and ‘government removal’ very clearly was never suppose to be and there is no founding document or writings by the founders which ever says that the 2A was ever suppose to be ‘exercised only by government permission’ as you want the 2A to be so it can basically be done away with and the citizens disarmed. In fact it is specifically ordered (by unqualified command) that the right of the people to keep and bear arms “shall not be infringed” and the arguments to the contrary that this only applies to some sort of ‘regulated militia’ or is a ‘collective right’ (some of your favorite arguments) is false plain and simple. The 2A is an inherent natural individual right – If you don’t like it there are plenty of other countries where ‘rights’ are subject to ‘exercise by government permission or allowance’ (actually this is over 97% of other countries outside the United States and every gun-ban country) – so you can go to one of those countries and get what you want, but you working to subvert our country and rights is not going to work out favorably for you in the end.

        In addition; You intentionally use methods such as deliberately cherry picking out of context, ignore factual research, make disingenuous comments, put forth information already known to be false, intentionally disrupt discussions with inane points not even on topic, and continue it even after it being pointed out to you. Then there is the matter of who your are and your personal life that makes what you say on certain subjects even more hypocritical than you usually are.

        Yes, you need to go somewhere else, your sorry ass needs to be kicked off TTAG and every trace of your comments removed.

        • “every trace of your comments removed“

          Yes, we can’t have all those pesky facts interfering with your treasured delusions.

          As they say, democracy dies in darkness, a darkness that you would impose just because you feel uncomfortable reading the facts.

          Your expressed desire is a perfect example of the conservative authoritarian mindset, censor and vilify those who disagree with you.

          Just like the Republican DA who shut down the small town Kansas newspaper that was printing the truth about their criminal records, you wish to prevent people from hearing the truth.

          No wonder Trump and the conservatives admire Vlad Putin and Kim Jong Un, they aspire to the dictatorial powers wielded by those tyrants.

        • MINOR49er, And just what “facts” would those be? Almost ever fact you have ever presented has been debunked as garbage. No, SFB, we do not “admire Vlad or Kim”. We leave admiring tyrants like Hilter, Mussolini, Stalin, Castro, etc to the likes of you and your ilk. As a matter of fact: “A prosecutor said later that there was insufficient evidence to justify the raids, and some of the seized computers and cellphones have been returned. Meanwhile, the initial online search of a state website that the police chief cited to justify the raid was legal, a spokesperson for the agency that maintains the site said Monday.”
          Caught in another fabrication, yet again?

      • “Yeah, all those against free speech can join right in!”

        No one has suggested restricting your speech. I’m suggesting that we “set phasers to ‘ignore’ and fire all banks.” Unless the forum admins decide otherwise and remove you, you’ll still be free to post your inanities and have conversations with yourself in your own personal little corner of reality — like that weird uncle who comes to Thanksgiving dinner and is despised and roundly ignored by everyone while the rest of us enjoy the discussion and the fellowship.

        “I’m a little older than most here …”

        They say that “with age comes wisdom” — obviously you’re the exception that proves the rule.

        ” …and I was raised with the creed “I may not agree with what you are saying, so I will misquote, take remarks out of context, raise strawman and diversionary arguments, and generally make no positive contributions to the forum; rather I’ll insult and denigrate my opponents and their speech, call them uncomplimentary names and question their intelligence, which can never be as great as mine — and I’ll lie outright to help make the forum an unpleasant and dissipating experience.“


        Describes your existence in a word, Liar69er.

        • “No one has suggested restricting your speech“

          Hmmmm…. From the post right above:

          “Yes, you need to go somewhere else, your sorry ass needs to be kicked off TTAG and every trace of your comments removed“

          That makes you the liar, man with no brain.

        • “That makes you the liar, man with no brain.”

          Let me run that through the Liar69er posting method simulator:

          ““No one has suggested restricting your speech“”

          “Hmmmm…. From the post right above:

          ““Yes, you need to go somewhere else, your sorry ass needs to be kicked off TTAG and every trace of your comments removed“”

          (Liar69er simulator:) Being “kicked off of TTAG and every trace of your comments removed” is not the same thing as restricting your speech. So, once again, YOU are the liar.

          See how it works?

        • MINOR49er, seems that 99% of what you post is pure unadulterated garbage which has been debunked time and time again.
          At least if you are going to post, try telling the truth instead of slanting things to fit your S O C I A L I S T control freak agenda.

        • Drama? Moi? I’d give you a piece of my mind, SAFE, but I’m all out. 🙂

          I didn’t refresh before posting so I missed .40 cal’s post, which was better and made mine somewhat redundant.

  6. I found it ironic that they chose local-to-me sh*t-bag Anthony Navarro to interview in one of these stories where he claims he is being persecuted for “paperwork errors”, when it took me two seconds on google to determine that this moron had sold 5 guns to 5 people without conducting a background check, failed the simple task of sending in multiple handgun sale forms, and he had been consistently warned over and over to fix his issues after multiple inspections, yet he continued to make “the law doesn’t apply to me” mistakes. I will support the 2nd Amendment til I die, but this idiot deserved to have his FFL revoked years ago and is not an example of an over-reaching government.

    • “this moron had sold 5 guns to 5 people without conducting a background check, failed the simple task of sending in multiple handgun sale forms, and he had been consistently warned over and over to fix his issues after multiple inspections, yet he continued to make “the law doesn’t apply to me” mistakes“

      I’m shocked, you mean the incomplete and biased article at the top of this thread omitted crucial details?

      Smells like… Propaganda.

    • interesting because I did not find him as someone as convicted of clerical errors. His case was intentional.

      • My prediction would be that were one to actually dig down into the specifics of each of the 122 revocations, it would be found there were serious violations beyond the claimed ‘typos’.

        Again, we’re looking at 122 revocations out of over 136,000 licensees.

        Hell, odds are 10 of them are murderers:
        “Among advanced developed countries, the United States has the highest homicide rate: 7.8 per 100,000 population in 2020“,per%20100%2C000%20population%20in%202020.

        • “My prediction would be that were one to actually dig down into the specifics of each of the 122 revocations …”

          But you didn’t do that — did you, Liar69er?

          I predict that if you actually did turn up the stats, you’d still be wrong.

          “Hell, odds are 10 of them are murderers …”

          Figures lie when a liar figures.

        • Nice segway to a completely different topic.

          we are discussing revocation due to typos. The question put to you still stands.

        • MINOR49er as there are only a LIMITED number of inspectors of FFL licensees it seems that the revocation of 122 FFL licensees is a bit extreme.

        • Yep you have not attempted your “PROPAGANDA” on threads that shows your “PROPAGANDA” isn’t “TRUE”!!

        • You folks rely on rumors and innuendo, instead of actually researching the facts in the revocation cases. A good example is this Anthony Navarro, who supposedly had his FFL revoked because of ‘typos’.

          Here’s some information for the factually challenged among you:

          “On 5 occasions, Licensee willfully transferred a firearm to an unlicensed person without first contacting the NICS and obtaining a unique identification number before allowing the transfers; and on 1 occasion, Licensee willfully transferred a firearm to an unlicensed person without first contacting the NICS and obtaining a unique identification number as Licensee failed to initiate a new NICS check after 30 days lapse of initial check on one instance before allowing the transfer, all in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 922(t) and 27 C.F.R. § 478.102(a).
          o i m occasions, Licensee willfully failed to timely and/or accurately report the sale or other disposition of two or more pistols and/or revolvers during any five consecutive business days to an unlicensed person, in violation of 18 U.S.C. §
          9. (3)(A) and 27 C.F.R. § 478.126a.
          0 occasions, Licensee willfully failed to obtain/execute the Firearms Transact10n Record, ATF Form 4473 as indicated by the headings on the Form and the instructions on or pertaining to the Form, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 922(m) and 27 C.F.R. § 478.21(a).
          4. The evidence at the hearing established that on multiple occasions ATF instructed the Licensee, specifically Anthony Navarro, that he could not sell firearms without conducting a background check on all transfers of firearms to non-licensees; that he must report all multiple sales of handguns; and that he must follow the recordkeeping requirements, including insuring that the ATF Form 4473 was properly and completely filled out. The evidence also established that Licensee had been previously cited on multiple occasions for failing to report multiple sales of handguns, and for failing to ensure the ATF Form 4473 was properly and completely filled out. These two violations had also specifically been covered with Anthony Navarro during a previous in-person warning conference with an ATF supervisor in 2015.“

          There’s your proof, you folks are lying about the Anthony Navarro case.

          Clearly, your support of individual FFL holders like Anthony Navarro show that you don’t give a shit about making sure dangerous people don’t have firearms, your position is sell guns to anybody, no ID or background check required. And this is how criminals receive guns, bad actors like you willing to supply anyone with the cash any weapon, anytime.

          You folks claim these revocations were due to only ‘typos’ so, put up or shut up. Specifically, whose FFL was revoked just for ‘typos’?

        • Of course, it’s not surprising you folks are lying about these revocations.

          Even your Republican politicians can’t help themselves but lie in their attempt to ensure that criminals have unfettered access to whatever guns they want. Several Republican politicians issued a letter making false claims about an FFL revocation:

          But here’s the actual facts regarding Mr. Silencer:

          “On June I4, 2021, ATF initiated a compliance inspection of Licensee. The violations uncovered during that inspection formed the basis for the Notice to Revoke in this case. Specifically, the Notice to Revoke alleged that Licensee willfully:
          transferred a firearm to an unlicensed person on two occasions without first contacting the National Instant Criminal Background Check System in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 922(t) and 27 C.F.R. § 478.102(a);
          made a false statement or representation with respect to any infonnation required by the provisions ofTitle I8, United States Code, Chapter 44 or Title 27, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 478, onl l l o ccasions, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 922(m) and 27 C.F.R. § 478.l28(c);
          failed to timely and accurately report the sale or other disposition of two or more pistols and/or revolvers to an unlicensed person oni m occasions, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 923(g)(3)(A) and 27 C.F.R. § 478. I26a;
          failed to identify a firearm to be transferred on a Fonn 4473, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 923(g)(l)(A) and 27 C.F.R. § 478.124(c)(4);
          failed to obtain/execute a completed Fireanns Transaction Record, ATF Fonn 4473, as indicated by the headings on the form and the instructions on or pertaining to the form in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 923(g)(l)(A) and 27 C.F.R. § 478.124(c)(I).
          failed to obtain/execute a Firearms Transaction Record, ATF Form 4473, as indicated by the headings on the form and the instructions on or pertaining to the form on – occasions, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 922(m) and 27 C.F.R. § 478.21(a);
          failed to timely and/or accurately record the disposition of firearms, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 923(g)(l)(A) and 27 C.F.R. § 478.123(d).”

        • “My prediction would be that were one to actually dig down into the specifics of each of the 122 revocations …”

          But you didn’t do that, did you Liar69er?

          “Clearly, your support of individual FFL holders like Anthony Navarro show that you don’t give a shit about making sure dangerous people don’t have firearms, your position is sell guns to anybody, no ID or background check required. And this is how criminals receive guns, bad actors like you willing to supply anyone with the cash any weapon, anytime.”

          Now that you “know” what we’re all about, there’s no use in your spending so much time and effort here to waste on a lost cause, is there? We’re deplorable and irredeemable; there’s nothing that your superior abilities can accomplish in convincing us otherwise.

        • You cite ONE case where the revocation was “justified” and you try to say that each of the 121 other revocations are legit? JBOL!

        • Your comment is awaiting moderation

          My suggestion of a Liar69er boycott is looking better and better each day, isn’t it?

          And who knew that “boycott” would trip the censorbot?

        • You folks claim these revocations were due to only ‘typos’ so, put up or shut up. Specifically, whose FFL was revoked just for ‘typos’?

        • Liar69er, you were the one going to do the deep dive into the details of all of the revocations. Guess you lied. Again.

          Oh, and BTW — YOU shut up.

        • Man with no brain says:

          “But you didn’t do that — did you, Liar69er?“

          Yes, yes I did. The only name in the article was Anthony Navarro and below is the specific charges. Yes, yes he did sell weapons out the back door without background checks or any paperwork. The ‘typo’ story is just bullshit.

          You are claiming that these revocations were for ‘simple paperwork errors’, specifically, who lost their FFL because of ‘simple paperwork errors’?

        • Man with no brain says:

          “Liar69er, you were the one going to do the deep dive into the details of all of the revocations. Guess you lied. Again“

          You made the claim these revocations were for ‘simple paperwork errors’, it’s your claim, the burden of proof is upon you.

        • ““My prediction would be that were one to actually dig down into the specifics of each of the 122 revocations …””

          “But you didn’t do that, did you Liar69er?”

          “”Yes, yes I did.””

          No — no, you didn’t, Liar.

          “…it’s your claim, the burden of proof is upon you.”

          Go fuck yourself, Liar — I said no such thing.

  7. The only reason why the legacy media is turning its attention on to this is simple. The ATFE has almost all the 4473 in their hands and now they can say we are going to stop.

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