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ATF Death Watch 31: Obama in the Crosshairs

Robert Farago - comments No comments


They may not be mainstream as mainstream can be, but cnsnews.com smells blood in the water re: the President’s knowledge of—and possible participation in—both the ATF’s Gunwalker insanity and the subsequent Department of Justice cover-up. To wit: “On June 27, CNSNews.com asked White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, ‘Could you tell me what is the exact date that the president learned about the Justice Department ATF operation to allow guns to flow into Mexico?’ Carney apparently had trouble understanding the question, saying, ‘I mean, I think I’ve answered this question a bunch about — about what he learned?’ CNSNews.com said, ‘What is the exact date that he learned about it?’ Carney apparently still did not understand . . .

CNSNews.com again clarified, “Exact date — date.”

Carney finally responded, “I’ll have to get back to you. I don’t have an exact date for you.”

The White House has since not responded to questions about an exact date or approximate date when Obama learned about the operation.

For those of you who think the President couldn’t possibly be brought down by the ATF Gunwalker scandal, remember that Richard Nixon was re-elected in the greatest electoral landslide in American presidential history just as Watergate was getting revved-up.

Also keep in mind that no one died in the Watergate break-in. Drug thugs murdered two U.S. law enforcement officials—U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agent Jaime Zapata—using guns enabled by the ATF.

I’d bet dollars to donuts Obama knew about the ATF anti-gun smuggling smuggling before Agent Terry died. If there’s any justice in this world, this scandal will force the President from office.

More importantly, Gunwalker could lead to the dissolution of the gaggle of gun grabbers known as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Highly unlikely I know, but there’s always hope for change.

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “ATF Death Watch 31: Obama in the Crosshairs”

  1. I wrote Rep Issa and asked that he continue to question the who, what and why of Gunwalker.

    I just don’t buy that anyone at any level in government really thought allowing guns to wind up in the hands of murderous thugs was a good way to combat criminal activity.

    Nothing like creating a good international gun incident in order to press for and get more gun control laws.

  2. Do you really believe what you wrote, or do you just want to believe it? The Nixon situation had one important difference. Nixon was a Republican, Obama is not, which means there is absolutely no way he will resign, an there aren’t enough Republicans to force him to. I think Holder is vulnerable, but Obama, sadly, is not.

    • And the press will never, ever do anything to try shaming him into resigning.

      I mentioned this story to a co-worker today. He’s not particularly political but if pressed to offer an opinion he dislikes Obama based on his economic record. His answer when I asked what he thought about the story was “Fast and what?”. He’d never heard of it.

      I think a Republican president would already have one foot out the door over something like this and it would be front page news for weeks on end, but the press will never go after Obama, which means most Americans will probably never hear about this. Any idea that BHO will be forced from office because of this is pretty much a pipe dream.

      Of course, I’d be thrilled beyond words to be proven wrong.

    • Well, I doubt we have Oval Office tapes. That’s really what ultimately made the difference, or at least, accelerated Nixon’s resignation. He was days away from being impeached.

      But this onion needs to be peeled.

    • Nixon went when he realized his own party had turned against him. The way I read the situation now is that it doesn’t matter what Obama is proven to have known or done with regard to Fast and Furious or anything else. The Senate will not vote for conviction and anyone who cries foul will be called a racist.

  3. “I just don’t buy that anyone at any level in government really thought allowing guns to wind up in the hands of murderous thugs was a good way to combat criminal activity.
    Absolutely agree.
    The BATFE cant just walk into Mexico to begin with.
    The whole story is a lot of BS.

    • Oops, sorry, I’ve since found out Gunrunner and Fast and Furious are two different things.

      Wow, I’m on a roll, mistake wise.

  4. It was an effort by the admin to give credence to their lie about our honest gun dealers supplying guns to criminals in Mexico in order to promote their agenda which is an attempt to limit our ability to possess firearms. Hillary was a big part of the misinformation (LIE) as well as others in this not so transparent administration.
    The numbers weren’t adding up so they needed to do something and they couldn’t care less who gets hurt or killed as long as they get their long-term goals accomplished.
    This of course is just my half informed opinion so take it for what it is.

  5. POTUS has plenty of buddies willing to take the pipe for him, if that’s what it comes down to. Besides, nobody except Issa and Grassley is focused on F&F now, while the economy is coming apart at the seams. And for my two cents, I think that POTUS is so incompetent that he was ignorant about F&F. And still is.

  6. After relentlessly e-mailing my US Senator, I receive a courtesy call from “Andrew” in response to my concerns about Fast and Furious.

    “This is worse than Watergate” I remonstrate. “No one die in Watergate. What is Senator [Foghorn] going to do about it?”

    He suggests that I “Just keep putting pressure on Issa and Grassly.”

    I think there is little sentiment among Republicans (the Gelded Opposition Party) for impeaching Obama.

  7. re: “Drug thugs murdered two U.S. law enforcement officials—U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agent Jaime Zapata—using guns enabled by the ATF.”

    Two people that we know of. How many more lives were taken with ATF-enabled weapons that we may never know about?


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