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Well, less than an hour after we took our story live about the ATF eForms website going down and noted all the theories of alarm surrounding the alleged sinister plots to stifle gun companies and gun owners attempting to complete legal transactions because of the shutdown, the site was back up.

At 3:59 Eastern Time today, the site was brought back online. Apparently, it was just some technical glitch or an emergency service that needed to be performed because of some other issue. ATF didn’t offer any reasons, only that it was back up.

Either way, allegations it was taken down for good, it was taken down because of the budget, it was taken down to slow down the pace of NFA approvals and firearms manufacturer required paperwork, all appear to be untrue.

In the Q&A on the site, the ATF mentions it is even automatically bundling responses for individuals with multiple requests without them having to specifically request it. Such statements normally suggest an effort is underway to improve customer service.

So, in the words of South Park’s Officer Barbrady, “Ok people, move along, there’s nothing to see here.”

With that, we’ll just wish everyone a great weekend.

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  1. And by individuals with multiple requests, the FAQ released specificies those FILING as an individual. Trusts will not be included in the new batch approvals per ATF.

  2. The whole thing needs to remain down, no reason to have to jump through hoops and pay extra for a can or barrel that is an inch and a half short, etc. Which fits the definition of destructive? A suppressor, a short barrel or a gallon of gasoline? Answer confirms the inmates are running the asylum.

  3. Yeah, and ATT definitely wasn’t hacked by the Chinese. I know because they said so.

    When anyone in the government says anything, I believe it. They’ve earned my trust with decades of honesty and transparency.

  4. More good news!

    House Republicans releasing 5000 hours of Capitol surveillance video and not blurring the faces.

    Now LEO will be able to identify the antifa and BLM members in the January 6 insurrection crowd:

    “House Republicans release more Jan. 6 tapes, but now without rioters’ face blurred
    Mike Johnson reversed himself after saying they could be “retaliated against.”
    ByLauren Peller
    March 1, 2024, 4:55 PM ET

    New details on Trump’s Jan. 6 commentsOne of Trump’s closest advisers claimed that once the violence began to escalate on Jan. 6, Trump “was just not interested” in doing more to stop it, sources said.Jose Luis Magana/AP, FILE
    House Republicans released 5,000 hours more of security footage from the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol on Friday, but Speaker Mike Johnson announced — in a reversal — that the House Administration Committee will no longer blur the faces of individuals in the footage.

    “Additionally, upon extensive further consultation with the Committee, and at my direction, the Committee will no longer plan to blur the faces of individuals in the footage given the significant logistic hurdles involved and the importance of getting this work completed as responsibly and efficiently as possible,” Johnson said in a statement“

    • More good news – Miner49er didn’t disappoint by completely ignoring the previous use of hundreds of hours of video in hearings by Republican committees, video that the Democrats tried to hide along with this 5,000 hours being released, being used to identify FBI agents in the crowd that were active participants and leaders of various sub groups and agitating them on – So Miner49er didn’t disappoint because we fully expect him to ignore the reality in favor of left wing agenda, so as usual he was a form of cheap entertainment.

      And oh, another part Miner49er left out – another video the Democrats tried to hide, one that came out during the Republican led committee hearings that the Democrats tried to stop from happening, and that is the video of Nancy Pelosi re-hersing her ‘its an insurrection we are under attack!’ claims before anything at all happened.

      And now thankfully we can identify the the extremist violent left wing ANTIFA and BLM members involved as well.

      Thank goodness we had those Republican led committee hearings, without those Republicans exposing what the Democrats tried to hide the country would not know the danger presented by the FBI and Nancy Pelosi and the democrats that appeared in the rehearsal video with her and the extremist violent left wing ANTIFA and BLM groups members. Plus, now you know why Nancy Pelosi stepped down from her congressional leadership role.

      • The REAL insurrection is coming………just a matter of time.

        Obama-Biden has so divided The Nation that it will never again be united on ANY issue. And, as Abe Lincoln observed, A Nation Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand. The world will be a better place with the USA divided up into smaller pieces….No More Bullying and a lot fewer wars.

        • Yes, the Obama-Biden intentional Anarcho-tyranny has divided the nation. Both are believers in the hegelian synthesis of socialism which always needs anarcho-tyranny to install. It began under Obama, he laid the ground work for what Biden is doing now and Obama is in the background working toward it also. Their, now long planned efforts coming into being, combination of oppressive government power against the innocent and the law-abiding and while simultaneously implementing a grotesque intentional lack of actually supporting public safety by securing our borders allowing the country to be invaded for a goal of implementing a demographic change of voters in the country to help keep democrats in power until they are ready to completely over throw the country for their dictatorship, destabilizing the economy with a higher cost of items and further stressing our economy with printing billions of $$$ we can not afford, while releasing violent illegal immigrants and criminals into our society with democrat policy of so called ‘reforms’ and ‘destabilizing invasion immigration’ tactics while at the same time facilitating and emboldening those with such ‘reforms’ and at the same time preying upon our younger generation by installing of programs to indoctrinate them and harm them in the name of a ‘pseudo science’ while destroying the traditional family-structure and moral constraints to restructure them into what the ‘state’ wants in the name of ‘progressive’ for the good of the state with and implementing rule by fiat (Biden’s abuse of executive orders for unconstitutional actions) with weaponizing agencies of the government against the people.

          Yep, Obama-Biden has divided the nation into an always ‘us vs them’ – always polarized on issues. With always the underlying theme of the extreme and violent left wing projection of power through politics while falsely claiming it ‘the will of the people for our democracy’ and we are not a democracy but rather a constitutional republic while anytime someone says something contrary to their view or wants their rights protected just like the constitution says they can they are branded ‘right wing extremist’ or ‘transphobe’ or ‘radical’ or ‘speech violence’ and the list goes on an on. Its intentional, without there always being an ‘enemy’ a ‘socialist dictatorship and tyranny’ can’t survive.

  5. Stifle gunm owners and gunm companies.
    The Right To Bear Arms Shall Not Be Infringed.

  6. ATF Director Blames Claims “Temperature Just Too High” Around Gun Control… I WONDER WHY STEVE!!!

  7. “DettelBACH” eh? No doubt a descendant of Bolshevik Jews expelled from Rus-Sha over a century ago for engaging in “insurrection” against and the assassination of the czar. Creatures like “Stiv” the gun-grabber, give all those of the Jewish faith a bad name and are why pogroms still exist today.

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