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Senior ATF officials must have noticed Joe Biden’s shockingly low poll numbers and realized that their war against law-abiding American gun owners will soon be lost.

Now, the ATF is taking steps to clean house as much as possible and get rid of any proof that they violated the civil rights of millions of Americans, before they’re hauled in front of congressional committees to answer for their rampant misconduct.

After years of waiting, the ATF suddenly responded to two Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests from the Second Amendment Foundation. However, neither response satisfies the requirements of FOIA.

The first FOIA request was filed nearly three years ago after Joe Biden announced his war on “rogue gun dealers.” This request sought records concerning gun dealers who were prosecuted for either transferring a firearm to a prohibited person or failing to comply with an ATF tracing request from 2018 to 2021 – before Biden launched his unconstitutional war. ATF responded with seven pages of photocopied gibberish, which is so devoid of content and context it is unusable.

The second FOIA request was filed two years ago – just a toddler by ATF standards. It sought copies of all internal ATF emails related to the first FOIA request. The ATF claims it posted a response on an online secure document portal. However, for some reason the portal suddenly stopped working, but only for this request. It worked perfectly for the first. As a result, there’s no way to access the documents ATF claims it sent, or to verify that anything was even sent. Of course, calls to ATF’s FOIA public liaison were never returned.


The ATF is allegedly a federal law enforcement agency. The Freedom of Information Act is federal law. By their shoddy responses, coupled with years of delays, the ATF clearly violated federal law. At any legitimate law enforcement agency, such actions would result in demotions, firings or even criminal charges. At ATF, who knows.

It’s not difficult to see that there is a growing sense of unease and nervousness within ATF’s upper echelons as Biden’s prospects for a second term appear more unlikely every day. These officials should be nervous. ATF’s crimes are legion. Only a Nuremberg-type trial with ATF’s shot-callers sitting in the dock minus their belts and shoelaces will come close to making up for what they did to this country at Biden’s behest.

The Biden-Harris administration weaponized ATF right from the start and the ATF never balked. One of their first goals was to criminalize possession of commonly owned firearms and firearm accessories, in order to turn millions of law-abiding Americans into felons who are unable to vote. Fortunately, the courts intervened, but their attempt to disenfranchise millions of pro-gun voters is hard to forget or forgive.

Change is coming. Soon, the law abiding will be back in charge, and ATF will be held accountable for their crimes, especially what they did to a 13-year-old boy in rural Oklahoma, who watched in horror as an ATF SWAT team pointed machineguns at his dad, who they then handcuffed, threatened and screamed at for more than an hour, until he “voluntarily” surrendered his Federal Firearm License.

Someone needs to answer for what this young man and so many others went through, all because ATF officials ignored their oath of office and obediently followed Joe Biden’s illegal orders.

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  1. I hope they have a reckoning. Government is one of the least accountable groups of any society though, so good luck with that.

  2. enh, bibem. what’s he got to do with it?
    they’ve been dragging schlups in front of congressional committees all year. nothing has happened to any of them.
    it’s in the bag.

  3. As a former DoD agency employee, I can point out that FOIA requests are just entertainment for agencies; the FBI still hasn’t released the “manifesto” of the science-denier who shot up a Christian school, what, last year? Apparently the document is so complex that countless investigations are still underway as a result of the contents of the “manifesto”.

    • this is what grazing fire and claymores are for. They are testing to see what happens, this was just a probe. Now they know they are probably able to over run troops and nothing serious is going to happen to them.

      I’d be tempted after this to put up big bill board signs that read, in multiple languages, “Soldiers are Authorized To Use Deadly Force. FAFO” … these troops were assaulted, they were endangered, our country was invaded and no real consequences for the invaders, yet.

      • it’s only a matter of time before these troops will start pulling triggers because they will have no other choice the next time they are attacked by invaders. the next time the invaders will have weapons of some type, they learned that this time…that they will need to inflict injury to have a chance to get far enough for at least some of them to escape into the country. coming soon to a street near you.

      • .40 – one minor correction to your comment – this was just the latest and most blatant probe – they have been ‘testing’ the boundaries for a lot longer than I can remember.
        I can’t say whether or not the NG troops are issued live ammo but I would suspect that it is Very closely held and the rules of engagement are extremely strict. Perhaps bayonets should be issued, no one wants to get stuck by one of them.

  4. Gun Controllers Invent “Zombie Gun” & Have A Bill For Them Too… This Is 100% Real… (note: listen to the politician lie in his speech)

    • .40 – several points – not a single one of these CONgress critters can explain how an inanimate object can commit ‘violence’. No one (so far) has been able to find out who coined that bogus term. Wouldn’t a ‘zombie’ gun need to be neon green? And of course the ‘tainted’ parts is in the same category as evil guns ‘forcing’ people to use them for nefarious purposes, all part of the scheme to transfer personal responsibility/accountability away from the person who commits a crime using a TOOL onto that tool. You simply cannot make up this level of disingenuousness.

      • gun parts stripped from confiscation guns and then sold as parts kits.
        dems just found out that those businesses that contract with PD to destroy crime, forfeit or turn in guns have been stripping them for useful parts and selling the parts for a profit, by doing that it offsets the cost to the PD and saves taxpayers money.

        Anti-gun people are now crying up a storm.
        anything to screw the second amendment and hin owners.
        parts would be stocks, scopes, grips, bolts and internals parts.
        no barrel or lowers.

        • The other source of (legal) guns the Progs hate are the states and cities where by law, police are required to sell confiscated weapons to livlcensed gun dealers and use the proceeds for statutorially defined purposes.
          They want all guns destroyed, except those in the hands of police and career criminals.

    • .40 – key word in the entire commentary – ‘bureaucrat’ – they are NOT elected nor held accountable for their actions, sort of like the head bat. That in itself is the single biggest obstacle we face in keeping them from enacting even more onerous ‘rules’ that have the force of law (once codified into the CFRs).

  5. Yet another TTAG article blaming Biden for the ATF’s pistol brace redefinition, ignoring that the 1st version came out in December 2020.

  6. So the ATF raids the manager of the Bill and Hillary Clinton airport in Little Rock, and shoots him in the head, killing him. And this website doesn’t cover the story at all?

    • Give TTAG time. News moves so much faster these days. I have already watched a video of a guy reading the warrant. The dead guy had no history of violence, but the BATFe did a full on raid in the early morning. This became a self fullfilling prophesy. I am very afraid there will be more like this.

    • The ATF went in there ready and willing to kill him. There was no reason for a raid of this type, they had plenty of opportunity to arrest him outside the home and didn’t and they could have still executed their search warrant after arresting him outside the home.

      The ATF is sending a message to the gun community and that message is ‘We are going to kill you and will create the conditions under which we can do it and the president has essentially ordered your death by creating executive orders weaponizing us against you.’

      Basically, the overall picture; The guy did personal sales at gun shows. The ATF says he sold some guns to ‘prohibited people’ but that’s not illegal in personal sales unless, basically, he did it knowing they were ‘prohibited persons’. So maybe there was an ‘engaged in the business’ thing (which is a very grey subjective area) case to be made. Maybe there is a ‘should have done a gun show background check’ thing case to be made in this instance for personal sellers at gun shows. But most of these allegations are a result of ATF’s own creative ‘rule making’ and/or their interpretation due to being weaponized by presidential order.

      But none of what the ATF accuses justifies the approach they took with this heavily armed early morning no-knock raid. The guy had no history of violence, he was not ‘fleeing’ or a ‘flight risk, his history with selling/buying guns clearly indicates he believed he was operating within the law and buying/selling as a collector hobby and not for the purpose of ‘business as a firearms dealer’ and does not indicate any intent to knowingly and willfully violate the law, he was a family man and paid his taxes and had a job and was a participating member of the community. There is nothing that indicates he was a risk to anyone. The ATF had plenty of opportunity to arrest him outside the home and still could have served their warrant and searched, its not like they had no other opportunity and heck they could have even arrested him at one of the gun shows. But instead of letting him have the opportunity to defend himself against the charges by simply arresting him at any other time, the ATF has to plan a public spectacle to send a message and create the conditions under which they can justify what without a badge and the letters ATF would be ‘murder’.

      It doesn’t matter if this guy may have done something that’s considered illegal by the ATF’s interpretation from creating ‘rules’ thus defacto unconstitutional law, or under federal law – there was no justification for how the ATF did this. This was intended so the ATF could create a condition where they could possibly exercise their readiness and willingness to kill, and that’s exactly what was created here. The ATF has a long history of unnecessary excessive force and creating conditions to willingly use that force.

      At least the guy got off a few shots in defending his home from what was thought to be an illegal home invasion by unknown people, and in the process did wound one of the ATF agents, so good for him and I hope that ATF agent suffers some for his willingness to go along with this travesty.

  7. . You don’t get shot for selling fentanyl unless your the one that starts the shuting.
    It’s not safe to have firearmns anymore, our President doesn’t like them.

    • “our President doesn’t like them.”

      Biden not liking them is exactly why you should have one. He doesn’t like a lot of stuff, like, for example, the Constitution that he wants to take away from everyone by removing or controlling the rights within the Constitutions Bill of Rights – and that’s a thing called ‘tyranny’ which we have a right to resist and overcome if necessary by use of firearms and thus the Second Amendment. Now you know why “our President doesn’t like them.”

  8. As they (all agencies and leos) always say, if you have nothing to hide then let us see everything we want to see.

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