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WASHINGTON – The following statement is from Kenneth E. Melson, Acting Director, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives:

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) will ask a multi-disciplinary panel of law enforcement professionals to review the bureau’s current firearms trafficking strategies employed by field division managers and special agents. This review will enable ATF to maximize its effectiveness when undertaking complex firearms trafficking investigations and prosecutions. It will support the goals of ATF to stem the illegal flow of firearms to Mexico and combat firearms trafficking in the United States.

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  1. Hahahahahahahaha. Wait, what? They’re serious about that? I didn’t think the firearms investigations were all that complicated. 1. Gunrunner shows up at store with twenty grand in a paper bag and tries to buy every freakin’ gun in the store. 2. Store owner calls and asks, “ATF, WTF?” 3. ATF, like Moses, says “let the assault rifles go.” 4. ATF falls asleep in the patrol car. With hookers. 5. Gunrunner crosses the border with 100 million rifles while the border patrol is walking their German Shepherds. 6. Drug cartel wipes out a small town with the guns. NBD.

    • More guns come into the U.S. illegally every year then leave and most are full auto or select fire weapons like real AK-47s, M16s etc. Many terrorist, communist countries send then in to destabilize out country. How bad is the problem well 40 years ago they woudl catch like over a million such weapons entering the country every year.

  2. OK, I read that gobbledygook three times. My translation: A bunch of fellow government thugs will look over some of the ATF thug’s policy and procedure to make sure it’s all good.

    So. Effing. What. Addresses nothing. Meaningless. So non-committal it doesn’t need to be said. These people are scum. I’m sorry for lowering myself to name calling but in this case it’s apropos.

    • “These people are scum. I’m sorry for lowering myself to name calling but in this case it’s apropos.”

      Actually, John, either you’re being charitable to the ATF, or you’ve really insulted scum.

  3. Perhaps, buried in Bureaucratese, this missive indicates that the ATF will ask other cops whether it’s a good idea to deliberately allow guns to be illegally smuggled into Mexico.

    I hope that this “law enforcement panel” includes the colleagues of the two murdered federal agents.

  4. This is the sentence that tells it all; “to review the bureau’s current firearms trafficking strategies employed by field division managers and special agents.” It sounds as if they are already planning to blame it on the division managers and special agents to “firewall” any upward blame. Typical “cover your a$s” tactics from our friends in DC.

    So much for transparency.

  5. State of denlye in Atf amzasing . Way justice department been handle thing of late mean nothing well change way Atf handle things. Thing happen on Obama watch show how much state denyle goes all way up lader.

  6. It sounds as if they are already planning to blame it on the division managers and special agents…–Jeffery Lynch

    It will be blamed on the whistle-blowing ATF special agent John Dodson.


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