The ATF does a decent job of keeping FFLs on their toes when it comes to threats of theft, fraud, and more. For instance, emails go out to all FFLs within a certain radius of an FFL that’s been the victim of a robbery or burglary. If protests or civil unrest are anticipated somewhere, that will trigger proactive emails and sometimes phone calls to alert FFLs in the affected area
The email I got dtoday was a new one for Texas FFLs. In it, ATF describes that “law enforcement” intelligence suggests an apparent, specific push by “criminal networks” to acquire some heavy firepower within the next 60 days. That’s…uh…interesting. I’d love to know more about the source of this information and what they’ve been hearing.
Here’s the full text of the email . . .
(U) Law enforcement is advising Federal Firearms Licensees of expanding interest of criminal networks’ intention to utilize straw purchasers in acquiring large caliber firearms such as .50 caliber and/or belt fed rifles within the next 60 days. This activity is anticipated to occur throughout the entire State of Texas. Please contact your local ATF office if any suspicious, attempted or finalized purchases occur.
That’s it. That’s the entirety of the information we have at this time.
We’re asking around, but let us know in the comments if you have any insight into what the ATF might have going on.