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ATF Signals They Intend to Regulate Bump Fire Stocks Like Machine Guns

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

Here we go . . . ATF to Publish Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Re: Application of the Definition of Machinegun to “Bump Fire” Stocks and Other Similar Devices

Tomorrow, ATF will publish an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemakingregarding the application of the definition of machinegun to “Bump Fire” stocks and other similar devices. As many have feared, it appears that the regulatory agency is soliciting feedback as to whether bump fire stocks, binary triggers, etc., fit within the definition of machinegun.

Comments are due thirty (30) days from the date of publication in the Federal Register. Assuming that nothing goes awry with the publication tomorrow, that would mean any comment you wish to submit in opposition to this advance notice would need to be submitted by 11:59 PM on Sunday, January 21, 2018. While one might expect an extra day to be provided to place the deadline on a Monday, agency rules govern. ATF confirmed via telephone that the deadline was Sunday.

It was only a matter of time. Despite clearly being unable to define a piece of plastic as a machine gun in the past, the ATF seems bound and determined to twist logic and language to make it so now. Orwell much?



0 thoughts on “ATF Signals They Intend to Regulate Bump Fire Stocks Like Machine Guns”

  1. I just went to the link and tried to download the unpublished version and it says that it has been “withdrawn.” Any idea what that means?

    • Something about the “published” version being available after the 22nd…
      So we have to wait until tomorrow to vent fire at them?

  2. Not really surprising. There’s a continuum of technology between muzzle (or breech) loaders and fully autonomous weapons, along several axes.

    This moves the “you can’t be trusted beyond this point” marker on one of those axes closer to the muzzle loader end.

    Note, I disagree with having the restriction in the first place.

  3. Might want to submit comments in opposition. I know it didn’t do much with 41F, but hey doesn’t hurt.

    Even if they did contort the definition to include them, I suspect there will be legal challenges to this from Slidefire, Fostech, GOA to name a few.

  4. yup.

    Forgotten I was carrying, forgotten i was not carrying, forgot if I had loose ammo, or a spare mag.

    Hell in a few instances, I even had the wrong gun.

    Only the government, who screws up all the time, requires its citizens to be perfect all the time.

  5. TV commercial financial investors are always pushing gold for our “future and security”. I say, “He who has the lead, gets the gold”. More ammo is always better. Come to think of it, more guns is also a good idea!

  6. Trying to word the regulation will be entertaining. “Machine gun” has an accepted definition. Trying to make “machine gun” be something like a “machine gun” will be a lawyers retirement plan.

    Remember, the weight of public comment actually has no official standing. Meaning, if ten million people send in opposition comments, the agency is not mandated to follow public opinion.

    “Public Comment” simply means, “OK, you had your say, now we do what we want. Don’t like it? Sue us!”

  7. i think were a lot of confusion and arguments come from is no baseline terminology definitions. some people combine terms and definitions and it gets hard to tell exactly what they mean when someone says “accurate”. they may not have words like trajectory in their vocabulary so they substitute it for something else. i have gotten to where i specifically ask what a person means by a certain word if it seems they have a different usage of that word that what is proper/normal. i live in arkansas, so that happens a lot.

    i had come to the conclusion years ago, with my own testing, that ammo selection is definitely one of the main factors in consistent accuracy.

    interesting read.

  8. Thanks for this thorough review. Have you tested these two in your previous reviews?
    1) Jerry Miculek 5.56 muzzle brake, 2) Lantac Dragon

  9. The SCOTUS is sitting pat waiting for one or more relics to retire one way or another. If RBG accidentally is exposed to sunlight we may see an opening.

  10. So the NRA basically got what it wanted; a semi auto ban.

    Fuck you Wayne lapierre, soon the very people you called jackbooted thugs will be kicking down doors and murdering Americans when they decide that every semi auto rifle, shotgun and pistol is illegal.

    Fucking judenrat.

  11. I’m not worried about he Taurus, but that paddle holster – UGH!

    Paddle holsters suck, full stop. They are bulky, they shift around more than other designs, and, most importantly, they are severely prone to gun grabs from behind. Seriously, look up videos of someone grabbing a gun in a paddle holster from behind and giving a quick downward twist on the grip, it snaps the holster off the paddle every time.

    Buy a decent holster!

    Rant over.

  12. I still don’t get why people think gun murder is worse than normal murder. If you break down the numbers, there’s about 7500 to 8000 murders with guns annually in the US, about 6000 of which are gang related. But there are between 17000 and 18000 total murders per year. So more murders are committed without guns than with guns in the US. Same holds true for suicides. So why are guns so much worse than anything else? No gun control law has ever been demonstrated to reduce homicides, so the whole point is moot.

  13. I found it interesting that liberals accuse conservatives of being paranoid for carrying firearms. Yet, by their own admission, liberals (and closeted liberals, aka, “independents”) are the ones who worry about being the victim of extremely rare events like mass shootings. Curious, that.

    So the real issue isn’t so much that conservatives are paranoid; it’s that they’re prepared. Nor is it that liberals are well adjusted. It turns out that liberals are the ones who are paranoid; their fear-induced freeze prevents them from doing anything to prepare for danger.

  14. Too bad they all did not sell or lose their guns…thus not requiring registration.
    Why does federal law trump state law in most cases…but not when it comes to guns?
    The 2nd clearly states: shall not be infringed. No other right has that statement.Hmmm.
    How do state and local laws supercede THAT?
    I understand when there is not a federal law pertaining to a subject…the state can then implement their own laws.But in this case, it seems pretty clear.

  15. How is going to prison going to overthrow the “tyranny”? It is exactly why the liberals write the laws. Then they send their armed public servants out to enforce the “law”. And if the supreme court won’t take the case like they did this year what then?

  16. You mean to tell me that the only real outcomes of passing the SAFE Act have been confusion and non-compliance (deliberate or otherwise)? A poorly thought-out and badly written law that was rushed through the process so politicians could appear to be “doing something” and “be tough” in a way that would appeal to the voters in the NYC metro area?

    This is my shocked face…

  17. Just out of curiosity, will this include reloading supplies? That is, will brass, powder, and bullets be considered ammo and subject to the same out-of-state ban?

  18. I can only speak from a trauma, ED, and ICU perspective here as that’s where the end of my limited experience comes from. Healthcare pros that work(ed) in these fields are often anti-gun because they see first-hand the results of the carnage these wreak on the physical tissue, the patient as a whole, and the families. These pros see this more frequently and with more insight than do lay people.

    There is a similar contempt for motorcycles and motorcycle riding. I have worked around these folks from the ER nurses all the way up to the neurosurgeons. Some love guns and motorcycles and have and enjoy them regularly while most abhor both.

  19. We’re urban, multicultural, progressive, and immigrant friendly

    That right there is a bug, not a feature.

    Immigration is invasion, and diversity is cancer. But hey keep on doing what you have been doing since 1931, I mean clearly that approach has been working real well for Chicago.

    Meanwhile 1 person leaves Illinois every 5 minutes.

  20. Kinda’ refreshing when the leftards admit what’s wrong with The City. Hey I lived in Chicago in the 80’s. It’s gone waaaaaay downhill in the last 30 years. And it sucked then too…at least Richie Daley (and daddy) knew how to get along with republicans. Tiny Dancer is too sjw’ed to get it. Crash and burn and avoid Chicago…

  21. As much as I personally believe that bump fire is at best a waste of ammo, and at worse an accident waiting to happen, calling them “machine guns” opens the door to out law every semi auto firearm in the country – that is a bad idea.

  22. Online education is good for everyone who is thinking about changing
    their career or are thinking about further studies while they’re working.
    No one’s life has ever gone according to plan, so
    you’ve got to make the best out of this time in your life.
    I’m not stating that everyone does that, I’m these are the minority for
    this one, but it just irritates the hell beyond me.

  23. Jonathan-Houston,
    That was an extremely interesting comment!
    Your well reasoned and researched arguments would be far more compelling if you left out personal insults

  24. I don’t think I’ll be working or living in any of those cities. I don’t pay their bills or give a shit about those places. I do feel sorry for good people trapped there economically.

  25. It’s quite simple, (((they))) make up the overwhelming majority of that “Social Welfare (& Justice)” profession, (((they))) hate themselves, (((they))) hate Israel (which wouldn’t exist if not for firearms), (((they))) really hate US (Conservatives & Gun Owners), (((they))) hate our Constitution, (((they))) hate our Bill of Rights especially the 2nd Amendment which prevents (((them)) from imposing their will upon us, (((they))) are Bolsheviks, the fact is (((they))) must be destroyed if we are to survive, flourish, and multiply.


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