Home Business ATF to Gun Dealers: Don’t Sell Guns to Non-Immigrant Aliens. Generally Speaking BusinessGun ControlPolice Procedure ATF to Gun Dealers: Don’t Sell Guns to Non-Immigrant Aliens. Generally Speaking By Robert Farago - December 20, 2010 2 Facebook Twitter Pinterest WhatsApp Email http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdDmLXORQAY RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR Pennsylvania Supreme Court Upholds State’s Firearms Preemption Law New Jersey Gun Dealers Sued By Attorney General For Selling Ammunition Without Asking For ID Or Permit Ignorant Analysis Of Illinois AWB Ruling Proves Who The Real “Jackass” Is 2 COMMENTS Sorry, he got to loophole #24 and I started nodding off. Why are we selling guns to foreigners and complaining about guns being sold to foreigners? Maybe its just me. Im so confused.. This viddy made my hair hurt. I hope that FFLs make a lot of money, because they sure have to put up with a lot of BATFE doubletalk. Comments are closed.
Sorry, he got to loophole #24 and I started nodding off. Why are we selling guns to foreigners and complaining about guns being sold to foreigners? Maybe its just me. Im so confused..
This viddy made my hair hurt. I hope that FFLs make a lot of money, because they sure have to put up with a lot of BATFE doubletalk.
Sorry, he got to loophole #24 and I started nodding off. Why are we selling guns to foreigners and complaining about guns being sold to foreigners?
Maybe its just me. Im so confused..
This viddy made my hair hurt. I hope that FFLs make a lot of money, because they sure have to put up with a lot of BATFE doubletalk.
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