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Australia Bans Rifles That LOOK Like “Assault Rifles”

Robert Farago - comments No comments

“The Firearms Act prohibits people owning firearms that ‘substantially duplicate’ the appearance of high-powered automatic weapons like machine guns and self-loading rifles used by the military,” dailytelegraph.com.au  reports. Yup. If a rifle looks like an “assault rifle” — such as the gun above — it falls afoul of Australia’s Firearms Act. How stupid is that? Check this out . . .

Firearms manufacturer Michael Burrough said he has faced problems from the NSW Firearms Registry, which is part of the NSW Police Force, over the gun stocks his business produces.

His “tactical stocks” are black and aluminium, rather than the traditional wooden-type.

When attached to a rifle, the registry believes it falls foul of the appearance laws because it duplicates a military-style firearm, even though the gun’s firing speed is unchanged, he said.

Trying to steer clear of the concerns over weapons with a military appearance

Mr Burrough said a rifle coloured black which had been fitted with a custom stock and chassis — the body of the rifle — had been rejected by the registry. He then painted the gun red, white and blue, asking if it still appeared like a military weapon, but said it was again prohibited.

Red, white and blue? Someone invite that man to The Land of the Free (excluding New Jersey, New York, Maryland and a couple of other states)! Meanwhile, the cops aren’t bothered by Mr. Burrough’s bitching.

Some senior police are unapologetic, claiming a weapon pimped to look like a high-powered assault rifle [ED: pimped I tell you!] still appeared so similar to the real thing they couldn’t be told apart to the untrained eye or from a distance . . .

“There are no plans to make further changes to firearms laws,” a spokesman said.

Bloody ripper!

0 thoughts on “Australia Bans Rifles That LOOK Like “Assault Rifles””

  1. Many people find the Glock 20’s grip to be overly large for their hands.

    I wouldn’t take any of these hiking. For hiking, I prefer a revolver chambered in a more powerful round.

  2. Quote RF”

    “If you look in the dictionary under the word “optimist” you’ll find a pic of someone who thinks he can reload a snubbie with a speed strip in the middle of a gunfight. ”

    RF stands for Rat Fink

  3. “That three percent figure has historical resonance; three percent of proto-Americans were part of the anti-British Minutemen militia”

    That is actually a bunch of non-sense based on incorrect date/reading of the date from the period concerning the Continental Army. Around 6.5% is the lower end of accurate estimates of the population that fought for Revolution.

  4. This will be sneered at, no doubt, but I’ve got a Taurus PT111 G2 in 9mm w/double-stack 12-shot mag (comes w/2) and it’s been great so far. Paid $279 (over $400 less than the SIG 365) and have seen this model for less since then. Tritium night sights are available from Lakeline for about $100 more and you can put them on the pistol yourself. I have two SIGs and really admire their line, but as to the cost difference, I won’t be in line for one.

  5. I have an old IJ 12 ga single shot. Nickel plated. Only Iver Johnson written on the barrel. The serial number is 4671. So I am assuming it was made somewhere between 1909 and 1919. Anybody have any other info on this?

  6. The only good thing is this law is a STATE issue and I don’t live there. It also doesn’t apply to people who go across NSW like I did last week for work.

    Unlike New Jersey etc who will arrest you for items legal in your home state.

  7. S&W Governor is a light weight versatile choice. 410 shells good for snakes and 45 colt hard cast Buffalo Bore for big critters. If I was in Grizzly country…Ruger Super Blackhawk loaded with 45 colt +p rounds.

  8. So what’s the rest of the story?
    They know who won the bids. Follow the trail. See if a crime was committed. Duh.
    Hey detective, go forth and detect.

  9. this is a puff piece eluding to that even if POLICE sell guns, its no guarantee that the person is responsible, therefore ban them all. that is how the anti’s will use a piece like this.

  10. Well I WAS” following” the Chic chick until one of the recent mass shootings. She said some idiotic crap and she’s gone from my FB. I appreciate gunbunnies but removed most of them from my feed. Hey did Jessie Duff get divorced again? Her page changed…


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