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“An Uzi submachine gun, an assault rifle and more than $20 million worth of drugs has been seized by police during a house raid,” reports. “Detectives raided a property at Edensor Park in Sydney’s west last Thursday and found a number of firearms as they investigated signs of drug manufacturing.” Are we sure that Uzi was full-auto? Anyway, the coppers also confiscated a silencer, two sawn-off shotguns and a GLOCK pistol (“one of many”). If you’re pro-civilian disarmament, the bust proves that gun control works! At least in this case. Which means there’s only way to solve Australia’s Beretta-berated illegal gun problem: more police! Alternatively, it proves the old adage when guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns. Who knew?

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  1. Bad people with guns that are banned manufacturing illegal substances, don’t they know that’s really really bad and with guns around that’s even more worse?

  2. Oh noooooooooo! That ammo can has some .22 lr in it, to bad it’s on its way to being destroyed.

  3. Well they do say… Ban guns and only police and criminals will have them. Well at least everyone else there still has access to knifes and pointy sticks to defend themselves 🙂

    • Keep a bag of venomous snakes to throw at an attacker? Or at least dip your pointy stick in the venom to make it more effective.

      • A venomous pointy stick… Damn why didn’t I think of that? lol Genius. Now only if we had a way to use it from a distance to help minimize the risk of being in a physical confrontation. I know!!!! We can put it in a tube with one end closed off and use match heads for a small detonation to launch the poisonous stick. Oh right… They’d classify that as a gun…. I wonder if bows are illegal in the land down under as well.

      • Be sure to keep your “venomous pointy stick” away from children. Or, alternatively, teach them proper respect for venomous pointy sticks. You might want to install a pointy stick lock or store the stick and the venom separately until you need it.

      • Forget it so far as I’m concerned. I learned long ago that my boomerang don’t come back.
        Someone had to say it.

        • That’s because you had a good safe single shot hunting boomerang not a baby killing assault boomerang.

      • It’s pretty obvious how well it’s working, or not working, due to the fact that these “criminals” had numerous firearms and approximately $20M in “illegal” substances which they would sell to willing buyers without any coercion. Victimless crimes make victims of the State!

      • Wow, what drastic changes after the gun buyback! Or, not. There is a downtrend in murder that had already been taking place since the 1970’s in Australia. If the laws were working, there should be a big drop in homicides if guns were the driving force in murder between 1996-2003. There is also an uptick in murders in 1999. Interesting.

  4. The person pictured holding that Glock is pointing it directly at his own hand.

    But don’t worry; he’s a highly trained police officer, not a civilian living out some man-child fantasy.

  5. A few things to state – Australia is not gun free, rifles and shotguns other than self-loaders are fairly easy to own although registered. Pistols be it self loaders or revolvers can be owned in a sporting context. Small numbers of self-loading longarms are licenced to farmers, professional cullers and collectors.

    These Glocks were illegally imported, I believe as part of an operation with corrupt customs officials. There is also a market for home-made firearms. These two facts suggests that legal owners are not the source of illegal firearms in Australia, in fact the criminal classes have to go to the trouble of importing or manufacturing to obtain their heaters.

    Lastly the self-loading rifle in the briefcase is a moderately rare, Australian designed and made .223 self-loader by LeaderDynamics/Australian Automatic Arms. These are fairly collectable.

    • The SAR Leader rifles were popular in the service rifle competitions. They cost about $AU1000 compared to $AU2000+ for a AR-15 SP1 and $AU5000+ for a AR-15 A2HBAR (mid 1990s prices). The SARs were well known for accuracy with split marking pegs on the targets out to 300 metres not being uncommon.

      Remington imported a batch into the USA but the BATF ruled they were prohibited for import over alleged ease of conversion to full-auto fire. A friend of mine managed to buy one the Remington stamped rifles that were returned (and he later got caught for illegal possession of a suppressor on a .22 rifle, legal in Tasmania but not in New South Wales) and it was a very accurate rifle. They were fitted with a 1-in-9″ pitch rifling that allowed 50-70 grain bullets to be used;

      But they were not without their faults. The original magazine wasn’t very good but replacing it with a Colt magazine fixed the problem. The original triangle (3-lug) bolt-head often wore to the point where the rifle would be shooting while out-of-battery and the 60-degree rotation shaved brass from cheaper ammunition blocking the firing pin hole. the AR-15’s 7 lug bolt-head had 22-degrees of rotation and didn’t have the problem. The back sight was a disc with holes stamped for 100, 200, and 300 metres, but they often needed some manual adjusting with a jeweler’s file for windage.

      The SAR Leader was a good 5.56 service rifle that was better than the Mini-14 for accuracy but wasn’t as good as the AR-15s which eventually became the single most common type of rifle in use with service rifle shooters, until Port Arthur.

  6. “Are we sure that Uzi was full-auto?”

    Why wouldn’t it be? The semi version is just as illegal as the full-auto, there may not be any semis in the whole country! If you have illegal millions to protect, which illegal gun would you buy?

  7. Glad to see that they are taking the basic precaution of handling it with gloves. God only knows what an evil weapon like that would do if it touched exposed skin.

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