Of course, proponents of civilian disarmament won’t see it that way. It’s not that gun control doesn’t work in Australia, they’ll say, it’s just that it doesn’t work perfectly. Even if there are guns in the UK’s former prison colony, there aren’t as many guns. And that means there’s less gun crime there than here. So there is better than here. See? No Newtowns! Well, since 1996. Sigh. Setting aside differences in demographics, geography and culture, there it is folks: thousands of illegal guns in a gun-free paradise. And those are just the heaters the coppers confiscated. Surprised? Only if you’re a willfully ignorant utopian or a secret statist. I wonder how many otherwise law-abiding citizens have tooled-up down under. The need for armed self-defense doesn’t stop when the government says it does. [h/t James]
Hey R.F: Is the site really slow today or is it just because I am being monitored for writing F&S to Biden? Tinfoil alert, condition silver!
Whats old joe sniffing glue? Just put the bag down joe & step away. When we need your worthless opinion we will let you know. Randy
Regardless of how many criminals are armed with guns, I want to know Australia’s total violent crime rates long before and long after they implemented their dracronian gun control. And I want to know all violent crimes regardless of weapon.
How many citizens were victims of violent assaults? How many citizens were rape victims? How many citizens were murdered? And I want to know the demographics. Maybe the murder rate declined slightly overall since their gun control … but if the murder rate of adults over the age of 60 tripled that is a horrific result.
This post seems to make the opposite point than I think you meant it to. No massacres. Sure, there are some illegal guns out there but no one is using them for anything besides maybe an illegal investment.
The Slingshot Channel! Who knew?? Awsome!!
Clear handwriting, and a clean looking AR. Nice.
Years ago, as part of a Hunter Ed course I taught, we would display our various firearms so that students could be exposed to a variety of firearms. I overheard two parents talking about how “that shotgun should be banned.” I asked them why. They said just look at it.; pistol grip, mag extension and a light. “That gun has no purpose at all.” I told them to pick it up and look at the receiver. Imagine their shock when they realized it was a Remington 870 Wingmaster! I hope they remember the lesson…
Pro gun-control hunters fail to realize that the left does not argue in bad faith. They do not believe it when we warn that they will take hunting arms too. It is infuriating.
The root cause for this insantity goes back to 9/11. When we got so wrapped up in terrorism that we decided that Consitutional Rights were flexible, and we could kind of suspend them in the name of security. Then the Feds started giving grants to police departments, all in the name of counterterrorism. Hey, LAPD, here are some M16A1s we don’t need anymore, and an old armored vehicle, you know in case you have to do a SWAT raid on a guy with a funny sounding name and a LAW in the garage.
We’ve turned our police from a para-military organization to a military organization. Beat cops use military terms like ambush (and what those two ladies ran into was an ambush, not a stake out). I watched some civilian police conduct training in a MOUT (Military Operations on Urban Terrain) site at Fort Hood. They used our shoothouse. And they used the terms we do, Battle Drill Six, enter and clear.
The LA Police aren’t acting like police, they’re acting like an Army. They’re appearantly using military rules of engagement. They are not attempting to apprehend a suspect. They are conduction a cordon and search operation to destroy enemy forces.
The militarization of the civilian police scares me more than anything else as far as the rapid errosion of our Constitutional Rights. It’s far worse among police departments than Sheriff’s Depatments. Sherriff’s are elected and they can’t get away with what appointed police chiefs can, but they are not immune. I hated the Patriot Act under Bush, I fear it under Obama.
It seems like a bit of a stretch to go from from State Dept failing to provide adequate security in Benghazi, to a loss of faith in local government to respond to 911 calls.
I’m not saying I disagree with the conclusion, it’s just that there’s a huge leap in from the starting premise to “therefore…”
Does the lime green bracelet “link” you to your feminine side?
Nice gun though.
Chris’ funeral was attended by friends, family and supporters of his service, Michelle is none of those.
Both Chris and Hadiya were murdered in cold blood by someone misusing a gun but only one of those deaths supported the Obamas’ narrative.
> To Reporters’ Horror, Minnesotans Following the Law
It’s like the 1990s all over again.
The proponents of the 1994 “assault weapons ban” demanded that manufacturers remove flash hiders, bayonet lugs, and folding stocks from their products.
When manufacturers complied with the law by removing those features, they were then accussed of “skirting” or “evading” the law.