I thought you didn’t care because they were black. I thought you didn’t commit to doing something serious about our sick gun culture because the victims were so often black. I thought you kept making excuses about why we couldn’t unwind an untenable situation – a culture so saturated in guns we’ve convinced ourselves we need armed-agents of the state to enforce minor traffic violations because it isn’t unreasonable for cops to assume whoever is driving isn’t armed – because you didn’t experience the pain of gun violence the way people who look like I do have.
Historically, race has played a role, with laws saying white men and white boys were legally obligated to enforce slave laws, to Ronald Reagan embracing gun control measures, at least for a while. And it likely still does, just not in the simplistic way I had once imagined. I get why you weren’t moved by Trayvon Martin’s killing, or at least I thought I did until you were equally unmoved by coffins filled with the bullet-riddled bodies of white children.
Rep. Elissa Slotkin of Michigan, after the latest mass shooting we’ll treat like wallpaper, said “you either care about protecting kids, or you don’t. But please don’t tell me you care about the safety of children if you’re not willing to have a conversation about keeping them safe in a place that should be a sanctuary.”
“If this is not a wake-up call to do something, I don’t know what is,” she said.
A 21-year-old Michigan State University student took to TikTok to express her grief about the shooting as well. She’s now a survivor of two mass shootings – the first at Sandy Hook 10 years and two months ago, a fact that she says is incomprehensible.
She’s white, not black.
Again, I apologize for believing you were blinded by race or racism. I didn’t realize you loved Glocks and AK-47s more than you love my kids or even your own.
I won’t make that mistake again.
— Issac Bailey in Dear White Americans: You’re Not Racist About Guns. You’re Worse.
“But please don’t tell me you care about the safety of children if you’re not willing to have a conversation about keeping them safe in a place that should be a sanctuary.” ”
Your dead kids don’t trump my rights.
I suggest you work on developing your obviously lacking coping skills…
Geoff PR,
“I suggest you work on developing your obviously lacking coping skills…”
Come on now Geoff–one of the hallmarks of Progressive True Believers is demanding that everyone else do something to alleviate their own personal problem. Isn’t that how life is supposed to work?
“…one of the hallmarks of Progressive True Believers is demanding that everyone else do something to alleviate their own personal problem. Isn’t that how life is supposed to work?”
In their twisted and sick world-view, I suppose. I flat refuse to recognize their mass delusions, because that’s exactly what they are- mass delusions. In no way does the presence of a penis and testicles indicate that person is a “real woman”.
The emperor has no clothes, full stop.
I do believe I now have a strategy for dealing with someone deluded with that, I’m simply going to start humming ‘Delta Dawn’ and start laughing while I do it… 🙂
(Just call me Mr. sweetness and light)
It’s a really good thing these article closed down the comments before anyone could comment. Because it would have been torn to pieces.
The one track minded pompous finger pointing history illiterate issac bailey reached into a toilet and pulled out Gun Conyrol just like the nazi party and the kkk democRat Party reached into a toilet and pulled out Gun Control.
The problem is not black, white, yellow, brown, etc. The problem is the criminal misuse of firearms, bricks, bats, knives, feet, fists, vehicles, etc. And the problem is enhanced thanks to sick drama queen Gun Control ratbassturds fixated on using the aforementioned criminal misuse to eliminate The Second Amendment.
Frankly it’s a tossup between which is worse, bailey et al or the criminals democRats cater to like one who shot up soft target defenseless college students. I mean the democRat prosecutor obviously never considered the safety of soft targets when the clearly prone to be violent perp was given a pass…did they issac bailey?
@Debbie W. ……I’ve said this before about the demo-ratz’s: When you lower the bar, you get to sip the contents of the spittoons and drink from the toilets!
And don’t phck’ing talk to me about the children if you support baby murder. If there was ever a place that was supposed to be a sanctuary the womb would be the ultimate example.
I’ll have the conversation with them.
I present two options:
A) Harden and defend the schools using deadly force.
B) Use magic and wishes to try to make bad people stop being bad.
Hmm, who is it that is not willing to have a “conversation now?
I will add Option 3 to your list:
C) stop prohiviting law abiding honest citizens of good intention from possessing their own weapons if defense in these “sensitive” places.
Track record: overr 120 million lw abiding Americans who never have and never will harm an innocent with their firearms (some 420 millions of them) MUST be allowed to pssess those firearms whereverr they go.. including teachers and staff at government and other0 schools being allowed to possess those arms as they go about their daily work inside the schools. Even Charlie the cafetieria worker.
That solution would cost nothig exceot the bigotted pricde of the anti-gun crowd.
Consuder Sandy Hook: after the sick perp murdered his own Mother to enable him to steal HER rifle (someone please imagine to me what “gu law” could have prvented that, oterh than “no ne can ever have any gun”) he went to the school and used that rifle to shoot up the lock on the security door and entered the building. SO much for door locks, eh? “hardened” indeed….) and walked up the entry hallway to the admin desk. There were two clerks, supposedly there to “vet” folks coming into the buildong.They were unarmed. He shot both of them and walked on. NOW.. suppose either or both HAD been armed, and seen him coming, having already used his rifle to bypass the “security doors”. Now suppose they had been trained and skilled as well as armed. Do you think they might have drawn on this perp and fired on HIM, killing or disabling him, and ENDING his shooting spree? Of course.
Next dirtbag walked up one f the hallways toward some classrooms. He entered one.. teacher and students were cowering cring hunkered down with fear. NOTHING they could do would stop this insane attacker..EXCEP
T the ONE THING no one had inside that room. Yes, suppose THAT teacher had been armed and trained… knew how to move her charges t=into a safe positionm and herself ready to intercept the perp as he entered…… one round apropriately placed and NO CHILD would have died.m
Some folks i Ohio red about the Sandy Hook massacre and siad WE CANNOT LET tHIS HAPPEN TO OUR CILDREN. What do you supose theydid? Easy: they designed aplan to allow any adult staff working at any scool to be trained for such events, using the handgns they already own and know and carry eerywhere ELSE except at school, cause “gunz in skewl R daynjrus”. It took a year to put it all together, but in the twelve or so years since Sandy Hook, in any of the 2000 schools in Ohio where thisprogramme is in place, there has not been one incdent invlvong a firearm at any of those schools, or even in any of those districts that have adopted the programme. That’s the best part.. no kids harmed in all that time. Secind best part… take a guess at the total cost to taxpayers of this effective level of protection for their schools, available to any district in the state ofOhio…… the magic number is ZERO. Yup. Not one penny of public money has been spent to develop or deploy this programme. FASTER Saves Lives is its name. Lok them up. And push to get a similar programme in place in your own area.
Sounds like a cultural problem. I don’t have this problem in my neighborhood and we have guns everywhere. So, it also sounds like it’s not a gun problem. If you think MY guns are the problem to YOUR violence, then I’ll just suggest you FO.
Again. You are blaming MY guns for your problem. Nope. FO. I’m sorry a bunch of children got hurt or died. It sounds like a serious mental, philosophical, existential dilemma occurring among the minds of young people, where they hate you, their life, and everyone else, to such a degree, that they want to slaughter your children and then kill themselves. This is a serious problem. But it’s not a gun problem. And it’s certainly not MY guns causing this problem. Because the laws they want passed, literally affect me and my guns. So no. FO.
I don’t love glocks or AKs more than you kids. But I don’t believe in “collective responsibility.” mkay? Individuals are responsible, individually. They are judged, individually. Individuals make decisions, the “collective” does not. So no! My freedoms are not for sale, to buy your kids safety! That is an unacceptable solution to me. Period. If anything, the “collective” is your problem, not your solution. Maybe buy a book on “root cause analysis” and stop blaming gun owners that don’t know anything about your situation, nor are taking part in it. It’s such a politically loaded response too. Repulsive even, and worn out. I personally, am tired of hearing about such crap. This person’s message: “Do what I want, or you don’t love my children.”
White people can’t be racist.
That is one of the most ridiculous claims out there. When it comes right down to it, white people are a minority on the world stage. Try being white in Asia and see how that works out for you. Or Africa. The days of colonialism are passed.
It’s not a wake up call and I know exactly what it is: emotional rambling best saved for your therapist.
Well if nothing else it shows they are blinded by racism and assumed that we were as well.
Projection. Their most favored fallacy.
Always amused by how that particular fallacy ties into media to begin with.
Again, this is not about protecting children. Abortion is responsible for ending the lives of more children in this country than any other thing combined.
Not more than miscarriages.
Before or after the experimental gene therapy posing as a vaccine?
It isn’t about race, sweetheart. It’s about freedom. Gun control disarms victims, not criminals. But people who only think with feelings and emotions seem unable to grasp simple logic.
Why isn’t she having a “conversation” about black on black crime?
He. He’s a well-known racist who blames everything on white people, not unlike what Germans did to Jews.
“Why isn’t she having a “conversation” about black on black crime?”
Because everything is whitey’s fault, even when black people kill black people. It’s much easier that way. If they admit reality, the gravy train ends.
In today’s world, we have ANTIFA performing the same function for the Dummyrat Party as the Brown Shirts did for the Nazi Party. History is repeating itself. The White People are the new Jews.
“Why isn’t she having a ‘conversation’ about black on black crime?
because its black on black crime.
“Why isn’t she having a “conversation” about black on black crime?”
Because doing so is racist, of course. And you being white have no business commenting on Black cultural issues… 😉
It is easier to blame the guns than one’s own culture. I do not know the cause, perhaps it is the welfare state, but there seems to be a culture of sociopathic violence in our inner cities where the rights and lives of others are merely an impediment to their own wants and desires. Get in the way and you will suffer the consequences.
Gun control laws have accomplished nothing but give more power to the criminal element in our society.
We have weapons because Nature didn’t see fit to provide us with built-in weapons ( claws, teeth, poisons, armor, speed, or camouflage). All she gave us was the brains to invent what we needed to survive.
“In the dimness of the shadows
Where we hairy heathens warred,
I can taste in thought the lifeblood.
We used teeth before the sword.”
“All she gave us was the brains to invent what we needed to survive.”
Advanced brains allowed us simple critters to develop strategies to avoid being eaten by those equipped with fearsome claws and sharp teeth…
– Treyvon was killed for attacking an armed man.
– If you run when a police officer orders you to stop, it makes you look guilty and YOU are the one who escalates the encounter.
– If you continue to escalate the encounter, you may force the officer to use force to ensure YOUR compliance.
– Mass murders are not carried out by rational, emotionally stable humans, such as the average gun owner.
Put religion back in school, teach manners, teach Personal Responsibility and punish offenders swiftly with punishment equal to the offense.
Then, we may see some improvement in society as a whole.
“Put religion back in school,…”
That’s exactly what they are doing, right now, except their ‘religion’ is a populist suicide cult disguised as a new way of thinking…
An armed society is a polite society.
“Again, I apologize for believing you were blinded by race or racism. I didn’t realize you loved Glocks and AK-47s more than you love my kids or even your own. ”
You must live on planet dacian.
Here’s the formula folks…
1/2 portion of good old guilt-trip wording
1/4 portion of self-conceived thoughts
1/4 portion of laying the blame
mix well, then publish and voila instantly “I apologize for believing you were blinded by race or racism. I didn’t realize you loved Glocks and AK-47s more than you love my kids or even your own. ” another false statement from anti-gun that plays well with the emotion of idiots.
In the Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 7(3-4), 135–156. (Lankford, A., & Cowan, R. G. (2020)) ( https://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037%2Ftam0000151 )
… Cowan writes of their research they “…closely analyzed public mass shooters who attacked in the United States from 1966 to 2019 and found that correlates of mental illness were approximately equally common among perpetrators, whether they had been coded as mentally ill or not.”
Forensic psychiatrists James L. Knoll IV, MD, and George D. Annas, MD, MPH, of SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse New York, both leading authorities on the mental health aspects of mass shooters, summed it up for the issue for the mental health community various studies on various aspects in terms of mass shooters…. Although mass shooters may not meet DSM-5 criteria for a recognized disorder, “they do have an ill-defined trouble of the mind for which the mental health field has no immediate, quick-acting ‘treatment,’” – in other words, mass shooters do have mental illness driving them but not something clearly defined and for which the mental health community basically has no treatment.
Your problem is not with guns, your problem is believing the idiots that keep telling you the problem is with guns.
It was violently mentally ill individuals that did the heinous acts you outline. It wasn’t the over 140 million law abiding gun owners you want to lay the blame on, they did not do it.
2. Gun owners with kids love their kids too, they are just as horrified and saddened as you are. You assume they are not just as horrified and saddened. In fact, there have been some of those law abiding gun owners that stood up and engaged these mentally ill people and protected others including the kids of others – but where were you to show that ‘love’ for others and their kids? The tragedy’s you outline have one thing in common that facilitated and aided the violent mentally ill people who committed these horrible acts and its not guns…
gun free zones, defined:
“gun (gŭn) free (frē) zone (zōn)
* Trap in which people congregate and are falsely promised safety by a make believe force field of a ‘No Guns” prohibition.
* A place where people are disarmed and not permitted self-defense with firearms.
* Hunting grounds for predator criminals where defenseless prey is guaranteed by law.
* Place where existing laws against violent crimes do not work to prevent violent crimes the laws are touted to be able to prevent.
* Places designed to attract violently mentally ill predators.
* Places where police forces cease to operate to protect before the fact of a violent crime as they are touted to be able to do by politicians implying.
Issac, you need to take your made up guilt tripping lies and crap elsewhere. I don’t remember hearing about you standing up to a murderer to stop them, but there have been plenty of law abiding gun owners who have and that’s nothing but ‘love for their fellow man’ that prompts them. So where were you to do that? Oh yeah, you were at the keyboard trying to make all the wrong people feel guilty so you would feel relevant.
Your loss.
I find .40 cal’s posts interesting and I usually learn something from him.
What was the definition of insanity ? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Blame the gun , not the criminal. Blame the gun, not the criminal. Blame the gun, not the criminal. Do this for years and years and wonder why nothing changes.
Isaac Bailey is a true racist.
So… let’s have a conversation about keeping them safe. However first I suggest you educate yourself on the issues surrounding the problem. Not just the progressive, leftist, anti-firearm, hoplophobic sound bites that seem to play on a continuous loop.
Let’s talk about how in many cases numerous other laws, rules, statutes and ordinances are routinely skirted or violated. Let’s talk about individuals known to law enforcement prior to them committing their heinous acts of violence. Let’s talk about the revolving doors within the justice system and the lack of accountability on both the administrators of justice and the people who elect/select them. Let’s talk about how those who willingly commit these heinous acts of violence are not deterred by the laws, rules, statutes and ordinances they are violating or the consequences of being caught. Let’s talk about the ‘gun free zones’ where we send children and grandchildren to be housed for approximately one third of their time under the misguided conception that those places are safe. Let’s talk about the fact evil people exist in this world and will thumb their noses at authority and an ordered society at every turn just because they can. Let’s talk about the natural right of self preservation and defense of one’s self and loved ones from those those evil individuals bent on committing those heinous acts of violence.
Unless and until all pertinentinformation, philosophies, agendas and narratives are a viable part of discussion… nothing is going to change.
Of course, “they” don’t want a conversation — they want us to submit to a lecture with no dissenting counterpoint allowed.
He’s “oppressed” therefore he can’t be racist or wrong about anything. If you’re white, you are required to shut up and nod, preferably while kneeling and wearing a Kente cloth.
“…“they” don’t want a conversation — they want us to submit to a lecture with no dissenting counterpoint allowed.”
Hallmark of a cult. And they would *love* to cast you out of society for your hateful ideology (according to them)…
Funny, I didn’t hear a peep about crime and real punishment, capital punishment, real bail reform, mandatory institutionalized dangerous people, stop and frisk, etc. etc! Not part of the plan I guess.
Baby, just imagine a world where only the government and their agents have guns. You don’t need to look very far, just open a history book written before ten years ago. This is the stark choice. You can have tragedies, or you can have genocides. Take your pick. Too dramatic? Judging by some of the rhetoric published in The New York Times and other leftist organizations recently, I’ll keep my guns. Tragedies can be mitigated.
“But genocides aren’t happening anywhere else!” you cry. To which I answer, you’re not looking hard enough, and history isn’t over yet.
And even in more modern times genocide does not require firearms.
In Rwanda nearly a million innocents were murdered with machetes not that long ago.
What about China, right now? Or Myanmar, right now? Or Yemen, right now? Or Palestine, right now?
it’s happening as we type. The continuing slaughter of millions of people by their governments. The rhetoric used to justify it is the same anti-white rhetoric emanating from our own Federal government. That’s right, there are elements within our own government that want to see a sizable proportion of the population DEAD!
If someone says they want to kill me, I take them very seriously. I’m keeping my guns.
“that want to see a sizable proportion of the population DEAD!”
Only if you vote for their political opponents. There is hope. Redemption begins with being an ally, and of course voting dem.
“Redemption begins with being an ally, and of course voting dem.”
LOL! In communist revolutions, the useful idiot are the first against the wall.
Re genocide US involvement in many countries tends to mitigate outright genocide but there are plenty of places still practicing it as well as slavery and other government sponsored social ills.
Sounds like it’s written by someone with some sever mental issues, lets make sure it never gets near a firearm, who knows what atrocities this person might commit. Lives under the banner of the American flag and the Constitution, but has no idea as to how those came to be. Obviously a product of a failed education system. Too bad. Oh yeah, I don’t buy the two time survivor nonsense. Was Issac Bailey shot at both events but lived? If not, hen Issac is not a survivor.
These people hate the American flag and the Constitution. They identify more with the rainbow flag or the Ukrainian flag than the American flag. The rainbow flag is the new Progressive flag. They fly it under the guise of helping people. Have you ever noticed they do everything under the guise of helping people, yet things always end up getting worse?
Always this raciss BS…who shoots the vast majority of children in Chiraq??? Who are the vast majority of Chiraq gangbangers? Who runs She-ca-go away??? For every so-called “mass shooting” by white boyz there are dozens by the “other”. SEE:East Lansing cretin…with a revolver!
The left: We’re not about racism.
Also the left: Since Bruen we have to defend gun control in court with text, history and tradition and all we have are slave era laws from the 19th century, so we’re going to defend modern gun control using pre civil war slavery laws in court.
LOL yeah going to be wild seeing them defend stuff using that next month up here.
This screed is the latest in an endless stream of screeds where a Progressive True Believer expresses his/her inmost sentiments which are the common sentiments of all Progressive True Believers:
1) I want what I want.
2) Facts are unimportant.
3) Feelings are preeminent.
4) Right-versus-wrong is a function of your politics.
5) Political enemies deserve harsh abuse and punishment.
Ignore the above truth at your own peril.
And for those of you who embrace that above truth, know that you cannot educate nor reason with Progressive True Believers–any more than you can educate or reason with a violent rapist who is determined to rape a woman.
This leads us to a monumentally important pearl of wisdom in this context:
When a rapist attacks a woman, her only effective option to stop the rape is to use any and all force necessary to fend-off her rapist. Similarly, when a Progressive True Believer attempts to violate our human dignity and inalienable human rights (either themselves or through a proxy), our only option to stop that violation of our human dignity is to use any and all force necessary to fend off that attack. THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is why must insist upon and uphold our inalienable right to keep and bear arms.
I find it interesting that the anti-gun — no, anti-freedom crowd lose their minds when there is a “mass shooting,” but they’re perfectly fine with thousands of one-on-one criminal uses of firearms.
Hence — the hysteria over “high-capacity” (standard-capacity) magazines. They assume that magazines containing more than 10 projectiles are more dangerous as they facilitate “killing as many as they can” during a single incident involving a mentally-ill shooter. But they have nary a word to say about the death toll in cities such as Chicago and St Louis that, one victim by one victim, add up to many multiples of those killed in statistically-rare “mass shooting” incidents.
They don’t care about urban violent crime because they think they can avoid being on the wrong side of the tracks. “Those icky people can do as they please. I’ll just stay over here.” Random shootings in “nice” places means they might have to deal with it. That’s why the media amplifies mass shootings while ignoring other shootings.
Or ignoring both when bail reform or racially inconvenient incidents occur.
Let’s flip the script for a moment:
Dear black Americans: You’re not racist about crime. You’re worse. | Opinion
Black men make up 6% of the population, but are responsible for
52% of all homicides
42% of all murders of police
30% of all rapes,
56% of all robberies
33% of all aggravated assaults 30% of all burglaries
38% of all ‘Violent Crime’
33% of all crimes against ‘families and children’
53% of all mass shootings
Again, I apologize for believing you were blinded by race or racism. I didn’t realize you lovedcrime, Glocks and AK-47s more than you love my kids or even your own.
I won’t make that mistake again.
You know when you the say, print or quote those statistics that they slap the name racist on you.
Even worse you become a “white supremacist ” even though the numbers do hash out.
I absolutely agree that the numbers are correct, even Hispanics know this.
On say Yahoo news someone says 13%, everybody knows what they are writing about.
13/52 is a unpopular but true statistic. Blacks make up 13% of the population,
and commit 52% of all homicides. That’s the counter attack that makes you a “white supremacist “.
The problem with that is those statistics come from the Justice Department.
Thats why when some people on here cry racism and gun control it is just plain stupid.
If the shoe fits……..
The reality is that someone is never arrested because of the color of their skin but rather for the actions they chose to take.
“Black men make up 6% of the population, but are responsible for
30% of all rapes
30% of all burglaries
38% of all ‘Violent Crime”
For example …
Tampa woman fights off attacker inside gym at apartment complex >
“Alma told deputies she was exercising alone that night. Around 10:40 p.m., she let the suspect inside the gym. Deputies said Alma had seen him at the gym previously, which is why she opened the door for him.
Hillsborough deputies said Alma was lifting weights when Thomas-Jones approached her and tried to grab her waist. She yelled at him and told him to get away from her, but he chased her around the gym at the apartment complex.
That’s when Thomas-Jones grabbed Alma and pinned her on the floor, deputies said. Alma can be seen on surveillance video trying to fight off the suspect while also trying to call 911 for help. The ordeal was captured on the gym’s surveillance cameras …
Thomas-Jones eventually released his grip on her, and Alma ran out of the gym to a nearby apartment, HCSO officials said.
As deputies were searching for him, Thomas-Jones returned to the apartment complex. The next day, around noon, deputies said he watched another woman on her balcony “for several minutes” before knocking on her apartment’s front door.
She answered, unaware Thomas-Jones was observing her just moments before, according to the suspect’s arrest affidavit. He asked her if she wanted to “hang out,” to which she replied, “Who the f— are you?
In court documents, Thomas-Jones admitted to restraining and battering the first victim because he wanted to have sex with her. As for the second victim, deputies said he went to the front door because he thought the victim was “pretty” and had sexual intentions with her as well.
He is facing charges of sexual battery, false imprisonment, burglary, and kidnappings, investigators said. As of Thursday morning, Thomas-Jones remains in Faulkenburg Jail.”
Ladies, the very best defense against rape is the Judge, 410 gauge birdshot. Aim low.
000 is what you shoot from a judge, very effective, not too much spread.
Why not use .45 Colt and permanently end the threat to future victims?
I have seen several Judge cylinders split in half when factory 45 ammo was used and it wasn’t +p either. My wifes’ defender has buck shot.
Agree. I keep an S&W Governor in the truck when I travel to large cities in case of carjackers.
I’m not going to fault Isaac for this, it’s the ramblings of a mentally ill person commenting on a tragedy caused by a mentally ill person. No, the real villain is the soulless animal who used this to boost a signal and the kicker is that the current “shot” of all this is to take heat off the prosecutor who followed DC’s diktat on cutting violent criminals a break while redirecting national anger away from the number of international crisis’s that our wise leaders blundered into.
“Rep. Elissa Slotkin of Michigan, after the latest mass shooting we’ll treat like wallpaper, said ‘you either care about protecting kids, or you don’t. But please don’t tell me you care about the safety of children if you’re not willing to have a conversation about keeping them safe in a place that should be a sanctuary.’
‘If this is not a wake-up call to do something, I don’t know what is,’ she said.”
A “sanctuary”?
a gun free zone is not a “sanctuary” that keeps people safe. stop telling that lie.
A gun free zone is a place where defenseless prey is guaranteed by law to the violent mentally ill and criminal preditors. For the latest you reference, an attractive hunting ground for the violent mentally ill and criminal preditors that was established under law by the democrats in your state.
so let’s have a conversation about how your left wing democrat ideals have failed to provide what you keep lying about by calling it a “sanctuary” and touting its safety.
Then when you get off that sanctimonious high horse of yours insisting the only way is as you dictate… we can have a discussion.
I love the comments under the Watts Twatter post. So many “do what Australia did!”
First off, it isn’t even true. Oz has more guns now than they did before their restrictions.
Second, there’s like 12 people there and they all live in one of two places: the tiny dick tip on the West or up along the ass crack on the East: https://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/0/0d1e2b7808f83d01ca257db100161343/Body/2.39CC!OpenElement&FieldElemFormat=jpg
And the damn rock is floating alone, by itself. One giant, empty island LARPing as a continent.
Somehow, to these people, that’s a comparable situation to the USA.
And here I thought that Bailey was going to apologize to the white race because the MSU shooter was black.
Regardless — Mr. Bailey, I do not accept your “apology,” no matter my color.
shhhhh.. if you mentioned the shooter was black you are racist and prove the point.
that’s how these idiots think.
Oh you white supremacist, how dare you write the truth?
Debbie is going to have a shit.
He addressed that in the article:
“The details don’t much matter…”
In other words, race doesn’t matter, so he isn’t going to address that. Except, you know, when it does matter, because the entire article is about whitey bad.
Just more upside down and backwards craziness.
“It Isn’t Racism That Keeps Americans From Doing Something About Guns, It’s Something Far Worse”
Sooooooooooo, you’re saying those who support the 2nd A are worse then racists.
Ok, let’s play that game. Pro 2As turn………..
Those who DON’T support the 2nd A are worse then Pol Pot.
He keeps saying “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry”
Why doesn’t he finish that thought……..”I’m sorry I tried to rob an armed victim”.
I know plenty of black people who own guns and are no more willing than me to give up their guns. Talk about racism, you stupid urbanized pos. Don’t you reckon blacks like to hunt and fish? Is it really going to make you happy when no one has anything? Nobody has shit, but we have equity.
So the maples formed a union
And demanded equal rights
‘The oaks are just too greedy
We will make them give us light’
Now there’s no more oak oppression
For they passed a noble law
And the trees are all kept equal
By hatchet, axe and saw
This country does not need to do anything about guns. It need to do something about the crime problem.
Plus unemployed poors like you who are morbidly obese and live in areas that are high crime.
A black person that lives in a small shack like yours has two targets.
Another poor black or a Big Fat White recluse. Who is the easier soft target?
You are effected by the crime problem because you are morbidly obese and unemployable.
“BUT the NRA!” The NRA doesn’t give you money, it takes it.
Lesson 1: How to Stalk a STALKER.
ROB S (as in STUPID) “Unemployed poors (sic)”? Is this new phraseology”? Plenty of “unemployed poors (sic)” don’t resort to crime. They seek help to lift themselves out of being “unemployed poors (sic)”. With all the jobs out there, there is no reason in God’s Good Earth to be unemployed unless you are just plain lazy. For your edification, I am since I retired from the State, owner of a business with quite a few clients.
No, the NRA does not give me money, STUPID, it’s not supposed to.
But then you are not the sharpest tack in the draw. Seems you have a case of the “pive-me’s”. LOL You are a prime example of pathetic. If I were you, I would go back to grammar school and learn how to read and write.
Wally Hillbilly,
Pretending to be a process server is not “owner of a business with quite a few clients”
You had one client with that so fake and cheesy patch that you had made and that’s far from “quite a few clients”.
Edification is your Jeopardy word, mine is prevarication as in Wally the 500lb fat ass prevaricates and lives in a shit shack that’s worth $70,000 in a neighborhood full of the poors.
Wally avoids stairs because more then 10 would likely kill him and take 5-7 minutes to climb.
Wally retired from the State which means you are on some sort of welfare to be able to buy food.
Give it up Wally Hillbilly, you are one of the poors who wants to pretend he actually did something with his life.
In reality you a pathetic POS who puts a burden on society.
“If I were you, I would go back to grammar school and learn how to read and write.”
I guess I would have to go back to Law School first on my way back to grammar school but I do love when you are in STALK mode and say something so fucking stupid like: “For your edification there is a law called blah, blah and it is so obvious that you have NO clue as to what you are writing about.
Go eat and clean your CPAP machine, I find your comments entertaining. You’re funny like a fat clown.
Rob S (as in STUPID), I did not think it was possible, but I guess I was wrong. You do get stupider by the day. I beg to differ, STUPID, you would have to go back and start all over again in Kindergarten. After all, STUPID is your law name, is it not? You went to law school? ROFLAMOBT! I doubt you could even find the bathroom in a “law school”. No one in their right mind would even consider you for grammar school with your intellect.
And edification as well as education is one of your sever deficiencies. I would love to see you in a court room use your term “unemployed poors”. The gallery would be in hysterics and the judge would be banging his gavel saying, “ORDER IN THE COURT”. That you could have even been admitted to a law school has to be your worst lie of your life time.
Matching wits with a half wit like you would be child’s play for a moron.
Poor Wally Hillbilly, always a day late and 500lbs heavy.
This stupid person passed the bar exam on the first try.
I’m not a trial lawyer so I wouldn’t be arguing in a court room.
Did you know that there are many different types of attorneys?
For you edification, there are. Maybe I’m just feeling weird today but:
Maybe I should pity you. You were never anything and never will be anything and that would make most sad. OTOH I destroy peoples lives for a living so I feel better now. Go fuck yourself you big fat slob and don’t choke to death on government cheese but if you do:
I hope it makes the papers.
https://www.facebook.com/people/Mohawk-Valley-Process-Service/100054303349519/ Thats just too funny! A $5 patch!
If you want a conversation, consider adding a comment section to your article. Otherwise, you’re blowing steam to no end other than stroking your own feelz.
Have you noticed how they always say we need to have a conversation, then never follow through? It’s almost like they’re FOS liars.
and… what about the black and white victims of this violent mentally ill black man at Michigan State?
victims 100% defenseless in a gun free zone established by left wing laws with a false promise of basically “this no guns zone will keep you safe”. If even one of those victims had a fire arm to defend with there would have been a much better chance of survival for them and others, much better than being 100% defenseless.
where was the hardening? the killer waltzes right into the buildings unopposed…. the same scenario that has played out before. Where were the hardening factors?
time and time again we have seen mass killers either flee or run off to kill themselves when engaged by an armed defender. for the ones that did not do that time and time again we have seen these mass killers stopped when faced by an armed defender.
take the frigging hint… ‘no guns’ zones do not stop mass killers. guns stop mass killers, and history and fact has proven that the more immediate that armed response is the more people are saved.
fact and history has shown that: while waiting for police to show these killers have at least a minimum of 3 minutes kill zone dominance, when an already present in the area ordinary law abiding armed citizen engages them by firearm they have 15 seconds or less in kill zone dominance.
no guns zones kill, period, when a mass killer shows up.
let these people be armed. its their constitutional right to self defense that you have removed and thus endangered them with your false promise that a gun free zone keeps them safe.
Interesting note about the photo heading the article:
>”A symbolic rock at the the university, where mourners gathered in the evening to pay tribute to the victims, has been serving as an impromptu memorial and at first featured the words, “How many more?” and “Stay Safe MSU.”
Overnight that was painted over with the pro-gun sign, “Allow us to defend ourselves & carry on campus.”
By 9 a.m. Wednesday, the new message on the Rock — long a spot for free expression on campus — had been changed to, “To those we lost, to those healing, Brian, Arielle, Alexandria.” Those were the first names of the students killed in Monday night’s attack by a gunman.< — MSN
Canada has loosened its euthanasia laws so much, they are encouraging people to have doctors poison them on purpose rather than pursue treatment for their illnesses. This is where government healthcare leads.
I’m keeping my guns.
The “sanctuaries” are seen as “soft targets” by mass shooters.
Trayvon Martin was a burglar who assaulted a man with a deadly weapon (the curb.)
You know who failed to protect anyone during either shooting? The state. Maybe taking affirmative actions to assure one’s own safety is a smart idea…..
Just another sick black person with nothing better than the race card to offer. Might try looking at statistics about how gun laws don’t work, how criminals get guns despite the laws, how blacks kill more blacks than whites, how blacks kill more whites than whites, etc etc etc,
Most people are tired of all this racist stuff. Pro football players and other black athletes have a very high arrest record and these people make big bucks as do entertainers etc. Unfortunately because of not having a father figure in the home this leads to a culture of misdeeds amongst blacks which they carry with them througout life. When is the last time you saw a white man slap a white man at the Academy Awards.
So lets cut the racist nonsense and start being responsible for your own behaviors.
“… Rep. Elissa Slotkin of Michigan, after the latest mass shooting we’ll treat like wallpaper, said ‘you either care about protecting kids, or you don’t.'”
Again, I apologize for believing you were blinded by race or racism. I didn’t realize you loved Glocks and AK-47s more than you love my kids or even your own.”
Lets see, you will let kids at this age join the military and go off to war, but you stick them in a ‘no guns’ zone and lie to them telling them they are safe in that zone and remove from them their right to self defense by prohibiting guns.
My wife and I do not have kids of our own, we have nieces and nephews that are like our own kids though. When I was a kid my dad told me “Son, don’t ever depend on others to be there to protect and defend you or your loved ones. Always be ready to protect and defend your self and the ones you love.”
Bailey says his piece and Slotkin says hers. My question is where were these two when these 100% defenseless by law kids needed to be protected from a killer their make believe ‘no guns’ zone force field did not stop?
You love your kids, then give them the skills and means to protect and defend themselves with firearms. Like my dad told me “don’t ever depend on others to be there to protect and defend you or your loved ones”, Bailey and Slotkin have proven that to have been true as neither of them were there to protect these kids but they each made sure these victims were 100% defenseless.
Fathers teaching their sons. Another benefit being discarded by our current society.
Ms. Bailey does not realize the Far Right are sick paranoids and suffer from PTSD, but she is correct in stating they do not even care about their own children because their mental illness distorts all common sense and logic.
One cannot reason with the Far Right because they cannot reason even with themselves, they force themselves to live in a world of complete madness.
dacian — then don’t try to reason with us. Don’t speak to us. Leave us.
There’s nothing that we can learn from you, except not to be like you.
You’ll stop commenting then?? Or are you just teasing us?
His mental illness demands he be here. The beatings we give him are the only human interaction that he gets.
Its very lonely in mommy’s basement.
“Ms. Bailey does not realize the Far Right are sick paranoids and suffer from PTSD, but she is correct in stating they do not even care about their own children because their mental illness distorts all common sense and logic.
One cannot reason with the Far Right because they cannot reason even with themselves, they force themselves to live in a world of complete madness.”
1. Assuming you are writing in reference to the article: Issac Bailey is male, not female. There is no ‘Ms. Bailey’ or ‘she’ that is Issac Bailey.
2. Issac Bailey and you both share something in common: You both ignore the killer at MSU was a violent mentally ill black man, and that a make believe force field of ‘non guns’ zone does not provide the safety your fellow left wing idiots falsely promise it does.
3. You and Issac Bailey also share something else in common: Both of you are drenched in the blood of innocents for the MSU incident. You both want there to be defenseless prey by law, prey ready and available for the killer predators that come along. Both of you aided and facilitated this, both of you were complicit, for allowing these people to be 100% defenseless by your continuing efforts to tout lies to support an agenda of tyranny and now both of you stand back and blame millions of law abiding honest citizens simply because they exercise their constitutional right. You and Baily are both hypocrites and sick mentally ill people who would gladly see others remain 100% defenseless and die if you can only get one more ‘No Guns’ sign posted and could blame it on someone else except the one who did it. You two are worse than any problem, ya’ll are part of the bunch that wants to watch the world burn as long as you can blame it on someone else.
Your racist comment about the killer being a black man stands out in all of its repugnant racism.
Quote———–: Both of you are drenched in the blood of innocents for the MSU incident.———quote
And in mass shootings an armed citizen is only successful only 15% of the time.
According to the data, citizens stopped shooters 50 times in the 316 attacks. But in only 10 out of those 50 incidents did citizens actually stop the shooter by using a gun. The other 40 times, it was with their hands or another weapon.
Try again Booger Brain because it is people like you that prevent such common sense gun laws like Universal Background Checks and Safe Storage Laws.
“Your racist comment about the killer being a black man stands out in all of its repugnant racism.”
Stating a fact about the killer’s race isn’t racist, you degenerate bastard. You can’t even determine the correct sex of the racist writer, you sexist.
“…common sense gun laws like Universal Background Checks and Safe Storage Laws”
… wouldn’t have stopped this killer. It isn’t “common sense” to penalize law-abiding citizens for the actions of a mentally-ill person. Taking away a citizen’s innate right of self-defense will only increase the death toll of the innocent.
dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, Since when is it “racist” to point out an obvious fact?
A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, ‘You are mad; you are not like us.
Took a few centuries but fits.
No proof (other than the lack of spelling errors, and something approaching actual grammar), but I believe that is fake dacian. Far to close to actual rational thought to be the real thing.
Wouldn’t be the first time that there is some kind of melt down followed by a bunch of imposter/various similar names then a new wall of text poster with similar claims. Vlad (tepes) is an example from a few years ago. Probably others as well.
Dacian the FASCIST “BRITISH SUBJECT” again blathering his/her/its “MASTERS” orders!!!
The price of protecting children is harm to those who would harm them. Isaac (and others like him) have been brainwashed against that. To them, fighting back, especially if you do serious or fatal injury to a would be mass murderer, makes you no better than the murderer.
“To them, fighting back, especially if you do serious or fatal injury to a would be mass murderer, makes you no better than the murderer.”
Perhaps. But it also keeps me, and possibly others, alive. I’ll settle for that. 🙂
In the 1950’s there was ONE mass shooting. It happened in the House of Representatives. No one died. What we have today is the result of the demoralization of our culture. Fix the culture.
This guy gets it. You can chart the various changes (for the worse) from the 60’s.
As is typical on these Progressive communistic articles there’s no place to make a comment of your own. Guess they don’t want to feel the heat of the truth.
The twisted and perverted mind of the liberal/leftist is on full display with their cognitive dissonance. When the mass shooter is a black man. A black man who had previously committed felonies. And those same white liberals insist on not having that black man be charged, and prosecuted with those felonies. Because they say there are too many black men locked up in prison. And because of their policies of refusing to prosecute black criminals this guy was able to get a gun legally.
This is why the white liberal leftist is basically such a dishonest person. Of course they will not accept the responsibility for creating the situation, where black criminals are not held accountable. It’s their policy of not Prosecuting and releasing criminals early, that allows even more crimes to be committed.
Of course they are calling everyone else a racist. It’s the only thing they can do, to try to distract away from policies that they created. That allow mass shooting to become even more prevalent.
That is the kind of white liberal/leftist thinking we are up against.
This shooter was an invader. He was not a student. He was not a member of the school staff. He was simply a criminal who invaded school property. And was very comfortable with violating the law stating guns were not allowed on campus.
He and others before him, are while I was in college, I made my EDC a handgun and a long gun.
I refuse to be lectured by people that support the wholesale slaughter of the most innocent among us,, just because they’re inconvenient to your lifestyle choices.
Your hands, Liberals, are covered in far more blood than mine.
Poke that in your pipe and smoke it.
Yes, Mr. bailey, I agree with your conclusion that, “it is not racism.”
However, I disagree with your premises that you present to support your conclusion.
I agree that it is not racism.
Its also Not The Gun Itself. For we all know, it takes a human to cause a gun to discharge a bullet and kill someone.
The most obvious, yet so often ignored reasons for thousands of shootings and murders each and every day in communities across America is called selective Black Blindness and Deafness by pundits like yourself towards these murders of young black men, committed in Black Communities by…wait for it…wait for it…Oh, other Young Black Men!
But wait, that does not fit nicely in to your narrative that White People are the cause for everything wrong that ever has happened in a Black Man’s life in America. The White Man has held the Black Man down, right?
If that were true, would that not be an insult to, and beg the question of, how have Black Men been so successful in so many industries, professions, sports, local businesses, and educational pursuits while being held back in a society “controlled” by the “White Man.”
Would you be interested to know that according to FBI National Crime Statistics, there are more white males killed every year during an interaction with law enforcement than males of any other racial group.
Stop the Hate! Become an agent of change in the Black Communities where young black men are murdering other young black men by the droves every week with ill gotten guns that fall between the cracks of gun control laws and justice.
Advocate for groups such as BLM to use the hundreds of millions of donated public and private dollars to interdict young black males on the streets of urban cities and beyond, across our nation
But, I guess that would not be as easy of a task, and fit your narrative that White Men are the Only Racists in America, and are to blame for everything bad in a Black Man’s Life!
Stop the Ad Hominen attacks.
Do something Real That Matters in the lives of your fellow Black Men!
I am assuming that for many Black Men such as yourself, it is really not about Black Equality after all.
It is about Beyond Equality!
It is about “get back, one upsmanship, make the white man pay,” right?
Beyond Black Equality and revenge equals Black Control!
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