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[h/t Tirrus]

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  1. As a proud Washingtonian, raised in Seattle, I thought for sure this song would be about fishing and beer.

    I enjoyed it, though.

  2. I don’t have fussbook, so I can’t friend these guys. Friending ’em anyway. The Ballard Brothers RULE!

    I cain’t seem to wipe this grin off my face. They made my day. That there midget mayor should be tied to a chair, eyelids taped open, and have to watch this for 48 hours straight. It might actually kill him.

    NOTICE: I am IN NO WAY ADVOCATING the killing of Michael Bloomberg. To quote Richard Nixon, “it would be wrong”.

    • + 1

      I propose 2-4 yr. terms by lottery. Must meet three qualifications:

      Registered Voter –
      Well Duh, if you don’t care then be a slave to those that do.

      Business Owner – If you aren’t a Capitalist in a Capitalist society, then your a drag on the system. Or if you like, it’s hard to vote intellectually on a successful economically diverse system, if you haven’t built or run one yourself.

      Military Service – Should be mandatory anyway for all at 18 yr. olds, but I digress. Instills (much needed) discipline, sense of ability and confidence in oneself. Also needed to have a foundational understanding of future military matters that may/will arise.

      My .02

      • Myself being over 18 years of age, and therefore exempt from any such service, I wholeheartedly advocate this policy.

  3. “Since we’re making up a list of things we think should not exist, I propose a ban on any show hosted by Piers Morgan. I mean, come on, for goodness sake, there’s only so much we can take, and no one should ever have to die of boredom.”


  4. The sad thing is – some idiot probably just misinterpreted it as a pro gun-control song and just posted it to facebook.

  5. At least it doesn’t reinforce the stereotype that gun owners are nothing but a bunch of OFWGs. (/sarc)

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