Bank of America wants to talk to gun makers about assault weapons reveals. “I spent my whole life trying not to be careless,” Bank America CEO Brian T. Moynihan told BOA clients who manufacture modern sporting rifles. “Women and children can afford to be careless, but not men.” Wait. That was Don Corleone in The Godfather. But you knew that because . . .
a latter-day Don wouldn’t be so misogynistic. In fact (not fiction), we don’t know what Mr. Moynihan is going to say to AR makers. In a statement released earlier today, BOA announced their corporate desire to “examine what we can do to help end the tragedy of mass shootings.”
“[A]n immediate step we’re taking is to engage the limited number of clients we have that manufacture assault weapons for non-military use to understand what they can contribute to this shared responsibility,” the statement . . . reads? Warns? Promises? Nothing good.
I’d like Mr. Moynihan to tell AR makers “Thank you for helping protect Americans’ natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. Rest assured that Bank of America fully supports any company selling any legal product legally.” But then I’d like to say Peter North and I have something in common. (We don’t. He’s Canadian.)
Bank of America’s statement follows a New York Times editorial calling for the financial industry to push back against “the massive gun lobby” by refusing to process firearm sales through its credit cards.
Meanwhile, Blackrock is making equally ominous noises towards American Outdoor Brands (a.k.a., Smith & Wesson) and Ruger, two companies in which the world’s largest asset manager (not unfamiliar with insider trading) maintains a significant shareholdings. And the number of companies distancing themselves from the NRA continues to grow.
Since Thursday, a wave of companies — including United and Delta airlines, Metlife and six car rental brands — have abandoned the National Rifle Association. They’ve pulled discount deals they used to offer to NRA members, and one local bank in Omaha pledged to stop issuing an NRA-branded Visa card.
None of those companies gave specific reasons for parting ways with the NRA, but their announcements came as the hashtag #BoycottNRA flooded social media.
The enemies of firearms freedom are a devious lot. By coming out against the NRA, these companies have outed themselves. For that The People of the Gun thank them. And nothing else.
If major manufacturers start making them, cottage industries – and cover hobbyists – will fill in the holes in the supply chain. There won’t be any serial numbers on the home made guns
The law of unintended consequences. There will be millions of unserialized guns
Anyone so brain addled as to patronize is to be pitied.
No problem. I will do no business with any of these companies. Now obviously, these companies could care less about little old me. However when (hopefully) millions do the same, that will make them stand up and take notice.
” But then I’d like to say Peter North and I have something in common. (We don’t. He’s Canadian.)”
Well, he is a car guy. Not exotic or important ones, but he’s had some fast tuner cars…
How about………Cash ?
That’s the f’n problem with adults in America; they throw off all responsibility, all their duties. That’s why the kids are being harmed in all sorts of ways. That’s how kids become school shooters. Society will only get worse because of it.
So the adults failed, now the kids have to deal with it? To kids in America, the adults are turning America into a sh******. Imagine how kids feel every time they look you in the face.
Still waiting for his three or so fellow deputies to do the correct thing and resign also.
One could still use these cards at an ATM. No way for the banks to know what the cash is for.
“The children are sincere. But they are children, ignorant of the debate, arguing from emotion, being used by political operatives.”
Bull. Fucking. Shit.
That bald-headed chick and the other kid are both trained political operatives. That they still wear the ‘junior’ designation is beside the point. Did no one watch the Loesch public-shaming spectacle? The room was roaring with hatred, and that ‘mere child’ stood calm and maintained a professional (if highly disingenuous) demeanor in full control. She even calmed the crowd down when they were getting too rowdy for the cameras. IIRC, she even had explicit connections to gun control advocacy groups before this attack even started. Perfectly normal background and skillset for a typical highschooler, right?
The boy has familial and professional connections to the national CNN news behemoth, which have gotten him on TV a number of times in the past, and suddenly he’s the point-man for every media outlet descending on the area. Reads a script like it was second nature, and again, maintains uncanny control of himself for being ‘a nobody’ thrust into the limelight as an emotional wreck. Mother is keyed into the national news scene, father is keyed into federal law enforcement & large-scale business. Again, perfectly normal background for some random kid.
There’s no conspiracy, this school was just a birthing ground for the modern social justice warrior movement, is all. And coincidentally, the policies that everyone from the kids, to the teachers, to the school cops, to the principal, to the local cops, to the sheriff, to the local FBI call center people, to probably the governor, state attorney general, and state FBI oversight officials were pursuing to ‘make the crime numbers look good’ let dangerous criminals and psychopaths rump rampant until the situation we find ourselves in today.
All I have to say to this is
I’m a frequent business traveler who flies first class and full rate – complements of my company. I just let Delta and United know that I will never again fly their airlines. They just lost tens of thousands of dollars from just this one customer. I told them to stick with what they do best and leave the politics to the politicians. We all need to send a similar message by no longer giving them our business. This silent majority needs to start speaking up.
Well this should be fun as B of A is the clearing house the NFA branch uses, for machine guns and all those other fun toys no less.
Maybe the bank needs to think about it’s duty to it’s shareholders and not political activists
One door closes, another door opens….. I feel like they would hurt themselves about as much or more than hurting the gun industry. There are a lot of gun people out there, so BOA could find themselves with a drop in business. Wouldn’t that be a slap 👋🏼 in the face. Only one thing left to say.. #boycottboa #outallantis
Looks like Ruger needs to buy a bank….and start issuing credit cards.
Im up for that…. if I can use my points to buys guns…..
I like it!
The parkland incident is a fuck up on every single level. Now the fight begins on who or what to blame and how to weight the causes.
I recall a few years back some credit card processors began denial of payment. Thus, leading Kelly McMillan of McMillan Bros Rifles to create McMillan Merchant Services.
Sounds like McMillan Bank might be next.
It looks like trump really may have turned on us this time.
College kids can protest all they want, they still don’t vote. Of course the administrators don’t care if the kids go to class, they much prefer four year degrees take eight years and want more SJWs that have no idea what they are talking about.
If they already have a bunch of guns, then they don’t need to buy anymore. Looks like a waste of time and money that isn’t going to do much of anything. Security Theater.
slow creeping infringement.
I think a huge part of the armed teacher dystopia is that they seem to think they are all going to be forced to be Bruce Willis in Die Hard, Clearing rooms and hunting down the bad guy. I’m pretty sure the reality would be quite the oppposite- Lock your door, get the children below the window line and behind you and wait. Any one comes though the door with out a passphrase after an all Clear alert gets shot.
Ok dont want that responsibility. Cool. How about a camera above the door, The equivalent of a claymore in the door frame ( modified for back blast ) and a centralized activation center.
You hear the alert, You lock the door which arms the system, and you take cover to rear with the kids. The central activation monitor sees the bad guy in front of the door and activates ” the device”.
of course if he starts in your class , you’re in a public area, or that whole pesky technology failure rate -all bets are off but its a start.
Cool. If the current crop of liberals was around back then, these would have been banned.
The problem with restraining orders etc is they grow. Temporary orders in my part of Australia used to have to be signed by a judge or Justice of the Peace. Now to save police time they just decide if complaint is “valid” and serve it on own authority. That is if your even given the order.
Permanent orders need court. But temporary order is enough to have to move firearms to safe storage, friends etc. Very common tactic in divorce and custody cases.
Hey Robert, Got a new TTAG article for you.
Apparently, Commie china thinks are RTKBA are a “human rights violation”
how many gun-owners are there in the US?
how many of them support the NRA?
how many of them support companies like Sturm-Ruger who make ‘assault’ rifles?
that doesn’t mean they have to be “paid-up” members or actual share-holders but, just, “supporters”;
two can play the ‘boycott’ game;
a flood of letters and faxes to the CEO’s of those anti-NRA, anti-gunmaker companies threatening to not only boycott all their products and services but threatening that all your friends and relations will, also, boycott their services, will very soon make them “sit up and take notice”
of course: i recommend letters and faxes rather than emails or telephone calls because there are hard-copy records kept of the former whereas the latter can simply be ‘deleted’ or ignored….
Thank you so much for the honest testament! I honestly have somewhat of a personal affection for the .40S&W, and it has always served me just fine! I know that the 9mm right now is the great hype, and yes, no real world difference in stopping power than most other effective handgun cartridges. But I’ll say this to all the 9mm bandwagon boys, the last ammo shortage that came around(which we all know will come again, because history repeats itself.) I saw virtually no 9mm availability in my local stores, but .40 and .45 were plentiful. It’s a beautiful thing! I was in a big box store not long ago, we could call it whatever name you want, but I’ll call it Gander Mountain in Terre Haute, IN. I sat quietly, yet hesitantly by, and listened to a “knowledgeable salesman” tell an unknowledgeable, new gun buyer, and I quote, “you would be better off to choose a .38 over a 9mm. Here, look at the difference… the .38 is longer, which means it has more room for powder inside, so it is a hotter, more effective round.” 😮 It was at that point I became sick to my stomach, and pretty well laughed at the lack of training and overly cocky confidence these big box store salesman have.
As soon as I read this, I went to BOA website and sent them an email. Basically indicated that I was a 30 year customer and that if they continued their current anti second amendment shenanigans that I would drop them like a hot rock. They might not care, but neither do I. Time to put a stop to the leftist hysteria.
They conveniently avoid the fact that their fellow Democrats are overwhelmingly responsible for the other 97+% of the firearm murders in this country…. Deflection from the violent, uncivilized tendencies of Democrats…
20 years from now this will be the good old days.
The (D) will yearn for the time when you couldn’t 3d print a handheld electromagnetic bolt gun, when there were no artificially intelligent drones that can hover and anonymously attack anyone at random, and the whole millennial generation wasn’t blasted out of their mind on combination heroin/opioid/designer drugs shaped to look like tide pods.
And we should raise the driving age to 21 as well…as well as the draft age. And the voting age, of course.
Perhaps have a minimum age to have children as well? Absolutely!
We have a minimum age to become president, after all.
And add women to the draft…so there are equal rights…for sure.
Or we could prosecute gun crimes with harsher sentencing instead of probation.
Seize illegal guns from prohibited persons.
Offer significant rewards for illegal guns/owners/buyers/sellers.
Oh wait…that would be racist.
Wrong. They’re for linearly accelerating a projectile using chemical energy.
She’s not only presenting her imagination and ignorance as fact but expecting it to frame the argument.
“I spent my whole life trying not to be careless,” Bank America CEO Brian T. Moynihan told BOA clients who manufacture modern sporting rifles.
He was very careful when he propped up sub-prime loans and derivatives that tanked the economy and his bank was bailed out by us. His bank was one of the “too big to fail” giant banks that gave loans to people they knew couldn’t afford.
In 2014, the Bank of America reached a record settlement of nearly $17 billion to resolve an investigation into its role in the sale of mortgage-backed securities before the 2008 financial crisis, officials directly familiar with the matter said Wednesday.
Watch the movie “The Big Short”. BoA are lying opportunists. You know…a bank. Take your money out now.
shes retarded
she doesnt know what shes talking about
obamas own cdc did a study and found this:
“Defensive uses of guns by crime victims is a common occurrence, although the exact number remains disputed. Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year, in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008.”
The problem is, we have allowed the anti Second Amendment crowd to define the terms.
A firearm is a tool which possess no evil intent on its own. Assigning intent to an inanimate object is the epitome of insanity. Demonizing a weapon on “looks alone” also marks the accuser as an unstable individual who is also insane. Call them out on their illogic and insanity.
Another dirty tactic the anti-Second Amendment crowd uses exposes children to potential and actual harm by putting them in “gun-free zones”. These people care not one wit about children, but uses them for their own nefarious purposes.
We need to TAKE BACK the argument…
When the antis blame the firearm for the actions of a criminal, state that: “a firearm is an inanimate object, subject only to the intent of the user. Firearms ARE used to preserve life and make a 90 lb. woman equal to a 200 lb. criminal.
When the antis attempt to justify their “gun free zones” counter their misguided argument with “you mean, criminal safety zones” or “victim disarmament zones”.
State that “we protect our money, banks, politicians and celebrities, buildings and facilities with PEOPLE WITH GUNS, but protect our children with “gun-free zone” signs”.
When the antis criticize AR-15s in general, counter with: “you mean the most popular rifle of the day, use able by even the smallest, weakest person as a means of self-defense. Besides, AR-15s are FUN to shoot”. Offer to take them to the range and supply them with an AR-15, ammunition and range time. I have made
many converts this way.
When the antis state that: “You don’t need an AR-15 to hunt with”, counter with “AR-15s ARE used for hunting, but in many states, are prohibited from being used to take large game because they are underpowered”.
When the antis state that: “AR-15s are high powered rifles”, correct them by stating that “AR-15s with the .223 or 5.56mm cartridge are considered medium-powered weapons–NOT “high-powered” by any means”.
When the antis state that: “you don’e need and AR-15”, counter with, “Who are YOU to considere what I need?”
When the antis state that: “the Constitution was written during the ime of muskets, and that the Second Amendment should only apply to “weapons of that time period”, state that: “by your logic, the First Amendment should not apply to modern-day telecommunications, internet, television, radio, public-address systems, books and newspapers produced on high-speed offset printing presses. Only “town-criers” and Benjamin Franklin type printing presses would be covered under the First Amendment”.
When the antis state that “only law enforcement and government should possess firearms”, remind them of the latest school shooting, as well as Columbine, where “law enforcement” SAT ON THEIR HANDS while children were being murdered, citing “officer safety”, afraid to challenge the shooter, despite being armed to the hilt. The government-run murderous sieges at Ruby Ridge and Waco are also good examples of government (mis)use of firearms.
This tome can be used to counter any argument against any infringement of our Second Amendment.
The weakest part of this argument is that it only looks at the potential cons of guns. None of the antis mention (or more likely the don’t know) that at least 55 to 70 crimes are prevented every year by guns. Even if the crime is not completely prevented the injuries sustained in self defense are less severe. This comes from a CDC study commisioned by Obama.
As many on this board know, this is likely a low estimate. It is far more likely this number is in the hundreds of thousands. It’s hard to prove because it’s difficult to measure a crime that does not happen.
Same old shit.
My question is who does the president think will vote for him if he should choose to run for reelection,certainly not the ape shit left of either party,he will find himself a man without voters.
This is the biggest threat to the 2A to date, it’s the same tool they used to try and shut down wiki-leaks by bleeding them of money. Look deeper, if banks refuse to do business with gun manufacturers and gun shops everything in the industry will have to be done in cash.
According to “Bank of America seems to have been the most accommodating bank (for pot businesses). Over half of the marijuana businesses included in the survey had accounts at the bank”. In all fairness, in 2014 the Obama administration encouraged banks to cooperate with the emerging marijuana businesses in order “to enhance the availability of financial services for, and the financial transparency of, marijuana-related businesses” according to the US Dept. of Treasury.
BoA however claimed that “As a federally regulated financial institution, we abide by federal law and do not bank marijuana-related businesses.” But they lied. Now the leading pot financier is refusing to deal with the lawful firearms business. Hypocrisy, thy name is Bank of America.
BOA may want to check their closets before claiming any moral outrage.
I have been with BOA for over 30 years and if they do this I will pull my account we law abiding gun owners need to make a stand.
It’s like the Liberals want a civil war. If that’s what happens they’ll get bullets. This is still America and I’m not going to have people telling me what I can and cannot buy.