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In many if not most families, the gun guy is charged with armed self-defense for the whole brood. Hello? What if the man in the house is out of the house? Also, who do you think the bad guys are going to target first? Any good home defense plan includes all family members. Children you deem responsible should know the location of your home defense gun and how to use it. As I’m a great believer in expert training, I asked the rabbi to give Sarah a quick course on how to shoot our Benelli M2 Tactical. She wasn’t put off by the recoil. In fact, she found the experience strangely satisfying. Remember: the most important factor for gun safety—and family safety—lies between the ears.

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  1. Great stuff. Poor girl took some hits from the recoil though. I opted for the pistol grip and reduced recoil stock and ammo so my wife can knock off a couple and not be so surprised and shocked by the force. Great shot though and the target could not have been better.

  2. This Benelli M2 has the ComforTech stock, and Sarah wanted to start with the full monte (double ought). She said she’ll be sure to hold the front of the shotgun more tightly next time.

    • Oh, well that explains a lot. 00 is a heavy hitter. What about the 1oz slug and 3 00 pellet shells they have now. Do you think those have more or less recoil then the standard 00? I don’t have a clue as to where I would find that information.

  3. So blasting away at a cardboard cut-out of young Mr. Bieber proves mildly amusing. Yet if that same target had been someone dressed in some vague sort of law enforcement costume, all hell would break loose.

    I’m just remembering a while back when some poor schlub here in town got busted for a pound of weed or something like that. And he had one of those life size cop targets in his living room. The local newspaper/local cops just went ballistic on him. They even had a picture of it with the newspaper story. You know, because that proves… something. Right?

    • “I’m just remembering a while back when some poor schlub here in town got busted for a pound of weed or something like that. And he had one of those life size cop targets in his living room. The local newspaper/local cops just went ballistic on him. They even had a picture of it with the newspaper story. You know, because that proves… something. Right?”

      Sounds like a drug dealer with cop shooting in mind to me 😉

    • From that angle I can see nothing wrong with her form. Maybe lean into it a little more as she is small for the gun she is firing. Do you have any tips for a smaller lady holding a gun like that? My wife is not much bigger then her.

      • Definitely leaning in will help! I also teach that you should pull the gun into your shoulder with the right hand and pull out with the left to mitigate recoil.

        I think Sara did a great job considering that this was her first experience shooting a shotgun!

        • “I think Sara did a great job considering that this was her first experience shooting a shotgun!”

          Me as well. The first kick is always unexpected no matter what they tell you. My Grandfather had me shoot an old goose gun when I was twelve. Needless to say my mass did not equal the kick of the gun’s mass (that and my stance and holding it was so wrong compared to this young ladies ;))

  4. Would the choice between a 12 gauge and a 20 gauge make much of a difference for home defense if both have similar loads and barrels lengths?

    As in would the recoil be less enough in the 20 to prefer it over the 12?

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