It comes as no surprise to anyone that the NRA is under constant fire from the left, as the organization has been at the forefront of protecting gun rights and education since its inception in 1871. In recent years, however, we have seen increased political pressure and a consistently weaponized judicial system used to target the NRA with New York Attorney General Leticia James launching an investigation seeking to put the organization out of business entirely. What has emerged from internal and external investigations have been allegations and findings that certain individuals participated in transactions that ran afoul of NRA policies and procedures, with misappropriation of members’ funds at the top of that list. This has sparked a battle between the old guard, led formerly by ousted CEO Wayne LaPierre, and a group of reformers seeking to revamp the NRA’s image and set the ship back on course. 

One such reformer is Owen “Buz” Mills, the owner of Gunsite Academy, an Arizona-based weapons training facility for members of the armed forces, law enforcement and civilians, and a former gubernatorial candidate in the state. With annual elections for the NRA Board of Directors rapidly approaching, Mills is using his platform to encourage the election of additional reformers to the board, releasing a statement last week asking members to sign petitions in support of a list of reformers he believes will take control of the NRA and bring it back to the members.

Mills provides a link to the round-up of candidates he feels will support the reform movement and asks that you help them get on the ballot. Each candidate endorsed on the page has a bio that he encourages you to read and a petition he asks that you sign and circulate for additional signatures. Getting these reform candidates on the ballot requires 500 signatures of NRA life members (or annual members with 5 continuous years of membership), and all pertinent mailing information is provided to get the petitions to Rocky Marshall, who will need them submitted by September 30th in order to meet the NRA’s deadline. 

NRA Petition Candidates Round-Up

Now would be a great time to ask you, the TTAG audience, how you feel about the NRA’s performance and which gun rights organizations you currently lend your support to. With organizations like Gun Owners of America (GOA), Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) and the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) making big moves, how important do you feel it is to give the NRA a facelift and help them continue the fight for your freedom? Or do you trust these other organizations to take on the mantle of defending your rights?


  1. Whether they realized the scope at the time or not they backed Bruen once the case took off. We will see what they do with their resources going forward.

    • Until the LaPierre acolytes are removed from the BOD and any influence on the day to day operations of the NRA. Nothing of substance will change. First and foremost the size of the BOD needs to be reduced to no more than 10 members with elections held every 2 years with a limit of 4 years served. One of the biggest problems with the BOD is that certain members lost their fear of losing their position and the $$$ that comes with it. Much like members of Congress they went along to get along regardless of the harm it caused their constituents.

      • Damn, Darkman, you eat me to it – and nearly word for word of what I was going to say.
        I hearby second the above sentiment.

      • Cool!!!!!

        And I think rats oughta take a look in the mirror and commit harikari with their tiny rat hands. And then we can pass a law against solar flares…

        Leticia thanks you for your service.

  2. Time will tell if a Constitutional Right continues to be a shuttlecock between Gun Control zealots and those supposedly on point Defending the 2A. I do not want to see Gun Control get the occasional slap, I want it dead and buried like its sidekick Slavery.

    I do not see any group dedicated to seeing the defenseless victims of Gun Control receive the justice they deserve. Gun Control predates the Second Amendment and for it to still receive standing in courts and name recognition in the congressional 1968 Gun Control Act is despicable.

    • The death of gun control and the zealots that support it won’t happen until Patriots remove it from the political landscape of the nation and that will require some fertilizer upon the Tree of Liberty. Like it or not. Freedom is not Free and rarely cheap but the Founding Patriots were willing to pay the price because they understood that whatever the price it was cheaper than living under the Boot of Tyranny.

  3. I’m old enough to remember the old NRA , pre 70s. Never felt the need to get political or enter the fight to elect 2cd A folks. They were smug in the haughty attitude toward any one that might want to pick a fight . At any gun range you went to politics were frowned on and ALL the hunting mags were sickening polite all the while polititians were building gun laws like the 1968 fed laws. The old puffy boys at the NRA sat on their cushy seats and never said a wordin fact some supported the laws.

    • I am old enough to remember 68. The backlash from the Tower Massacre and the Kennedy assassination(s) was so strong that many were confident that ALL repeaters would be banned. Highly conservative people were talking about placing restrictions on telescopic sights. IF you actually own a gun, thank the NRA. Further, it’s my opinion that you oughta show some damn loyalty, or shut up.

      Leticia thanks you for your service.

  4. They promoted red flag laws!!! They disgraced its members! Make Wayne pay back the money he wasted!
    GOA. All the way!!! They fight and win!!!

  5. When I see NRA as the lead attorneys in every gun control challenge, and attacking NFA and GCA, then, maybe then, NRA will be worthy of financial support.

    It’s my money, and I allocate it where I decide; no need to say please for a happy tune.

    • Sure thing, nick.

      Feel free to go to the dog park with your cat as well.

      The NRA gets LAWS PASSED. Leticia hates the NRA. She don’t hate the alphabet newbs.

    • Negotiating Rights Away was behind the writing and passing of the NFA and GCA.. Why would they lobby against them when they were the NRA’s babies. .Same with Redflag laws and safe-storage mandates. Sarah Brady and Gabby Gifford should be members since the NRA passed bigger anti-gun bills than either of those two ever managed.

      • Thats for pimping the CNN/MSNBC/ABC propaganda.

        Fill out your history “education” then get back to us. Start with “nra revolt in cincinnati 1977”

        • AMEN. Where are Neal, Harlon, and Marion now when they are needed? Who can replace them and the progress we made in 1977.

  6. The NRA was not founded to be a pro-2A or pro-RKBA organization.
    The NRA never has been a pro-2A or pro-RKBA organization.
    I see little if any chance that the NRA will ever be a pro-2A or pro-RKBA organization

    The entire history of the NRA is of having been and still being an anti-RKBA organization
    – The NRA supported the NFA in 1934
    – The NRA supported the FFA in 1938
    – The NRA supported the GCA in 1968
    – The NRA supported the Hughes Amendment in 1986
    – The NRA supported the watered-down FOPA in 1986
    – The NRA supported the bump stock ban in 2017
    – The NRA failed to lobby for ANY pro-gun legislation in 2017-2018 when such legislation had a chance to pass and be signed.

    Bottom line: The NRA is the largest and best financed anti-gun organization in the US.

    After passage of the GCA in 1968, the NRA suddenly discovered the 2nd Amendment. Unfortunately, they did not adopt the 2nd Amendment as a guiding principle but only has a recruiting and fund raising gimmick.

    The NRA does want to fight for our gun rights — but they most carefully do not have any desire to win that fight. If they were to win the fight, they would be out of a very lucrative job.

    After the GOP Hat Trick in 2016 the NRA faced its greatest challenge ever! Suddenly Republicans held both houses of congress and the White House. American gun owners cheered, we thought we were safe (at least for a while). But his was the NRA’s worst nightmare — new memberships dried up, donations dried up, they didn’t have any scary new bills to talk about in their constant stream of fund-raising letters and emails. The situation was desperate — Wayne LaPierre might need to wear the same suit twice — but they were saved by the Las Vegas Shooting in October 2017, suddenly the NRA had a new lease on life, they had something to work on. The NRA immediately went to work supporting a ban on bump stocks. Even the full efforts of the NRA were not enough to convince the Republican-controlled congress to enact a bump stock ban. But the NRA wasn’t going to be beaten that easily. Wayne LaPierre personally went to the White House to meet with President Trump to assure him that American gun owners wanted those evil bump stocks banned and to outline a way to have the ATF ban bump stocks without needing any legislation from congress.

  7. Under the NRA rules it would take a decade to replace the old guard BOD with “reformers.”

    The problem is that by the time the “reformers” have a majority on the board, those “reformers” will BE the new Old Guard — defending themselves and their cronies against the next batch of “reformers”

    This isn’t the first time this has happened (although the corruption and greed of the current Old Guard is probably the worst it has ever been).

    • “In recent years, however, we have seen increased political pressure and a consistently weaponized judicial system”

      A consistently weaponized FINANCIAL SYSTEM is the elephant in the room – or maybe “huge purple couch that eats those who sit in it” would be a better metaphor.

      Another sin of omission – just what the hell does this vaunted “facelift” look like? Other than hanging Wayne and everyone who ever can within 10′ of him (Leticia thanks you for your service), I see ZERO specifics, much less any constructive ideas. If you take time out of your busy schedule of steering money to your favorite temporary injunction lawfare specialists by trashing the “old guard”, I would LOVE to hear how yall plan to GET LAWS PASSED.

      Again, Leticia thanks you…

  8. “Supported” is not a synonym for acquiesced, nick. And if you know nothing about politics in America why not give yourself a break?

    Leticia thanks you for your service, and enjoy my encouragement in buying and using the latest in hump stocks.

  9. The NRA actively fought against legalizing Open Carry in Florida. Yes, the NRA fought against pro-gun legislation helped Florida Republicans kill it.

    In the middle of that session, then-Hillsborough County Republican House member Mike Beltran filed an open carry amendment but immediate pushback from GOP leaders forced him to withdraw his bill the next day.

    “I had the [GOP] leadership and my caucus and the NRA who were all against the open carry amendment. They were all against it,” Beltran recounted.

    Speaker Renner told him he should withdraw the bill and then run it during the 2024 session, Beltran said. Which is what Beltran did but, he said, again there was no support from House leadership. “He didn’t return my call. And so obviously the bill didn’t go through.”

  10. Individually, ther GOA, FPC, and SAF have done more to fight for the rights of law-abiding gun owners in American in the last year…than the NRA has in the last 30.

    It’s time to stop beating the dead horse.

    • “It’s time to stop beating the dead horse.”

      I am pretty much housebound, so beating a dead horse from afar is attractive entertainment.

  11. I let my membership expire a few years ago after having been lied to about Florida’s unconstitutional RPOs contained in our “Red Flag” law. As written, it directly or indirectly violates the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th and 14th amendments to our US Constitution. We were told several years ago at a meeting in Orlando, “…we’re waiting for the perfect case…” What a crock of bovine excrement!

  12. Oh yeah, they been bobbing and weaving. Just fighting and fighting and fighting…

    OTOH, if it weren’t for the NRA you’d be jackjawing about going to Canada so you could try centerfire calibers. Assuming you get permission…

  13. Negotiating Rights Away doesn’t deserve any future other than an entry in the history books with the chapter called, “backstabbing failures & traitors -Negotiating Rights Away.”

  14. Ha!
    I let my membership expire several years ago over the LaPierre scandal.
    Then realized that the BOD were mostly birds of a feather.
    Wonder what LaPierre’s net worth is and where he got it!
    NRA sends me several emails a week offering frees $hit to reenlist.
    Do I want a free backpack, jacket, or vest?
    I want our 2nd amendment rights protected and fought for by the management of the NRA.
    Till I’m convinced of that, they can keep the “free $hit”!

  15. I ain’t smelled a thing but a two-faced rat, Mickey…

    Been hearing that kamikaze shit all my life, but you ain’t got the votes, never had the votes, and you know it. If it wasn’t for the NRA and their good work, you’d be wondering what it is like to shoot a centerfire rifle…

    • If it weren’t for the NRA there wouldn’t be any such things as “anti-gunners” today -or at least they would be rare as hen’s teeth. The NRA moved the Overton Window against civilian ownership of arms with the NFA and further moved it, Negotiating Rights Away with gun control bill by gun control bill until we got where we are today. NRA apologists are just as bad as Sarah Brady and Gabby Gifford themselves. I don’t call them Fudds -I call them traitors and Benedict Arnolds.

  16. Apparently, there a bunch here who either are history illiterates, senile Fudds, or still wet behind the ears kiddies. Take your pick.

  17. The board are essentially clowns and there are too many. Just because you were a 30 state police officer, you like guns, and you shoot competitively does not mean you are qualified to run a national level advocacy organization. No wonder LaPierrer got away with whatever. Kudos to the reformers


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