If you carry every day, you know there are “sensitive” and prohibited places where your concealed carry gun isn’t welcome. Think: the post office, hospitals, government buildings and more. Yes, concealed means concealed, but being spotted with a pistol under your shirt while buying stamps could land you a felony charge and result in the loss of your gun rights.

Forcing law-abiding gun owners to disarm and leave their carry gun in the car while they transact business in these places is inherently dangerous. It raises the chances of a negligent discharge while handling and holstering the gun. It also increases the likelihood of the firearm being stolen while it waits for you in your vehicle. But such is life.

You can stash your mohaska in the center console or lock it in an under-the-seat lockbox, but those are the first places a thief will look when he breaks into your ride. What’s a conscientious gun owner to do?

A company called the Headrest Safe Company has another idea — hide your gun in plain sight in a lockable steel compartment that’s well concealed and built into a replacement passenger side headrest. You can buy a matching regular headrest for the driver side, too, and the average thief will be none the wiser.

Here’s their press release . . .

The Headrest Safe Company, LLC, innovators of the ultimate discreet vehicle safe storage system, is pleased to announce The Headrest Safe™, the standard for anti-theft vehicle safes. The Headrest Safe™ is designed to provide maximum protection for your valuables or firearms. Keep all of your valuables safe when you are in or out of your vehicle. Hide and secure items in plain sight with The Headrest Safe™.

“When it comes to carrying your valuables or firearms in your vehicle, most people think they have to choose between safety and convenience,” said Louis Tuck, COO/CFO, The Headrest Safe Company LLC. “With The Headrest Safe™, you can have the best of both worlds: peace of mind that it’s secure plus easy access.”

You can now take your firearm, cash, medications, and more with you in your vehicle and relax knowing it will stay out of the hands of kids, valets, or intruders. Keep them safe with The Headrest Safe™. The Headrest Safe Company uses the best quality materials, so you can count on your safe being tough. With three ways to open your safe (thumbprint, key, and code), you will have easy access to your valuables. Make sure your valuables are where you want them, when you need them.

The Headrest Safe™ is completely covered in 1/2-inch foam rubber and the safe itself is made of 18-gauge steel with a 16-gauge steel door. The lock is also made of steel. Once installed, The Headrest Safe locks in place so only you can remove it. The fabric coverings that are used look and feel like real leather. Feel free to contact The Headrest Safe Company, and get a swatch sample sent to you. There is also a 100% satisfaction guarantee; your money back if not fully satisfied.


With its universal design, the Headrest Safe™ will fit in virtually all vehicles with a 2-prong post headrest pattern and can easily be installed by yourself. With the quick access biometric lock reader and keypad, you will have rapid access to whatever you choose to have securely stored away. You will never have to worry about taking your valuables with you again.

The Headrest Safe™ was designed to be on the passenger side, so the driver has direct access to the safe from the driver’s seat. However, duty officers may choose to have it on the driver’s side to store and have quick access when entering and exiting the vehicle in situations where they need to store their sidearm, such as court appearances, etc. The Headrest Safe™ also offers a matching driver side companion headrest to match identically to The Headrest Safe™.


Dimensions: 10 ¾” x 11 ¾ “x 4 ¼ “
Profile Dimensions: 8 ¼” x 4 ¼ “x 6.3/8 “
The SILS System™ biometric lock
Construction: 18-gauge steel safe with a 16-gauge steel door and steel lock
Storage Cavity: 11” x 8” x 6”
Color: black, dark gray, light gray or tan
Material: Leatherette or cloth

MSRP: The Headrest Safe: $489.00
Driver side matching companion headrest: $119

For more information about The Headrest Safe™ and all their products, please visit: www.theheadrestsafe.com


  1. Interesting product but I want to reiterate a point at the beginning of the piece: requiring those carrying a concealed firearm to unholster and store the firearm adds an unnecessary handling that inherently presents risk. There may be real “sensitive places,” but, as usual, those writing the laws have little if any experience with firearms and just think “if they put it away we’ll all be safe.”

    • Not only that, but it requires that the gun be raised into full view through the windows while stowing and unstowing it. At least with underseat storage, the gun will be more generally out of sight lines while going through the process.

      • And you can SAFE-ly (get it?!) stow your loaded gun so it points directly at your passenger’s head. Those in the know will never, ever try to bum a ride off you again!

    • The real risk, if you have ever suffered a rear impact, is having that thing behind your head instead of the real headrest.
      I’ve been hit sitting at a light at relatively low speed and can tell you it’s much worse than a more typical front end impact. Changing the design and density of that headrest will get someone seriously injured or killed and that company put out of business quickly.

      • And, any injury that one does survive, forget about getting anyone’s insurance to pay for damages. “You removed the manufacturer’s safety equipment and replaced it with something not tested and approved?” No way any insurance company lawyer is going to resist jumping on that to get out of paying.

  2. So wait…won’t this stick out like a sore thumb if it does not match the rest of the seat’s upholstery? Does this headrest lock into place so that your average neighborhood thief can’t just snatch the head rest and open it later?
    Separately, California does not allow storage of firearms in the glove box or center console, so I have to ask if this would be an acceptable alternative. They have a thing about gun owners having access to loaded firearms absent a CCW.

      • It’s not like the old days when cars had multicolor palettes. Half the interiors nowadays are black.

        • Well there’s black and then there is black. Anyone who has ever tried to reupholster just one car seat knows that anything other than a perfect match WILL stand out like a sore thumb. Besides, if they sell more than a few of these things then under the seat will no longer be one of the “first places a thief will look”.

    • @Mark,

      True, but curiously CA requires that handguns be transported (1) unloaded, (2) in a locked container, and (3) out of sight of the casual observer. While one could argue a lockable glovebox meets this criteria, so does a gun case. CA prohibits the former, but permits the latter. It’s been my understanding that CA rests on the logic that a driver’s registration paper may be stored in the glovebox or center console, and therefore intends to prevent a tense situation from forming by a LEO seeing a stored handgun while the driver reaches for the registration.

      IMHO, this headrest aligns more with a case, in that it’s designed and marketed to hold a handgun securely. Not any paperwork a LEO might request from you.

      • However, given how fraught some interactions can be, having one’s paperwork in the headrest – so your hands are fully in view and observable while accessing the paperwork – might actually be a good idea!

  3. I like the concept. I would have to see one installed to see how out of place the size and color appear.

    At roughly $500 it is a bit of an investment.

  4. The most “sensitive” places I’ve been are courthouses, where state law mandates the facility provide lockboxes at the public entrance to the building. I keep the key and retrive the weapon when I leave, then return the key. The Deputies are very polite and courteous. The other place is airports, and in most states I can still carry in the “non-sterile” areas. One nearby state have passed new laws prohibitig this but I believe they ar under a restraining order to not enforce thi. I’ve refused to fly with all the covidiocy roaming about, as I refuse to comply with their harmful insanities.

  5. I have to wonder if this thing is rated crash safe and will not kill or maim the occupants??
    it is your head or a loved ones head right up on this thing

    • You still carry an original Sig p320 that never had recall drop safe update.
      You get in a MVA.
      Your passenger looks like a mob hit.

      ‘Xplain that Lucy!

  6. 1. How is it secured to the seat? “2-pronged” headrests can be easily removed from seatback.

    2. Impossible to “tactically” place your gat in the thing/above the window/beltline and visible to all.

  7. I can see it now. you open the safe draw your firearm and lock it up. go inside and take case of business. come back to find 4 squad cars and 8 officers with rifles pointed at you because somebody call in a person with a gun.

    locking your weapon in the trunk sucks but you can keep it out of people’s line of sight a lot easier that raising it to put it in that safe.

    • First, you have to ID it as something other than a standard head rest. Second, they say only the owner can remove it from the seat. No idea how that works, but we’ll be checking them out at SHOT.

    • They use a toggle bolt down one of the legs. If you ever take off the headrest, you’d need to unthread the toggle bolt and let it drop down into the seat, and buy another one at the hardware store.

      • In order to enable that toggle bolt solution the traditional headrest solid steel rod is now replaced by a thin metal TUBE. Sure hope you don’t need the headrest to act like a headrest. On the other hand since your nice padded headrest is now replaced by a steel box I kinda think that I would want the headrest to bend over backwards. One thing for sure, all car safety engineers are slapping their heads and saying WTF!

  8. It looks like its not secured to the vehicle. so a thief could steal the whole headrest and crack it at thier convenience. if it’s relying on concealment, then why make it a safe at all?

    • Keep your weapon on you because your vehicle can be stolen. I’ll never let a douchebag thief steal my firearms. Let them steal your car as you call 911. Live another day.

  9. Post Office, Hospitals…
    Concealed means concealed.
    Carried in both.
    Shut up and take care of your business.
    Walk out and be on your way.

    • Which works until you get caught on federal property in the act of committing a felony. In fact, technically you are not even allowed to carry in the parking lot of your local post office.

      • You’re right, and needs to be dealt with, legislatively…

      • Depends on if it’s a shared parking lot. If the post office has a dedicated parking lot that they own/control (Federal property), it’s verboten. If they’re just another building in a strip mall, there’s no restriction for the parking lot.

  10. Most people by now know how to rmove the whole headrest. Car ,odels vary somewhat on how this works, but most are variations on the same theme and can be fairly asily figured out. It won’t take long before thieves get on to these units and just snag the whole headrest. Bring it bak to “the shop” cut the foam and junk away, then hit the shin steel casing with a carbide metal chop saw or sawzall. This thing is far to easy to beat. I suppose it would render at least some deterrence, at least until the dirtbags get on to them. Used to be removing a catalytic convertor from underneath a car was an hour hour and a half job. The dirtbags have it down to a handful of minutes, and know which cars are the easier ones for nipping them. I’ve known folks to hve their car totalled by their insurance company when that model convertor is out of stock nationwide. Hah if that happened to MY car I’d buy it back from the insurance company and just fit a section of plain tube.

    • “It won’t take long before thieves get on to these units and just snag the whole headrest.”
      Please…they are going to take the whole car. Guns and catalytic converters, good money.

      • Not to mention the doors, hood, wheels, and everything else a chop shop could part out for fun and profit. There have to have been a few more stupid products aimed at American gun owners, just not many.

  11. For those scoffing at this idea due to the ease of removing headrests, keep in mind that the headrest ‘shanks’ are slotted in a way that allows upward movement only unless the seat-mounted button is depressed.

    Assuming this product blocks the seat mounted button, has shanks that do not allow for free-sliding movement, and have a mechanism inside the safe to allow for the safe to be removed, this isn’t a terrible idea. One would need to remove the entire seat to get away with the safe and most modern seats are quite large and 80+ lbs.

    I think it’s a great idea on paper… but like any automotive product, making it universal, but still good quality (and affordable) is going to be the tough part.

  12. Even without the idea that headrests can be easily removed by design, a few seconds with a bolt cutter is all that’s needed here. Something that many thieves already have.

    There are quite a few vehicles with an airbag in the headrest itself. Replacing it with this could void your warranty and/or insurance.

    If you are so inclined to report that a firearm was in the vehicle that was just stolen, you will be asked where you had it.

    You will have to dismantle you original headrest for the materials to make this ‘look’ like it came with the vehicle. Or you will be talking with a dealer for the parts.

  13. Remember what happened to John Denver because he had to reach behind his head for a fuel selector switch…

    Granted this one is back and to the side but it’s still in an awkward location.

    • Yeah, that’s not really the whole story. The man had repeatedly been in trouble for flying intoxicated, and was most likely quite toasted when he took off. Its the pilot’s fault, not the plane that he no longer had a license to fly.

  14. “the average thief will be none the wiser.”

    they are now.

    younger internet savvy thieves read gun blogs, suppliers web sites, etc… and keep up on the latest things that help them ply their crime trade and guns are something they always look for and most are well aware of the latest stash safes. unless you weld it to the frame they will find a way to just take the safe with them to open it later

  15. Two things,
    1. Upholstering a gun should never happen above a windowline. There is no way to hide what you are doing. Plus putting it in there violates the gun safety rules. Accidental/ negligent discharge with your gun pointed horizontal.
    2. In case of a major accident, what happens when your head slams back into it?

    I do credit them for being creative. Good for valuables, no for guns.

  16. Hiding in plain sight is a good try, but too many people likely to see you stash/retrieve your gun, or maybe ask you what that is – unless you have special films on your windows that can give 100% opacity via a switch, or maybe a cargo van, jacked up truck or a,medium duty truck.

    If I’m spending this kind of money, I’d rather have a full length center console replacement with a hardened safe by the right knee d/s and left knee p/s. this is below window line and in an easily accessible location.

  17. I dont want any weight behind my head in a crash. Adding a 20 oz to 3 pound weight that can turn into a lethal projectile behind your head and an airbag in front stopping it is just too illogical to me.

    • No sht, I had an axe laying in the back of a Vega when I hit a bridge and that axe came flying by my head and smashed the dash. If it would have hit me it probably would have killed me.

    • “I’m waiting for the Steering wheel airbag gun safe.”

      At the funeral, the mourners can see the imprint of your gun in your forehead.

      *Snicker*… 😉

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