Founding Fathers

I do not like guns. I do not own one. I can count on one hand the number of times I have fired one. In my opinion, if hunters want to be true sportsmen, they should give the deer guns so they can shoot back.

Owning a gun for self defense is problematic unless you have extensive military or police training, have no children or teenagers in your house and never argue with any family members or anyone else. Otherwise, the probability of a horrible gun accident is much higher than the chance you will ever successfully defend yourself against home invaders, armed robbers or car jackers. Even a skilled marksman has difficulty repelling an armed criminal and if you live in a liberal state like Connecticut, you could be arrested for defending yourself and then sued and bankrupted by the criminal himself if you injure him.

But weapon control has been used all through human history to keep the powerful in control. The Hawaiian nobility required commoners to prostate (sic) themselves before them and had the right to rape a commoner with impunity. How was this enforced? Spear control. Any commoner who made a spear was executed.

Asian tyrants banned swords, bows and arrows and virtually all weapons so their minions could brutalize and overtax their subjects. Commoners responded by developing weaponless self-defense techniques that are still popular to this day – judo, karate and taekwondo among others. …

Our democracy is an aberration. Since dawn of human history, armed physically powerful men have terrorized the masses in return for favors from the ruling class. Medieval knights received lands and titles that exempted them from paying taxes. Today, FBI agents, prosecutors and police receive decent salaries, Cadillac health insurance and secure pensions. It would take a brave person in one of these jobs to defy the ruling class and risk losing everything. It is much easier “to follow orders” as Adolf Eichmann would say.

Yes, tens of thousands of people are killed by gun violence in the United States and better gun control would probably prevent this – as it does in other countries.

But once the right to bear arms is lost, Americans could have the choice of being bullied and imprisoned by the ruling class’s enforcers or capitulating to serfdom. The founding fathers were correct to give Americans this right and it should never be abridged.


        • And now it’s every Freedom loving American’s responsibility and duty to ensure those Rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights are protected. As well as taught to the next generation, with a complete understanding as to why they were so written.

        • and STOP claiming that these rights come FROM “government”. They do NOT. They are given, along with our very life, by the God who made us. Government cannot give what is not theirs to give.

      • And we are a Republic not a Democracy. Well, the country started off as a Republic. We did not keep it sadly.

        • Tionico above, im all for what you say but lets not kid ourselves, its sure seems as if these rights come from the government…if not we’d all have automatic machine guns in our safes instead of semi auto.

      • Yeah, “Prostate” is the pesky little male organ that helps make reproduction happen.. And CAN be problematic in the elderly…

      • 40 years as a typesetter showed me typos happen . . . come on man, it’s only missing the “R” . which is a left hand index finger move . easy miss, awkward up and left reach . another common typo is the missing “R” in breast . . . you beast 😂

    • The title is a clickbaity lie. SCOTUS has yet to even grant cert on the case he discusses.

        • Very sorry for my mistake. I conflated this with an almost identically titled video from three days ago, which announces “Breaking News!!!” about a “ruling” (same numbers, too – I can only assume he’s referring to Bruen, which is hardly breaking news) that – as it turns out – is not only awaiting judgment, but was also described by eyewitnesses as poorly argued, and hasn’t even gotten to SCOTUS yet.

      • Armed Skaalor is ALWAYS clickbaity with his “extreme hyperbole.”

        At least he only used ONE exclamation mark in the text this time!!!!!!

        • LOL

          True, but sometimes he reports the outcome of an actual, relevant case or other development.

  1. actually for the title I didn’t do an upper case ‘E’

    so its “Ensured”, not “Eensured”.

  2. Gotta be wrong since all indigenous peoples are saints who spent their days in drum circles eating ambrosia before the evil colonizers came.

  3. better gun control would probably prevent this – as it does in other countries.

    Does it, though? Sure, the UK has a much lower homicide rate and strict gun control, but that rate is roughly the same as it was in 1920, when anybody could get a license to carry a revolver at the post office for a nominal fee. Places like Haiti and Venezuela also have strict gun control, but it doesn’t seem to be working for them.

    • They also lie about their stats. It’s pretty much impossible to do a meaningful comparison between countries when there’s no standard validated data.

    • Exactly. Japans suicide rate is far higher than the US, even though firearms are the predominant tool for successful suicide in the US and virtually non-existent there.

      Most all of Europe has rape rates 4-9 times lower than the US. Rape doesn’t require firearms.

      If we were having a logical debate with logical opponents who really cared about addressing violence, comparing the US to other nations as a way to attack gun ownership wouldn’t be on the table. Instead, now, the disproportionate lesser amounts of violent crime (and suicide numbers) in other countries is ignored, but of course the gun death difference is not.

      Additionally, those outside the US generally only know what the media feed them about our problems, thus guns are the US’ root problem in most foreigners eyes. Our overall higher violent crime rates are never mentioned in the same way violence using specifically guns is. Thus why we see others often chastise the US for our guns.

      • “Most all of Europe has rape rates 4-9 times …”

        In relation to those actually investigated AND prosecuted AND for which the rapist is actually penalized.

        In reality, most of Europe has the highest rape rates in the world with the UK being the rape capital of Europe. They just don’t investigate and prosecute most of them and in many areas of Europe what we define in the US as rape is considered a ‘social norm’ and ‘acceptable’ legally under their laws.

        So the comparison of rape rates between the US and Europe is a false comparison.

        its the same thing for violent crime. For example, in most of Europe and in Japan a man can slap his wife around and its accepted as a ‘social norm’ so is not considered a violent crime unless the wife needs to be hospitalized but in the US its a violent crime all the time.

        • gun bans in Europe and Japan did not reduce violent crime, in fact overall violent crime overall has increased in those areas and its just not investigated AND prosecuted so doesn’t appear in their stats.

      • That is CNN moronic stat. What does “rates 4-9 times lower” mean? (It means diddly squat). Is the rate 25% (or 10%) of the US rate?

      • but firearms can and do reduce the success rate of rape attempts, and further act as general disuasive factor, all of which explains our lower rates of criminal rape.
        This is significantly supported by going back over time to assess earlier rape rates and compare with real-time rates of gun accessibilitey for possible rape victims. One case in point is the testimoany of a woman woo was fircibly raped in the parking gagage at a university which used to have a “no guns on campus” policy thus disarming women who were [otantial rape victiums. As this woman was being assaulted, she was mere feet away from her own car.. which hd her lawfully owned and permitted handgun inside the car… hers, but out of reach because of stupid campus policy which has since been changed. (partly, I believe due to her partucular case where her means of defense was denied by campus policy at the time of her attack).
        No statistic can stand alone in a vacuum when a claim is being made, Dirty statisticians can and do neglect to associate two separate sets of numbers when one so clearly affects the other.

  4. Is the time traveling Bentivegna concluding History Confirms Gun Control is Rooted in Racism and Genocide? Whaddya say sam you are et al?

    • Tell us, O Great Dingbat, which race the Helots, Japanese peasants, Huguenots, or English Catholics belonged to?

      • whad&rodney…you two lovebird buttbuddies are incognito regulars clearly hard up for disguises…ahole1 and ahole2 would work perfectly.

        • Since you won’t answer the question, I’ll answer it for you. Just like ALL the groups Bentivegna mentions, they’re all the SAME RACE as their oppressors. Rulers in nearly every society tried to control at least some of their people. Almost none of them were mixed-race, much less focused their laws on other races. History may support a lot of theories or explanations, but ‘Gun Control RAAACISS!’ is NOT one of them.

          Regular commenters try to soft peddle their constructive criticism like ‘That’s true, Debbie, but what does repeating it add?’ Thing is, it isn’t even true. You’re not just one note, but one wrong, dumb note alll the time. Your playground insult comeback proves again you have no real argument.

        • whad aka ahole1…I asked a question, you never answered. Furthermore buttwipe you musta missed slavery and a Civil War you Gun Control History illiterate twit…Next you’ll probably say the kkk was not the Gun Control military wing of the democRat Party. In order to save your azz You are talking out your azz trying to rewrite the History of Gun Control as if bigotry was non existent…gfy you pathetic pos.

        • whad aka ahole1…Bentivegna did not write the History of Gun Control…History wrote the History of Gun Control.

          Gun Control is Rooted in Racism and Genocide. I. E. Jews were not a Race in Nazi Germany however Slavery in America is attributed to a Race. The third reich turned to America’s Jim Crow laws, erased Negro and inserted Jew.
          Whether you think so or not Once Bentivegna noted the words Gun Control putting up fences around race like your ignorant behind assumes is correct is an impossibility because History Confirms “Gun Control” is Rooted in Racism and Genocide. You must enjoy peeing in the wind because you are soaking wet with stupidity.

      • You asked ‘Is the time traveling Bentivegna concluding History Confirms Gun Control is Rooted in Racism and Genocide?’ and I answered ‘Just like ALL the groups Bentivegna mentions, they’re all the SAME RACE as their oppressors.’ Meaning NO. You want me to write it in crayon?

        Now would you like to answer my question (as if you even know who half of them are)? You could look it up but you’ll probably just look up more childish insults and cuss words instead.

        • wad, i don’t believe the helot origins are known, race has not been attributed. probably there first, conquered, enslaved.

        • Greeks (possibly Ionic, but still closely rlated to Spartans and no doubt white regardless) subjegated well within historic times Conquered and enslaved like you said

      • whad aka ahole1…Instead of hiding like the pathetic coward you are post replies using the name you go by on this forum…Whaddya Say you pos?

    • Leave my friends alone, you old hag.

      Like all bullies, will you run crying to Dan Z that you are being threatened? That’s what a bully does. Dishes it out, but can’t take it. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. 🙂

    • well. today we call it ‘gun control’ in the US but its appears in many different disguises in history and it is rooted in racism and genocide and has been used to subjugate other races, even white, and even same race in all areas of the world at one time or another. If fact by the time colonist started arriving in what would later become the United States it had, in the form of ‘weapon control’ (like, for example, forbidding spears), already been a staple of subjugating and conquering and exterminating populations for thousands of years.

      But for the US, brief examples;

      The early ‘colonists’ were very keen on keeping those of other races from having firearms and forbid it, the earliest example in the US of what we today call ‘gun control’.

      The British tried to disarm the colonists and implemented their version of what today we call ‘gun control’ so the colonists could not resist being subjugated to becoming a ‘production colony’ or in other words slavery. And the British threatened and attempted genocide. And although not specifically racist as in today’s definitions it was racist because once subjugated the colonist would be treated as ‘property’ thus a separate thing like racial segregation.

      The US government was very keen on keeping Native Americans from having firearms, and even tried disarming them of their knives and bows, and then slaughterd them when they were defenseless, and also by trickery like for example small pox infected blankets, a limited racial genocide using, in part, what we call today ‘gun control’.

      The democrat party voted against abolishing slavery (and failed because slavery was successfully abolished by the republican party) then later democrats implemented racislly motivated ‘Jim Crow’ laws that also prohibited blacks from possessing firearms and the democrats personal pet army called the KKK specifically went after whole ‘black communties’ to terrorize and subjugate from which firearms had been confiscated by them with the blessing and help of the democrat party.

      yes, what we today call ‘gun control is rooted in racism and genocide.

      • You’re really conflating our historical timeline (re Injuns/etc).

        Colonists entered villages/wigwams/any handy location killed Injuns but to “disarm them” (leave them alive)? Provide Footnotes. Whatever may have happened after the Bill of Rights was adopted, is not relevant to Bruen.

        How would old King George “genocide” colonists who were as Britishers as himself? He behaved “poorly” and waged war on us but it wasn’t genocide (a 1948 construct).

        • George Three’s ftal mistke was failing to recognise the plain FCT that every one of the thirteeen oroginal colonies had negotiated charters whith his (George Three’s) predecessor kings to come across the Atlantic and extalish settlements in the New World. Of coirse, those prior kings never stopped to cinsider on what authority HE could grant wnat amounted to an invasion of foreigh territory by his bormer subjects, but that’s another matter). Once those charters were granted, and the colonists kept up their side of the terms, the king and his successors (to include Number Three_) were BOUND by teir dise of the contract/charter. George’s edicts were in clear violation of those Charters even though they had been granted as much as 150 years prior to his wretched reign. So George Three was the one in violation of binding charters s he imposed taxes, ended self-rule, closed down meetings and took down sitting governors and cngresses, and attempted to disarm the Charter holders. This last was his fatal error. Prior to that fatal move, he retaind a chance at continued rule. Once he started on that trail je was doomed. Little did he know…. as his Proxy Tormentor in CHief General Thomas Gage learned the first day his troops fired upon the Colonists, his opponents were not simply rag tag groups of”stupid farmers with squirrel guns” but, as he later was forced to admit to his King, “there are men amongst them who know very well what they are about”. This after, in one day of combat, he had lost forty percent of his officers and about twenty five percent of his troops. Hat in hand, roundly defeated. Egg on face. Send ten thousand troops (he had started that day with 3,000 total in all of the Colonies)

        • i said early colonists forbid, I didn’t say they entered villages/wigwam etc…

          said early colonists forbid, I didn’t say they entered villages/wigwam etc…even though they did to attack them to take their land.

          “How would old King George “genocide” colonists who were as Britishers as himself?”

          That’s what the British naval attack on Fort M’Henry was about, the beginning of a genocide. The fort was not actually neing used as a military fort, it was refuge for citizens and full of non-combatant men, women, and children.

          The British had become flustered with the colonists refusal to capitulate. They had decided to try to simply wipe them out. As an example of the threat to do so the British navy attacked Fort M’Henry they knew to be full of non-combatants and British POW’s

          So, Francis Scott Key was sent to negotiate with the British for a prisoner exchange and an agreement was reached. But before the exchange could take place the British commander told him that the American Flag flying over the ramparts of Fort M’Henry had to come down. That was not going to happen. The British commander told Key that a prisoner swap would be useless anyway because tomorrow the prisoners he held would be free anyway if they just removed that flag. Key told him of the men, women, and children inside and the flag was not coming g down

          The British commander told Key he would carry out his orders to kill every last person in the fort if the flag did not come down, as an example of the fate that awaited all the colonists man, woman, and child if that flag did not come down. (That sure sounds like a genocide thing to me)

          Through the night they bombarded the fort, yet the flag still stood and it perplexed the British commander. By morning the flag was tattered but still flying of the tilted over mast. It had taken several direct hits and each time the patriots in the fort grabbed it and held it up and died there doing that. The flag never came down, the British did not proceed with their threatened genocide.

          Key watched this horrific attempt at genocide from a port hole of the British ship in the hold where the American POW’s were.

        • to add: Fort M’Henry was manned by military troops who maintained the British POW’s captivity. It wasn’t manned for enemy engagement. It was also used as a refuge for non-combatants.

          The British knew this. Yet contrary to their own troops being held there, and everyone there a British subject.. the British did not consider the colonists British subjects, they by this time considered them property to be disposed of, and dispite their own troops also being in the fort they started their attempted genocide anyway.

        • @Mr. Lucky

          The US calvary gave smallpox infected blankets to a Navaho tribe. No one actually got sick.

      • The “smallpox infected blanket” myth is from a debunked study by Ward Churchill. In particular, the alleged 1837 incident involving the Mandans has been shown to be false.
        From an article by Thomas Brown in Plagiary

    • There’s a good reason you hear them harping endlessly about “Protecting our democracy.”

      Democracy is 2 wolves and one sheep voting on what to have for dinner. That’s called “mob rule”, and that’s what all the fascists want… 🙁

        • Awwww, is the bitter old hag cranky?


          Seriously, are you not getting any at home? Is that why you insist attacking the good people in TTAG? Get a boyfriend or a battery-operated device, willya?

          Sheesh… 🙁

      • Not only does that not sound like any of Franklin’s documented quotes, it just isn’t a good analogy. Dumbocracy doesn’t empower the strong and the brave [wolves]; it forces them to meekly submit to be eaten by the mindless, bleating herd of sheeple.

        • Our country was not established as a “democracy” It was established as a Representative Constitutional REPUBLIC with a democratic form of government. Big difference..

        • Not sure why this was a response to me, as I’d be the last person to claim our country was established as a dumbocracy. It was established as a non-dumbocratic Republic that subsequently became progressively [pun intended] less free as it became more dumbocratic.

  5. “…Hawaiian nobility required commoners to prostate themselves before them.”

    Still trying to figure out how this would work…

    The Founding Fathers did NOT “give the people this right”, they gave the people the Second Amendment to protect the natural right from the government they had just formed.

      • Other way around. The nobles had spears, that’s why the peasants had to bend over or get punished.

  6. “…extensive military or police training, have no children or teenagers in your house and never argue with any family members or anyone else.”

    This author recognizes he personally doesn’t possess the self-control to responsibly own a firearm, and doesn’t own one. Kudos to the good doctor.

    For those of us not encumbered with such failings, just leave us the hell alone.

    “Even a skilled marksman has difficulty repelling an armed criminal and if you live in a liberal state like Connecticut, you could be arrested for defending yourself and then sued and bankrupted by the criminal himself if you injure him.”

    Does the ‘good doctor’ realize he’s making a powerful argument for ‘shoot to kill’, not to wound?

    “But once the right to bear arms is lost, Americans could have the choice of being bullied and imprisoned by the ruling class’s enforcers or capitulating to serfdom. The founding fathers were correct to give Americans this right and it should never be abridged.”

    There would be no ‘choice’, the Leftist Fascist Scum ™ will do what they always do, crush dissent, as the ‘social media’ companies are doing today.

    And that’s why we and the tools we own won’t let them… 🙁

    • It is a fun mix of self awareness and lack thereof. Would need to look up CT laws and what is possible to sue for but even in NY it would be difficult for a home invader to successfully sue a homeowner that shot them. Not saying they couldn’t and make it expensive for the homeowner but yeah does not make a case for survivors.

    • couple things are pbvious about then nutcase who wrote the original piece” first he s sadly lacking in self-control and disciplie/training/skill. But at least he admits this and has decided to NOT avail hilsemf of his God-given right to arms. Maybe he will be blessed by a random passerby who wold be so brave and noble as to come to his defense in his hour of need.

      HE can hold that his God-given right to arms is subject to his government, I don’t are. But MY right does not come that way.

  7. “confiscation” is taking place right now. Its a matter of semantics in defining ‘confiscation’.

    if a government prevents or removes the exercise of a constitutional right to those which are entitled to exercise the right under the constitution the government has ‘confiscated by denial of the right’. In other words a government preventing or removing the exercise of a right to which people are entitled under the constitution is the same as government ‘taking’ the right which is ‘confiscating’ the right from those entitled to exercise the right.

    • yes, right now, in effect, gun confiscation is taking place spearheaded by democrat tyrants … by these tyrants in effect confiscating the entitled exercise of the first, second, and forth and fourteenth amendments from those entitled to exercise these rights … by use of their gun and ‘non due process red flag’ laws’, leglislatures, and prohibitions and laws against speech involving firearms, and political actions.

  8. Our democracy is an aberration. Since dawn of human history, armed physically powerful men have terrorized the masses in return for favors from the ruling class.

    Also aberrations:

    • None of the countries you mentioned were, in any way a reasonable person would acknowledge, a “democracy” in the 1780s. Of course neither was the US – we were founded as a republic though, admittedly, there’s little left of our system that fits accurately into the definition of a republic as the Founders understood it – mores the pity.

  9. Without a doubt, the Founding Fathers knew full well what they were doing when the authored the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

  10. quote————-Yes, tens of thousands of people are killed by gun violence in the United States and better gun control would probably prevent this – as it does in other countries.——-quote

    I totally agree. Many Foreign nations still permit many people to own guns but they do not have the mass murders and homicides with them that we do.

    As far as the Second Amendment: It was deliberately written in the vaguest of terms to let the Hillbillies think they had the individual right to own arms but it was really written to cajole the States into joining the Federal Government by letting them own their own private armies to murder slaves. The Founders were terrified of the slave revolution going on at the time in Haiti and believed it might spread to the U.S. as White people were fleeing Haiti and bringing some of their slave with them to the U. S.

    The vagueness of 2A enabled the courts to ban and restrict weapons from the day 2A was signed.

    • Your statement, especially the bit about slaves, proves the need to have armed individuals at all levels of society. Freely and openly armed people need not fear ‘states armies’. It’s impossible to enslave armed people.

      But your lack of education and wit will not allow you to see that you’ve proven the need for all of us to be armed.


    • I totally agree… deliberately written in the vaguest of terms to let the Hillbillies think

      And THAT confirms that the author is a bloviating mass of whale dung…

    • I’m coming to the conclusion the lil d is just a paid troll hired to elicit clicks/responses. I doubt that even Soros ilk would hire someone a stupid a he.

      • Naw. He was doxxed. We know who he is and where he lives. dacian is a believer. He’s so mentally ill that he continues to argue even when his arguments prove him wrong.

        Now miner49er is likely a paid operative.

        • jwm,

          Seriously? Are even Leftist/fascists stupid enough to PAY for ignorant, dishonest, lying comments, from a patently incompetent commenter? Good, better they spend their money on an incompetent loser like MajorLiar than actually going out and finding someone who actually knows what they are talking about . . . but then I guess they wouldn’t be Leftists, then, would they????

        • Lamp with miner think of it less as him trying to convince anyone and more to keep others from talking about other topics. Distraction and Division instead of convincing.

    • what was happening in Haiti was on;y relevant to the plantation south…not the rest of the country…….

    • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, Vague? What is “vague” about “shall not be infringed?” The Founding Fathers has no worries about the slave revolting as you claim; that is totally B/S 1st Degree. If you bother to turn a page of the Federalist Papers you would have a clue.
      The major reason we have mass shootings here in the US is because you Lefties refuse to do anything about the mental illness problem. You want those people roaming the streets with no recourse for the general public. Back before you Lefties closed most if not all of the state mental facilities, there was not near as much crime, except of course from your fellow Weather Underground and the BLA.
      Then of course we have that HIPPA law. the HIPPA law prevents any mental deficient who has not be adjudicated by a court of law from being listed in your beloved “NICS” background checks which is NOT a background check at all.
      Then added is the Leftist “Progressive” (sic-should read REGRESSIVE) courts setting criminals free to roam the streets and prey on the unsuspecting. Then you “REGRESSIVES” have changed the bail system to making is a laughing stock.
      Get off your high horse and join the rest of us humans. YOU are nothing more than a racist Leftist propagandist.

  11. Yes, tens of thousands of people are killed by gun violence in the United States

    Actually, tens of thousands are killed by VIOLENT PEOPLE who used a gun to commit their violence… Considering there are hundreds of millions of guns in the hands of over one hundred million people a few thousand seems rather inconsequential when compared to other VIOLENT methods used to kill…

    • separate black on black gun violence from the rest….and things don’t look so bad….

  12. “. . . unless you have extensive military or police training, have no children or teenagers in your house and never argue with any family members or anyone else. Otherwise, the probability of a horrible gun accident is much higher . . . ”

    That is an interesting point of view. I grew up in a house where there was a gun. Didn’t occur to me to play with it until I was old enough to take it to a range to shoot it; by then I would have been 16 or so.

    No, I played with the guns in my father’s hardware store. At about the age of 8. No one paid any attention to me. I figured out how they worked by myself. I could have asked questions; never felt the need. I could teach myself.

    I got my own gun at age 13 (my father was rather conservative about such things). Kept it in my room with the ammo and used it unsupervised at pleasure.

    No one I knew of ever fired in anger. No accidents. Wasn’t just me. It was everyone in the culture I grew up in.

    • “culture” is essentially what it’s all about….some are prone to violence and lack of impulse control….and some seem to know how to behave themselves….

  13. While I agree with his overall assessment of the problem, I do not believe his opening statement about the evils of gun ownership is correct. Perhaps if he is a Doctor he ought to address the drug and Covid vaccine problems which have taken far more victims than firearms.
    We lost 100,000 people to drug overdoses last year which is double the number of firearm deaths and around quadruple if you discount firearm deaths involved in suicides.

    Amazing how intelligent people conveniently ignore things like drugs, vaccines, automobiles, and a host of other non-disease type things that kill in greater numbers than firearms.

    • dp – “things that kill in greater numbers than firearms.” – ya mean like the 300K or so every year due to medical ‘errors’ – makes me wonder if the original author is a medical doctor or a jill type ‘doctor’……………….
      BTW – it has been over 50 years since I took basic statistics but your numbers are a bit ‘off’ – with circa 35 – 36 thousand firearms deaths that 100k would be closer to triple and ten times if the suicides are factored out. NOT quibbling by any means 😉

      • Sorry but your statistics are off. Look up FBI figures which are available and you will see there is around 60,000 firearm deaths a year and almost 2/3 are homicides. If I am wrong I would like to see where you get your current numbers from.
        CDC figures are higher percentage wise in 2021:
        What share of U.S. gun deaths are murders and what share are suicides?
        Though they tend to get less public attention than gun-related murders, suicides have long accounted for the majority of U.S. gun deaths. In 2021, 54% of all gun-related deaths in the U.S. were suicides (26,328), while 43% were murders (20,958), according to the CDC. The remaining gun deaths that year were accidental (549), involved law enforcement (537) or had undetermined circumstances (458).

        • FBI says “the estimated number of murders increased from 22,000 in 2020 to 22,900 in 2021.” How is that 2/3 of 60,000? It’s just over 1/3, and that is ALL murders (not “firearm murders”).

    • “We lost 100,000 people to drug overdoses last year which is double the number of firearm deaths and around quadruple if you discount firearm deaths involved in suicides.”

      we lose ~200,000 people to defective glass table tops annually.

      we lose ~250,000 people to medical mal practice annually

      we lose ~400,000 people to tobacco products annually.

      we lose ~1.2 million people annually to complications from past car accident injuries.

  14. Americas government is no less then an oligarchy
    Your Rights are dependent on the decisions of government appointed judges I find that disconcerting

    • still….individual rights are important here…less so in other places that place greater value on the collective

  15. While this is not directly related to this article, I would like to put forward a thought how we could non-violently bring this lawless Government we now have in Washington to its knees to get it to actually represent American Citizens rather than illegals and criminals.
    It’s called Boycott. A nationwide strike of delivering any kind of service, goods, cooperation, etc. to Federal Government agencies across the country would cripple them. That could also include not paying them any taxes and letting them try to collect from the millions of non payers. Boycott all leftist companies and media and other leftist organizations and use the same tactics on them that they use on us.
    If you like the idea pass it on and lets see if people agree and are willing to participate.

    • I’ve been saying that for years. Everyone call in sick, no work, no spending, just stay at home and play solitaire for two weeks. .giv would freak.
      That and nobody vote. It’s a morale test anyway , the presidential voting turnout equals “they still believe the lie.”
      There is nothing we can do, .giv has had its citizens by the balls ever since 40acres and a mule would not support the family. The citizens of America have become dependent on .giv and dependency is not freedom.

  16. “Owning a gun for self defense is problematic unless you have extensive military or police training, have no children or teenagers in your house and never argue with any family members or anyone else. Otherwise, the probability of a horrible gun accident is much higher than the chance you will ever successfully defend yourself against home invaders, armed robbers or car jackers. Even a skilled marksman has difficulty repelling an armed criminal and if you live in a liberal state like Connecticut, you could be arrested for defending yourself and then sued and bankrupted by the criminal himself if you injure him.”

    It’s funny how up to 2.5 million American citizens successfully defend themselves with firearms every year. They can’t all have “extensive military or police training”.

    Accidental firearms injuries and death are statistically insignificant relative to the number of homicides by firearm committed by blacks against blacks in the big cities (which account for over 80% of all firearms homicides nationwide).

    • blacks…the elephant in the room nobody wants to talk about….anyplace that has a lot of them will have problems….

  17. It’s not taught in schools anymore (Commie influence saw to that) but America was founded by the barrel of a gun. Without their personal firearms, American colonists would still be British subjects, not free American citizens. The Second Amendment wasn’t just plucked out of thin air to fill space in the Bill of Rights. Our Founding Fathers had just finished fighting an eight-year War for Independence against the greatest power in the world at the time and knew full well that in order to keep those freedoms, an armed citizenry was needed to keep the newly-formed government ‘honest’. Human history has proven that people in power want to keep that power at any cost. Armed revolution is the only way to change that. When ballots don’t work, bullets do. That is how every Communist revolution started and ended — by the barrel of a gun. That’s why the Commies in our government want ‘gun control’. They want to limit Americans ability to forcefully resist the oppression that they have so carefully planned and executed over the last sixty years. The power of an armed citizenry is not lost on them. They know exactly what they are doing. Just like our Founding Fathers knew what they were doing when they wrote the Second Amendment into the Bill of Rights. Without the Second Amendment, all our other ‘Rights’ are just words on a piece of paper.

    • “They’re peasants…with guns…how can peasants have guns?”…..statement allegedly attributed to Burgoyne as he was being defeated at the battle of Saratoga…..

  18. More people use a gun to kill themselves than to kill another.

    On top of that, statistically the gun eaters are rural old white males, frequently former military.

    That’s the people of the gun for you.

    • Suicide, Is someone wants to kill themselves, a gun is on one of many different methods. Are you going to ban all object that a person can use to kill themselves? Funny how there are millions and millions of guns out there and compared to those numbers, the number used in a suicide is all but negligible.

  19. How many people do you think you could kill in a crowded mall, church, or school with a MUSKET before you were physically stopped. Assume everyone else is unarmed.

    Go ahead, what’s your honest answer.

    • It’s not an honest question. Are you saying the 1a only covers quill and ink and the spoken word?

      • No, I’m saying the founding fathers never imagined a firearm that a single individual could use to kill a dozen people in the time it takes to load and ready a musket.

        I think they would have given that a lot more thought.

        • Guess the entire concept of artillery has escaped your obviously deep study of history…

        • With, that is pure unadulterated Horse Pucky! It seems that even in the times of our Founding Fathers, there were people inventing guns that could ‘semi-auto’ fire. During the time of our Founding Fathers, would you believe that rifling was invented?
          For your edification, our Founding Fathers were very well educated men who were far ahead of their time. Ever hear of a man named Ben Franklin?

        • Without a Brain,

          “No, I’m saying the founding fathers never imagined a firearm that a single individual could use to kill a dozen people in the time it takes to load and ready a musket.”

          Y U always be lyin’??? There were several serious efforts by various of the Founding Fathers to get the Continental Congress to adopt such weapons as the Puckle gun, the Girandoni Air Rifle (go Google them, airhead), and a few others, as at least some of the armament for the army. They did not, for two simple reasons – relatively low production rates, and high cost. Reading their papers (including, but not limited to, the Federalist Papers and the Anti-Federalist Papers), as well as the debates around the BoR, your contention is even MORE absurd. They not only KNEW, it is what they objectively INTENDED, you ahistorical ignoranus.

    • who in the hell owns a musket these days?…other than collectors like me…good luck trying to find one….

    • MY honest answer is its a dishonest, stupid, question of the ignorant trying to sneak in the old ‘the second amendment means only muskets and flintlocks’ argument that has been so completely debunked and beaten its a matter of comedy in most anti-gun circles today even with the Giffords.

    • Black powder grenades, plural, and as many as an overcoat can conceal. Your argument is invalid.


  21. this country was founded on the concept of individual rights…something that seems to appeal to many….if you regard yourself as part of the collective you have many other choices….

  22. “Owning a gun for self defense is problematic unless you have extensive military or police training, have no children or teenagers in your house and never argue with any family members or anyone else.”
    So the doctor who wrote the editorial thinks that in the homes of gun owners, every family argument turns into a gunfight! But every house has knives, so do arguments in gun-free houses lead to family members throwing knives at each other or stab each other? Well, maybe the doctor and his wife throw knives at each other, but for the rest of us, that’s an absurd argument.

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