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Bergman Bill Targets Discrimination Against Gun Industry

Mark Chesnut - comments 32 comments

A measure recently introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Rep. Jack Bergman, R-Michigan, aims to end corporate entities’ ability to profit from taxpayer-funded federal contracts while discriminating against the firearms industry.

HR 45, known as the Firearm Industry Nondiscrimination (FIND) Act, ensures that corporations cannot gain from contracts and subcontracts funded by taxpayers while using their financial power to unfairly discriminate against the firearm industry. The act does not dictate to companies whom they can do business with, but just as companies have the freedom to choose their business partners, the government can make similar decisions when spending taxpayers’ money.

According to Rep. Bergman, large financial institutions and other corporations, many of which benefit from federal contracts, have increasingly adopted policies aimed at undermining the domestic firearm industry—from imposing restrictions on the products they can sell to outright refusing to provide essential services. These policies have effectively limited access to legal firearms well beyond the firearm laws established democratically at the state and federal levels.

The FIND Act was one of four measures introduced by Rep. Bergman on January 7, according to a press release from his office.

“These four pivotal bills have one bottom line: freedom,” Bergman said. “Once passed, the bills will uphold the sanctity of our Second Amendment (FIND Act), provide a voice to those who have been victims of illegal immigrant crime and the Biden Border crisis (VOICE Act), expand broadband connectivity opportunities for our remote communities (Rural Broadband Window of Opportunity Act), and help keep our rural hospitals open (Rural 340B Access Act). It’s imperative that our communities are empowered with the resources necessary to thrive, and these bills I’m introducing will do just that. Each bill is designed to protect our freedoms in the First District and lift our entire region up.”

Not unexpectedly, pro-gun rights and industry groups—including the influential NRA and the NSSF—swiftly supported the FIND Act. 

“The National Rifle Association applauds Rep. Bergman’s efforts to prevent Americans’ tax dollars from going to corporations that are looking to curtail the Second Amendment,” said John Commerford, executive director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA). “This bill would prevent corporations from profiting from taxpayer funds while simultaneously using their power in the marketplace to undermine the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.”

In a lengthy news item explaining the measure, the NSSF noted that similar laws have been enacted in nine states, and that it’s time for the federal government to get on board.

“This legislation is critical to ensuring ‘woke’ corporations don’t use their financial might, funded by taxpayers, to deny essential services to the firearm industry,” said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF senior vice president and general counsel. “Corporations, in particular financial institutions, have been dictating public policies from boardrooms that throttle firearm businesses, which are Constitutionally protected. This bill will no longer allow those corporations to benefit from taxpayer dollars while at the same time using those funds to deny Americans their Second Amendment rights.”

32 thoughts on “Bergman Bill Targets Discrimination Against Gun Industry”

    • When it comes to Discrimination about ethnicity, gender, etc. you and some others on this forum are no different than those Discriminating against Gun Owners. You and your ilk cannot have it both ways so sell your kudos somehere else.

      • deb you are an ignorant race baiter and a pos. You inject race into everything no matter the subject being discussed. Personally I hate racist people and you are yourself a racist. You give it away nearly every time you comment.
        Grow up. Stop trying to tell others how to live. Get your own shit together.
        Now go off on me and call me childish names like the immature pos you are.

        • Well I think you all are behaving poorly.

          If you think somebody is being hypocritical, then make your case with actual points and examples.

          And then leave it be.

          Don’t waste everybody else’s time by bickering with each other. This should be about a common objective; not who’s the worst “raycis”.

          When we all do better, then we all do better.

          • Your entitled to your opinion about others behavior. I can vent if I want to, that’s my opinion. As for making my case, have you ever read deb’s posts?
            Wasting everyone’s time? Everyone including you can scroll right on past if you want, free country and all that.
            Arguing amongst ourselves is the American way. Presently we are still free to do that.

  1. I know it keeps the guns and ammo companies running to have government contracts but that is not a good thing.
    We are already to dependent on .giv.

  2. These bills focus on “financial institutions”.
    The problem is the credit card processor is not a financial institution.
    Toothless bill.

  3. Supreme Court Distributes Calkifornia Gun Show Ban Case to Conference.

    h ttps://bearingarms.com/tomknighton/2025/01/10/supreme-court-distributes-calkifornia-gun-show-ban-case-to-conference-n1227326

    • You really should be given the opportunity to post some of these to TTAG’s home page.

      Thank you for your efforts, 40.

      I’ll be having this page open for the rest of the weekend so that whenever I need to take a break from cooking, paying bills, making donations to 2A organizations, cleaning toilets, or whatever, I can sit down here and focus on something important. The world has too many cat videos already…unless there’s one of a cat shooting a burglar…I’d stop and watch that one for sure.

  4. Maybe This is How We Get Concealed Carry Reciprocity.

    “Yes, we have talked about this way too many times only to see nothing ever happen. But is the bill different? Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses HR 38, a new bill which if passed into law, would provide for National concealed carry reciprocity. Notice we said concealed carry not constitutional carry. Yes, this bill has a lot of good things in it, but there are some parts that some of you are not going to like. …”

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UCwFsVA3PE

  5. “Climate change” does seem to be induced by man in California – it’s called arson. (note: sarcastic title. Newscum and progressive democrats and left wing liberal DEI insanity and ‘climate change’ fanatics tried to blame the LA fires on ‘climate change’ to express their mental illness to distract from the facts of arson being the cause and the failures of Newscum and progressive democrats and left wing liberal DEI insanity.)

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtQ90TgrlZ8

    • While California Burns, Gavin Newsom Begs Biden To Silence ‘Disinformation’ (note: of course a left wing ‘progressive’ traitor wants to silence speech and infringe and do away with constitutional rights.)

      h ttps://thefederalist.com/2025/01/10/while-california-burns-gavin-newsom-begs-biden-to-silence-disinformation/

    • I outright suspect the California fires are being exacerbated by people who are being PAID to set fires.

      Being paid by whom? Well, by the same people who were paying for campus protests, riots, and the attempted subversion and infiltration of conservatives. With every passing day, it’s looking more and more like all of J6 was nothing more than an op designed to put as many conservatives in jail as possible, so as to take the wind out of the sails of MAGA.

      After the terrible election results, all that Soros money dried up. But that was just temporary, and now that the Soros’ are getting Medals of Freedom from the soon-to-be-gone President, it’s starting to flow again.

      Illegals know that the new administration is going to give them a boot.

      So they took some money from that mysterious guy on the internet who suggested that they might as well carry little Home Depot or Lowes blowtorches around and set fire to houses nowhere near a fast-moving fire in highly concreted sections of LA. Hey, might as well get paid before that Tom Homan dude ships you back to your country of origin.

      We’ll know for sure when 49’er comes back on a daily basis, along with his buddy Dacian. They’re both paid antagonizers, I’m certain of it. They’ll be back once the payments are hitting their Venmos.

  6. 2A SCANDAL EXPOSED: Sheriff’s Office Given ALL MEDICAL FILES Of Concealed Carry APPLICANTS…

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iU-o3In7RCM

  7. Texas Homeowner Defends Family from Machete-Wielding Intruder.

    h ttps://www.usacarry.com/texas-homeowner-defends-family-from-machete-wielding-intruder/

    • Store Clerk Fatally Shoots Armed Robber Who Held Gun to His Head During Robbery Attempt.

      h ttps://www.usacarry.com/store-clerk-fatally-shoots-armed-robber-who-held-gun-to-his-head-during-robbery-attempt/

  8. FAFO: Armed Teen Carjacker Shot by Armed Citizen at Red Roof Inn Motel.

    h ttps://www.usacarry.com/fafo-armed-teen-carjacker-shot-by-armed-citizen-at-red-roof-inn-motel/

    • Pregnant Mother Defends Herself and Children from Violent Ex-Partner, Father of Her Children, in Grovetown, Georgia.

      h ttps://www.usacarry.com/pregnant-mother-defends-herself-and-children-from-violent-ex-partner-father-of-her-children-in-grovetown-georgia/

      • Woman Fatally Shot After Forcing Entry Into Ex-Boyfriend’s Apartment.

        h ttps://www.usacarry.com/woman-fatally-shot-after-forcing-entry-into-ex-partners-apartment/

      • Dude survived this encounter. What a mess. She has 2 kids from prior…nothing said about if they are his kids.

        And she’s pregnant with his kid. Man oh man, it’s not like she can just lose the violent baby-daddy.

  9. Imagine this template in the hands of those you detest:

    The [fill in the blank] ensures that corporations cannot gain from contracts and subcontracts funded by taxpayers while using their financial power to unfairly discriminate against [fill in the blank].

    The act does not dictate to companies whom they can do business with, but just as companies have the freedom to choose their business partners, the government can make similar decisions when spending taxpayers’ money.

  10. This law could easily be written for the automobile. The Left just hates individual personal and private transportation.
    Go ahead and pass this guys law. But let’s just have a national divorce.

    Let the people go. Let them come together with like minds and like interests and like goals. And like beliefs.

    Separate yourself from these intolerant toxic c’o-m.m.u’n.ist/ f a “s c.i .s-t/ pr0gr’es s!ve people.

    They say these groups are technically different. All I know is none of them believe in the Bill of Rights.

    If we have to misspell words on purpose. Then we have already lost the 1st amendment. You are only fooling yourself to think otherwise.

    • “If we have to misspell words on purpose. Then we have already lost the 1st amendment. You are only fooling yourself to think otherwise.”

      Think about it a moment longer. 1A prevents the central committee/federal govt, from controlling speech. Private entities, such as a business, or homeowner, retain the right to determine what type of speech is permissible on the premises.

      TTAG blocks certain properly spelled words (as is its/their right) on the forum. If mispellings facilitate speaking freely, then alterations are the proper response. The other option is to simply avoid the website going forward.

      Speech control by business and individual property owners is not a violation of the First Amendment. If businesses cannot control speech on the premises (or owned websites), homeowners cannot control speech in their homes.

      • You are falling into the trap that is set by the anti rights people. Who use the 1st amendment against the citizens in a way, to convince everyone to give up their civil rights.

        It was private mega corporations who supported the lock downs. The lock downs that only affected their smaller commercial competition.

        It was private communication companies that penalized users, who spoke about the Hunter Biden laptop. Saying the story was real.

        And it was private companies who refused to sell p orn magazines. They refused to sell gay literature. And the libertarians liberals and leftists called that suppression of free speech.

        They believe in government forced labor. “You will bake that gay wedding cake.”

        Anyone who tells you only the government can censor you. That is the same person who will use the government, to force you to say things against your beliefs.

        The government asked large private communication companies to censor the communication the government didn’t approve of. And those private multi billion dollar companies went along with it.

        They could have refused. They didn’t. They could have gone public about the government requests. They didn’t.

        Did the government threaten them???

        There is no proof of that. They all willingly did it.

        Proper communication is the best way you have at stopping conflicts. The three L’s like chaos in society. And that more easily allows government to grow bigger and bigger.

        • “Anyone who tells you only the government can censor you. That is the same person who will use the government, to force you to say things against your beliefs.”

          I have a natural, human and civil right to determine what you can/cannot say in the confines of my bicycle shop, and living room at home. Doing so does not violate your 1st Amendent protections.

          Government inducing/threatening someone to do what govt cannot legally accomplish is its own lawfare issue. But on my own, refusing your unwanted speech on my properties is not a violation of the 1st Amendment.

          If you have case law to the contrary, I would seriously like to look at it.

      • You just maybe HAVE lost your 1st Amendment Right already. They just haven’t come to round you up and put you behind bars yet.

        So yes, you might have to misspell words; sometimes to avoid being put into a moderation black hole. Other times, to be able to continue making your points right up until they come and get you. Remember, they’re busy engineering how they’re going to do the next Covid. They’ll definitely want to keep you quiet.

        This is not a new concept. Jonathan Swift used something similar, called “exaggeration” as a way to employ another thing called “satire” in his work, “Gulliver’s Travels”, to get away with his criticism of Politics (and society) in England.

        Even today, the UK does not have a right, enumerated or not, protecting free speech. And so they also don’t have a right to bear arms. Even defending yourself with a kitchen knife, in your own kitchen, can result in a prison sentence.

        When our own American government can put you in a dark hole just for going to a place to hear some speeches and maybe tour the capitol buildings, it’s already too late for your 1st Amendment; it’s not going to be observed by the powers that be.

        That’s not even new. Obama’s own people put at least one reporter in a locked room, just to delay/prevent that person from reporting on something that wouldn’t look good for the Obama administration. And they got away with it; there was no penalty; no punishment.

        If you have things to say and you want to be able to delay your own imprisonment, if for no other reason but to be able to say even more on another day before said imprisonment, well I say misspell if you have to.

        Hell’s Bells, use “exaggeration” and “satire” if you must. Just speak your peace, because once they take away your liberty, there will be lots of time for you to be silent.

        Look at all the J6ers who actually were NOT engaged in crimes. Some have served unjust prison time. Others are still IN prison. All for going to our nation’s capitol to hear some speeches and tour the grounds. And be shown around by capitol security.

        All of the enumerated Rights actually interlock with each other. When one or another is subverted (or worse yet, ignored), then the entire web is less strong.

  11. It all comes down to personal responsibility. As history shows, you cannot depend on City, County, State or the Fed government to support your rights or protect you. Get the mindset you are on your own and prepare accordingly. Because you are. You just pay property taxes, pay federal taxes for little or no service. If you actually think government is here to serve you, well you are delusional. What is concerning is the current state of our military lack of preparedness should there be a world crisis.

  12. Let’s assume, for a moment, that TTAG is owned and operated by a company providing a service to legal gun owners. And assume that service involves legal services for defensive gun uses.

    The owner of TTAG is perfectly within rights to decide that anyone recommending a different company, a competitor, will be banned and blocked from posting on this webforum. That is not a violation of anyone’s 1st Amendmen right/rights.

    Further, assume that all govts in the US are anti-gun. And also assume that the owner of TTAG decides, without inducement or threat, to agree, the result being that any pro-gun articles/comments will be banned. That also is not a violation of anyone’s 1st Amendment right/rights.

    No one has a right to force a news outlet to present their ideas of what is and isn’t news, what is and isn’t “truth”. Yet, refusal by the news outlet is not suppression of anyone’s 1st Amendment right/rights. If it were, we would see lawsuits running out our ears claiming any person has a natural, human, and civil right to have their story printed/presented by whichever news outlet dissatisfying.

    No, this is not a matter of govt coersion of private business, it is a matter of what “censorship” actually is. Look at those here who want to silence people with whom they disagree. Desiring, and demanding other commenters be silenced is not a violation of the 1st Amendment.


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